Becoming Ultra

Running #79

Becoming Ultra is following the journey's of runners who are being coached by some of the best coaches in the sport. The runners coaching calls and journey is documented on this podcast and social media. Along the way will be coaching tips, race directors perspective, and the stories of elite and everyday runners on their first Ultra run!

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Recent Reviews
  • Tzom H-bomb
    Good news for all levels
    Not a noob, but listening to others’ engagement makes the mile easier.
  • marietzel
    Grateful for this podcast
    This podcast sparked my interest in ultra running, and I am forever grateful for the stories and lessons shared here.
  • Sarah31jayne
    Happy to find
    Excited to listen to this season! And follow Mari’s journey.
  • tuna fish sandwich
    Season 13 runner
    hey, this podcast and team is really worth the listen. This podcast changed my aspect on the community overall and have met some seriously excellent people.
  • MPearson78
    Great community!
    Love this podcast! Always such good useful information from knowledge interesting people. Was selected to participate in season 11 and enjoyed every minute of it… still using the coaching and enjoying running ultra distances.
  • BKetron2
    Love this podcast!
    I was lucky enough to be able to participate in season 10 and have countless amazing things to say about this podcast. Loads of good information, always entertaining, great people, and a great community. 10/10
  • CJ pearson
    Becoming Ultra
    Absolutely love how Kris and Carly find runners from all walks of life. From first timers to professionals they do a great job of connecting with each guest. What I love most is getting to know what each persons why is and how it involves over time. Great work and keep them coming!
  • ColoMike123
    Podcast really worth your time.
    Every week I can't wait for the podcasts to come out. I listen to a lot of podcasts, but they all wait until I have played the new Becoming Ultra podcasts.
  • Craigmoyer
    I want to like it but…..
    The production of every episode is a train wreck. Please invest in a half decent microphone. Both hosts sound like they are talking into the built in microphone of a $150 Chromebook. The guest always sounds better than they do. And the noises in the background are irritating. Last episode I listened to there was a smoke detector with a weak battery chirping every 30 seconds. There is literally something going on in the background that will distract you every episode.
  • Jsorens6
    Excellent series for aspiring ultramarathoners
    The first hand experience and coaching advice is presented in an entertaining manner. I’ve run many miles to these episodes. They are so good I’m going back through and listening to the seasons again.
  • jdijowjoss
    Best of the Best
    As a newer ultra marathoner, I appreciate all the wisdom and professional coaching. All coaches really offer superior advice that can be applied to your everyday trail runner to an elite trail runner. The podcast is very relatable on every level. Thank you for the content that makes all levels of trail runners feel seen and heard!! Keep them coming!
  • Disappointed 517
    Format growing for the better
    The addition of a new shorter podcast about living your ultra best is a great addition to this already awesome podcast .
  • bayouturtle
    Great podcast!
    I’m normally not a podcast guy but I enjoy this one. I enjoy hearing tips from the runners and coaches and hearing about different races around the country. Also it’s nice to hear runners who struggle with some of the issues I do and how they manage to deal with them. Worth checking out!
  • Susu Sully
    BEcoming Ultra is not just a podcast, it is a community!
    I stumbled upon this podcasts at the beginning of season 5! I was immediately drawn to the concept, take a more inexperienced long-distance runner thru to an ultra! No matter where the runner was in their training, there was something for me to learn. Aside from the featured runners, BU introduced me to a whole community. I live in an area where trail running is not huge. Thru this podcast I was introduced to so much information and other trail runners! Give it a listen, you won’t regret it. The coaches and the information are world class.
  • b55smith
    I don't miss and episode
    Scott, the creator, has developed his podcasting skills and makes this show all about the guest coaches and athletes. He is invested in his runners, regular people learning how to train and race. Liza Howard has been a fixture as a guest coach and she is excellent. Zach Bitter, Sean Meisner and this season Ellie Greenwood all from Sharman Ultra have been involved and provide advice in a relatable manner. I'm excited for season 7!
