

Conversations draws you deeper into the life story of someone you may have heard about, but never met. Journey into their world, joining them on epic adventures to unfamiliar places, back in time to wild moments of history, and into their deepest memories, to be moved by personal stories of resilience and redemption.Hosted by Richard Fidler and Sarah Kanowski, Conversations is the ABC's most popular long-form interview program. Every day we explore the vast tapestry of human experience, weaving together narratives from history, science, art, and personal storytelling.Whether it's an exploration of Australian and American politics, the intricacies of mental health, or the mysteries of ancestry and origin stories, our episodes offer a conversational approach that brings topics to life.We uncover epic tales of war and peace, the complex dynamics of relationships and family, and the profound impact of grief and loss.Follow Conversations for thought-provoking discussions, heartfelt stories, and a deeper understanding of the world around us.Conversations explores the meaning of life, history, relationships, motherhood and fatherhood, love, religion and the origins of human life through a contemporary and conversational Australian lens.From distinctive accounts of crime, mental health, ancestry, cults, grief, family and parenting, to discussions about science, books, art, music, war, spies and economics, Conversations traverses myriad topics.Our interviews focus on pioneers of the natural world, wildlife, oceans, fungi, archaeology, palaeontology and megafauna.Our guests speak about geopolitics, being a refugee and the experience of migration. They come from all walks of life — First Nations, Indigenous and Torres Strait Islander peoples, CALD communities and ancestors of Australia's first fleeters. We explore Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Catholic, Buddhist, Sikh and Hindu faith traditions, among other beliefs, including atheism.We look at social history as well — close encounters with the ancient world, the Stolen Generations, and adventurers on an explorative odyssey.In a Conversations interview, you will hear personal stories of secrets, lies, adoption, and living with disability, neurodiversity or chronic illness.We traverse a person's life story, full of human interest topics, including redemption, love at first sight, spirituality, poverty, having children, family dynamics and even hidden families.We hear from individuals who have struggled with drug addiction, jail, family violence, political imprisonment, persecution, abuse, depression, anxiety and mental health issues.Conversations also speak to the public figures of Australian and international society — leaders, artists, politicians, authors, sports stars, actors and musicians.A writer, a builder, a neurologist, a Paralympian, an Olympian, an amputee, a historian, a comedian, a funeral director, a bird photographer, an ethicist, a doctor, a spy, a pilot, a choreographer, a firefighter, a bookseller, an astrophysicist, a martial artist, a principal, an oud virtuoso, an ecologist, a carer, a demographer, a chess master, a forensic archaeologist, a biologist, a chef, a surfer, a button shop owner, a costume and set designer, a boxer, a drummer, a conductor, a dog behaviourist, an AFL player, a longevity expert, a barber, a Matilda, and a psychologist have all appeared on our program.Stories make us who we are. Join Conversations for an hour of diverting listening, to transport, touch and uplift you. Our guided storytelling will teach you something new, introduce you to someone extraordinary and take you away to a different place or time in history.After almost 20 years of digging into the lives, stories and worlds of thousands of people, Conversations continues as the ABC's most popular podcast, providing Australians with a social history of our country and paying close attention to the small, personal details that make up a life.

Recent Episodes
  • An odyssey across Australia — how 11,000 sheep were walked from Victoria into the outback
    Sep 20, 2024 – 49:00
  • Antibiotic resistant superbugs and how to fight them
    Sep 19, 2024 – 50:12
  • A life spent making — ‘Mr Millimetre’s’ memories
    Sep 18, 2024 – 50:42
  • Fish sperm sausages, and eyeball icecream: the Josh Niland story
    Sep 17, 2024 – 52:00
  • The architects of ancient Arabia – speaking to the sky
    Sep 16, 2024 – 51:35
  • The epic highs and lows of Ji's life on the trampoline
    Sep 13, 2024 – 53:06
  • Treating dementia — a new way of caring for the elderly
    Sep 12, 2024 – 52:30
  • The story of James Earl Jones, and his legacy
    Sep 11, 2024 – 38:01
  • Epic sharks — the ancient origins of the monsters of the sea
    Sep 10, 2024 – 50:06
  • Words of love — writing stories of Aboriginal land
    Sep 9, 2024 – 48:10
