Intelligence Squared


Intelligence Squared is the home of lively debate and deep-dive discussion. Follow Intelligence Squared wherever you get your podcasts and enjoy four regular episodes per week taking you to the heart of the issues that matter in the company of the world’s great minds. We’d love to hear your feedback and what you think we should talk about next, who we should have on and what our future debates should be. Send us an email or voice note with your thoughts to or Tweet us @intelligence2. And if you’d like to support our mission to foster honest debate and compelling conversations, as well as ad-free podcasts, exclusive bonus content, early access and much more, become a supporter of Intelligence Squared today. Just visit to find out more. 

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  • damn__tam
    Misogyny and MA women ep. 1
    I’m surprised and initially disappointed by the discussion on “Karens” and the assumption that a hag can obviously be herself because it seems so out of touch and dismissive of intersectional feminism.
  • Norwich42
    Adam Grant
    Too bad about the Part II segment. Would that be "hubris?"
  • Joshua Xi
    This episode will make you feel dumber
    Mind-numbingly dumb.
  • redtail-hawk
    Not cutting edge
    I listened to Food for Thought. It was steeped in scientism. Old data. Nothing new. There is so much going on in nutrition and none of it was here.
  • almennur
    Product scattering
    The feed is not as tight as it used to be. There were debates. Now they are paywalled and very infrequent. There were book discussions with authors (I know some of the past reviewers were tepid about them but they provided interesting perspectives, even if unbalanced). Now they are none. What replaced them are teasers of other shows that the team tries to spin out, branded content that is just insidious commercials, and repeats of old episodes, some of which could have value only for chroniclers of public opinion. Doing one thing well would convert me into a subscriber. Doing many things inadequately will force me to stop listening all together.
  • Andante'
    Bach vs Beethoven was very good
  • kristi history
    This used to be more rigorous. Now you’ve got patently uninformed, unqualified and uneducated debaters making ridiculous arguments. Anything that gives credence to the Ibrahim Kandis of this world loses all credibility. This is the guy who seriously laid out his belief white people were from another planet among other stupid thoughts.
  • Ugh111
    Use to be Good
    Listened yrs ago, recently went back, definitely biased & no real debate of ideas/thoughts
  • Geoplanter
    Pre-Brexit debate
    We now know, through hindsight, that the Brexit decision was a bad one and the British people were sold a bill of goods. The UK has or will soon have the slowest growing economy of all industrialized nations….including Russia!!! As the British economy shrinks, so does its power and influence. Johnson, Farage, and the other con artists that were more concerned about gaining power through demagoguery than in improving life for their citizens should be called to account!
  • Bbl78
    Such a treasure!
    I don’t recall how I found intelligence squared debates but probably because I was listening to political podcasts quite a bit during 2020. I would much rather spend 45 min listening to these debate teams go back and forth with argument and counter than watch a sports game for 45 min, and that’s saying something! This is quality and it helps me understand different viewpoints.
  • happy_sad123
    Now we have to subscribe?
    In the greatest monarch episode, the result of the debate was edited out of the free episode. So one now must subscribe to hear the result of the debate?
  • James Tripoli
    Please stop giving attention to Ibram Kendi and his bigoted and childishly simplistic ideas about solving racial disparities.
  • LisaIsHereForIt
    A favorite in my feed! 🙌
    No matter the subject, you’re guaranteed to gain something from every episode - can’t recommend Intelligence Squared enough!
  • 1No nickname is available8
    Pandora Papers Mislabeled
    Not much information on the contents of the leaked documents but a heavy, far left diatribe on the ills of the world. More a ideologue’s rage against the rich and especially the Republican Party in the US. It’s a real turn off. Disappointed in the show for an ever increasing diet of social commentary. Fair and balanced, not to mention titles that reflect the content, is dead.
  • HareYoh
    On mass migration episode
    Global climate change is the challenge of the century. On top of all the seemingly countless societal and ethical struggles us humans find ourselves in today, we must remember the ticking time bomb that is slowly advancing. Global climate change is the subtext of our century. It frames and intersects with each and every societal problem we now face
  • KagsAM
    Episode: is meritocracy a myth
    I listened to this episode with a lot of interest. And what it revealed more than anything, is what was mentioned in another episode on race. The miseducation of the typical British person. Specifically, white male. The ignorance was astounding. In discussing meritocracy, this guy did not once, not once, mention the role that race and gender have played in making meritocracy a joke. His entire view is white male privileged and he cannot conceive of a world beyond that. So it’s all erased by him. Shallow and very disappointing. I expected better of Intelligence2.
