Coding Blocks

Technology #152

Become the best software developer you can be

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Recent Reviews
  • Abucr7
    Great podcast
    Great show! Hope in the future episodes are more frequent. I’m planning on .NET being my next adventure, any advices on resources and things I should look out for. Thanks, Abubakarr
  • ivan.kuchin
    42000 stars pod ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
    Super entertaining , super technical. Hosts are extremely respectful of others. Very enjoyable to listen.
  • Ksed_NJ
    Best podcast for programmers
    Far and away, this is the best podcast for people who build software. The pace and discussion is the same as talking and brainstorming with your colleagues at work. This podcast is about the practice of software, with a healthy dose of theory, but heavy focus on to use the latest tech stacks. It is how I stay up to date and relevant in the industry. Kudos for work on ‘data intensive systems’, best book out there, without this podcast, I wouldn’t have read it.
  • Mom in VA
    Ya’ll go together like peanut butter and jelly
    Love the show, especially boomer hour. Appreciate that you guys include other language tidbits.
  • Vlad Bezden
    Too much talk
    The show has good concepts but needs to be more focused. I've listened for a year, but the excessive, unrelated chatter stops me. The show could be shortened to 40-60 minutes from its current two-hour duration. Less is more!
  • nehoraigold
    Hands down favorite podcast!
    I’ve been listening to Coding Blocks since I started my programming journey roughly 5 years ago and I’ve been enjoying it ever since. I have to say, my favorite set of episodes you did were about Uncle Bob’s Clean Code, a book near and dear to my (and most any programmer’s) heart. The show has taught me tons of stuff I would never have otherwise known about and enriched my understanding of topics I was more familiar with. Beyond the technical, my favorite aspect of the show is how approachable and genuine it is. There’s no ego, no judgment, and no competition to be “better” or “smarter” than anyone else. It feels like having a fun (and funny) conversation with your best friends. Anyway, just wanted to say that y’all are great and this podcast is great. I’m not sure what my username is on here, but whatever it is, I look forward to hearing Outlaw attempt to pronounce it.
  • cykoduck
    Long time listener..first time commenter
    Just wanted to share a couple comments from you lastest episode. As a ex-Lotus Notes developer at IBM.. the “database” was actually called NSF (Notes Storage Format) and the closest today is CouchDb which evolved from it. Also using Vector search at my current company the vector storage description was great.. the big focus is the features/inferences that you store. Most of these are really based on a good training set to learn the important inferances
  • Yoondoggy
    Six Stars!
    Wish I could this review ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ This podcast is a must-listen for software developers. With a perfect mix of insightful discussions and practical tips, I've learned a wide variety of topics that I wouldn't have otherwise. Their lively banter and genuine enthusiasm for tech discussions make each episode both engaging and informative. Highly recommended!
  • MikeW717
    Obsidian Rocks
    Awesome tips and video on Obsidian.
  • ineverwritereviews1337
    Great podcast
    I don’t listen to many podcasts but when I do I enjoy listening to coding blocks. The hosts have great discussions and it’s always fun, light-hearted and informative.
  • The baze girl❤️
    So bad I want to….🤮
  • ajswizzle
    Just like chillin with the boys
    I learn something EVERY time I listen to this podcast and usually laugh at least once. So all in all it’s a yes for me dawg.
  • Aan012
    Just great
    Awesome show with great content. Have learnt a lot over the years listening to this and look forward to new episodes. Keep up the good work guys.
  • justsomedudewritingareview
    Can’t get enough!
    I’ve been a listener for the past 4 years, since I began programming. I’ve listened to nearly every episode since then and went back for some of the older stuff. Thanks for putting the many hours of hard work into this fellas!
  • TUXCoon
    Great Podcast
    The perfect amount of banter, topics, humor, and game shows! They avoid being vitriolic about any of the hot button dev debates, seeming to be well thought and even-keel. The guys seem like genuine friends too.
  • myotherproglangisjava
    TIL 5 star rating is preferred (thanks Joe!)
    Happy belated 10th anniversary! Have been a fan of the show for a while now. Enjoying the mix of educational content and silliness.
