Retire Sooner with Wes Moss

Investing #208

Wes Moss is on a mission: help at least 1 million Americans of any age retire sooner and find joy along the way. A seasoned finance professional, best-selling author, broadcaster, and teacher, Wes has done extensive research on the habits of the happiest retirees. On this podcast, Wes shares key lifestyle and money habits you can implement now to prepare for a secure future while not depriving yourself of happiness in the present. In addition to leveraging his 20+ years of knowledge as an investment advisor, Wes brings in guests and specialists to teach you how to set and work towards your financial and lifestyle objectives. Refreshingly-free of mind-numbing financial jargon and unrealistic money goals, Retire Sooner with Wes Moss gives listeners the tools on how to retire sooner in the real world.

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Recent Reviews
  • A A 1313
    The show is informative and thoughtful and Wes brings out the best in his great guests. Ignore the liberal comments as they are angry and judgmental. Only wish is that there were more episodes per week.
  • Interested bystander
    John Delony
    Ask him about taking 10% from retirement pool. He is on the same page as Ramsey.
  • tandemnana
    In bed with Trump
    Starting following his podcast because he was featured on The Clark Howard Show. Next I found out that he has enabled Trump to continue to spread his lies on social media by partnering to develop Truth Social, which perpetuates everything but the truth. Unfollowed as quickly as I followed. Definitely would trust any advise from someone enabling DT to pedal his lies.
  • GenXJill
    Been duped
    Really liked the podcast but I can’t support someone who was for Truth Social. My trust in Wes is broken. Define taught me to research financial podcasters…
  • TeD2D
    Really good learning and advice
    Discovered Wes’s show on one of my other favorite financial shows of over 25 years Clark Howard. Have to say, I’m always very skeptical of financial advice people in general - either they’re on the extremities - from do nothing and normal investing is a “sin” (Dave Ramsey) to pretty much gambling (nearly all others). Not much in the invest smartly over time knowing there are ups and downs. Wes is definitely up on my level. His interviews are what makes his show very interesting to me. Good learning advice!
  • Chavaaguirre
    Sponsored by a gambling website?
    So this clown’s podcast is named retire sooner but he is advertising fanduel so his listeners go lose their hard earned money by gambling??? Was a fan of the show but can’t follow a hypocrite… if you are serious about retirement you shouldnt listen to this guy.
  • KayeAdam8
    Great Financial & Non-Financial Resource
    I learn a lot from listening to Wes Moss of Retire Sooner. The show covers both the financial & non-financial aspects of retiring sooner & how to have a great life. Keep up the great work ! Highly recommended :)
  • bfair90
    Excellent Pod
    Have started listening to recent episodes which address the reasons for happiness and success beyond financial achievement. It has caused me to reconsider my own life more philosophically.
  • Colorado mtb girl
    Wes Moss
    I love this podcast as it covers financial and non-financial aspects of retirement. The guests are interesting to listen to and provide great advice. During the 2022 financial meltdown, it was soothing to listen to Wes’s calming voice while he provided historical data review. I was able to stop worrying. 😀
  • Glen Evans
    I Retired 4 Years Earlier Because of Wes Moss.
    Retirement had become a tension point in our home. We found Retire Sooner, implemented his sound advice, and retired in 2023 at age 53. I’m building additional income streams, finding core pursuits, and I’m excited about our future.
  • not happy psss off
    Great but ditch Valerie
    Great content but Valerie is annoying. Sounds fake.
  • tdein
    I’m sick of listening to the commercials falsely claiming we are experiencing hyperinflation? I’m out.
  • Ramey906
    Very Helpful Podcast
    Wes Moss, after watching Jan 6, decided he wanted to help found truth social with Trump. Take that for what you want but that’s who he is.
  • pffan22
    Great interview
    Came across the interview with Sam @ Financial Samurai - loved it. I’ve followed Sam for a long time and have always appreciated how he keeps it real and relatable. I’m really enjoying reading his book too - Buy This Not That. Thanks for hosting!
  • Financial Samurai
    Great podcast!
