Clutter Free Academy


Have you always known you could change the world - if only you could find your car keys on the regular? Clutter Free Academy is for you. If you want to live clutter free, organized and prepared for anything, this is to podcast you must listen to.With practical ideas and tons of hope, humor and how-tos, host Kathi Lipp with teach you to live with Less Cutter, More Life.

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Recent Reviews
  • Acaton2000
    Great ideas and encouragement
    I love listening to this podcast in the car. Kathi has a “no shame” vibe, and she offers quick, practical ideas to make our quality of life and relationship with stuff, others and ourselves BETTER. Thank you, Kathi!
  • Lacidia
    One of my favorites
    I always enjoy this podcast, it’s funny and helpful and usually the first one I click on to listen to when catching up on podcasts. Thanks for a great listen!
  • lindaleedodson
    A Joy To Listen!
    I could listen to Kathi all day. She is so positive and upbeat. Most of my podcasts are serious and I am always needing to lighten up. It is a joy to listen especially when tidying up at home.
  • Theresa w/ an H
    Kathi is one of my favorite podcast hosts. Practical advice delivered w/ kindness and humor!
  • princessacademy
    Life changing
    I’ve been listening for 3 years now. My whole thought process regarding my relationship with my “stuff” has changed. And it’s blessing my whole family. Kathi is so relatable and fun to listen to. I learn new things all time.
  • Ellisvarnie
    Refreshing and helpful
    I don’t really struggle with clutter but Kathi helps me keep it that way!
  • Grandma from Iowa
    Practical, doable and fun
    I am loving this podcast. It’s a good length, and topics and solutions are relevant, plus Kathi is a great podcast host. Besides learning a few new tips, I am always encouraged to apply what I might already know and get a jumpstart. These podcasts are motivating, fun, and real. Thank you, Kathi!
  • annietags
    LOVE this podcast
    Lighthearted, practical advice on not only living a clutter free life, but Kathy is hilarious and a truly gifted host. It’s helping me see my own clutter, free journey, and a newer kinder light. Great podcast!
  • Starbucksgirl45335
    Poor Sound quality
    I love your content and I adore your personality. I would listen more but honestly the sound quality is so bad that it’s really irritating. Do you have any plans to get better equipment?
    Love this podcast!
    I’ve been a listener for quite some time and I look forward to listening every week just like when I started. This podcast is so real, funny, help and brings joy to my heart. Keep up the great work!
  • Frozenjupiter
    I always enjoy this podcast. I’ve been able to use so many strategies and tips that they suggest, and when I need some motivation to start cleaning, one of these episodes is all I need to get moving! Thank you for your insight and for being real with your listeners. It’s helpful to know I’m not the only one who struggles with clutter!
  • ABQdiana
    Kathi Is A Podcast Friend
    I started listening to Kathi about 1 1/2 years ago. She is so personable and down to earth. She gives sound, solid advice on how to make your home environment better. She always has a guest on the podcast, which keeps the conversation moving along so naturally. Kathi has a good voice. Her show is just right length too. She doesn’t have a nervous laugh or annoying traits. Her show isn’t riddled with advertising and endorsements. KATHI IS A GREAT LADY. I am so happy I found her. 🎉
  • 1extraordinarywoman
    Breaking it down
    I love listening to Kathy‘s podcast. She does such a great job of breaking down all aspects of cleaning and decluttering. It all makes sense when she talks about it. Five stars from me!
  • Romans12girl
    Real solutions for real people!
    If you want to be motivated and equipped to tackle clutter and life, give Kathi a listen! If you really just want to relate, relax, and laugh for a few minutes… same. You won’t regret spending time with Kathi and friends.
  • MW5056
    GREAT for busy moms!
    Kathi’s podcasts are fun and easy to listen to, short and to the point, and best of all she gives you very practical ways to get rid of your clutter! It’s one of the very few that, as a busy mom of 7, I take time to listen to because it’s SO worth it!
  • Ens49
    Just subscribe already!
    Kathi’s episodes are usually short and sweet. Just enough to boost your self-motivation to declutter! They’re great!
  • KSJoySeeker
    Short, Sweet, {fun}, & to the Point!
    Not just for those with clutter! Kathi has practical ideas that help with life in general & a fun sense of humor. Sometimes she interviews authors. Sometimes she talks all thing clutter. Sometimes it’s just about being a good human. Lol. Give it a listen! I don’t think you’ll regret it.
  • LoriWmsn
    Love all her topics!
    There is never a podcast that I skip. They are all so relevant to someone decluttering their life to make it the most productive possible. ❤️
  • LarSanJose
    So helpful
    Kathi’s podcast has been so helpful to me. I’ve been a life long pack rat with lots of guilt over getting rid of things. This podcast has released me from a lot of that guilt, encouraged me to live more simply, and think twice before bringing something into my home.
  • truelysb
    Great podcast
    I love it!
  • ArtsyG1rl!
