MMA Gambling Podcast

Wrestling #67

The MMA Gambling podcast on the Sports Gambling Podcast Network is your home for MMA betting advice combined with maximum entertainment. Every week Jeff “Chalkx” Fox and Daniel “Gumby” Vreeland bring you in-depth analysis on the world of MMA, from a gambling perspective. If you’ve ever felt the desire to choke out your typical boring MMA touts trying to sell you their picks, this is the podcast for you.

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Recent Reviews
  • moneymandan
    Love these twos breakdowns. Best in the biz.
  • Billy Bob XIV
    Dunning–Kruger effect
    Gumby the type of dude to go 4-8 on picks and 12-0 on “basically exactly what I said would happen.” He also constantly brags about how much tape he watches despite it quickly become clear he only watches a couple minutes of footage on each fighter (when he tapes at all), completely missing key details from their fight libraries. A fun game to play is to listen to the recap episodes and guess which fighters Gumby picked picked based on how negative he is about the winners performance: Fighters he picked who won: -“He did exactly what I said he’d do” -“Why was this line not wider?” Fighters he picked who lost: -“The judges got this one wrong” -“He just decided not to fight like he does on tape” Fighters he picked against who won: -“He did not look good” Fighters he picked against who lost: -“He did not look good” Bonus points if he just completely mischaracterizes what happened in a fight to the point that you wonder if he watched it at all. Chalx is chill and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t patiently wait to listen to each recap episode to hear the absolute copium. Hence the 3 stars.
  • ToTheHizzy
    League of their Own
    Always picking Winners - appreciate the profits and great conversations
  • Munaf M.
    Best MMA Podcast!
    I don’t know much of anything about MMA aside from the big names. But Jeff and Gumby get more than the job done! Really have been on a heater! A lot of great insights and information and knockout winning picks!
  • Shaddog24
    Favorite betting podcast
    Gumby provides detailed breakdowns of fights and good insights on less known fighters. The chalky one works his humor in well and keeps the pod from being too dry. Both gentleman provide excellent picks. Jeff uses a more analytic data driven approach, whereas Gumby picks more off of his knowledge of the sport.
  • FrankieDeZines
    If your not in the discord, join the discord
    Hands down the most fun I’ve had while betting on sports!
  • Chulo2Swole
    Top 5
    This is one of my top 5 podcasts that I listen to weekly. Keep up the great work!
  • Tighe S
    The best
    The best show I’ve found as far as knowledge and breakdown.
  • proudfoot3
    Multiple regional championships on his….
  • TheOneTC87
    Fantastic Pod
    Gumby and Jeff put together a great podcast thats a quick and informative listen. Gumby's knowledge of the lesser-known fighters turns betting on the undercard into a slam dunk. My go-to listen before any MMA event.
  • huskerfan27
    Great show!
    That Jeff guy is pretty weird. But his picks are fire! This show is a must listen!
  • ToTheeTop...
    The Only Pod I listen to
    Don’t waste time on others. Vreeland and Fox are the best in the biz. If you love MMA and wanna win some bets, check these two out.
  • Steve from ROC
    Entertaining and Informative
    This show always brings the goods. Cashing tickets, excellent analysis, and they’re pretty entertaining too.
  • Buhhlockaye
    Incredibly informative
    Gumby and Jeff do an amazing job of breaking down fights and fighters I’ve never even heard of. I’ve learned a ton from these guys
  • dynastydorks
    MMA Gambling Podcast is Awesome
    Love MMA and just recently got into the gambling aspect. Makes every fight more fun. Love that the shows are quick and to the point. Very helpful when on the fence with your bets and the guys give great insight.
  • family guy for real
    Half of this pod has a lot of info.
    If this were a pro sports team...GUMBY would be the FRANCHISE. He doesn’t need anyone riding his coattails.
  • MikeI4477
    Deleting negative reviews????
    What happened? You delete negative reviews after getting absolutely embarrassed with your picks 3 nights in 7 days???????? I posted a review and it was deleted. You’re not a 5 star podcast so stop misleading people. Your picks are bad enough, but scrubbing your reviews is next level embarrassing
  • PTF4455
    Usually Good. Always Entertaining
    These guys are money with their analysis like 90% of the time. But even when they aren't they are the best ride to work four times a week. (Also, Jeff said if I mentioned his ad reads in here, I'd get a shoutout)
  • BayouFunk
    Thank Gawd
    I personally set a record of 72 consecutive losing MMA events. Things were so desperate, I was considering the unthinkable: not betting quite so much every weekend. Then, one day as I was bashing my head upon my keyboard, I somehow logged in to iTunes and downloaded an episode of the SGPN MMA Gambling podcast. The warm tones from the disciple, "Jeff" were calming and set the stage for Gawd... the Gumby Gawd. I listened carefully to the prophecies and as I picked up my phone to place a wager on Dana White's Contender series, I was saddened when I realized I had only $1.34 in my account to place a bet. I lowered my head and a single tear fell upon the screen. I closed my eyes and sighed aloud, "Why, Gawd?" Just then, a flock of doves landed on my back porch. They bowed to me and then spread their wings wide, taking off in unison. Almost unbelievably, there on the ground was a one dollar bill where each bird had been. I scraped them up and rejoiced, I now had $16 dollars to deposit! After following the prophecies of the Gumby Gawd, I have doubled that $17.34 every week and am financially independant. My wife and dog came back, the electricity is back on, and the paper boy hits the porch at least 2 times a week. Thank you, Gumby Gawd!
  • sweatybets
    complete mma podcast
    your not gonna find a more complete mma podcast. they do it all. regional stuff. ufc. bellator. cotender series. especially contender series.
  • Pierce J.
    Gumby is a Savant
    I don't know another podcast where you can find the MMA knowledge like Gumby brings. Jeff does a fine job of setting him up, but my guy has otherworldly knowedlege of MMA. Maybe that's why they call him GUMBY GAWD!
  • Gaberial97
    A real god
  • TheMonkeyKingJai
    Best gambling podcast for MMA and MMA news. The boys have the best breakdown of each card. They are my dog walking partners at this point. You won’t regret listening to this podcast. 🫡
  • oshea00002
    Great advice
    These guys r great. They go through periods where they get super hot and don’t lose
  • Irishdave5
    If you like winning money
    If you like winning money and an easy listen, this is the podcast for you. Very knowledgeable on all fighters, some confident long shots and consistently good content.
  • Mr. Kurtz
    One of the best MMA podcasts!!
    Love the show! Gumby and Chalks rule!!
  • Grahacha
    Two of the best!
    Jeff and Dan are amazing and give some of the best breakdowns I have heard. Thank you for all the money gents!!!
  • DanDanDaJediMan
    Great MMA podcast
    Awesome podcast and they make great calls with thorough breakdowns. I find them both very funny too no egos here
  • jimmy jappys
    These guys were cool until they brought their leftist ideology politics into the pod. Calling Bryce Mitchell crazy an a ‘conspiracy therorist’ was my last straw. These idiot must of never read a history book about disarming a population and what follows after... what a shame. Uneducated fools.. unarmed betas
  • yeolenat
    Great MMA Podcast
    Come for the picks, stay for the banter! Both offer solid analysis and are useful if you’re unsure about pulling the trigger on a bet.
  • SeanTGreen
    Great picks better banter!
    Really enjoy the back and forth between Jeff and Gumby! Picks are solid and guys don’t take themselves too seriously. If you like MMA and betting you’ll enjoy this show.
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