    An honor to speak to you Wes, and hear all of your great interviews. Keep it up! -Sam
  • dwelty
    Used to be about investing, now more about psycho-babble.
    I started listening to this show about a year ago. It was full of useful information about investing, saving and retiring early. Lately the topics have been about “living your truth”, “expanding your social network” and other new age psych topics. I wish he would stick to investing and retirement. Looking for a replacement podcast.
  • Delaine Rey
    Very informative and entertaining
    Enjoy the podcast and have shared some amusing ones with my family. Some of my family live in Oklahoma and they thought Retire Sooner was an Oklahoma based podcast 😊😊😊
  • Dodgebruce
    Big fan but too many ads
    I’ve read all of Wes Moss’ books and was excited to listen to his podcast. But having two commercial breaks in a 20 minute podcast is too much, you can’t get into the flow of anything. It’s extremely disruptive. I’m sensitive to the fact that he isn’t doing this for free, but I wish he would follow other podcasts that have ads and are more sensitive to prioritizing communication of the message over making money. Sadly unsubscribing.
  • retired army gal
    Had to cancel
    Too political
  • Organized husband
    Dry powder reminder
    Wes gave a well-timed reminder of why it’s unnecessary to put all your portfolio into safe assets to avoid risk.
  • Broadway Bill
    Great Advice
    Wes is great at articulating financial principles and making them easy to understand to the typical financial layman. Great job - thanks and keep up the great work!
  • Golfnut456
    Very knowledgeable!
    Wes and his staff always put out great content. His guests add to the theme of retiring sooner. Wes gives you all the tools you need and motivates you to retire sooner!
  • jjt1412
    Where is Wes?
    Wes is missing from his podcast. Your guests are great. The problem is I’m missing your interviewing skills and your charisma. I can get this content anywhere.
  • Red Dragon
    100 %
    Since Wes left the ship the podcasts just go off the rails. The last episode I listened to for 5 mins and whatever they were taking about had nothing to do with the title. So I just turned it off. I don't need useless banter. Please stay on topic and get to the points
  • Cbonnell0564
    Lost interest in this show when it turns out We Moss is a Trumper and an investor in his new SPAC. New hosts are banal and borderline uninformed about retirement topics. But honestly it’s the Trumperism that put me over the edge.
  • OfftoRome from Austin
    Where is the content?
    I have listened to three different episodes and gave up on all three after about 10 minutes. I don’t care that the person being interviewed had a mom that used to work in the building that the broadcast was happening. I don’t care about the history of media type presentations Wes has done. I listen to learn and get new ideas about retirement. This podcast, if if ever gets there definitely does not in the first 10 minutes. I don’t care to have my time wasted.
  • eureka homesteader
    Get to the point Wess. The episode on habits of happy retirees was 80% fluff and 20% content.
  • emzie
    Finally, someone is asking the right questions!!
    I just discovered this podcast but I’m loving it so far. The topics are interesting and relevant. More importantly, the host asks the types of probing and practical questions of guests that a lot of other podcasters seem to gloss over. The discussions are “real” and I like the informality and humor. The conversations and discussions are “real” and dig into the types of details that resonate with me.
  • Ginger 60+
    Great stuff
    Great stuff, great host. Never miss a week
  • Larry M2
    Eclectic podcast
    Love Wes and the podcast. He does a great job covering a ton of different topics well beyond basic investing and getting ready for retirement. Brings on qualified guests to delve into the different topics presented in each show. If you want a podcast that’s more than just investing that will get you prepared for all the different aspects of retirement this is the podcast for you!
  • Jimyat11
    Great, relevant information about all aspects of personal finance. Wes is excellent both in knowledge and delivery. Listen every week!
  • obacker19
    Entertaining, insightful and actionable! 🙌
    Whether you’re well established on your path to financial independence, or just getting started mapping out your financial future in a thoughtful way - this is a must-listen podcast for you! Wes does an incredible job leading conversations that cover a huge breadth of topics related to the ins and outs of building a thriving financial - and overall - life, with leaders who’ve actually walked the path themselves. Highly recommend listening and subscribing!