    My mom referred me to this podcast. Apparently they met at a podcast seminar (Jan Johnson) and she knew I have been purging my house. This has been an enjoyable listen. Once I got started, I listened for 4 hours while I was building projects. The only suggestion is to make them all 30 minutes or longer. I know you could keep going on each subject! Thanks for the amazing tips. 15 minutes a day!!
  • jovannat
    Just the right balance of encouragement/challenge
    She’s the perfect balance of encouragement of where I’ve progressed and challenge to take the next step. Her ideas put into action have changed our home.
  • Josie 1968
    Practical tips with a splash of philosophy and fun
    This show is perfect for me. Kathi doles out some practical tips on how to start chipping at the clutter while also sharing the underlying value in keeping a simpler, easier to manage inventory in my house. Along the way she also throws in some good laughs and encouragement. I groan every time my sister talks about her newfound minimalism, feels like a militant self-righteous purge, but this podcast is lighthearted and helps me focus on making my house and life better for myself. Nothing extreme, just a doable steps toward a simpler life.
  • momoffive$
    Fun and practical
    I love this show. It’s short, practical, and fun. Such great advice & they get me working on my home. Also, the pillow struggle is real. I have had so many pillows but the Malouf shoulder zoned dough has been a big winner!!!
  • Girlbobbi
    Great ideas but more importantly, this is the podcast that gets me off my butt and gets me working on the freeing work of decluttering! It’s the motivation I need to get the job done because of her fun challenges that correspond with her FB group community and weekly FB lives.
  • agijbd
    Great podcast! One of my favorite decluttering podcasts.
  • alihem
    Concise and encouraging
    I really appreciate Kathi’s approach to decluttering, and love how she keeps her episodes on the shorter side (I don’t have an hour to listen to someone ramble). She’s joyful, encouraging, and helps you see the purpose in what you’re attempting. I love when her husband is on the show with her- he’s also full of joy and hope and is fun to listen to.
  • 555Kelly5555
    Actionable Advice
    Love this podcast! It’s packed with actionable advice.
  • Zacay
    I need this so much
    Thank you for understanding that we really don’t want to be cluttery and letting us know that there is HOPE!
  • Cocoabutter23
    Clutter free
    I love her simple ways to help us declutter our house!!!
  • LaShoFoLi
    Loveeee this podcast!!
    I love listening to Kathy! She is relatable, funny, and practical! I first had read her Clutter Free book a few years ago and it’s been super helpful in my clutter journey! I was so excited to recently find out she has a podcast! Please make more podcasts Kathy, I am a huge fan!!
  • CC22GA
    I was today years old….
    Just found this podcast today - loving it! Straightforward and practical, and I plan to wade through almost all of them WHILE I declutter!!!
  • Crusbuster
    Very Motivating and Relatable!
    I love this podcast, it’s my favorite! I have been listening to Kathi and her guests for a few years now and I find them tremendously helpful, funny, and motivating in my clutter free journey. Kathi’s approach is so honest and authentic. You can really hear her heart for helping others come through when she discusses the emotional reasons behind clutter with several of her guests. I think this podcast will help others who struggle with the shame of clutter (or inheriting someone else’s!) and the difficulties many of us face feeling overwhelmed and discouraged, not knowing where to start. Kathi’s gentle yet effective method of retraining your brain to think differently and understand what our stuff really is, gave me a different mindset. It made it SO much easier and rewarding to declutter without feeling the shame of not having busted clutter in the past - the hundreds of times I’ve tried! I replay episodes while I declutter sometimes. Perfect amount of time for a daily de-clutter. Thanks Kathi!
  • Kaja Grace
    I love how Kathi gets that your life is more than decluttering, way more, but she encourages you to make space for that life by decluttering a little each day.
  • LoveMyselfYourself
    Absolutely love it!
    I’ve binge listened all weekend and still listening while I declutter. Kathy is hilarious. I’ve laughed out loud so many times. I’m in the middle of decluttering my house and she’s giving me motivation.
  • Dpippen
    Whew the emotional work of de cluttering is a LOT but Kathi helps you work through all of it! Thank you!
  • LiveUrLife!
    Straight Talk!
    I heard a message from Kathi Lipp on the radio station show Focus On The Family. She gave a God perspective of living with too much stuff, which I had never heard before. So this really opened my eyes 2 why i need 2 do my part 2 not block my blessings! And she explains so well why we have these thoughts & then to fix this mentality.
  • Thankfultobehere
    I started listening to this podcast when I heard Kathi on Focus on the Family, and Clutterfree has become my favorite podcast because it is just what I needed! It’s fun and upbeat even while keeping it real, feels like talking to your friends. And I like that she has guests on there. Thanks Kathi!
  • wilfulgreen
    Can’t really figure how people get old,, experience life,,, have children,,,, YET .... still not understand that people are different,,,,,brains are different.... Organized is not one meaning Blah..... aren’t mean just dim
  • Lov2sing4god
    Love this podcast!!!!
