The Deep Dive with Jessica St. Clair and June Diane Raphael

Comedy #230

Each week, comedians and best friends Jessica St. Clair and June Diane Raphael take a ‘deep dive’ into their real lives and discuss a wide range of topics including how to pursue joy amidst the insanity of motherhood and family, grief and loss, sh*t they put on their faces, and why they refuse to check their voicemails or unpack their suitcases. The Deep Dive captures the friendship of two women trying to survive adult womanhood. Their motto, shared by their loyal Deep Divers, is "Let Us Live!"


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Recent Reviews
  • catyp24
    Found my people!
  • cxrayola
    Once loved this show
    Edited my 5 star rating. I loved this show. It’s become a bit harder to listen to lately. Being “unrelatable” is fine but having disregard and disrespect for us “normal people” is not funny. I had to cancel my Academy membership. If the show was just Jessica I would still listen.
  • Bootie from Cincy
    Just found your show. Thanks for being awesome 🤘💪🏼 can’t wait to binge listen to the back catalogue!
  • Ali from Brooklyn
    23 and tea is Hysterical
    I am crying laughing - I was compelled to let you know how much this episode got to me- from - this was hysterical, kindhearted and relatable - so great it spend time googling how to even leave a review on my iPhone because I’m clueless - also a part Neanderthal . Just Awesome!
  • Lindsayj81
    My favorite treat
    My heart skips a beat when a new episode drops. Love June & Jessica sm.
  • lidia___011
    So cringe.
    These ladies are so cringe. Shallow
  • Adventurekateer
    Love them
    I could listen to June and Jess talk for hours
  • jessica molta gorham
    Tree Time
    I love this podcast so much. I listen to Tree Time once a week. I can’t say enough good things about how good this podcast is!
  • A Midwestern mommy
    The BEST!
    My favorite podcast filled with relatable and hilarious content. I appreciate their vulnerability and love every minute of this podcast!!
  • SamaraEastTN
    Funniest pod in my rotation
    I’m crying laughing. Tears streaming down my face. Total Eclipse of the Heart might be my favorite episode yet. 😂😂😂
  • M. Waffle
    Great show
    Love the show and getting a slice of life between girlfriends. Would love to recommend that a dog tag silencer be purchased as the dog collar jangles can be a little distracting.
  • Jupiter150yrstorm
    More pickleball!
    Love this podcast and would love even more pickleball content.
  • Stogsdilski
    Confirm THIS
    I’ve listened to this show for several years. I started listening and went back and listened to the entire back catalog. This podcast is one of the highlights of my week. I listen to many podcasts, many of which (not this one) remind listeners how helpful it is to leave a review. I have NEVER written a single review of any beloved podcast, UNTIL TODAY. I had to “pause the pod” to say that I have never loved June more than when she stood up for all of us against the tyranny of confirmation texts. Jessica, I still love you despite your defense of confirmation texts. P.S. WHERE IS PAUL?
  • short.round.
    I was shocked at them praising Brett Gelman during a time like this, didn’t realize they support an actual gen*cide so I’ll be unfollowing
  • robinesanders
    Witches Unite!
    Not even finished listening to the episode with Rebecca A. and have to tell you it's amazing! Thank you for continuing to gather us all around the is much needed. So much love to you both!
  • Jasongrant77
    Significant Wednesdays
    Wednesday’s can’t come quick enough. My friends and I even have a post DD talk, I love this show!
  • Wegottheyacht
    All the fun of death and dying coupled with the non stop laughter that only cancer stories can bring
  • JJBB4444
    Excellent podcast!
    Two very smart and articulate women who are speaking for multiple millions of women throughout the world. Stop taking the crumbs that selfish men throw away… demand equal treatment and respect. Lawsuits against injustice & unfairness create change.
