One Sweet Dream: A Beatles Podcast


One Sweet Dream provides a fresh take on the music, people, and narrative of the Beatles. This is the Beatles, through a new lens. The podcast includes 5 major series: (1) The Breakup Series: Revisiting the roots and causes of the Beatles' Breakup. (2) The Aftermath Series: Revisiting the events following the Beatles' Breakup. (3) The New Lens Series: Exploring key themes through interviews and deep dives. (4) The Get Back Series: Exploring all elements of the Get Back Documentary through a new lens. (5) The Hidden Gems Series: Examining Beatles and Post-Beatles songs through a new lens. Diana Erickson hosts and is joined by a group of guests and core contributors.

Recent Episodes
  • Encore: The Cleave Series: How Did George Harrison Live in 1966? Pt 2
    Apr 10, 2024 – 01:57:58
  • Encore: The Cleave Series: How Did George Harrison Live In 1966. Pt 1
    Apr 9, 2024 – 02:39:43
  • Encore: The Cleave Series: How Did Paul McCartney Live in 1966? Part 2
    Mar 12, 2024 – 01:57:43
  • Encore: The Cleave Series: How Did Paul McCartney Live in 1966? Part 1
    Feb 21, 2024 – 02:20:52
  • Encore: The Cleave Series: How Did John Lennon Live In 1966? Part 2
    Feb 15, 2024 – 02:17:31
  • Encore: The Cleave Series: How Did John Lennon Live in 1966? Part 1
    Feb 14, 2024 – 02:17:24
  • Encore: The Cleave Series: How Did Ringo Starr Live in 1966?
    Feb 5, 2024 – 03:30:32
  • Now And Then (Pt 2): The Beatles' Final Masterpiece As Epilogue
    Nov 5, 2023 – 01:54:13
  • Now And Then (Pt 1) : The Final Masterpiece That Tells A Story
    Nov 1, 2023 – 02:16:54
  • Revisiting Ian Leslie's Hidden Gems and Unsung Masterpieces
    Jun 2, 2023 – 02:20:43
  • Revisiting The Episode: Author Pete Paphides On the "Magical and Miraculous" Film, Get Back
    May 17, 2023 – 01:54:51
  • Revisiting RAM. Engineer Eirik Wangberg On The Making of RAM: "His Spirit Was Free"
    May 3, 2023 – 01:14:06
  • Revisiting Michael Penn's Hidden Gems & Unsung Masterpieces
    Apr 18, 2023 – 02:20:24
  • Revisiting Paul McCartney's Creative Practice With Phillip McIntyre And Paul Thompson
    Apr 7, 2023 – 02:01:30
  • Revisiting The Making and Breaking of the Fab 4 Image with Erin Torkelson Weber — With A New Postscript On the Episode
    Apr 4, 2023 – 02:24:54
  • Revisiting Creative Pairs With Joshua Wolf Shenk (Reprise With New Intro)
    Mar 29, 2023 – 02:05:52
  • So May I Reintroduce To You: One Sweet Dream. Why We're Here, What's Next and The Aimee Mann Episode
    Mar 24, 2023 – 02:17:33
  • WTF Dear Friend? Conversations In Songs Series
    Feb 7, 2023 – 02:22:20
  • Hidden Gems & Unsung Masterpieces Series #4 (Pt 2): Screw It We're Just Going to Talk About the Beatles Podcast
    Jan 27, 2023 – 01:43:48
  • Hidden Gems & Unsung Masterpieces Series #4 (Pt .1): Screw It We're Just Going to Talk About the Beatles Podcast
    Jan 24, 2023 – 01:37:27
  • The Cleave Interview Series #4: George Harrison (Pt 2)
    Jan 7, 2023 – 01:57:23
  • The Cleave Interview Series #4: George Harrison (Pt 1)
    Dec 9, 2022 – 02:39:06
  • The Cleave Interview Series #3: John Lennon (Pt 2)
    Aug 5, 2022 – 02:16:54
  • The Cleave Interview Series #3: John Lennon (Pt 1)
    Jul 25, 2022 – 02:16:44
  • The Cleave Interview Series #2: Paul McCartney (Pt 2)
    Jul 7, 2022 – 01:56:46
  • The Cleave Interview Series #2: Paul McCartney (Pt 1)
    Jun 29, 2022 – 02:21:27
  • The Cleave Interview Series #1: Ringo Starr
    Jun 28, 2022 – 03:29:55
  • Hidden Gems & Unsung Masterpieces Series #3: With Ian Leslie
    May 7, 2022 – 02:21:10
  • Get Back Series #6: Rob Sheffield
    May 6, 2022 – 01:54:22
  • Get Back Series #5: Martin Carr (Pt 2)
    May 5, 2022 – 01:22:43
  • Get Back Series Ep #5: Martin Carr (Pt 1)
    May 3, 2022 – 02:29:15
  • Hidden Gems & Unsung Masterpieces Series #2: With Michael Penn
    Apr 19, 2022 – 02:39:38
  • Hidden Gems & Unsung Masterpieces Series: Michael Penn
    Apr 13, 2022 – 02:39:38
  • New Lens Series: Joe Hagan on Wenner, Rolling Stone Magazine and The Beatles Narrative
    Mar 14, 2022 – 02:08:17
  • Get Back Series #4 Pt 3: Deep Dive with Jonathan Skovron: India, The Roof, Klein...