  • My brother's death — writing the story of a family's grief and loss
    Sep 6, 2024 – 52:24
  • Quitting alcohol – the story of how Seana got sober
    Sep 5, 2024 – 53:30
  • How dogs think — and what they think of us
    Sep 4, 2024 – 49:48
  • My Stolen Generations story: how Brenda was taken from her family, twice
    Sep 3, 2024 – 46:24
  • The story of the melancholy spy
    Sep 2, 2024 – 53:00
  • The psychedelic revolution — how MDMA mended Rebecca's mind
    Aug 30, 2024 – 52:42
  • Smuggled out of Wewak — Carolyn's dramatic escape from Papua New Guinea
    Aug 29, 2024 – 52:42
  • When the pirate got paid on the island of Corfu
    Aug 28, 2024 – 52:00
  • The spark that saw Andy become solar-powered
    Aug 27, 2024 – 53:06
  • The sprawling history of the human soul — part two
    Aug 26, 2024 – 48:30
  • The trailblazing papergirl, lawyer and playwright
    Aug 23, 2024 – 53:12
  • My aunt was smuggled to Tashkent by Stalin
    Aug 22, 2024 – 52:42
  • Heavenly beings: the icon paintings of Michael Galovic
    Aug 21, 2024 – 51:12
  • Dave Gleeson needs a damn good lie down
    Aug 20, 2024 – 52:54
  • The sprawling history of the human soul — part one
    Aug 19, 2024 – 52:00
  • The Natural Horseman
    Aug 16, 2024 – 53:06
  • The woman who was lucky in love
    Aug 15, 2024 – 53:24
  • The farm that Carol built
    Aug 14, 2024 – 50:12
  • Mummy bundles, fossils and DNA
    Aug 13, 2024 – 48:48
  • 'More than cheesecake' — humanity's shared musical history
    Aug 12, 2024 – 50:24
  • Conversations Gold: The silver medal that changed Laurie Lawrence
    Aug 9, 2024 – 48:54
  • Conversations Gold: Jana Pittman's turning point
    Aug 7, 2024 – 53:00
  • Conversations Gold: Paralympian Christie Dawes is super/normal
    Aug 5, 2024 – 51:06
  • Conversations Gold: The life of Anna Meares
    Aug 2, 2024 – 52:30
  • Conversations Gold: Lisa Curry on winning gold and losing Jaimi
    Jul 31, 2024 – 51:48
  • Conversations Gold: Patrick Johnson's golden run
    Jul 29, 2024 – 49:30
  • Bruce McAvaney — what a legend, what a champion
    Jul 26, 2024 – 51:42
  • Louise Kennedy on Belfast, bombs and a disastrous pav
    Jul 25, 2024 – 52:12
  • It's 'all sweet' for Tony Armstrong
    Jul 24, 2024 – 49:36
  • Lele's home under the Morning Star
    Jul 23, 2024 – 46:48
  • Tidying up the crematorium
    Jul 22, 2024 – 49:36
  • PRESENTS — I Was Actually There | The Boxing Day tsunami 2004
    Jul 21, 2024 – 41:00
  • The many magnificent, mysterious faces of Monte Punshon
    Jul 19, 2024 – 49:12
  • Winnie Dunn — the first
    Jul 18, 2024 – 51:00
  • The power and determination of Nas Campanella
    Jul 17, 2024 – 53:00
  • The megadeath of megafauna
    Jul 16, 2024 – 52:30
  • Sketchbooks, ghosts and a lost sister
    Jul 15, 2024 – 42:48
  • The BMW of standup comics
    Jul 12, 2024 – 47:48
  • The tin hut that's still standing
    Jul 11, 2024 – 50:54
  • Bindi — always looking forward
    Jul 10, 2024 – 51:18
Recent Reviews
  • Crocodilian
    Interesting guests and a terrific interviewer
    . . . Everyone and their brother is on the internet doing podcasts and interviews these days - Richard Fidler gets points for the rarest thing- skill in talking to people. Deceptively simple, but pushes the story a long to the good bits and worth studying how he makes it look easy.
  • nyc to oz
    I absolutely love this program. Great stories well researched and very often completely surprising. A must podcast
  • Bolloncreek
    Click go the shears boys
    Great program on the shearer from Bollon, Cunamuulla n the west. Such people do make a difference n great giving them a voice and hearing of their achievements. Hearing from the everyday people brings sanity to the stillness that we are exposed to daily. The two interviewers of this podcast make Conversations worth listening to.
  • Unheardinsf555
    A break from Amuhrica
    The interviewers are intelligent, thoughtful, cheeky, and empathetic. They are curious and engaged in others’ stories without applying their own personal morality like we do in the USA. Thanks for showing a different way to be and for keeping me sane over here in the US!
  • Isaiah Bryant
    This is a awesome podcast. Please keep up the good work. Also I am listening to your podcast from the United States, Ohio
  • nataliakowalska
    Listening to media in the US without suicidal thoughts has become impossible. Thank you for keeping me sane!
  • Farshad iPhone
    One of my favorite podcasts
    Conversation is a fresh breath of air for those of us who live in United States of toxic media and redundant boring topics. My wife and I can’t wait for the next episode of year show. Keep up the good work and thank you. Tony E. Los Angeles
  • Twocatsintheyard
    The armchair traveller
    Widen your horizons; interesting stories with interesting hosts. Substance over showbiz.