    This is the first review I have ever left for a podcast! I love this podcast and Kathi! I feel like I am in the middle of a conversation with a fun friend. I have been working on becoming clutter free for years and now it has become routine. I listen to the podcast as I unload dishes, make my bed, and whatever else I have to do each morning. I was wondering though, I know there are many more recordings on her website that are not on here. Is there any way to get those on here? They are much harder to get to on the website. I would love to start all the way back at the beginning😀 I would probably listen to anything she had to say!
  • J-me-jg
    December 2020-Just beginning!
    I found this today, as I climb out of the Christmas mountain of stuff. I loved the borrowing and lending episode. I chose to continue to the next episode after hearing how this related to the Bible. Every single year I try to grow my relationship with God, declutter, and find podcasts that speak to me. This podcast encompasses all three! I am two episodes in, and I already love you. Thank you for the inspiration as well as lighting my path!
  • 🍩😀😀😉😚😛😝😜😜😉😉
    I Wish I Could Listen...
    Can I just say...I cannot listen to this podcast anymore. I would love to hear more from Kathi’s guest and the podcast itself has such value, but the host is so Narcissistic she can’t let others speak for more than a few sentences without interjecting and bringing it back to herself. Instead of interviewing she interprets what she assumes they will say and again, brings it back to highlight herself. Her catch phrases are so annoyingly overused and even listening on fast speed the annoyances far override the information. Maybe dealing with a narcissistic sister makes me a little short on patience, but it’s just too much. I love Tonya except when she is doing the Kathi worship thing although that was mainly in the beginning. It’s not All about You Kathi, be quiet and listen once in a while and that will improve your podcast, otherwise why have guests on at all.
  • Desperately seeking peace
    Thank you
    I’m writing this as a heartfelt “thank you” to Kathi and Tonya regarding the podcast, “Is it Hoarding or is it Clutter”. This podcast, when you both discussed your parents as being hoarders, has help me tremendously comes to terms that “I am a Hoarder”. It is time for me to take the necessary steps to get control of my situation and not leave this mess to my grown children. I just want to tell you that I look forward to listening to many more podcasts to help me motivate in getting organized and cleaning up my clutter. You ladies are the best and I’m so grateful for you both to have somebody to listen to through my journey!! Thank you again!!
  • WowthatNameIsTaken
    Kathy is hilarious
    Kathy cracks me up. She’s definitely “one of us”: doing the best she can, running around like a chicken lady. She’s fun and offers practical tips. she just gets it that not all of us are OCD clean freaks. Some of us are LPD (Lackadaisical Procrastination Disorder) who struggle with decision fatigue. Thanks for keeping it real Kathy!
  • noisey 100
    The struggle is real
    This popped up is my “recommended for you.” I highly struggle with clutter, and anxiety/depression and ADHD. I just listened to two podcasts. One on clutter and the other clutter or hoarding. Both my mom and grandma are highly clutters/hoarders. They won’t admit it. I feel like I’m on the edge. I’m married and have three kids. I’ve broken through a few times and have done some good runs to donation centers and the dump. Yet it seems never ending. My dad was the one who kept the house clean growing up, and my sisters house is always clean. You said leave a comment but since I’m not currently on Facebook this is the only place I could comment. I’ve tried lots of ideas, for me it’s the follow through. I’ll keep listening. I’m also a Christian so love the spiritual aspect.
  • bivstikk
    Glad I found you!
    I first heard you on Jill Savage’s podcast and have now subscribed. I’m starting at the beginning. This topic is dear to my heart and I plan to glean info to share with young moms whom I mentor. Keep ‘em coming!
  • Philipcarroll
    Not for city people
    Put your extra oil in the garage? We live in San Francisco. No garage. No pantry. No closets. I don’t recommend this podcast if you’re a city dweller with limited space.
  • 5.Lulu
    Is it Monday yet?!?!?
    I find myself checking a few times a week for a new episode, only to remember it is not Monday yet. 😁I started listening to this show in spring of 2019 when I started to reduce my stuff before moving. It has been so beneficial in many ways! Thanks so much!
  • Gittinsent
    I love this podcast! It motivates me to be more organized and intentional. I also appreciate the faith aspect. Great podcast!
  • 500CC500
    What the heck
    I only recently found this and have been listening to the backlog as i unpack.I like how they connect a lot of ideas to clutter in ways I hadn’t thought about. I even recommended it to some friends.I’m not religious but still enjoy when they talk about their beliefs ...until one of their guests just casually mentioned that her husband was at a Dennis Prager talk and brought his ideas home. DP spreads horribly racist misogynist xenophobic views via misinformation and lies. that’s like casually mentioning that your husband was at a klan rally and came home w some good house tips! I was so shocked and disappointed that these hosts I’ve come to really would put forth his ideas on their show. I immediately texted the friends I had recommended it to to say Woops sorry nevermind don’t listen. Just massively disappointed in the hosts.
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