The Science of Everything Podcast


I discuss a variety of topics in both the natural and social sciences, exploring the many fascinating insights that the scientific method yields about the world around us.

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Recent Reviews
  • hbcdhbcfjv
    Good podcast
    Good podcast Yes mhm yes
  • hg🐈‍⬛
    James Fodor- today’s teacher of Science
    Inspired!!! The Science of Everything by James Fodor. He’s the One!! His place on earth is teaching science to the rest of us. Very well educated and informed up to date explanations of scientific concepts and theories. Topics vary from earth, physics, biology and anatomy and to other scientific realms. There is so much to learn about all the science behind how things work and James is a reliable, invested entertaining source. What I like best about listening to the podcasts is that I’m actually learning and thinking about concepts I once believed to be over my head!! It’s motivating to continue listening to because I want to be a part of this thinking about science! James Fodor makes it fun and interesting to learn about science through his energetic happy voice. Thank you JF for the work you do and for making science learning accessible! You rock!
  • drewgrubba
    Well-written & interesting!
    These podcasts are excellent, I’ve listened to almost all of them. Absolutely fantastic stuff!
  • Jdw alaska
    Great informative podcast. Well done😊
  • Jonah eight
    …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..Best podcast in the history of the whole entire world
    don’t lisin to enybody who doesn’t have five stars (although i can understand why)
  • Trinitite1
    Great Science Podcast
    I love how in depth he goes into each topic. I particularly like his physics episodes.
  • Ammi13
    Awesome show!
    This is my go to podcast right now, trying to make it through in order. He is such a great host! You can tell how much work goes into these and it is awesome to learn so much every episode. I recommend these to everyone I know.
  • nemley
    Very impressive and unpretentious
    This guy does a huge amount of research and delivers that in a digestible hour of listening. Great work!!
  • Cpt Retardo.
    Amazing podcast!!!!
    Thank you so much for this!!! I’ve learned so much!!! Please continue to share your knowledge!!!
  • hahahahahqiwnm
    Amazing Podcast
    Amazing podcast, super interesting and informative
  • TeamNDS
    Best podcast I’ve found
    If you love science and learning about the world around you, this is the podcast for you. He is really smart and does a good job of explaining a wide range of interesting things, from chemistry to emotions. I specifically love listening to his podcasts while going on walks or bike rides, and tend pick out the chemistry ones as those fascinate me. If you are a student learning any of the concepts he is teaching, I highly recommend listening to the podcast of that topic as it is a good review and sometimes even gets more in-depth than what you learn (but if you are interested in science, which is probably why you chose to listen to a science podcast, that is a good thing!)
  • macnsak
    Good overview of many subjects
    A little bit of everything
  • QuantumComputerEngineerMom
    Love the podcast
    Amazing!!!! Favorite science podcast I’ve found!!
  • cfonke
    Awesome Job
    Really enjoy the content and structure. James is an eloquent, matter of fact presenter. If I had to make a criticism, it would be he occasionally speaks quite quickly, but that's what the rewind button is for. Thanks for putting your time into this.
    I was totally looking forward to learning this THANKS
  • DarkPrime6
    It’s pretty cool bro👍🏼
  • Pastel-O
    A Curious Mind
    No stone left unturned. Information density is high, done in the tradition and spirit of academics from yesteryears who seemingly had an insatiable appetite for knowledge longing to understand it all. A most valiant public service. You can tell the creator really enjoys discussing all things science and does a mighty fine job of it.
  • Satisfied, mostly
    Understandable Science for the Non-scientist
    I’m a surgeon with some science background but am a layman with my knowledge about so many topics covered in these podcasts. For example, today I listened to the Quantum Mechanics discussion and he explained this spooky physics so well that I at least now know what it’s about…although like Einstein I find it had to fathom it’s real. I love listening to these podcasts when I go running. I’ve referred many friends to the Science of Everything because it is excellent and covers so many fascinating topics. It’s definitely 5 stars for me.
  • Robbie Browning
    Comprehensive, high-quality lectures for free.
    If you are a scientifically curious person at all, this show is for you. Don’t be surprised if you suddenly find yourself with a general understanding of complex topics like organic chemistry, quantum mechanics or electromagnetism. I specifically love how some episodes relate back to earlier podcast episodes for background knowledge. I’ve found myself listening to 5 or 6 podcast sequentially, just so that I am able to comprehend a topic. I really feel like establishing this listening order has helped me to really grasp how the topics are related. Furthermore, when related topics are discussed in a new episode, the repeated information helps to really solidify my understanding of the topic. James’ ability to breakdown scientific processes has helped me see the world differently. Give The Science of Everything Podcast a shot, and it might do the same for you.
  • MattHLGd
    Concise, educational, entertaining podcast
    I’ve listened to about 10 episodes from this podcast and I am a big fan! I really appreciate how James delves right into a subject without the frills of so many similar types of shows I’ve listened to before. The research he’s done for each episode is impressive but I also appreciate the free-flow of his speech. Keep making more!
