Internet Box


Michael, Mike, Barbara, Ray, Andrew, Dylon, Lindsay, and Kerry from the Achievement Hunter community talk about various subjects.

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Recent Reviews
  • Tonyrigatonie
    Comfort podcast. Still a banger in 2024
  • Kinglild
    Incredible | 2021 EDIT: I MISSED IT
    OG Review below, but I miss this podcast. Somehow I missed the 2016 episodes! IB’s almost a decade old, time flies! Still one of the best podcasts ever all these years later, it’s a piece of internet history and my childhood. Love y’all even after the 2019 troll. If they ever put out another episode I’ll probably cry. If you're looking for the Drunk Tank, this isn't it so don't complain. It's a more relaxed podcast, and they're willing to talk about anything, which in my opinion makes it much funnier. Don't complain about spoilers, they give warnings, and if you don't like it don't listen. Finally, everyone on the podcast is a valuable member, and the podcast wouldn't be the same without everyone.
  • Austinsauce65
    Best podcast out there
    Still good after listening for the 4th time!
  • S1d1799
    Internet Box
    Will probably listen to the old episodes for the rest of my life in all seriousness.
  • ZosoZZeppelin
    FJ Spice Rat
    Listen to Face Jam
  • internet666
    It was good
    Off Topic/Face Jam can never fill this hole they left. Btw, listen to Face Jam
  • Randy3T
    The People miss you
  • devbot42
    you just got faced
    get faced nerd
  • DoctorLethario
    I continue to go back and listen to old episodes. For some reason I haven’t gotten my fill of this god forsaken podcast. Still my favorite out of all that I’ve listened to.
  • alphapants
    the box
    I like the part with the box.
    April 1st 2019
    They got me. Now I’m salty lol
  • 33 1/3lp
    Still listening to everypony on the IB in 2018!!
  • mmaarrsshhaalllllllll
  • the black spoon
    The white knife
    Mike your dumb
  • zach uthman
    God this is art
    This is so late and no one will see this but this podcast just symbolizes how awesome working with your friends can be and then there’s dylon and mike but love them too
  • A Dolphin Hither
    I’m a bit late but
    I Listen to the Podcast EH-VUH -REE day but I get so mad when they say It is quanza in 2000 and a single digit and I want to uppercunt my own dickhole. I just want to be early and Jewish so that my dickhole can be as tantalizing as possible for fleshlight penetration (especially of the aquatic mammalian girthy kind) and fill me up with so many eggs. You guys are like accidentally tripping into a grave and finding a superhot dead model. You get sad but you make do. P.S Can you guys do a reunion podcast with Patricia ( or just get Patricia on her own?) I love you all *blinks*
    Fun & irrevant
    Fun conversionational podcast that takes crazy turns and is based entirely on the appeal of the hosts, many of whom are members of Rooster Teeth. If you like the hosts, you'll love the topics, which range from video games to 'personal' issues. Lots of fun from beginning to end.
  • AngryWoodsman
    It makes me sad to see this podcast go. I've been here since the first moments of this podcast. I may have never sent a question, or contributed to it, but I listened. Laughing, getting angry at Mike, gasping at Andy 2.0.... And now it's over. I'll continue to listen to this legacy. Over and over till the end of my days. Love you internet box. Love you.
  • P00pie butt
    Chaos in the Windy City
    This podcast brought the ruckus.
  • Lord Cantido
    Cockbite and a half
    Dear Box of Internet, You have dear to me, over the years. but the time has finally come. Prepare thine CRYSTALINE STRUCTURES OF YOUR CARDBOARD FOR THE FUTRASHY HAS COME. Entertainment abound. Mysticism, incomplete. You are the box that holds desire, in the most complexe amalgamation of interesting synergy that I have ever seen. The voices, the ring out like bells in younder graveyard amoungst the dead. No but seriously, this is an amazing podcast, despite never really updating that frequenetly. Just a bunh of peoples talking about life, like a good podcaster do. Thank you for all the laughs. Not for the feint of heart.
  • king GGG
    The worst podcast ever
    This is the worst kind of podcast for people. I have ever episode for long drives I cants get enough
  • Yepx
    Well Played, Good Sirs
    I took a chance on a podcast I never heard of before because I burn through cats quickly while gaming. I am happy to say, your podcast was very enjoyable. Keep up the good work!
  • Bwach2
    Love it
    Disgusting Filth
    Nah we have fun
  • Gnarly Lasagna
    Wuhh-BAM!! Wuhh-BAM!!
    This podcast will make you touch yourself
  • Bill the bong master
    It was ok
    3 star
  • Thrashcock
    Best podcast ever
    Listened to it all the way through like 5 times by now. Constantly listening to the old ones when nothing else is going on
  • Jeffery Jiggle
    I can’t believe the Internet Box is back! I don’t know why, and I can clearly see it’s not weekly, but I’m ready for the chaos. Other podcasts should’t even try to match the IB crew.
  • MetallicaNLC
    Great podcast
    Just found out about this old podcast and I can't believe how much I missed out on. It's refreshing to hear them talk about stuff that happened in 2011-2013. Waiting for that next episode for season 2 though, they haven't changed much.
  • Imdill3
  • sleekneek76
    But where it at doe
  • Andy_Reset
    The red one
    The red one is a complete ahole
  • MightyKae
    The best podcast ever I learned so much about life.
  • FunTimeFapper
    The truth
    Grilllllllled cheese.
  • MLP Walker
    Best podcast
    10/10 would listen to again and you can bet on it aahhhhhyeh
  • WhereHaveIBenAllMyLife
    My ear holes.
    This podcast is a godsend to my ear holes.
  • Knightmare OO7
    The penultimate podcast
    The recipe of IB: take one part Rooster Teeth and add a splash (or more like a kersploosh) of raunchiness to create the second best podcast you'll find. These guys go beyond your typical geek fandom and dive deep into internet humor. They form an excellent combination of silly antics and great stories (similar to the Drunk Tank/RT Podcast). Episodes 4 (Pokemon vs. Digimon) and 37 (Gay Dumbledore) not only stand out as the best in the series, but some of the funniest stuff you'll find on the internet today.
  • Spicywas
    Don't bother
  • anniobo
    My favorite
    This podcast is hilarious
  • davidmlay
    Just bad. Really bad.
    Terrible production. Not interesting. Weird. Nothing to like at all.
  • Brandon The Badger
    This is the best podcast ever. If you disagree you're probably a shoobie and an NGF that doesn't understand just how much chaos is in the windy city. WARNING: Do not listen if allergic to bees.
  • MasterKeg
    This podcast is awsome! It would be better if there was 100% less Mike in it.
  • BrutalKhaos505
    Can't get enough!!!
    Love that they are back even if it's just for 3 episodes...never forget
  • kristaynaa
    Episode X
    This is my favorite podcast and it never fails to make me laugh. Glad you guys are back.
  • AndrewJPowers
    Get Ready for Episodes X, X II, and X III
    Amazing Podcast. Also, at RTX2014, Michael and Andrew announced episodes X, double X, and triple X. Get your anuses ready.
  • Dkarting
    Bet on it
    Bet on it
  • Da_Trees
    R.I.P old friend. I hope you had the time of you life
  • ED,EDD, n EDDY
    This podcasts saved my life
    I used to sit in my room and think about how much of a freak I am. Now that I've heard the stories of one Andrew Blanchard I realize that I am normal compared to him
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