  • Amanda RWM
    Get a grip
    Completely tone deaf and shrill conversations about the most mundane aspects of life. Stop blaming everything on your menstrual cycle. June’s hushed-tone vocal fry “wow” is the response to most of Jessica’s comments/observations, and is so affected and contrived, I wonder how she is able to make any genuine connections with other human beings. Neither woman lets their guest gets a word in edgewise. Listen to some real interviewers (Marc Markn, Terry Gross) and take notes.
  • rameyramey
    Commentary at odds with professed feminism
    Simping so hard for Steve Harvey, extremely prolific and outspoken hater of women, is certainly…a choice
  • Sofyae
    Ignore the Negative Reviews Ladies - You’re Angels!
    I love these ladies! This show has saved me! When I swore off news on Oct 7th, I needed something new. I’m hooked! Update: I just saw some of the terrible reviews and I’m SHOCKED. Ok, half of them are dumb GOP/conservatives and the other keep referring to racism and white lady this or that. What???? Seriously guys - for this podcast just focus on the 5 stars because you’ll definitely understand what side is which 1 star = GOP, 4 or 5 star = normal peeps.
  • Fios38
    June Diane got it real wrong on the last episode.
    Please do not tell people to call an ambulance to get to the emergency room. This is wildly inaccurate information and will cost listeners hundreds if not thousands. Also it taxes the ER teams which facilities share. You may want to re-edit this episode and take that part out.
  • 5599NMD
    Honestly, you just made every mother feel sane, heard & vindicated. Between laughing out-loud in public & wanting to hug you & tell you how unfair our past trauma affects all of our lives.
  • Erockradio
    Vapid Babbling
    These 2 things barely listen to each other talking. June is insufferable, spoiled, and out of touch. You have nothing prepared, conversations go nowhere, nothing funny or relatable. Entitled...
  • forthelove555
    Volume Eaters Unite!
    Waiting to Inhale. On the regular.
  • Jenniferruth
    These ladies are the best
    June and Jessica are funny, real, smart and interesting. Keep it up, ladies. I love this podcast and hearing what you have to say about- anything.
  • Matilda 1987
    Gives me hope.
    It’s so so hard to make meaningful friendships as a “grown up” aka after college or after having kids and this podcast of two really amazing friends gives me hope ❤️.
  • okducray
    Love the cheese
    Loved the latest episode! You ladies are a breath of fresh air!
  • podcastjac
    I love this show
  • Ash Liz Lin
    Convos with Friends
    June and Jessica have become such an important part of my week as I get to hear them traverse a myriad of silly and serious topics relatable to women of any age. As a new mom, there are a lot of identity crises and hearing my deep dive ladies discuss the beautiful and harrowing journey of womanhood has made me excited to access new levels of my identity with grace.
  • Grace Jaen
    More Pickleball
    So I know I’m like two years behind on this conversation … I just caught up on HDTGM after listening to it nonstop since last year and then found out Deep Dive podcast existed … but I want MORE pickleball discussions. Why would anyone want it banned from speaking its name?? All I want is weekly recaps of the tournaments and how Gus and Casey faired. That’s all I want.
  • kmac1013
    The stuff you talk about with your girlfriends
    June & Jessica are the best - they cover everything you want to talk about with your friends - the big stuff, the little stuff & everything in between. Could not love them more
  • Henri LeBird
    Pickle ball pod?
    This used to be one of my favorite podcasts, but something (pickle ball) has happened. The focus on pickle ball and pickle ball events is maddening. Even after they say they’re done talking about it… twist! They’re not.
  • Emmelia Hart
    Kardashian Feedback
    Love you ladies but you are CRAY for being on Kourtney’s side… what was her issue, that Kim “stole” her wedding vibes? Who freakin cares! Kourtney doesn’t own Italy or G&B. Your take showed you’re a little out of touch with reality. Usually love the pod but I totally disagreed with you on this one!
  • I Miss Extras!
    My best friends
    My husband and I love these women so much it’s borderline obsession. It seriously helps get me out of bed on Wednesday mornings.
  • Maggie62728292
    Really, June?
