Inhuman: A True Crime Podcast

True Crime #174

Our passion- true crime. Our mission- to bring awareness to all cases. On Inhuman you’ll hear everything from the most deranged serial killers, to that missing persons case you’ve been invested in for the last 10 years, to the occasional spooky tale. It’s like kicking it with your besties talking about true crime. Hosted by Haley Toumaian Price and Andrea Shaenanigans, we’re just trying to keep it human over here.

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  • freckledbag
    “Girls especially it’s hard for us to maintain our emotions” HUH?
    I can’t listen to these two any more. I tried. Every time I listen one of them will string together the next dumbest sentence I’ve ever heard. Don’t pretend to be a champion for victims or a voice for the downtrodden when you yourselves perpetuate harmful (and frankly, moronic) opinions. Saying women have a harder time managing their emotions in 2024 is WILD. I’d expect that from some boomer man but to come from you two is shameful. Do better.
  • GingyMarie
    Sound quality and more
    Originally I was really excited to listen to a more in depth crime podcast vs just small one offs then you guys switched gears to doing the one offs. The sound quality is terrible all around.
  • Eleany Torres
    Love it !!
    I never had really listened to a podcast let alone about true crime !! But this podcast made me realize how invested in true crime I am especially as a college student who is studying psychology. A lot of people they that Andrea and Hailey are unprofessional but to be honest I love it !! I love that I feel like I’m having a conversation on the phone with them !!!
  • Oatbites
    The random chatter/interrupting is awful.
    I’ve noticed that Haley does it way more but the random interjections from her in the middle of Andrea’s story’s to just make random comments or talk about something completely off topic and random is so so annoying. I get so frustrated everytime that I can barely listen anymore.
  • Stellastarr222
    Not worth the listen
    I’m just wondering why these women have not taken some of the constructive criticism from these comments. Your podcast could do so much better. I tried listening as a back up podcast but absolutely cannot.
  • anaakaaa15
    Started off strong then really fell off
    I used to really like this show and it was like morbid but less chatting about things that weren’t relevant. With time and with the growth that the show has been getting, they have become so ingenious It feels like they just want to be liked so they say whatever they have to and PUSH IT the show lost all personality. Also, the microphone quality is so obnoxious and terrible. I wish this could’ve been a podcast that I listen to for a longer time, sad it took this turn.
  • Valpal56
    Most favorite true crime podcast!!!
    I LOVE LOVE this podcast, I listen anytime I get into the car and it never fails to have me invested in each episode and case! I love how you guys bring awareness to cases, solved and cold. 10/10 recommend listening!!!
  • Deadza
    concise and specific
    came here from a -terrible- podcast that tried to turn the Piketon case into a 2 season sideshow. this show gave more interesting and exact details
  • pillow ase
    Binge worthy
    I just found inhuman, and I am binging it from the start! So good! So far really good research and execution of the stories! I’ll keep listening and recommending! Keep up the good work girls!
  • dateeverynight
    It’s a no for me
    As many choices in podcasts as there are in todays world, this one doesn’t make the cut. Unprofessional on all levels.
  • 😓😏😓☺️😇
    I have a hard time getting into podcasts but I truly love listening and hearing about true crime and seeing how I can help. You guys have such relaxing voices where I can focus on what’s being said where other podcasts there is no emotion in their voices which can be hard to listen to. Thank you for all you do
  • JavaMomma1973
    I listen all the time
    I love the passion that you have for true crime and the compassion that you have for the victims and families. Keep up the good work!
  • Hotdiggitydawgg.
    One of my Favorite Podcasts
    I love listening to these ladies!! They go so in depth with cases and I love how much passion they have, you can tell they truly care. I especially love the Listener Story episodes! This is a comfort podcast for me, I listen to it while driving, cleaning, etc. I highly recommend listening if you're into true crime!
  • Bibiana figueroa
    Comfort show
    This show brings me comfort! It’s weird to say but I have listened to every episode and I usually have it on for background noise while cleaning. I love that there is no eerie music in the background distracting from the actual story telling.
  • Sssddfv
    I love your podcast the only thing I ask if the grant story can get a redo I don’t think you guys covered enough on the full story of everything that happened to him his mom and sister that led up to his “accidental death”
  • randomhero109
    Kinda like morbid lol
    Legit like another version of morbid but not complaining. I think one of the chimes they use for their commercial breaks is from when the girls from morbid did true crime countdown lol but morbid hasn’t been that great in awhile so this is a nice little side podcast
  • GatorPot
    Easy listen
    This is the first true crime podcast I’ve listened to. I loved watching crime shows growing and I watch Bailey Serian on YT, but wanted something I could listen to while driving or working. I listened to a couple episodes and really liked how casual the hosts talked to each other about the case, they would bring up alternative theories, and they told the story in a way I could track. I’ve gone back to the 1st episode and binge listened. I love how often they post, and that they update the listener on previous episodes. Sometimes I get tired of the amount of personal stories they add, or more like how much time they spend on it. Overall LOVE them!