  • bro657883
    Incredible and fascinating pod
    I listened to the series on how computers work, and I have to say this guy is incredible. The scope and detail of information is amazing and presented in an accessible manner. Very impressed with how much work must go into this. Great pod.
  • Proreason2022
    Best podcast on science !
    The explanation is so clear and concise that I am really understanding so many complex concepts finally! This is a must listen for all science afficianados!
  • MarcW20221
    My Favorite podcast
    Phenomenal explanations of complex concepts that get to the heart of the topic. Should be mandatory listening for every science lover!
  • la hermanas
    Fabulous 🎉
    Love 💕 Love 💕 Love 💕 this pod cast! Would like to know how to find like minded people that enjoy this material. I get sooo bored with the average person. Is there a group of followers somewhere?
  • MaddieMcPhen
    It keeps my boyfriend occupied and thats great for me
  • Enzo Stabile
    My absolute favorite podcast!!
    There is no place that explains complex esoteric concepts like this anywhere else. James is a wizard!! I’m a long time listener and this review is way late, but I love this podcast.
  • Pcs1019
    I am not sure how this guy knows so much, but I can tell you he does an amazing job explaining things.
  • bvtrif
    Best podcast
    I love the diversity of the content as well as the quality of the content. Thank you for all these great episodes
  • Odysseylab
    Confused about show notes
    I am loving the content, but where do I find the show notes? I have tried looking on the linked show website.
  • Chess Ammie
    Extremely Informative
    I was looking for an educational, science based podcast and was thrilled to stumble across The Science of Everything! I appreciate the level of explanation and details presented— I learn something new with each episode. The host’s tone is one of curiosity and warmth, like a conversation between friends. The episode on Depression and Serotonin has led to some great family conversations on mental wellness. The episode on Chemical Bonding was extremely helpful, as I am currently taking an introductory course on chemistry. It’s great to have an auditory supplement to all the reading I am doing! Thank you for making these podcasts!
  • Nova Brew
    Great Science Podcast
    Love it. I’m learning so much from this podcast. Thanks so much.
  • nnnoooolllaaaannn
    Thank you host
    Very cool, for anyone looking to develop a foundation in topics they know nothing about would highly recommend.
  • coreytannerrr
    I love this podcast.
    Sir James. You kill it. I haven’t found an episode I wasn’t interested in. He digs so deep into the subjects he talks about. If you wanna know about something, he probably already done an episode on it. Wonderful! I hope you get paid for this.
  • teacupnat
    Great podcast!!
    I love how detailed everything is explained, as someone who has no background understanding of physics this is an enjoyable way to listen and understand it. Love this podcast!!!!
  • K. Pomeroy
    Well explained
    Great teacher, well explained! He is very good at laying out information for your mind to organize and understand.
  • Moe Jaloney
    Great info!
    I love this podcast! Thanks, James, for putting out great info on great topics that we all should learn more about. My favorite science podcast so far, keep up the good work!
  • Tim Nurse
    Perhaps the best podcast out there
    I love the topics and the delivery
  • badgerdadger
    The ELI5 of Podcasts
    As someone who loves to learn, this podcast really hits the spot. The podcast breaks down some of today’s most complex topics into plain, easily-accessible content that anyone can enjoy.
  • pro dane
    love it. i’m a lay man. this is great.
  • MIflyer
    Just excellent!
    Amazing content!
  • nachbo
    I would like to thank James for the tremendous knowledge that I have gained from these podcasts in the most enjoyable form.
  • Iswingpings
    Smart and informative
    Always enjoyable and informative. I have an MD and so I sort of “speak the language” of many of the topics covered without, admittedly, having a great depth of knowledge of many of them. This podcast allows for an intellectually stimulating (hike still oddly relaxing) dive into subjects which one may then decide to explore further. Recommend.
  • acoldy
    Absolutely amazing
    Fundamental knowledge explained extremely well by James. He is a great teacher and nails every topic. Thank you so much!
  • Holden Caulfield718
    Great podcast!
    Absolutely one of my go to podcasts
  • Jia in RDU
    Great show!
    I was looking for a podcast that explains Quantum Mechanics. Your show did it for me. Then I was sucked into your other episodes too. A great show for learning science!
  • tigbc
    Excellent podcast
    A special person doing great service to humanity by propagating knowledge in clear and understandable narratives!
    Great podcast
    Great podcast, thoroughly detailed
  • FriedSalmon
    One of the best podcasts!
    He’s such a good narrator who is passionate about the topics! Without ads, it’s a great science podcast if you want to better understand the world around us.
  • georgejorgensen
    Great show
    You are incredibly good at explaining things, without using too much jargon but also not cutting any corners! Just listened to the 3 episodes about quantum mechanics, and they were top notch
  • act__53
    Thank you so much for explaining complicated topics so concisely. The topic of macromolecules was much easier to understand in the way you presented it than the way my professor explained it.
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