The Tikvah Podcast

Judaism #14

The Tikvah Fund is a philanthropic foundation and ideas institution committed to supporting the intellectual, religious, and political leaders of the Jewish people and the Jewish State. Tikvah runs and invests in a wide range of initiatives in Israel, the United States, and around the world, including educational programs, publications, and fellowships. Our animating mission and guiding spirit is to advance Jewish excellence and Jewish flourishing in the modern age. Tikvah is politically Zionist, economically free-market oriented, culturally traditional, and theologically open-minded. Yet in all issues and subjects, we welcome vigorous debate and big arguments. Our institutes, programs, and publications all reflect this spirit of bringing forward the serious alternatives for what the Jewish future should look like, and bringing Jewish thinking and leaders into conversation with Western political, moral, and economic thought.

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Recent Reviews
  • mcrary
    Loved the Mark Cohn interview
    Loved Jonathan Silver’s interview here- how he takes the reform movement and it’s goals, assumptions, and challenges seriously. Despite many disagreements with Silver and Tikvah, the intellectual honesty on this channel keeps me listening.
  • Zekefred1
    An essential podcast
    On the shortlist of can't miss podcasts, it is always on a very high-level.
  • chabad fan
    Great interview
    I really enjoyed listening to your interview with Ruth Wisse. She is very perceptive. I think more people need to hear what she has to say.
  • brbbrb1
    Tikvah podcasts
    Excellent programs! Highly recommend.
  • Ga. listener
    Bravo for programming!
    Exceptional choice of topics and guests. Always enlightening and interesting.
  • Cobalt
    I never miss an episode
    Fascinating interviews from around the Jewish world across a very broad variety of topics. A never-miss.
  • Peb Pab
    Cynthia Ozick
    Always fascinating and thought provoking.
  • Dandelions4Bees
    A Hidden Jewel
    If this show had only introduced me to Roya Hakakian, it would have been enough. She is absolutely brilliant. Yet every episode is delightfully thought provoking, and it is impossible not to learn something new. Dr. Jonathan Silver always asks high level, intellectual questions - that do not have easy answers. This show is for people who enjoy the questions as much as, if not more than, the answers. I really like Jonathan Silver’s interview style: each show is a conversation peppered with new insights & leaves me wanting to know more about the topic. It’s a hidden jewel of podcasts!
  • Bats90
    Worth your time
    If you’re interested in the topic it’s a great podcast, super informative. Some of the guests do not talk and convey intonation as well as others but over all brilliant podcast about issues related to Israel and Judaism!
  • swingmaster73
    Outstanding podcast
    This is, without a doubt, the most thoughtful and intelligent discussion of issues concerning the Jewish people and the situation in Israel.
  • LitteWave
    I’m surprised that you decided to give a platform to anyone associated with Lakewood. No, it’s not courageous to be a full time student, it’s a privilege and a cop out. My objection is to the way that community treats and portrays women. Offended and unsubscribed.
  • RVWinvesting
    A resource for education and inspiration on a variety of important subjects of compelling interest to those seriously interested in issues Jewish and Zionist.
  • Anonymous21233
    So good
    I’m a big big fan. However, Jonathan Silver has a habit of encouraging his guests instead of asking them hard questions. In any case, he is very well thought out and very well spoken.
  • REF Listener
    Tikvah Fund
    The Tikvah Fund has deep ties with Kohelet and is therefore partly responsible for the impending destruction of Israel’s judiciary and Israel’s status as a democratic and liberal country.
  • Mendy M.
    Best Jewish podcast
  • Nickelprince
    This show makes me think even when I disagree I come away with better information. Thank you Jonathan Silver.
  • dennis.karpf
    Great Interviews and Analysis
    The best conservative Jewish policy and Jewish thought podcast bar none. Highly knowledgeable interviews with always informative subjects. Keep up the outstanding work.
  • JR San Diego
    The Best Interviewer Around
    Jonathan Silver is the most articulate, erudite, and insightful interviewer in the podcast universe. He brings on the show some of the most consequential, intellectually serious and thought-provoking guests and engages with them as if his mastery of the subject matter at hand equaled theirs. Absolutely superb podcast.