  • Debug Dugg
    Learning made fun.
    These three dive into some heavy technical topics, but there lighthearted somewhat goofy style makes it an absolute joy to listen to. I’ve learned so much from them over the years. I started listening several years back when I decided to change careers and get out of food service. I owe a large portion of my success in my new career to Codingblocks. So thank you.
  • Bill B101
    Great angle on technology
    We all know keeping up with technology in order to remain a competent software engineer is more than a full time job. The discussions in this podcast have the right amount of depth, and insight into the world of software engineering. Love the format, and the frequency of when this podcast. Keep up the great work!
  • JoeRecursionjoe
    Can becoming a better programmer be fun?
    Allen, Michael and Joe have found a way to not only have a fun and entertaining show, but teach you something along the way. They dive into many different topics and books. I was a self taught, programmer who had many bad practices. Since I've been listening to Coding Blocks for over 7 years, I feel I have received the equivalent to a CS degree.
  • nononeveragain
    Great Show!
    I only wrote this to stop the begging :-), seriously I love the depth that they go into when discussing topics and the way the discussion flows. I look forward to each new episode.
  • Lanjunnn
    Informational and fun!
    I love listening to your podcast and leaning from it.
  • Mrfirley
    Great Development Podcast
    I left my first review roughly 8 years ago. You guys are still my favorite podcast for development. I often find myself talking back as if they are friends in the room. Keep the great episodes going.
  • michael_mancuso
    One is the best dev podcasts
    Love the deep dives into a variety of topics, esp the Uncle Bob’s Clean Coder book discussion. Always practical discussions and a lot of great take-aways Thanks for all the effort you put into these podcasts
  • rioredwards
    One of my all time favorites!
    I started learning to code about a year ago and this podcast has been incredibly useful for me during that process. The hosts cover a broad range of different topics within the world of Programming, from technical, nitty gritty topics like Data Structures
  • PowerHungryPygmy
    A great podcast with a great community!
    tl;dr Subscribe. Just do it. And get on their Slack channel. You'll thank yourself. ************************************* Been listening for a few years now, and it just gets better. This podcast has been a great resource for learning about all kinds of dev-related stuff. The hosts are continuously adding to their own knowledge and skills and bringing us along for the ride. And they make it a lot of fun! They also have an awesome Slack community that is probably the only truly non-toxic dev forum out there. Not only that, the hosts are approachable and genuinely interested in connecting with their listeners. Wish I could give it 10 stars. It's that good. P.S. I was recently re-listening to one of the older episodes (#161) on Designing Data Intensive Applications, and Outlaw does this hilarious "melt-down voice" during the tip of the week. We need to hear it again, Michael. Someone else kept yawning during the show, and I found myself yawning, too. It wasn't because I was getting sleepy from sitting still and listening to people talk, because I was running on the treadmill at the time. Yawns are apparently so contagious they can be transmitted through a 2+-year-old podcast episode. Who knew?! P.P.S. I agree with the other listeners: the late-night DJ voices from that same timeframe need to be brought back. In fact, you should test it out and see whether it makes a difference on number of reviews for the show 😁
  • BarnabusNutslap
    Fantastic show
    I started listening to this podcast while I was at a very stagnant job that was not developing my skills as a software engineer. Freshly graduated with a comp sci degree, I was in a “data engineering” position that was anything but software development. The company/my team followed really bad practices, didn’t prioritize individual career growth, and stifled innovation. I wrote miserable SQL scripts all day long, which I hardly consider programming. Worried my skills would atrophy, I started listening to this podcast. It felt like a lifeline in that I could learn about trends & new tech in the coding industry, while deepening my knowledge of what I already knew. It really made a difference. It lifted my spirits when I felt I wasn’t learning anything at my job. I am particularly fond of their microservices episode — once i moved to a different company into a real software eng position, I was put on a team that works with microservices. I had already listened to the microservices episode months prior, before I was even searching for a different job. Amazingly, i found everything i learned from the episode was very applicable and helped me transition onto my new team. I have been with this new job for 7 months now, and I still listen to this podcast every week to continue learning.
