Sage Sociology


Welcome to the official free Podcast site from Sage for Sociology.Sage is a leading international publisher of journals, books, and electronic media for academic, educational, and professional markets with principal offices in Los Angeles, London, New Delhi, and Singapore.

Recent Episodes
  • Socius - “Replika Removing Erotic Role-Play Is Like Grand Theft Auto Removing Guns or Cars”: Reddit Discourse on Artificial Intelligence Chatbots and Sexual Technologies
    Sep 9, 2024 – 17:28
  • Journal of Health and Social Behavior - Extending Driver’s Licenses to Undocumented Immigrants: Comparing Perinatal Outcomes Following This Policy Shift
    Sep 9, 2024 – 12:46
  • Social Psychology Quarterly - Happiness Scholarship and Redistributive Preferences
    Sep 4, 2024 – 12:09
  • Contexts - Talking about Race in a Race-Taboo Land
    Sep 3, 2024 – 15:39
  • Sociological Theory - Rights Projects: A Relational Sociology of Rights in Globalization
    Aug 28, 2024 – 22:18
  • Sociological Methodology - Polygenic Indices (aka Polygenic Scores) in Social Science: A Guide for Interpretation and Evaluation
    Aug 8, 2024 – 15:13
  • American Sociological Review - The Avoidance of Strong Ties
    Jul 30, 2024 – 10:52
  • Socius - Medical Authority, Trans Exceptionalism, and Americans’ Willingness to Believe Claims of Inadequate Training as Justification for the Denial of Care to Trans People
    Jul 16, 2024 – 13:11
  • Society and Mental Health - Revisiting Durkheim: Social Integration and Suicide Clusters in U.S. Counties, 2006–2019
    Jul 8, 2024 – 15:14
  • Teaching Sociology - Program Review with the Curriculum Mapping Toolkit for Sociology: Assessment of a Publicly Available Resource for Sociology Departments
    Jul 3, 2024 – 22:00
  • American Sociological Review - Clustered Vulnerabilities: The Unequal Effects of COVID-19 on Domestic Violence
    Jun 4, 2024 – 15:36
  • Journal of Health and Social Behavior - Cumulative Unionization and Physical Health Disparities among Older Adults
    Jun 3, 2024 – 14:41
  • City & Community - Urban Austerity Theory, Politicizing Space, and Cutback Policies across Urban and Rural Communities
    Jun 3, 2024 – 14:31
  • Sociological Theory - From Public Sociology to Sociological Publics: The Importance of Reverse Tutelage to Social Theory
    May 28, 2024 – 20:30
  • Contexts - Why Believe Conspiracy Theories?
    May 15, 2024 – 15:31
  • Socius - The Status Foundations of Conspiracy Beliefs
    May 8, 2024 – 13:46
  • Teaching Sociology - One World, Many Stories: Finding Human Connection through Global Sociology
    Apr 29, 2024 – 10:34
  • Sociology of Education - Translating Authentic Selves into Authentic Applications: Private College Consulting and Selective College Admissions
    Apr 24, 2024 – 13:04
  • Sociology of Race and Ethnicity - Slavery’s Legacy of White Carceral Advantage in the South
    Apr 23, 2024 – 14:20
  • American Sociological Review - Safe as Houses: Financialization, Foreclosure, and Precarious Homeownership in the United States
    Apr 8, 2024 – 15:11
  • Society and Mental Health - Impostorization in Academia, Psychological Distress, and Class Reproduction
    Mar 29, 2024 – 21:37
  • Sociological Theory - Performing Social Control: Poverty Governance, Public Finance, and the Politics of Visibility
    Mar 29, 2024 – 30:42
  • Contemporary Sociology - What Does Good Qualitative Research Look Like? How to Do It?