  • 55WillBG
    Compelling, deep, thorough, intelligent
    Always an informative and insightful listen
  • AeroVox
    No longer a debate forum, which is a loss...
    Formerly (not too long ago in fact) this was a very high-quality debate forum. Sadly, it is now the equivalent of every other sound-stage for broadcasting unilateral viewpoints, loaded with jargon and newspeak.
  • Hunter The Heretic
    No discussion
    First thing I saw was the show claiming to allow different points of view, then the first episode I saw was them saying “trump was right to be censored” I mean, it was just a statement. Not “here is why some think it was justified and others don’t” it was just an opinion that was stated and not argued. Misleading, slanted, and just another “I don’t like my political opponents opinions” podcast. Just pathetic...
  • wifemomnurse77
    Miss RN
    Very biased debate. More of an op ed rather than discussion of varying points of view. Don’t recommend if you’re looking for a breakdown of current issues.
  • RosieShea
    This show does well to represent both sides. Many reviews that say otherwise, are crazed trump cultists that either are incapable or refuse to acknowledge FACTS. They act out, and point fingers. Always projecting, throwing shamefully embarrassing tantrums of entitlement if you refuse to feed into their insane conspiracies and “alternative facts”. Keep up the great work on the show and just ignore the trumpists. You are doing a fantastic job!
  • Dirtaustin
    Political Slant
    In the past few months this podcast has gone from fair and informative to very slanted politically. Sad.
  • Shadwell von Bernstein
    Gross negligence on sound quality
    The first episode I tried was unlistenable as the host mic level was ten times louder than that of the guest and included clipping and distortion. Beyond annoying. Sound recording and mixing 101 is... levels!
  • Reed Cal
    An intellectual conversation about outrage devolved quickly into a highly ignorant conversation on basic economics.
  • REPay1
    A Guardianista Podcast
    This used to be a great podcast with diverse views. Now it is essentially a platform for left wing social science and politics. The BBC-Schooled interviewer never challenges anything she is told...
  • GlennWatson
    Less debate and more one sided discussion
    Recently Intelligence2 has moved from a debate format with two sides respectfully debating, to a discussion format where the participants share the same point of view. It’s too bad.
  • Bzxy123
    Extremely biased lefty SJW attitude to support their arguments.
  • Edwood D. Wood III
    CNN globalist liberal parrot
    If you crave more liberal, mainstream new world order drivel, just watch CNN. At least then you have sound and vision.
  • Bryant19197
    On a downhill slope...
    Used to enjoy the debates with views from all sides but lately, it’s become more and more one sided with extremely leftist views mascaraing as balanced. The latest episode in particular had several speakers, mostly from Europe, criticizing the American response to the Covid pandemic and stating blatantly false information as if they had no idea how our government actually functions at a national vs state vs local level. I’ll give it a few more episodes but if this keeps up, there are plenty of more balanced podcasts out there
  • Food guy22
    Very good
    I enjoy the podcast thoroughly
  • #puppypundit
    Not “Squared” in any way
    I came to this podcasts after it was referenced on another show. My understanding was that it provided moderated debates where different sides of issues would be given a fair hearing. I have listened to a couple of podcasts that were just that, but more often than not it is a typical one sided talking head show in which the “moderator” or host has on a guest with which they wholly or substantially agree. Presumably, this is because the opposing view is not “intelligent” enough to bother hearing. Reading some of the reviews here reveals why this happens. If you have a guest on that challenges an accepted orthodoxy you will be vilified for “empowering evil” or some equally banal crap. If you really just want to preach to you own choir, stop masquerading as a debate forum.
  • zach mixon
    Stick to debates
    I feel at times the host push there own agenda on the audience. When they do interviews they give the presenter soft ball questions and do not challenge the positions. They should take an example from the US version.
  • mayor of mar vista
    Hello from Los Angeles!
    Just wanted to say that I love the show and your new thumbnail! Thank you for all that your team does.
  • Freedshmeef
    Comprehensive and Engaging
    This podcast covers a broad variety of topics, and engages in thoughtful and well-researched debates. I am often pleasantly surprised by the arguments from sides I disagree with. To understand the counter arguments of an opposing opinion can only strengthen your ability to defend your own. This pod is straight up educational. Highly recommend
  • Gnome chopper
    Madness of Crowds
    I enjoyed the interview of Douglas Murray by Anne Mackelvoy. Not because of her interviewing ability but because she is so dumb. She asked inane questions which I assumed Intelligence Squared would be above. Douglas might as well have gone on Oprah! Maybe change the name of your podcast to sometimes intelligence squared if we don’t have a retarded host.