  • Crimson7291
    Love Wes’ Approach to Retirement
    While I’m still a few years from retirement, this is one of my new favorites. I’ve been familiar with Wes for years because of his contributions in Atlanta media, and this podcast expands that reach. Whether on his own or interviewing a guest, Wes’ friendly and easy-going style makes preparing for retirement hopeful and within reach.
  • CDavidM
    Thank you!
    First started listening to Wes Moss on EVH, glad he has his own podcast! Very informative, much appreciated.
  • CAS 2715
    Episode 20
    I’ve been listening to Wes for a long time and was surprised to hear all the profanity during this episode of the podcast. With all of the editing technology available, I guess this was a conscious decision to move in this direction. I’ll find somewhere else to get my financial information.
  • Rowemedic
    I have listened to Wes on the radio for years. This podcast should be mandatory for everyone. Excellent and realistic advice regardless of where you are in life. 20 to 90 years old it will help!
  • TtotheY625
    Episode 15
    Wes, been a follower for a couple of years now. Great job on episode 15, I felt like that rolled all of the conversations I have heard and created a check list for us that want to be the happy retiree. Countdown has started and now I have the checklist.....
  • Lampsbringlight
    Love this show
    As Wes states, we focus so much on saving for retirement, but don’t know how to spend it when we get there. Really enjoy the interviews and focus on core pursuits.
  • CR01
    Common sense advice
    I’ve been listening to this podcast now for many years. In 2016 I retired at the age of 56. Needed to leave the company Where I was worked. Had hoped to work a few more years but after listening many years to this podcast I knew that it was very doable for us. After a few meetings with some financial advisors they reconfirmed everything Wes teaches. For those out there who have not read his book I highly recommend and listen to this podcast every week! I told my wife if anything ever happened to me she should contact Wes and his team for advice. Keep it up Wes!
  • Wild horn
    Great Podcast
    I’ve been listening to his Sunday WSB radio show Money Matters for years and have used his sound advice investing toward my retirement. Thanks for your podcast it will make our money matter for sure
  • CRW1966
    Great podcast
    I love this podcast! It is encouraging and educational. I love the material and am glad We’d is doing this podcast
  • Jen Melt
    Great Podcast!
    Great podcast with practical and applicable information. Love it!
  • bubfmc
    Needs total work over
    Good voice/delivery style Some good topic ideas Often disjointed presentation Most importantly - there is very little There There 90% filler words, 30 minutes into talk before remotely getting to the topic Listener calls far better than the filler
  • Happy & Poor
    Great Upbeat Podcast
    Thank you for the positive tone/news contained in your podcast. You are my go-to podcast for common sense news about Covid and the economy. You have renewed my faith in our future
    Whipple Newell
    Helpful !!!
  • BubbleGuppies😎
    I enjoy Wes’ podcast
    I like
  • Atlzoobie
    Rounded approach
    I like how you bring current events into how it is affecting the markets, your time line, historical references. I find your show very informative. I turn my radio on Sunday’s at 9am just to listen, now I’ve found the podcast. Yay! I try to catch you on the Von Heausler doctrine for the updates.
  • juljou
    This use to be a five star
    Three weeks ago the political two hour push started. Wes promoted his spreadsheet of the two different presidential candidates tax plan. Interesting.. I found it, printed it, shared it. Three weeks later he’s still talking about it . Well two and a half weeks later. I turned off after eight mins today , just didn’t want to hear anymore. He is so very proud of this spreadsheet you would think he had never written anything else; he has and it was on retiring and it was good. He honestly sounds like someone setting up to make a run for a public office... just not what I tune in for. I just unsubscribed. I’ll check back at the end of November to see if he’s back on topic.
  • joshnichol
    Calm in the storm
    Wes has become a go to for me. Sensible, logical and a voice of reason in this crazy time. I thank him for the peace of mind he brings for me.
  • RV at HHI
    Acct Mgr
    Although Wes repeats himself a lot (probably for the sake of live radio and people joining mid-program) and there are not nearly as many call-ins as I'd like, I always have Wes near the top of my listening list due to his up-to-date, current take on issues.
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