  • Abdullah Nafees
    One of the most useful podcasts in software engineering
    I recently discovered the show and was struck by guilt because I found it too late. Even then, as I have recently moved from management to engineering, I am constantly listening to the show whenever possible I.e, driving, programming and even at home. Also, I am from South Asia so we don’t have similar content geared towards our local tech industry so it’s super useful in terms of gaining knowledge on best practices and other supporting resources such as development books, etc. Keep up the good work and thank you for doing this.
  • MalTheWarlock
    Great substitute for office tech conversations
    I love work from home, but was looking for ways to continue to be exposed to new technologies and ideas in the SWE space. Outlaw, Allen, and Joe have engaging banter, great enthusiasm, and approach topics in ways that are valuable for new and experienced devs. Highly recommend the series where they go through books like Designing Data Intensive Applications, Clean Code, etc. Must listen for anyone from interns to devs, to tech managers.
  • Dom Bell 30
    Informative and entertaining
    Current comp sci student here and had to leave a 5 star review. Ive learned a lot from this podcast and gotten a lot of laughs as well. I kinda miss the late night dj voices though 😂
  • JackUnver
    Coding Blocks Rocks!
    These gents talk through current and real life software engineering issues and literature in a friendly conversational style and bring you along for the ride. It feels like you are having lunch with three senior colleagues. All of the content is accessible, when giving opinions they back them up and they have built a great community around them. I have been listening for years and will continue as long as they have something to share.
  • Cuttin Corner Barbershop
    Great job
    Enjoy these guys as a new developer it’s very helpful to all things dev. Terms, tools , Dad jokes and insight from decades of knowledge.👏🏽✊🏽
  • Jla115
    Great Podcast
    They have recently made it to 200 episodes and I think I have listened to most of them. This is a great podcast. They talk about a ton of relevant information for developers from all languages not just .net. They keep things light and you can tell they are friends in real life, which makes the podcasts even more entertaining. I definitely recommend subscribing and making this a must listen in your podcast rotation.
  • Billlhead
    Fun and entertaining
    I love how the hosts are down to earth and you sometimes feel that you are learning with them, such as with their Git from the Bottom Up series. They aren't just reviewing and reporting on a book, but also testing what they learn during the show and seeing what they can break. I've picked up a lot from their Tip of the Weeks, stolen their Dad Jokes, and all they ask for is a three star review! EDIT: I've been contacted by the Apple family and told that they upgraded by review and added an addition two stars! Thanks, Coding Blocks! Thank you for the Dad Jokes that I've stolen
  • CourageousPotato
    Thanks Coding Blocks!
    Coding Blocks has been the perfect supplement for software design, software planning, tooltips, and market awareness for me for many years now. I started listening when I was an undergraduate Aerospace Engineering student who had just joined a large ongoing research team doing space simulation software. I hadn’t taken a computer science class at uni, so I needed guidance. Coding Blocks introduced me to a huge variety of foundational principles in software design, and contributed in no small part to me rising to lead software engineer of that group & now spun-off business. Thanks Joe, Allen, and Michael!
  • nickname222Apple<3
    Entertaining and Educational
    Do the hosts know what they're talking about? Sometimes I am confident they do. Sometimes I feel like we're learning at the same time. I submitted this as a 4 star review and they upgraded it to 5 stars. No charge. Thank you for the time you put into producing this show. I appreciate the various segments and diving deep in topics to help developers like me make sense of the tools and processes out in the wild. Also, really appreciate the links and full show notes on each episode.
  • Ryan Barger
    A Two Hour Dev Water Cooler Session
    As a solo developer one thing I miss is talking shop with fellow developers. These guys solve that for me. The topics are diverse. The opinions sometimes diverge. The perspectives are always fresh. I learn so much from each podcast session. When I commute somewhere, it feels like time well spent tuning in to Coding Blocks.
  • sysadmike702
    Just started
    Been great after a few episodes! Really great perspective’s
  • Marco Fernandooo
    There’s 0 1 stars for a reason (that’s binary for “hi”). Yeah they teach you git so be ready to learn but also grab a beer.
  • DisturbedMime
    Great show! Subscribe now!