  • LoganLovesELT
    Disappointing and poorly made
    I gave this podcast a try after seeing some of the creator’s true crime videos on TikTok. The quality and depth of the research is minimal and the commentary is incredibly bland and boring. The hosts don’t seem to put much thought behind what they say.
  • Tarynq
    I’ve been following this podcast for a while now. I really do appreciate that the hosts say what they actually think and give opinions without worrying about “what is politically correct”. They’re not scared about being “cancelled”, just friends talking. I don’t love the listener stories (if they were just crime stories I’d like them more) and I wish the episodes were a little more in depth. I feel like sometimes a quick Google search and I could’ve written the episode. But overall it’s a great listen on my drive to work. I do like the hosts and I think they on average have a good amount of small talk/banter without being excessive.
  • Monique;
    The podcast is alright, when I started listening to it I enjoyed it but I soon became irritated about how much they like bashing law enforcement every time they are talking about a case where law enforcement was contacted and the families were told they were unable to help at the moment. It’s so easy for them to judge while doing their research on cases but it’s another thing to actively go out and help out every time someone is reported missing. They should volunteer their time every day at a police station to help EVERY single family that reports someone missing, instead of using social media to “help” spread the word. There are always procedures that law enforcement unfortunately has to follow before taking any kind of action, so stop mentioning on every episode that it’s a “pet peeve” of yours.
  • Jw360434
    3 stars
    Please STOP the listener stories. They are so stupid and such a waste of the weekly podcast. We don’t care about ghost stories from some random broad in Wisconsin or whatever. This a decent podcast but the constant laughter at inappropriate times because they mess up a word gets old. I also can’t stand the way the one girl says “exact-ly”. She says it all the time too.
  • hgrace21
    Good but very awkward
    I do enjoy this podcast, but the episodes are not very deep and short. Also the awkward pauses and interactions and deep breaths you can hear are soooooo frequent. After listening to others, this is more of a filler podcast- but I do like it!
  • Ajallday247
    Long time listener
    I’ve listened to you guys from very early on and I’ve thoroughly enjoyed your episodes until a few months ago.. some of the banter, school-girl laughing at in appropriate times and the constant ‘oh-my god, wooooow, yeaa, uh-huh’ literally makes me cringe. When Haley had her baby (congrats) dynamic changed and I actually was unable to listen to the podcast for a period of time due to all the baby background noise… I love to listen to my podcasts when my own baby sleeps so every time I hear the baby noise I have to stop, pause the show and pull up my baby cam because I’m thinking it’s my own kid. Its horrible and incredibly distracting to the point I could no longer focus on what’s being said in the show.
  • Kati savoy
    Just starting up the podcast
    I’m gonna be honest, I was iffy about listening to you guys but super glad I started listen to you guys. The last dozen I have listened to, you say things that I think in my head and agree with the things you say.
  • amberkells
    Listener tales
    You guys are the best podcast ever everyday when I feel sad I listen to you and makes my day
  • Tanna_Wanna
    Episode 279 update on Gary Ridgeway
    One of the host misspoke and called the county in Seattle teams with an S on the end there is no S on the end. It’s just King County largest county in Washington state. I didn’t know any other way of conveying this information but there you go. Thanks for all that you do!
  • MelissaMarie7711
    Great podcast
    Great podcast with lots of information. I listen to about 10 a day. However, 15 minutes of talking until you get into the story and then a commercial is ridiculous. Also once you finally get into a story you both get sidetracked by adding in your own story. Some of us have limited time and just want to hear the story.
  • StephJ94
    Here from TikTok!!
    So glad I started listening. I already love the videos from TikTok! Binging all weekend!!!
    The most boring thing I have ever ran across
    Her TikTok are not as bad this is such a long banter podcast. I listen to many true crime podcasts, they seem to not even like each other. There favorite word is “wow” for every reaction. No deep dive no deep conversations. I recommend anything other then this one .( I had to figure out how to leave a review it was so bad )
  • MegwithDogs
    Love love love!
    I am new to crime podcasts and I started by following Inhuman on TikTok. LOVE the cold case updates, the crimes are sad but it’s good to know they’re are some victories every year. I’m now hooked on crime podcasts and going through all roughly 280 episodes 🤪 I love that the gals goal is to share the story of the crime but also the victims!
  • taylorlynng
    Baby noises ♥️
    I love this podcast! And I especially love the baby noises in the background. It’s no secret both Andrea and Haley are moms (and a lot of us are!) so what’s some sweet baby noises here and there in the background?! It’s so relatable! Love it! Yall do great and keep doing you! The real ones support you all!