  • JGP Mother Runner
    My favorite ultra podcast
    I keep learning and being inspired and entertain with this podcast featuring REAL everyday people putting in the grind to make their ultra happen. I continue to gain insight from BU coaches.
  • Myarunning
    Super inspiring and great coaches
    Where else can you hear from regular people pursing their dreams of an ultra distance and coaches with legendary backgrounds! Even if you are not going for that ultra distance I would recommend this podcast to find solutions to problems all runners have.
  • akthoma
    Great podcast!
    Love listening to this awesome group of folks.
  • ArbutusBizzle
    The running podcast for normal people
    This podcast features normal, everyday people who are on their way to achieving great goals. Yes, you can learn from the elites but there is something about listening to people, like myself, who are trying to juggle work, life, and hobbies that makes this podcast special. Their experiences are my experiences.
  • TrinityandKona
    Helpful Running Info
    I’m not an ultra runner but enjoy running and being outdoors. I have learned so much about running in general and how to stay healthy. The stories of the runners featured are inspirational.
  • CandyKemp44
    Love this podcast
    I love hearing all the different athletes and how the coaches are tweaking their individual training. Scott keeps it real.
  • JSpud17
    Great Podcast
    A really informative podcast for runners just starting out in the ultra scene or if you have several already under your belt. Thank you Scott for everything...
  • Javakittyct
    Great info
    Love this podcast as a learning tool and entertainment. The episodes are the perfect length and I always learn. It’s great to follow along on all the different journeys as well.
  • Bengin
    Awesome podcast for information and motivation
    Scott does a great job at keeping things simple but loaded with information. He is very uplifting and funny! Loaded with useful and applicable info. The shows are very engaging and personal. Great connection with his audience. His humility and vulnerability creates a real trust in the show and info. Also by the end of the show it feels like your talking with friends. You can’t help but root everyone on and want to join in!
  • @scottykummer
    Great stuff and great people. Well done!
  • schojess
    Great podcast for ultra runners!
    It gets into the weeds with details that seasoned ultra runners just take for granted. Great for those just starting out, or the casual athletes that love ultras!
  • robjust
    Incredible-Inspiring+Motivating=Becoming Ultra
    I have been a listen since the beginning, and it keeps getting better. Sharing the journey of two non-Ultra runners, hearing their fears, challenges, and watching them grow in confidence, as well as athletically-is inspiring. I share this podcast with friends, who want to do an Ultra, but think they never will be able to. With mindful, progressive training you can achieve your goals and Scott, Liza, Zak, and Ian have shown it is possible. Listening to this other realize-it is possible, and hopefully they discover the beauty of the trail, the beauty of the community, the confidence that even when it is tuff-they can overcome and a lifelong healthy lifestyle. Scott has recently really upped the ante with a ton of short podcast-all of which offer tips, ideas, and a wealth of knowledge. Absolutely amazing !!
  • Csubboy
    Very resourceful!
    Really enjoy listening to this during my commute. Being a Colorado native I enjoy hearing about runs around the front range as well as listening to runners across the county and even the world! Keep up the good work Scott!!!
  • --TinyTim--
    Short and to the point!
    Have learned so much! I'm not an ultra runner yet but planning on a 50k fall of 2018. Loving the daily podcasts in December! Sometimes some background noise but I bet when this podcast gets bigger Scott will be able to pay someone to edit. 😉 Try out this podcast!
  • Trismoney4
    Very informative! Always great stories and interviews. I love this show
  • jcljb
    Great podcast!
    Love hear the ups and downs from everyday runners trying to push themselves to new distances.
  • ledjenny
    Good for experienced ultrarunners too
    I'm probably not the target audience for BU, since I've been running ultras for 14 years and have over 60 ultra finishes behind me. But I love this podcast. I feel like no matter how much experience you have, there's always more to learn about all the aspects of running ultras. I find it really inspiring to hear about people taking on a new and scary challenge. I'd always prefer to hear stories about people battling through tough times over those who had perfect days. Plus, BU has fantastic coaches! (I love Ian and Liza, anyway. I'm sure next season's new coach will be great, too.) Glad I found the show!
