Warrior Life - Tactical Firearms | Urban Survival | Close Quarters Combat


Bullets, beans & band-aids baby! Oh yeah! If you love AR's, Glocks and freedom, then the Warrior Life podcast is for you. Each week, Jeff Anderson and his rag-tag team of hairy-backed mooks bring you "no b.s." tips, tricks, and tactics you can put to use right away from the world's top experts on tactical firearms training, urban survival, escape & evasion, and close quarters combat self defense. Plus - be sure to join us at https://warriorlife.com/loot for our free digital magazine and podcast freebie bonuses. RSSVERIFY

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  • Rbar2013
    Finally! A perfect (IMHO) source for information you ca REALLY use!
    I’m slowly working my way through all the previous podcast episodes and learning and enjoying all. Time well spent! Keep em coming Jeff!
  • Nathan4462
    Very helpful Pod
    This Podcast actually helped me to value my success from not much potential , thanks. Also good tips on preparation and attitude toward self defense. High marks from me.
  • Guy Humanman
    Better than average podcast.
    Informative and entertaining, but host (and guests) are prone to droning monologues vs conversational delivery. Audio quality is underwhelming, like listening to a cell phone on speaker. Audio for call in guests is worse; muddled and cracking. Fixing these issues can bring this podcast closer to a 5 star.
  • Ctownz83
    Great show
    Great show. I look forward to every new episode. Legacy Media is Dead! Podcasts are the only way to get news and info nowadays.
  • Ddbrooks82
    If the world were a video game…
    … this would still be bad advice. The gear recommendations are sketchy, the skills are highly questionable. The name dropping is suspect. Get real training, build your own community, don’t trust all you hear. Even a blind squirrel finds a nut every now and then.
  • Tengu151
    Top Realistic Prep & Defense Show
    I’m a combat vet, former CO and ex-cop, as well as a tactical trainer. Always on the hunt for quality info, this show has consistently proven to be among the best. Focused, with very few side tangent rants and relatively apolitical, WarriorLife gives me what I need to serve a diverse student body.
  • winterfell IV
    Jeff I love your podcast. Started listening in October 2021 and just finished two weeks ago after going through every podcast. As a former LEO I love that you don’t claim to know everything and you grow from your podcasts right along with us. I don’t always agree with everything you guys put out there but those parts is what makes us human. I travel 4 to 6 hours every Friday evening and every Sunday afternoon. You really brought a light to my eyes with your Ukraine episode. 398 I believe. Since then I have continued prepping like a mad man while still not letting it overwhelm me or take over my life but more of showing me where I come up short at. Which before I started listening to you I didn’t prep at all. I now have your XBOB and by accident the guardian machete and 6 months of food at the least. I have started my own MAG groups on 27 acres and have seeds for the next 3 to 6 years for our raised garden beds. All thanks to your show. Keep up the great work and don’t let those podcasts slow down.
  • malicious goat wizard 05
    Best podcast concerning survival
    Super good podcast with lots of tips I try to listen to as many as possible! Thanks for all the work you guys are doing, keep it up!
  • Schmoohito
    Thank you for everything
    The best compliment I can pay to Warrior life is “ I just finished all 380 podcast”. The podcast have changed my outlook on life. From learning more about my home states firearm laws to simply keeping more gas in my car. Now that the podcast are all caught up I have begun working on lessons in the Warrior workshop. I just took a class on my states self defense laws and it turned out the bullet proof dvd covers things more in-depth. A few tips that I don’t recall ever being mentioned: 1. When you make a trip to the bank write down your account number. To many times I over hear people rattling of their account numbers. I even heard people saying their social security numbers out loud. All you need is somebody with a photogenic memory and no morals to hear that. 2. Put passwords on all your accounts as an added layer of security. 3. Lock your door immediately when entering your vehicle. The cars nowadays lock automatically when you put the car in gear or reach a certain speed. This feature has made everyone complacent and reliant on technology.
  • frugal josh
    Subscribe now, you’ll thank me later!
