Things Unseen with Sinclair B. Ferguson


Many people today think that seeing is believing, but Christians know there is more to life than meets the eye. We must look beyond this momentary life to understand its eternal significance, walking by faith rather than by sight. Things Unseen with Sinclair B. Ferguson is a weekday devotional podcast featuring thoughtful reflections on the Christian life and our relationship with God. Each week follows a theme to guide you day by day in the pursuit of spiritual renewal. A podcast from Ligonier Ministries.

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Recent Reviews
  • Ladymcgyvr
    This is the second year in a row that I have listened to this pod cast . I look forward to it every Monday - Friday. How Sinclair Ferguson manages to get so much information in one podcast in six minutes or less is beyond my comprehension. I love it have sent it to many people is very enlightening and in depth.
  • Kyreserve
    No annoying music!
    Excellent short form podcast which focuses on the subject & not music which simply eats up time.
  • jmeek05
    Breath of fresh air
    -thank you for this podcast. So much wisdom in each episode. Thank you for not being afraid to contradict what the world is starting to accept. - suggestion added 12.14.23 I would love if the Bible references were used when you share scripture. I love to follow along and take notes. Even if you just put them in a list in the show notes I can have those ready to reference. Thanks again for this podcast. - update: Still love but I did realize today that it’s repeating each year. So now I’m hearing things I’ve already heard. Will you create new ones?
  • Dyrop
    Thank you.
    I listen every week night to your daily podcast. You have been my favorite speaker with Ligonier Ministries over the years. How wonderful to locate this daily broadcast! I so look forward to your voice speaking Biblical truths to us. You are a God send. Thank you and God bless you.
  • Linwall1
    So Encouraging
    I really enjoy this short podcast as a part of my morning routine. Ferguson gives a thoughtful and encouraging message every time.
  • Mandy 8:28
    Faithful Servant Leader
    Each workday morning I start my day with Pastor Ferguson. His gentle voice leads me to behold my Savior and Triune God with truth, thoughtfulness, often some humor, poignant insight, loving correction and always biblically accurate and Christ-focused. Thank you, kind sir. You are a treasure.
  • Mail for G good
    Well Thought Out
    Things Unseen is a pleasure to listen to. The points made are straight forward and great to reflect on. This Podcast is well thought out and extremely well narrated. Sinclair’s voice is very pleasant to listen to. I highly recommend as a daily.
  • Outlook Desktop User
    Absolutely the Best
    This is absolutely the best thing in audio today—and I love long-form podcasts. But this blows everything else out of the water. Truly in the spirit of the Puritans, Ferguson pulls so much meaning, depth, wisdom, and joy out of such seemingly small details or passages of scripture.
  • coicoy1
    Encouraging and Reflective
    Reflective and encouraging
  • EleanorR.
    This week’s podcasts highlighting the Trinity has been particularly insightful and encouraging. I am truly blessed and look forward to Dr Sinclair’s teaching each week day. He speaks as a father to us. Thank you.
  • caligirlHis
    Thankful to hear Sinclairs encouraging words. His calming voice helps my often troubled mind to calm and listen. Like a father I never had he speaks truth with such kindness. Blessings to this ministry and podcast
  • Dogsnbikes
    Balm to my heart & soul
    I’m so thankful for this podcast. I’ve been released from an abusive marriage in which my heart was crushed. I’ve always loved listening to Sinclair Ferguson’s sermons & his wisdom on the Scriptures. These podcasts bring to light insights & are delivered as a kindly & thoughtful conversation that calms my heart. I so appreciate them!!
  • Pelotonlady
    Thank you
    I love this podcast. It’s like a friend talking to you. The perfect way to start your day and keep your mind & heart focused on what truly matters… Jesus !
  • Ivy Jane
    A favorite
    I have loved this podcast from the very first day. Ferguson is like a special friend just talking with you about eternal things. Priceless. I really do wish the meditative music had not been added. I find it to be very distracting and disruptive of that special bond that has developed between the listeners and the kind friend who gently encourages and challenges us to keep our hearts tuned to Things Unseen.