    Mar 14, 2024 – 11:49
  • The For-Profit Side of Public U: University Contracts with Online Program Managers
    Mar 13, 2024 – 18:14
  • City & Community - The Echo of Neighborhood Disadvantage: Multigenerational Contextual Hardship and Adult Income for Whites, Blacks, and Latinos
    Feb 26, 2024 – 14:02
  • Contexts - How LGBTQ+ People are Creating Change in Their Faith Communities
    Feb 21, 2024 – 17:59
  • Sociological Methodology - Networked Participants, Networked Meanings: Using Networks to Visualize Ethnographic Data
    Feb 15, 2024 – 19:39
  • Journal of Health and Social Behavior - Structural Sexism and Preventive Health Care Use in the United States
    Feb 13, 2024 – 11:19
  • American Sociological Review - The Social Foundations of Academic Freedom: Heterogeneous Institutions in World Society, 1960 to 2022
    Jan 29, 2024 – 27:00
  • Socius - Enduring Relationships: Social Aspects of Perceived Interactions with the Dead
    Jan 16, 2024 – 24:08
  • Sociology of Education - The Anti-Affirmative Action Avalanche: The Rise of Underrepresented Minority Enrollment at For-Profit Institutions
    Jan 4, 2024 – 19:05
  • Sociology of Race and Ethnicity - Ethno-Racial Stratification in the Refinanced Mortgage Market
    Jan 3, 2024 – 05:39
  • Contemporary Sociology - Unfree: Migrant Domestic Work in Arab States
    Jan 3, 2024 – 21:28
  • Social Psychology Quarterly - The Multiple Meanings of Discrimination
    Dec 14, 2023 – 12:39
  • Teaching Sociology - Preparing for Medical School: How Sociology Helps Premedical Students Prepare for the MCAT and beyond
    Dec 14, 2023 – 18:16
  • City & Community - Environmentalizing Urban Sociology
    Dec 13, 2023 – 32:15
  • Sociological Theory - The Moral Career of the Genocide Perpetrator: Cognition, Emotions, and Dehumanization as a Consequence, Not a Cause, of Violence
    Dec 11, 2023 – 23:48
  • Journal of Health and Social Behavior - Immigration-Related Discrimination and Mental Health among Latino Undocumented Students and U.S. Citizen Students with Undocumented Parents: A Mixed-Methods Investigation
    Nov 30, 2023 – 14:06
  • Socius - The Myth of Men’s Stable, Continuous Labor Force Attachment: Multitrajectories of U.S. Baby Boomer Men’s Employment
    Nov 20, 2023 – 14:45
  • Contexts - Machine Learning and the Reproduction of Inequality
    Nov 16, 2023 – 17:09
  • American Sociological Review - The Stigma of Diseases: Unequal Burden, Uneven Decline
    Oct 4, 2023 – 13:19
  • Sociology of Race and Ethnicity - “Why Can’t We Have Some Kind of Unity?” Cultural Contention Amongst Puerto Rican and Black Residents in Southern Suburbia
    Sep 27, 2023 – 15:40
  • Sociology of Education - New Experimental Evidence on Anti-Asian Bias in White Parents’ School Preferences
    Sep 27, 2023 – 10:29
  • Teaching Sociology - Teaching with TikTok in Online Sociology of Sex and Gender Courses
    Sep 26, 2023 – 13:45
  • Society and Mental Health - Managing a Household during a Pandemic: Cognitive Labor and Parents’ Psychological Well-being
    Sep 25, 2023 – 17:11
  • Socius - Parallel Development: Medicalization and Decriminalization in the Changing Media Framing of the Opioid Overdose Crisis
    Sep 8, 2023 – 20:05
  • Journal of Health and Social Behavior - The Effect of Welfare State Policy Spending on the Equalization of Socioeconomic Status Disparities in Mental Health
    Sep 5, 2023 – 05:49
  • City & Community - Contested Infrastructures: Water, Privatization, and Place-Based Protest in Greater Buenos Aires
    Sep 5, 2023 – 22:19
  • Social Psychology Quarterly - A Network Approach to Assessing the Relationship between Discrimination and Daily Emotion Dynamics
    Aug 24, 2023 – 18:34
  • Sociological Theory - The Moral Affordances of Construing People as Cases: How Algorithms and the Data They Depend on Obscure Narrative and Noncomparative Justice
    Aug 21, 2023 – 14:03
Recent Reviews
  • Katie Joy B.
    Superbly Social
    All of the great SAGE hosts, along with their highly knowledgeable guests are making sociology fun again! The wide variety of topics they cover and the engaging way in which they deliver them had me hooked from my very first listen. Thanks for putting out such a great show SAGE - keep up the great work!
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