  • boogyjoo
    On Yemenite Children
    I started listening to the first/only and last episode on Yemenite Children. The entire thing started off with misleading stories. It’s 2022- Yemenite children go “missing” from the hospital, hours after the mother has given birth. You can’t say it’s “not real” and that it doesn’t or hasn’t ever happened. It continues to happen to this day! As a Jewish person living in Israel, I’m disappointed, enraged and just so sad that this is an episode that is live and out there in the world. There are many problems in Israel- racism is most definitely one of the bigger ones (and I can tell you about it from personal experience). You cannot cover over the truth by calling the disappearance of Yemenite children a “conspiracy”. This episode was total trash. I hope you reconsider what you’re peddling as stories.
  • VAB 1
    Good podcast and it is Free
    Entertaining, thought provoking, and worth listening too!
  • Annette Kolski-Andreaco
    David Friedman on what he learned . . .
    As always, great questions and out of the mainstream guests. I look forward to this podcast ever week. Jonathan Silver is smart, insightful and deeply knowledgeable. Thank you!
  • farhad sabba
    Great content
    Keep it up
  • davidappstore2
    Thoughtful host, engaging conversation
    Reserved, thoughtful, articulate host guides us through a wide range of important subjects through engaging conversations. Subjects are selected and explored through the lens of the American Jew. Thoughtful content even for the non-Jew such as myself.
  • bookworm823
    An outstanding podcast. Intelligent, engaging, thoughtful and thought provoking.
    An outstanding podcast. Intelligent, engaging, thoughtful and thought provoking. I am a committed Catholic and I believe that following the discussions on this podcast has added depth, breadth and value to my ability to apply the tools of my faith effectively towards promoting truth, hope, respect, and love in my community, as an American citizen, and member of the human race.
  • Disciple04
    I am a gentile follower of Jesus. I love listening to the discussion about current events, Zionist topics, and the Bible. Jonathan Silver is incredibly smart and it is great hearing him run the interviews with his probing questions and clear understanding of the subject matter. Keep up the good work!
  • KSB_in_TX
    The Tikveh podcast says it offers vigorous debate, it does not
    The Tikveh Project might be politically Zionist, but as for American politics it leans hard right. Expect no critical analysis of right wing positions here.
  • Seth Siegel
    Smart and interesting
    The host, Jonathan Silver, is so smart and so well prepared that listening to him alone is a pleasure. The guests selected are usually very interesting. Conversation is always at a high level.
  • jonn_msft
    Thoughtful but right-wing
    Tikvah hosts discussions of political topics from a Jewish standpoint, often centered around a particular scholarly article. Politics are very right-of-center, affiliated with Commentary magazine.
  • NJTorahFan
    Deep, thoughtful, inspiring
    Don’t miss this podcast if you are looking for the best in Jewish intellectual contemporary thought. The interviewer does his research and is not afraid to ask challenging questions. The guests are world reknowned and inspiring in their genuine passion for moving the Jewish Story forward.
  • Sabra122
    So erudite and challenging
    I love, love, love your podcast. It is so exciting, intellectually stimulating and informative. Your guests are phenomenal, articulate and thoughtful. I am learning so much about the vibrant life of American and world Jewry and Judaism which is mostly invisible in and to our daily lives. I had no idea about most of the thinking, dialoging, conflicts and collaborating which are taking place in the different Jewish communities. You have opened my eyes, ears, heart and mind to the many, varied threads of thoughts existing amongst us. Your interviews are so invigorating that I end up sending them to all my friends, acquaintances and family members. I want them to enjoy the podcast as much as I do. Thank you and please keep on doing what you are doing!!!! 07.05.19. Still some of the best best best interviews with some of the brightest and most interesting people. Love it. Sometimes, when both Daliah and Gilad are both on the air together, I want to tear out my hair, or even better, to tell them to stop competing for who has a more relevant and insightful question. Especially Daliah. In almost every interview she succeeds in overshadowing at least one of Gilad’s questions by interjecting some fact, or trying to amplify the question, or redirecting the conversation, etc. It is soooooo annoying and soooooo disrespectful. Now, once she does it, I think, that Gilad’s maleness suffers a severe ego injury and then he starts to do the same to Daliah’s questions. And off they are on a power struggle and the listener becomes the collateral damage. Of course, then the interviewee becomes off balance, like a child between two fighting parents, and the interview suffers. All I can say is:”Stop It!” Behave like adults. You are both smart, informed and articulate. There is no need to show off. We love you both. Individually each of you are fabulous interviewers. Together.....well, not so much!