    I learn something new every time I listen to the Warrior Life podcast. Jeff and Buck always have something I haven’t thought of. The Warrior Life team has the experience under their belts to help everyone be more self reliant. They cover everything and I mean EVERTHING in the spectrum of self reliance. From the basics that everyone thinks of like food, weapons and ammo but it doesn’t stop there, they cover self defense with all types of weapons, and even unarmed combat. Survival however only starts with those, they also cover other areas like water, fire, shelter, and even further into the survivor mindset, psychology, community coordination, mob evasion, urban caching and how to get ahead of supply chain shortages. Check out warriorlife.com and subscribe to the Ronin membership and you will have access to everything you need to be able to survive before things collapse. Oh and when it arrives, you will be looking around saying to your friends I told you so! Thank you Jeff!
  • *93
    I just have to say every since the pandemic started this podcast has been my go to for everything I recommend going back to the first episodes and you won’t go wrong. Thank you. you made me more comfortable and humble with the style I wanted to present with my path on prepping.
  • ju kno 8
    Cool podcast
    I like it
  • MilitoMama
    Good First Hand Knowledge
    Good to hear from someone with first hand knowledge.
  • Iron Wolf 3000
    Best podcast I hardly listen to any other survival podcasts
  • jsizzle24
    Top Notch
    I have been a listener for many years. I learn something from every episode. I’ve also have been reinforced with ideas I’ve had that were talked about. I appreciate the team and all they have presented because the information has made me a better protector but also teach my children how to be prepared and aware of what’s going on! Thank you!!
  • Jessebo8247
    Ok, but…
    Sounds mostly like an infomercial to sell their “master Class”
  • SgtMiyagi
    My Top Podcast!
    I listen to a few other podcasts and this is undoubtedly the best one for me, info-wise. ESPECIALLY #334 😎. Totally focused on readiness and preparations without sounding extreme and looney. Short, to-the-point, practical advice from a credible and experienced source.
  • appy please
    Downhill content
    I started listening to this show back in 2020. I felt like I was being prepared for the threats I could be facing with everything that happened within that year. I personally feel like the show has shifted from a survival/tactical perspective to more of something that I could read in a magazine. Don’t get me wrong I still listen on occasion but not as much as I used to.
  • Ret SWAT Guy
    Since retiring, there are three things I miss; tightly knit team/friends, some of the things we did, and training and the exchange of ideas. Your podcast fills in the third nicely. It makes me think, occasionally reconsider my practices and I enjoy listening! What more could you ask for? Keep it up.
  • Reelvideoman
    Best podcast for taking care of yourself and family
    When I started getting interested in survival and protection skills I was super new to all of it. Through Jeff’s, Buck’s and their guests advice I ended feeling confident enough to purchase a rifle. Their advice for air-soft training has made me much more comfortable and safe using my actual gun. There is rarely an episode that I don’t get at least half a dozen or more ideas and insights. Highly recommend, keep it up Jeff!
  • dirkadirka1600
    Great content
    Practical and intelligent commentary
    Great content and messages!
    This is a great tool for people who are wanting to seriously learn & prepare for....... today’s unknown & unexpected situations !
  • Saltwaterhippie
    Great info, serious and funny. Great listening
    I just came across you guys podcast and listen to all of 2021 to work I love the information I am very happy I came across this program that I am a forever dedicated listener now I have started following you on my YouTube channel and it goes alongGreat with me being a fire arm instructor I can never learn enough to be able to pass on the best information in training to my students.
  • Dr. Philus
    They fell for the “pandemic”
  • Hyingbl
    Episodes 1-85 are great!!
    I started at the very beginning and have loved listening to this podcast. I’ve only made it to episode 85 so far but it’s 5/5 for me.
  • Jimmy from the past
    Thank you for the tips for dealing with stress and anxiety. We need all the help we can get right now. Being able to talk freely about stress and anxiety without being judged is very important for everyone. Thanks again!!!