  • 铿兑有
    Used to be good
    The show used to be very thoughtful and mind-opening, but recently this has changed.
  • Verovoice
    Should you love your enemies episode
    Pablum Drivel Way to empower those with evil beliefs and actions.
  • youzer boom
    Helen Lewis ruins the show
    Helen Lewis struggles with her own preconceptions and is unable to escape her world view when interacting with her guest.
  • Mikalmmd
    One of the best!
    I have a handful of podcasts I listen to religiously, and this is one of them. Sometimes they are in discussion format which I would dock maybe a half star for befcause they are not nearly as compelling as the debates, but even some of those have been gems, like the interview of Mariana Mazzucato. The debates are almost ALWAYS interesting, informative and stimulating of thought and further discussion. Commercials are kept to a minimum.
  • a non y-mous
    No podcast I would recommend more
    Especially in the day and age. The moderator is sharp and always on point
  • peacefulgal
    The free speech battle podcast
    I’ve never been so indignant as I was listening to the truly clueless young lady( she called herself snowflake) talk about the emotional stressors of University and racism sexism, and whatever else she sees. I wish she could to speak to the real hero’s and heroines that broke the barriers in the 50-70s. They withstood extreme injuries both psychological and physical so that now people like her can whine about the minor inequalities of life. I personally have been exposed to genuine unfairness in school while growing up. The way to succeed is not to whine, but rather become an expert at your craft so that no one can ignore you. Thank you Jackie Robinson, Ghandi, MLK, Rosa parks, and all the others that endured true stressors and overcame.
  • chasmanj
    Rational Discussions
    Panel of different sides of a topic that discuss their different points of view while maintaining a civil environment. There’s an audience that poses questions to challenge the panel members points. Very thought provoking, and worth your time.
  • PhotoDruggie
    Worth downloading.
    Very insightful. Engaging. And worth listening to.
  • JasonSpeaking
    I listen every week (mostly)
    The interviews and debates are almost always insightful and fascinating, but I question giving any ear time to Anthony Scaramucci. He is the square root of intelligence, spouting nothing but empty talking points and gas lighting the interviewer. I enjoy hearing a conservative point of view, but not one devoid of any true thought. I listened to the first five minutes and, when it became clear he was providing nothing new or of substance, deleted it.
  • GryphonDreaming
    Endlessly Fascinating
    With a simply enormous range of topics, this is a show that never fails to engage my interest. The experts are knowledgeable and the moderators always bring out their best. As an American, it is especially interesting to gain outside perspective on the current events in my country. Yet, as an avid anglophile, the topics specific to Great Britain hold a great deal of interest as well. Erudition for all - a worthy listen.
  • HailsKenks
    Civility Squared
    The podcast could be titled civility squared. If you have an open mind and want to be exposed to both sides of critical issues this is the podcast for you.
  • joshwatter
    Awesome “intelligent“ debate
    Amazing to always hear two sides to the story with intense but civil debate
  • el_PGH
    Interesting debates and topics
    They do a great job selecting very knowledgeable speakers with different opinions, and do a great job keeping the debate moving. Enjoyable debates!
    A very disappointing program. The interviewer was clearly more interested in presenting her biases than in hearing Jordan Peterson. She interrupted and questioned his responses constantly. Mr. Peterson showed the restraint of a saint. I was impressed by his civility. If this is typical of Intelligence2, it should be renamed, unless it refers to the use of intelligence to support personal biases in the face of reason.
  • Kjve9876
    Wow stupid 2 maybe a better title
    I find it usually difficult to write a negative review of a podcast because podcasts tend to be more authentic. This one however is the opposite, listening to the Jordan Peterson interview made it clear intelligence is not the correct name for this podcast. It was like listening to the Cathy Newman interview all over again. These people are clearly believers in identity politics, collectivism and intersectionality. They’re goal is to vilify Peterson because they can’t rationalize the truth with their belief system. I found it frustrating, sad and pitiful. Clearly these people are unable or unwilling to take facts into consideration when they contradict their beliefs. This is one of those media sources that should not be trusted without a lot of research on whatever information they provide.
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