  • Focused Drive
    It's Grit Baby
    I have been running ultras for 4 years and I get little gems out of these podcasts to motivate, entertain, or reinstate why I run ultras. I love the advise from the coaches and listening to the real struggles from non-elite athletes becoming ultra runners and overcoming what may seem impossible at first. True grit!
  • Lingami
    Great listen
    Love following and rooting for the runners and learning and being inspired along the way. I always look forward to the next episode.
  • Helotes Runner
    Becoming Ultra
    This podcast is a must for all beginning to intermediate ultra runners. Lots of good insights and motivation. Give it a listen!
  • Steph26.2
    good stuff
    Planning my first ultra this year so found Scott's podcasts and am so glad I did
  • Runner obsessed
    Great show
    I love following the runners' journeys to running their first ultra. Great advice for all runners too.
  • LisaLu12234
    Great inspiration for my bucket list
    Becoming Ultra is one of my favorite podcasts. I love that it's based on real people (typical, everyday, working folks) who are attempting something amazing while still working a full time job and juggling a family or whatever their daily life includes. I also enjoy podcasts with professional atheletes, but often feel that I can't relate to them because it's their job to workout. Becoming Ultra makes me feel like I could actually do an ultra marathon. And I plan to...assuming my knees cooperate. Thank you for providing weekly inspiration and fantastic/practical tips for runners, all while making me laugh. I enjoy listening to your banter, teasing, and the friendships that form during each season.
  • BDePersis
    One of the best Podcasts out there!
    Scott Jones does another great job with a podcast. Becoming Ultra is a must listen for those interested in running. I love the realness of the project, it's participants, and the end result each season, whether it goes "right," or not. Keep up the great work Scott and company!
  • Jujutx
    Love listening to these guys. It's refreshing to hear about new runners attempting seemingly impossible goals.
  • emilygardner
    Great for runners of all levels
    Such a great podcast! I'm an ultra runner and couldn't ask for better inspiration to keep training! If you're reading this then listen to this podcast, you won't regret it!
  • Elielio1
    For anybody who loves running, loves hearing about people doing something they thought was impossible or just like to hear some good stories, this is a great podcast. I listen to it when I am trail running. Lots of tips and ideas. Very motivational. You don't have to want to run an ultra to enjoy this podcast. But it might make you think you can!
  • Hmm114
    #beultra !
    Honestly ... my FAVORITE podcast by far! I feel like Scott is a close friend that I've unfortunately never met. This podcast has made me feel like I'm not alone and has given me the courage to train for my first Ultra this fall. Following the journey of others and hearing about others experiences has been amazing and without sounding to dramatic .. "life changing". Thank You BecomingUltra!! You probably don't hear it nearly enough.. but you are appreciated!!! Have the courage to do something EPIC!!!
  • ndultrarunner
    Good stories
    I really like the seasonal format and listening to thw runners as they go through their journey to their first ultra. Additionally, I like the mixed in epsodes from other podcasts.
  • Chasenali
    Perfect for long runs
    I have been following along through Season 1 and now caught up on Season 2 and it’s really great to be training on my own, but get tips and tricks from others going through it - and especially hearing from the coaches.
  • Hervdub
    Love it!
    After listening to your latest podcast I was very excited to hear that you are going to be doing another one. I know this one didn't turn out the way you planned it, but it was still a very good listen. Please keep it up! Thanks!
  • MattMcWilliams
    WOW….Becomming Ultra Podcast is flat out awesome. Good production quality. Easy to listen. Very impressed. Keep bringing it.
  • brdrchk9
    Wow, such an inspirational show! I can't wait to follow the journey of these 2 runners. Listening to this makes me want to go out for a run!
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