  • im jus say'n
    That’s guod
    Today’s devotion was much needed. I’ve been stuck on the plot line for so long and it was guod to hear someone say it’s not as much the plot line as it is the reassurance. Thank you.💋⚔️🕊
  • BigDiez
    Always thought provoking
    These podcasts answer the call for us to “examine ourselves”. Rich with spiritual truth, wisdom and encouragement. Listen and be blessed!
  • Bella a2147
    Theologically Sound
    Scripturally based, encouraging , but most of all teaching how to live each day in a way that glorifies our Lord.
  • applewontletmereview
    Best 5 minutes of the day!
    The contemplative music, the Scottish accent, and the word of God help me to put on the mind of God each morning. Try it - you won’t be disappointed.
  • Delorian Drake
    Daily food for thought
    I thought it would be pleasant to hear a quick word of encouragement as I take a break throughout my day. Sinclair Ferguson has given me quite a bit to reflect upon in my own life. I especially appreciate hearing the thoughts of believers that have gone before and to gain their perspective on walking with God. Good stuff. Thank you!
  • At the kitchen table
    Things Unseen
    I don’t miss a day of this excellent and thoughtful conversation with Sinclair Ferguson. I term it a conversation because it seems that he’s at my kitchen table, or in an easy chair in my living room, sharing sound and profoundly relevant thoughts. Five stars don’t do it justice.
  • Asciguy
  • HufftyD
    Calming and Reflective
    I’m so sad to know this is ending as it’s been such a blessing. Dr. Ferguson is so calming to hear and his weekly themes are such a blessing.
  • Nesorneb
    Growing in the Things Unseen
    Sinclair Ferguson has been a light in the darkness & a lighthouse in the storm. Things Unseen guides towards & reminds of the way, life & truth of Jesus Christ making clear that Jesus is the only way to know, obey & submit to God the Father Sinclair teaches through the fullness of God's Word with both the Old & New Testament. Each devotional episode leads closer to the question of Jesus & answer of Peter in Matk 8:29 ”And he asked them, “But who do you say that I am?” Peter answered him, “You are the Christ.” (ESV‬‬) Thank you to Sinclair & Ligonier for the steadfast encouragement of Things Unseen.
  • LEWyatt
    My favorite morning routine
    I have been listening to this podcast since it first started last January. I listen to it every morning as I get ready. What a blessed 5-8 minutes! Every morning beautiful truths and promises from the scriptures are preached. This is my favorite morning routine! I cannot recommend it enough. Listen to it! Listen to it every day! And go back and listen to the ones you may have missed.
  • Jacob Langstaff
    Reflective Spiritual Guidance
    I am thankful for the work of Dr. Ferguson and Ligonier ministries. Perhaps this podcast’s greatest strengths are Dr. Ferguson’s humble, gracious tone, and his incisive questions which ask us to look deeply into ourselves and our walk with God, to examine ourselves in light of God’s word. It is a valuable addition to biblical study. If I could give one piece of constructive feedback: though every episode reflects biblical theology, Dr. Ferguson doesn’t always quote scripture directly. I would love to hear scripture quoted every time directly as a reminder of the foundation of the teaching. Thank you, Ligonier!
  • Danielle Dew
    Thank You
    Thank you for this podcast. I’ve listened to it in the mornings before going to work this year. I like how it is both concise and full of content. I also like how it follows a theme the whole week, giving the audience something to look forward to and knowledge to build upon each day. It’s also welcoming and warm, reminding me of Bible stories I heard when I was young. It’s been a blessing in my life this year. I’m glad it’s available.
  • covert comics
    Always so much unpack. Always challenging encouraging and Christ centered
  • dumbuck
    This is part of our morning devotional. I share these episodes more than any other podcast.
  • l.j.rock
    A great start to my day!
    I’ve only been listening a few weeks but I’m so encouraged by this podcast and I’ve learned from every single episode. I try to listen first thing in the morning and it really gets my mind set and focused for the rest of the day! 100% recommend.
  • Tucson Retiree Grandma
    Wisdom of the ages/aged
    Sinclair Ferguson isn’t the Holy Spirit, but God uses SF to comfort, discomfort, exposé foolishness, display wisdom and gently teach in bite sized pieces. His themes for the week, five days on a particular aspect of Christ, Faith, life expressed in a podcast that I can listen to as I make breakfast or drive to the store are delightful appetizers for the main course 45min to 90min podcasts of others. God bless His servant, Pastor and teacher, Sinclair Ferguson!