  • Purrtini
    Love this pod!
    I’m in the US, but I visited Australia in 2000- 2001. I started listening to this pod because I’m an Australophile and missed it but after the 1st 2 episodes I was hooked! The various interview subjects are fascinating and I learn so many things about people I would have never heard of. The questions and conversation are great and I look forward to each episode! Thank you & keep up the excellent work!
  • Basilthewonderdog
    Don’t miss The Apartment on Memorial Drive
    Excellent deep interview with a treasure of an American poet.
  • ModPodMillennial
    Aussie Gold
    Unique stories told with the help or warm engaging hosts in a similar vein to “Australian Story”.
  • RN Diehard
    5 Stars for Richard but Sarah?
    Richard is engaged, and engaging. Sarah K, however, is like toast without butter. She needs to understand that a 45 minute + interview needs spirit . The ABC should warn when Sarah K is at the helm.
  • AliMcG1961
    Best friend
    Richard doesn’t know it but he is my old friend whom I’ve known for years and who lifts me out of myself and helps me to forget I have MS. He also shares his friends with me and they are all fascinating and delightful!
  • Buzzo's Fro
    This is one of the most intelligent and relaxing podcasts that I listen to.
  • Angelaxnchen
    Australia Day
    The conversation with Stan Grant, so thoughtful, heartfelt and measured. I really enjoyed it!!
  • Nick and Ross
    Armistice Series
    Richard and his team are leaders is Australian journalism, and cleaned a small window into aspects of that hideous war, 100 years ago. Their effort showed great empathy for their topic and left the listener with new found knowledge. It was wonderful, and showed how classy this ABC unit is. Thank you, profoundly.
  • trisha f.
    5 stars
    Great topics covering varied interests. Living in the US I can keep up with whats going on! Thank you!
  • JessEliB
    Love this show- but really enjoyed one of the latest shows featuring the war corespondent! Ideas and viewpoints you don’t always consider. Subscribed!
  • clint wolf
    A fantastic, very interesting podcast.
  • Trillian108
    New favorite!
    fantastically interesting and perfectly produced, I love learning from this show!
  • AugustErin
    American Erin
    I really like this podcast. The host asks great questions, like really gets in there with some of the guests. I just listedn to the episode with Andrew Harper, who does long treks across Australia with pack camels and it was just lovely. The conversations are educational, sometimes hilarious, and often deep. I don't know most of the people on here as I'm an American, but I know a great podcast when I hear it. Truly beautiful.
  • Wiggle9
    Fabulous, interesting and Varied
    This was the first podcast I ever heard, a few years back, and set a high standard for all others. I love the variety of guests and topics. I've learned so much about the world. Thanks , Richard! My family would love to meet you some day.
  • tazamcwaza
    its always the ones you least expect
    We love listening to conversations with Richard Fidler. we are always surprised by the amazing stories different people have to tell. The best stories and the ones you find your self inthralled in seem to always be the ones you weren't going to download because they didn't seem as exciting as some others. Richard does a fantastic job getting people to open up.
  • MahatmaCoy
    This is the most entertaining podcast on the web.
    And no, this is not Fidler's cousin writing. As a good Jesuit trained skeptic, seeker of wisdom, truth, knowledge and apple pie, I am loathe to admit it, but either this Aussie knows more than I do, or he is the quickest study since Noah was a life guard. His collection of guests is as varied as the English speaking world itself. From Tony Blair to an ex-motorcycle gang thug from Philadelphia, most of whom are flogging books or other media, no matter who it is, Fidler is the consumate pro. He talks their talk and knows their "stuff". His conversational manner, whether serious or humorous, is so easy going that it puts him in your living room with your friends, Good on ya, mate!
  • Patient-wolf
    Exceptional nourishment for the heart and mind!
    This is a fantastic podcast. Richard is an exceptional interviewer and as someone who often must interview people as part of my career as a filmmaker, I find myself taking many lessons from his example. I also appreciate the variety of subjects in this podcast and am learning a tremendous amount of social, historical, and cultural information. It's been a source of inspiration to me as well; An absolute gem!
  • Dave in Columbus
    Brain food!
    Great guests, brilliantly interviewed! You can tell the host loves his job, and the show is a delight.
  • CDDavanzo
    "Conversations" gets me in every time!
    This is one of my favorite podcasts because Richard Fidler is such a great interviewer, and he finds such interesting people to have on the show. He treats them respectfully but not too formally, and asks questions that really challenge them to explain themselves. Non-Aussies will also enjoy this thoroughly, because the stories are so human and accessible.
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