  • BaruchAdam
    My favorite podcast!
    Riveting, intelligent and challenging material.
  • Sabich18
    As a new listener, I’m amazed at how much I learn and how engaged I feel with each episode. Just listened to the Richard Goldberg interview with Talia Katz. Absolutely fascinating.
  • kiwi2479
    Great Podcast!
    One of my favorites!
  • kammila
    excellent podcast on ultimate religious and phil
    excellent podcast on religious and philosophical issues,,, Howard Sachs
  • Dream5863
    I am a new listener to The Tikvah Podcast and really love it. I just finished listening to the September 25 podcast with Matti Friedman who is a wonderful and enlightening speaker and author. This episode brings more understanding to how and why Israel is Israel, and exactly what those living there must contend with in regards to the mentality of the Arab neighbors. May Israel always be supported by her people, wherever they might currently be residing. Also loved the August-September 2019 podcasts with Jack Wertheimer in regards to his book The New American Judaism. Excellent!
  • DK343434
    One of the best sources for very smart dialogue on Jewish affairs. The wide variety of topics covered range from history to politics to culture. It's a source of learning for the beginner to the very learned. The host, Jonathan Silver, asks sober, intelligent questions to the guests who are always well prepared and eloquent. Highly recommended.
  • Brargis
    High quality interviews about varied and fascinating subjects. Make commute home something to look forward to.
  • ModehAni
    Shrinking the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Micah Goodman, September 18
    Mr. Goodman is very hard to understand. He’s a speed speaker. His words literally trip over each other and his sentences are slurred. Interesting ideas but bad presentation. His speech distracts from the content. Unfortunate
  • Ravgah
    At last a podcast for serious Jews
    A marvelous interview style that respects the intelligence of the audience and the critical issue under consideration. Yasher Koach to Jonathan.
  • Tikvah Fan
    A truly great podcast
    This is the one podcast where I truly feel at home as a listener.
  • The Thinking Marketer
    One of my favorite podcasts
    I love the discussions. I love this podcast. I wish there were more episodes.
  • Apb680
    Great material
    Makes you think
  • Jon44_44
    Very High Caliber Intellectual Stimulation
    Even if I come at many of the topics discussed from a different perspective, I enjoy these conversations because of their substance and intellectual exploration. Rather than just repeating stock points like you get from many public intellectuals, the host here really explores the issue at hand in a rigorous and engaging manner.
  • efishm
    Insightful but too political
    It’s a mix of insightful commentary on Jewish history, ideas, and issues, on the one hand, and conservative polemic on the other hand
  • Stephenmvk
    God bless this podcast.
    So happy I found this podcast. Thoughtful, insightful interviews about issues and questions that feed me, intellectually, morally and provide fortification. Thank you! (BTW- I am an old school Roman Catholic- by that, follow the wisdom of both the new and Old Testaments)
  • Yoel C. KB
    Excellent Guests. Excellent Interviewer.
    I’ve only heard the most recent 2 episodes so far yet I’m hooked. The interviews with Margolin and Shay take fundamental topics of Judaism, related DIRECTLY to modern life, and present these difficult subjects with high level intellectuals expressing clarity that cannot fail to create deep thinking about being a Jew in 21st century.
  • andhiggins
    Great Podcast for Contemporary Jewish and American Issues
    I’m a Catholic, not even Jewish, and Tikvah Podcast is one of my go-to sources for intellectual and theological conversation. The host is great, great questions and engagement.
  • Oculaser
    Wonderful. Insightful. Entertaining. Illuminating.
    Love the Tikvah podcasts. I listen to them regularly while driving or home alone
  • bo-sox#1
    The Most Interesting Podcast on iTunes
    The Tikvah Podcast is inspiring in its exploration of Jewish values, contemporary debates, and political dynamics. Please keep up the quality work.
  • SFPerspective
    Exceedingly interesting and insightful podcast
    Thoughtful exploration of Jewish themes in religious and contemporary thought.
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