    I loved this show for so long, but am shook to my core after hearing June’s tacit endorsement of Ozempic for people who do not need to lose weight. Her comments are proof that you can be a smart and insightful person and have your judgment ruined by being successful and living in a bubble of superficial Hollywood dumdums. The fact that she thought she was making smart points in this segment is jarring. Get a GRIP, June. The enemy is diet culture, not the 15 pounds that separate you from being a size 6 and a size 4. Shame on you.
  • lgsmalls
    Bummer take on Ozempic
    Feels irresponsible to say you’re all about body positivity and also talk about taking a drug to lose weight. I suppose 2 things can be true but a dangerous way to use your platform. Having said that I do appreciate the honesty-the folks out there using the drug and claiming their weight loss is from additional hikes or drinking water is 🫠
  • Elowder
    Pod of significance
    I only recently discovered this pod even though I’m huge fans of both Jessica and June Diane. What they discuss every week is highly relatable and highly hilarious. It’s like sitting with friends. Friends who won’t shut up. But it’s fine bc they’re so entertaining!
  • Atassel
    The Target banter.
    That’s cute. 😂
  • Charhoges
    I enjoy a lot 80% of the time
    I love this pod and tune in every week. I think rating it low because they’re successful white women is odd. There’s a bajillion podcasts to listen to if you don’t like it. I think they’re funny and quirky and I enjoy them. Two things: 1) I will be a happy lady if I never have to hear about a gosh darn table scape again. Please. 2) June…be nicer to Jessica! I have adhd too and it is something that makes us unique but we also don’t have full control over. Accept her as she is and don’t bully her for not behaving exactly as you wish! You are sometimes a little harsh on her and it’s frustrating to listen to. All that said…I do enjoy the pod!
  • Mark s Jewett
    What makes the grass grow green?
    Excrement. This might be the worst podcast ever. Unless you enjoy two vapid, superficial, self absorbed, borderline retarded, morons talk about themselves in slow monotous vocal fry you can go ahead and skip this one. Its like the old SNL skit "Delicious Dish" with the two boring NPR ladies but the NPR ladies are also hateful c*nts.
  • Crow445
    Tootsie roll
    No I do not play pickle ball but I now listen to tootsie roll every morning on my drive to work. And even though I only have time and resources to glue on drug store tips the French mani is giving SIGNIFICANCE.
  • SarahWoodPA
    Best Evah
    My absolute favorite podcast, these women are so relatable and intelligent and hilarious! They have become like friends. I look forward to it each week - thank you!!!!
  • mnbean
    Highlighting allllllll the issues
    Thank you for highlighting (turning up!!!) Oceana and their important work. I love this show for all the laughs, tears, and joy that I get from spending time w June and Jessica. Keep it up. ♥️♥️
  • Jdibhe
    Two woke morons
    I know that the phrase “stupid liberals” is redundant, but it’s the perfect way to describe these two worthless idiots
  • Blade + Ink
    Love them
    I adore these ladies and the range of topics and emotions. I live in a different state than my besties and this podcast really feeds my soul. Thankfully they stopped bringing up pickle ball so I'm back to listening to every episode!
  • TammyTovah
    Hilarious but boring
    How many times can we hear about you taking time for yourselves? That’s all you do. I hate using the word privileged but it’s so tone deaf.
  • Girlgary
    Oopsie daisy
    I fell down in the very busy gym laughing to the episode about magic mike . Several men (who should be taking their clothes off like god intended) stared. We deserve compensation for the atrocities of magic mike tres.
  • MalloryTart
    I look forward to this every week!
    My absolute favorite podcast - always makes me laugh. I find myself so excited for Wednesday mornings for new episodes!
  • KATyler021613
    The best hour of my week
    Love June and Jessica. This podcast makes me laugh, cry and want to spend hours walking the aisles of a home goods. I’m not sure how I would describe this podcast but it feels like spending an hour with great friends.
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