    Hilarious, entertaining, and on the rare occasion, even informative. The current series on Google and Site Reriabelity Enjunering (SRE) is fantastic. Joe, Allen, and Michael add insightful perspective on each of the topics, filtered through the lens of their own professional experience. This distillation aids in understanding the ideas of SRE as they relate to the one or two companies (or your own career) that may have smaller scale than Google, all the while keeping you engaged and asking for more (much like a Costco cake). You won’t be disappointed. p.s. I hope they make me a guest host or I’ll update this to a 1-star review. Then they’ll see how averages are much more powerful than percentiles… ;-)
  • fizzybuzzybeezy
    Very good and funny code podcast
    I look forward to this podcast each week just to catch up on the news and here some dad jokes and programmer statistics. Very funny crew.
  • Mnmbrane
    I’m binging on your podcast recently
    I’ve been an on and off listener since your “I is for Interface” episode. I was but an entry level developer when I started listening and wasn’t particularly keen on the literature just yet, so I didn’t understand half of what you guys were saying. But now that I’ve been in the software industry for 5 years, I find myself going back to your past episodes and finally understanding and appreciating the bit of knowledge you guys impart within each episode. Keep up the good work, I’ve learned and still am learning a lot from you guys, while at the same time reinforcing good software practices from your episodes. Thanks again!
  • ASobering
    Such a wealth of knowledge! 🧠
    This is one of the most insightful podcasts that I have ever come across! Allen, Michael, and Joe do such a great job of sharing their industry wisdom and I learn something new every time I tune in. Highly recommend checking this show out - you won’t be disappointed!
  • Lospas
    Really Great Concept For A Podcast
    I’ve been looking for a podcast that reads classic/relevant programming books and then gives their hot takes or brings up examples from their career. This is the closest I could find. I’ve only listened to a few episodes and I would say it’s about 60% material discussion and 40% talking shop. For me, this is the perfect ratio. I work remote so I don’t get time to just talk with my coworkers most of the time. Having this on in the background makes me feel like standing around the water station again. If you really want to get something with 100% analysis and no fun, just read the book or find a free course somewhere. My one wish is that they’d put time stamps for material discussion in their show notes. I find myself skipping around an episode when I can’t find the relevant discussion point.
  • Mannc
    Shammed into this review
    Ok I am sorry! I thought it was obvious that these guys are the best podcast on the internet without me having to write this review. When they announced on the latest episode that they didn’t get any new reviews, I felt crushed. The best podcast out there and no new reviews. So here it is. A new review stating the obvious! These guys are the best!!
  • Ballsack1234556677888999900000
    Lots of great insights and fun
    Highly educational: Learn about best coding practices and patterns, CI/CD pipelines, DevOps, SRE, source control and numerous other topics relevant to software developers. And, loads of fun. And it has to be “sock sock shoe shoe”! What else can it be :-)
  • DOM3ag3
    Fun and Informative Show
    These guys have some great chemistry which makes the show great to listen to. They go over current trends and topics in the software engineering world! Give them a listen! PS I am currently listening to episode where the Dad joke was: What language do Spanish programmers write in? I think another acceptable answer would be Lisp (the “th” instead of “s”). Anyways, have a good day!
  • Franklin MacDunnaduex
    An incredible resource!
    I am but a baby programmer, but I have learned so much just listening. They go over so much more than coding. I’m listening alllllll the way back from the beginning!
  • Chuck Rugged
    High production quality coding shop talk
    Going through a zero-experience-to-employable-web-developer boot camp and listening to this podcast has turned my imposter syndrome into an impostor super power. I’ve had a great time searching past episodes for my current hurdles and getting a broader understanding of what I can be implementing in my code and why. Thanks, guys!
  • YouCanSayThisNickname
    Best podcast on programming- period.
    Love these guys, been listening for probably 2 years now. They always make me smile and I always learn something.
  • totalwhine
    Fun, informative show!
    I listen on my commute back from work. For me this show operates in that space where I can kind of shut brain off and follow/laugh along while also paying enough attention to pick up new, helpful perspectives on things. Thanks y’all, Cheers from Baltimore
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