  • Palooka61
    Another Blessing !
    Yahweh, bless you all, for another great ministerial blessing for us !
  • Willamette Valley BACHLUVA
    A Daily Gem Reflecting Beautiful Light
    Sinclair Ferguson opens the scriptures with expositional skill and warm application wisdom. Every day!
  • Bi Vocational, Georgia
    Simply Fantastic
    While their organization executes well in general, this is one of their finest podcasts. Truly helpful, and of course, thought provoking and encouraging.
  • Morayo F
    Morayo Fawehinmi
    These sweet short and sharp daily devotions are defnitely one of Gods given OASIS for living waters in this generation. The depth of the riches of our God , encapsulated in these exhortations are My daily spirtual Vitamins for Life… They echo the heart beat of God to me and birth his Spirit and Life. Thank you Sinclair ….May his fount continue to spring up in you and flow to us daily. Shalom
  • AmRaymond
    A wonderful, encouraging daily meditation on the things of Christ from Scripture. Thank you, Sinclair!
  • ogfarm
    Things unseen.
    Thank you for this week’s gospel according to Isaiah. It’s one of my favorite books of the OT and yet I had never learned the richness of the gospel right before my eyes in Isaiah. Now I know one of the reasons that it is a favorite book for me. Oct. 4, 2023 The descriptions of D-day and V-day was very helpful. It not only helped me with my daily walk with Christ and at 85 years eight of age, I am looking forward my V-day. It also helped me appreciate my country and those who have given their lives so I could have freedom. And now that’s tied to my freedom in Christ from my D day till my V-day
  • Vessel4Him
    Very Refreshing!
    Whatever time of day I listen to this, it refreshes my soul. Thank you Dr. Ferguson.
  • Believers Warfare
    Reminders in our sanctification
    He is a blessing. Ferguson helps us keep a heavenly perspective in this carnal world.
  • Mary M. P. M.
    More than Blessed
    I love listening to Dr. Sinclair Ferguson every day. The truth and insight from each episode blesses my heart. Thank you so much for this podcast. I love it and share the wonderful messages with my family. May the Lord bless you, Mary from California
  • janthonyv
    A Spiritual B-12 shot!
    I so look forward to this podcast every weekday. Some days convicting, other days comforting, but everyday Jesus Christ is glorified and I receive spiritual edification. Thank you, sir. And thank you Ligonier Ministries.
  • Rusty Gate
    Great way to start the day!
    These short and thought provoking devotionals are so helpful. I am thankful that I get a good dose of the start of my day.
  • frgarden
    Makes my day
    My husband and I listen together. Such truth being spoken !! Thank You Sinclair Ferguson The Ellis’
  • SoliDeoGloria86
    Awesome podcast
    I’m grateful to God for this podcast, the teachings are sound.
  • Igrockes
    Always encouraging. Thank you.
  • cken02
    Thank you
    Thank you Dr Ferguson for insightful and practical devotions. These really help me focus for my day.
  • PastorTDHale
    Dr. Ferguson by far is one man that can touch my heart. These daily short podcast is so inspiring, uplifting and devotional. Each day is like a fresh basket of bread for the believers. Dr. Ferguson puts so many things in perspective. If you have not started listening to these daily, you are missing out. My prayer is that these will be put into book form someday. A must listen to.
  • Trustworthytotheend
    One of my favorite times of the day
    I am blessed listening to each episode. Such calming insightful teaching helps me refocus on my Lord and growing in my walk with Him. I give this podcast my highest recommendation.
  • LorilieGarcia
    One of the best podcasts. Sinclair has been a close brother to my heart (though he doesn’t know it or know me) and was one of many teachers to whom I listened to in coming t know Jesus. This podcast is deep if you are slowing down to meditate on these verses and truths. Oh Lord change me too.
  • Chriscleoh
    I’m very grateful for this podcast. So much truth in a short amount of time. I know when I listen to this it is in agreement with the Bible.
  • d8r13d19
    Wonderful Podcast
    As a mom of young children, I am often very busy through out the day. This podcast is the perfect length of time for me to listen to in the middle of my chaotic day and gives my mind and heart a reset. It gives me a chance to absorb more of the Lord’s word and reflect on it even in this busy season of life. I look forward to it each day!
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