  • B.Mobile
    Good team interaction!
    & FYI they do a lot of research for these episodes.
  • truecrimefanatic12345
    Not well researched
    I listen to this when I have nothing else to listen to. They do not really do any deep research and a lot of the cases are lacking a lot of details.
  • Ken rochelle
    Fantastic podcast
    This is one of my favorite. The hosts are intelligent, informative and great story tellers. But most importantly they respect the victims. They are extremely sensitive to this subject matter. Highly recommended!!!
  • debalkovec
    Boring. Period. Like- what? Sounds like you’re reading directly from a Google news article.. with a suburbia rich girl tone, stumbling over words and wrong pronunciation. Yuck
  • bekspods
    To host Haley
    Haley also has a tiktok where she promotes this podcast. Her lack of research and accuracy in her tiktoks is irresponsible and harmful. If she doesn’t even do proper research for her shortform tiktoks how can we expect her podcast to be thorough and accurate at all. Avoid this podcast if you care about the content being well researched and accurate.
  • kimmi429
    New pidcast
    Wow!! Good job girls. You have passion and empathy and I look forward to more. My heart breaks at such depravity in this world in these times. And you recognize how strong and resilient these young women are.
  • MirandaP
    Love it!
    I really enjoy your podcast! I’ve been going through all your episodes in order and it’s so fun to listen to while cooking and cleaning! I also have a case recommendation: Jeanine brown from whitehouse Ohio. This one’s solved but took almost 30 years and the guy will up released way sooner than he should be
  • Hammon, Jeff and LOLA
    A TERRIBLE copy of a copy of a copy of the awesome Morbid Podcast
    Was this Podcast developed intentionally to plagiarize the Morbid Podcast? The weak attempts at banter chemistry? The subject matter? Even the logo with the mysterious forest/trees? It’s just awful.
  • Brooke_714
    Please change
    Andrea has gotten super annoying with her comments. I can get over the f-bombs, but please stop saying “oh my God”- aren’t you a Christian? You have your podcast in English but play ads in Spanish? Please stop or I’m done.
  • rolltide239923
    Little free advice
    You need to clip Reese Witherspoon saying “you’re inhuman” in American Psycho to promote this pod on social media. You’re welcome
  • Jb37261
    Long time listener but I’m about to give up.
    The constant “yeah”, “right”, and “aw so sad” is so repetitive, it’s almost constant at this point. Also, heating your baby whine and cry in the background through an entire episode is unnerving. As a mom, I get it. But to be a “professional” podcaster.. how can we take you seriously?
  • hello1946
    I seriously enjoy listening to your podcasts each week, you guys make it feel like i’m right there with you finding out these details together. Also the way that awareness is a big part of your podcast really draws me in because It’s very important for these cases to get justice and you guys are doing just that.
  • MoniqueSanders
    One of my favorites
    I just wish the one host wouldn’t cry so much.. we get it, it’s sad.. but this is the only true crime podcast I listen to where it seems like maybe one of the hosts is too sensitive for the content she’s sharing.
  • cecijaques
    Thank you for all the time you put into your work. You make podcasts fun and educational. Because people need to know about the victims too. There life counts. Thank you.
  • Nicole.W1001
    Wonderful Podcast
    I adore this podcast and have listened to almost every episode. You ladies do stories that aren’t always heard about, which I think is incredibly important. You both give necessary and factual details by telling the story in an intriguing way. Your listener stories are also a favorite and it’s a great way to allow your community of followers to interact through you with their own stories. Thank you for giving light to every story you talk about and making a difference by telling these horrific cases and giving them a voice. You two are such amazing women - thank you for being you! 🥰
  • ren donnell
    absolutely love this podcast! I listen every week and have been for a long time now! this is one of my top three favorite podcasts by far!! they lay out details of the case so thoroughly and their voices are so soothing to listen to ✨
  • Nani★彡
    Love y’all!!
    After years of trying to find a true crime podcast that respected victims and didn’t laugh or mock true crime stories, it’s safe to say this is one of the most respectful, thoughtful and informative podcasts out here!! I enjoy y’alls energy together so much, I work outside doing some heavy labor and these episodes get me through my shifts <3 Thank you for being the voice of so many victims out there!
  • ayyeshelbss
    great podcast!!!
    it is so easy to listen to, no matter what i’m doing! i love how it’s a conversation along with the story, they are wonderful and caring women! they are so respectful with the victims and their families. definitely recommend this podcast!
  • MedleyAnn
    Baby boy 💕
    Great show! Been listening for a while and wanted to say I thoroughly enjoyed hearing the your sweet baby in the background today. 🫶🏼 Much love-Melanie
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