  • JRC👍👍👍👍👍
    Excellent work Jeff. Keep it coming. Thanks
  • Dar Horn
    No BS
    This podcast is choc full of useful and timely information with no bs.
  • COL (R)
    Generally a real-world commentary and a sincere guy. Always respected his common-sense approach and realistic military background. COVID, finally a real-world threat, has brought out fears of martial law, a basic concept that a military professional should be better-versed in before he attempts to professionally opine. So sorry my long term relationship with this podcast has ended under this cloud of misinformation. Wishing you the best in the future.
    Haven’t listened to all of the episodes but the ones on the Covid -19 stuff is liberal hysteria stuff. No thank you. Common sense, not adhering to government oversight is the tactical way. These guys opt for the former.
  • Ozzy3894
    You speak way too fast! Slow down dude!
  • m.b.riley
    Thank you
    Thanks for this Jeff. Doing awesome listened to all of them, keep up the hard work.
  • Sndurvtkffeipissedoff!
    Climate change wacko
    Don’t waste your time listening.
  • Drunkazshite
    So many adds
    Some wine with this cheesy
  • CalFromBerkeley
    5 in 5 Q&A
    Jeff-- not enough meat in a 5 minute podcast!!! We want more content! Cal
  • Chikyboy1318
    against all enemies, foreign and domestic
    I swore to protect our Constitution like you once did. All those who agree or who would like to impose "any" infringement on our 2A are nothing more than a threat and an enemy of the Constitution. Your insecurity and fear is crystal clear.
  • SRCK2009
    Old episodes
    Some of my favorite episodes that I like to listen to repeatedly are between 1 and 165. Is there a way for me to download these still?
  • jd01440
    Are you Guys done?
    Hi, Have you guys stopped putting up podcasts?
  • Rychecop
    Very informative; yet entertaining
    As a new “prepper”, I enjoy this podcast and the information it provides. It’s long enough to be informative; yet short enough that I can get an episode in while driving to work. The show notes are an excellent addition to each podcast. I can review them on my downtime and research the info further.
  • GTGallop
    A Double Dose of Common Sense
    Really good common sense approach to heavy topics. Entertaining and up lifting. Well executed too. It’s a must listen to podcast.
  • Rolling66
    I just love the podcast! It’s practical and informative. As a newbie it’s had me take action and be proactive when it comes to self defense. Keep up the amazing job. Andrew in Kansas City.
  • Runtilltranquile
    Food for thought
    This show helps think through the major scenarios that could challenge any family leader and makes practical actionable recommendations to prepare for the worst. I recommend it.
  • Grumpylowe
    I like what I hear
    Jeff and his guests seem to be always speaking to my concerns.
  • Chris_Tyler
    Need a new mic
    Great information but the host needs a new microphone. It sounds like he’s on an old Nokia brick phone. It’s bad when some of the guests sound more clear than the host. Other than that, the show is great and has changed my training mindset.
  • Burghguy724
    Ask shorter questions
    Would be better if we got more info from the guests unfortunately that can't happen if most of the time is spent asking the question. His questions ramble on before the guest is allowed to speak.
  • rebeldoc10
    great podcast
    the host really seems to know his stuff. very informative
  • cammaram
    Beginner friendly
    Very easy to digest content without prior knowledge. Tons of useful info! Keep it up please!
  • Jfgjchgxgfoigh
    Great Stuff
    Really enjoying the episodes. Lots of ideas and skills that can be applied. Listened to all available episodes in less than two months. Wish I could get the earlier episodes.
  • Layne Jr.
    Rock on Jeff!
    MCS has officially become my favorite preparedness podcast. Maybe it’s because I’m a Texan too, or maybe it’s because Jeff Anderson cracks me up. I have learned a ton of practical info from you guys in a very condensed amount of time. thanks!!!
  • TCfilm1
    Love it - Real World Information!
    This is an awesome podcast with a lot of new information that I was not unaware of! Thanks guys for keeping the concealed world informed!
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