The Unteachables Podcast

Courses #46

Welcome to 'The Unteachables Podcast', your go-to resource for practical classroom management strategies and teacher support. I’m your host, Claire English, a passionate secondary teacher and leader turned teacher mentor and author of 'It's Never Just About the Behaviour: A Holistic Approach to Classroom Behaviour Management.' I'm on a mission to help educators like you transform your classrooms, build confidence, and feel empowered.

Why am I here? Not too long ago, I was overwhelmed by low-level classroom disruptions and challenging behaviors. After thousands of hours honing my skills in real classrooms and navigating ups and downs, I’ve become a confident, capable teacher ready to reach every student—even those with the most challenging behaviors. My journey inspired me to support teachers like you in mastering effective classroom strategies that promote compassion, confidence, and calm.

On The Unteachables Podcast, we’ll dive into simple, actionable strategies that you can use to handle classroom disruptions, boost student engagement, and create a positive learning environment.

You'll hear from renowned experts such as:

Bobby Morgan of the Liberation Lab
Marie Gentles, behavior expert behind BBC's 'Don't Exclude Me' and author of 'Gentles Guidance'
Robyn Gobbel, author of 'Raising Kids with Big Baffling Behaviours'
Dr. Lori Desautels, assistant professor and published author
And many more behaviour experts and mentors.
Angela Watson from the Truth for Teachers Podcast.

Whether you’re an early career teacher, a seasoned educator, or a teaching assistant navigating classroom challenges, this podcast is here to help you feel happier, empowered, and ready to make an impact with every student.

Be sure to subscribe so you don’t miss an episode packed with classroom tips and inspiring conversations that make a real difference!

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Recent Reviews
  • Mr. Gilroy
    Podcast & Book
    Regarding Claire’s book “it’s never just about the behavior” and this podcast, I have infused so much of what she offers into my classroom management toolbox and I have seen such a difference. It aligns with my values, feels natural to implement, and is making a tangible difference in my teaching. I could recommend this professional learning enough. 1/6/25
  • <Ninja 08>
    A must-listen for teachers.
    Just started listening to Claire, and I can’t stop binging these episodes. I’ve been teaching for 15 years, I love my job, and I’ve been a team leader for years. But this podcast is helping me develop the language around classroom management to help me refine my skills and show my team how to refine theirs. 💕
  • teetee7777
    Quick tips
    Thank you for the bite size pieces of advice and actionable tips!
  • mama_chris
    Grateful for this resource!
    I’ve been bingeing episodes after a particularly tough week at school. Feeling really lucky to have found this amazing resource — and it’s free, which works well with my teacher salary. :)
  • The K-8 Spanish Teacher
    Very Relatable, Informative, Practical Classroom Management Training
    I did a search in my podcast app for classroom management, and this was one of very few podcasts that came up. I listened to one episode and was immediately hooked and have been devouring them since. As someone who has been working in education for 10 years now, I always felt like classroom management was an enigma; like it was definitely important, something I needed to improve, but yet I didn’t know how. I would look around at other teachers with really strong classroom management and wonder how they got that way. I would think they were just naturally good at it. Thanks to this podcast, I now believe it is something that can be learned. This podcast has not only helped me develop a more holistic mindset about classroom management, but it, along with the book and the course, has given me such a practical toolbox of strategies to improve.
  • ElJoeman
    Episode #58 is brilliant in its simplicity and perspective!
    I have long searched for a podcast that examined and analyzed myriad situations that arise in secondary K12 education in the classroom and focused on humane and relationship-building methods to get more student buy in for a more successful classroom. This episode is quite insightful, and analyzes when to use two different personas: the first to show students you are all business about the lesson and its learning. The second teacher persona is when you may demonstrate approachability. Both personas have their time to be used. It seems simple, but I am certain it will help me quite a bit. I look forward to using this idea in class this next school year. I highly recommend this entire run of episodes.
  • Affkkgrssavbjtesxbu
    Actionable, bite-sized PD!
    I love this podcast! It combines actionable, logical tools for dealing with challenging behaviors (in humanizing ways) with so much empathy and understanding of what it’s like to be a teacher. I also appreciate that the episodes are short and sweet!
  • kerr_elson
    Very helpful
    Reassuring, helpful! She’s in your corner and she gets it. Thank you 🙏🏼
  • Carrie VT
    Useful podcast!
    I love how Claire reminds us that we can only control ourselves and our routines. It makes me want to be more intentional and present a better face forward in my classroom.
  • kgoulding
    3yr teacher ready to make some lasting changes
    THIS IS ME! This community, this approach, this support, feels catered to me! I am a fun loving, type B teacher, who is constantly teetering on being fun and being chaotic! I found Claire through Instagram over a year ago and have LOVED the validation and helpful tips she constantly shares! This is my third year teaching Life Science to 7th grade students in Idaho. I turn on this podcast during my prep or in the car and it has helped me put into action some very needed classroom management tips. It is also very validating because I hear and see things that sometimes make me second guess my teaching philosophy because it feels “too soft.” I am still learning and hope to someday take Claire’s course to really put everything in action! Until then, I will glean from her podcast and posts to become a better version of teacher self!
  • marierev
    Great and inspiring
    I have enjoyed listening to this podcast in the mornings as I get ready to go into work as a first grade teacher. The short episodes always give the bite sized motivation and inspiration I need to keep myself on the right track with my classroom management. I love the inclusive approach to battling behaviors.
  • TVancamp
    Love this podcast
    As a new teacher I have been tuning into the Unteachables podcast and it has been so incredibly valuable. I love how practical the advice is. Claire is a enjoyable, friendly, and knowledgeable voice to for this kind of teacher PL.
  • LuLaRoeTriciaBoatman
    The BEST resource for classroom management!
    I wish every single teacher had to listen to this podcast. This world would truly be a better place. 🤍
  • UnexpectedTeacher
    Best Development I’ve experienced
    Entered the classroom after earning my Master’s in Teaching degree and felt lost. The program barely touched on classroom management, but dang - I could write a great 5 page lesson plan! The Unteachables has been a game changer for me. I’m now in my second year and have been to MANY district offered trainings, but none of them have given me the realistic, actionable pieces that your classes and podcasts continue to offer. Ignore the haters - you’re awesome Claire!
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