    Feb 23, 2022 – 02:41:53
  • Get Back Series #4 Pt 2: Deep Dive with Jonathan Skovron: Lunchroom convo, Billy...
    Feb 18, 2022 – 02:03:10
  • Get Back Series #4 Pt 1: Deep Dive with Jonathan Skovron
    Feb 16, 2022 – 02:36:20
  • Get Back Series #3: Breakup Recap & Roundtable with Paul Thompson & Dan Rivkin
    Jan 27, 2022 – 02:41:21
  • Get Back Series #2: Pete Paphides
    Jan 26, 2022 – 01:53:39
  • Get Back Series #1: Aimee Mann
    Jan 20, 2022 – 01:30:39
  • New Lens Series: Talking Beatles With Comedian Tim Heidecker
    Nov 12, 2021 – 02:37:42
  • New Lens Series: McCartney As Artist with Biographer Chris Salewicz
    Apr 14, 2021 – 02:49:05
  • New Lens Series: Creative Partnerships with Joshua Wolf Shenk
    Apr 5, 2021 – 01:37:59
  • New Lens Series: Paul McCartney's Creative Practice with Phillip McIntyre and Paul Thompson
    Apr 4, 2021 – 02:01:33
  • New Lens Series: Deconstructing the Fab 4 Image with Historian Erin Torkelson Weber
    Mar 28, 2021 – 02:07:06
  • New Lens Series. Revisiting RAM—McCartney's Eccentric Masterpiece (pt 2). With Duncan Driver
    Mar 27, 2021 – 02:59:06
  • New Lens Series. Revisiting RAM—McCartney's Eccentric Masterpiece (pt 1). With Duncan Driver
    Mar 26, 2021 – 02:48:20
  • New Lens Series: Beatles go-to journalist Ray Connolly on his time with Lennon, Ono and McCartney
    Mar 25, 2021 – 02:47:34
  • New Lens Series: RAM Engineer Eirik Wangberg on being in the studio with Paul and Linda
    Mar 24, 2021 – 01:10:09
  • Aftermath Series: McCartney's Obsession with the "Divorce" Story
    Mar 21, 2021 – 01:47:04
Recent Reviews
  • BLSKHou
    Top shelf Beatles analysis!
    I find Diana to be extremely articulate, perceptive, and well-researched, and I greatly appreciate her tone of positivity. Her interpretations and speculations about the socio-emotional relationships between the members of The Beatles seem very well thought out and plausible to me.
  • itunes-jan-rate
    What a great great podcast, immensely interesting and really digs deep into the psychology and history and interactions and all around lives of the Beatles who I love. I’m learning so much!!! I find it so comprehensive. Rich rich details; it’s a thrilling rendering of the Beatles. thank you so much for doing this
  • mdeepal
    The Beatles
    Wonderful podcast
  • knataliec
    Refreshing perspective on a sad tale
    Such a refreshing perspective on this period of musical history — which seems impossible given the hundreds and hundreds of books written on the topic, and yet somehow it is true. So many authors bend over backwards and twist in every direction to find convoluted explanations for John’s actions that fit into the pre-prescribed narrative of “He was disinterested in the band (and Paul), and only had eyes for Yoko and #Peace,” even though they largely don’t make any sense in that context — and all it would take is to look even a centimeter under the surface to find the much simpler and human explanation for the actual emotional motivations that drove The Beatles, and the Lennon/McCartney partnership, into the ground. The Beatles ending has always been a sad story, but somehow the even more devastating undercurrent of it has been largely ignored for over 50 years—so I am glad to have such a thoughtful and emotionally-cognizant deep dive available that gives attention to what, in the end, boils down to a tragic mismatch in wants and needs between two people who had great love for each other.
  • Unhappy & Frustrated
    I’m hoping everyone is okay. It seems like recent content are re-uploads of previous episodes. Maybe some serious research is taking place behind the scenes for an upcoming mega series…
  • markcarignan
    Really refreshing and reasonable
    As one of the many fans who have read dozens of Beatles books, I find the work these women have done/are doing an extremely welcome breath of fresh air. As my mind absorbs the revelatory hours of Peter Jackson’s Get Back, all those tired old characterizations I learned in the 80s, 90s and Aughts seem stuck in a PR loop of nostalgia rather than actual assessments of the words and art of the artists who were Beatles. The eye-locks that Lennon & McCartney sink into whenever they start working together are worth the reassessment all by themselves.
  • nedsmatt
    More than 50 years after the breakup of the Beatles, One Sweet Dream is advancing a much more well-rounded, more fleshed-out account of history's most talked-about band. I rate this work at least as highly as anything that has been written/said about the band to date. Kudos, ladies! Keep up the great work!
  • PeterEamonn
    Incredible achievement of critical Beatles historiography
    I’m only 10 episodes in on the breakup series, and I can already confidently say this is my favorite music podcast ever, about my favorite band ever… and I’m an Andrew Hickey fan! That’s how good these two are at compellingly and lovingly connecting Beatles fans to the very souls of the artists we so love. This podcast captures the very essence of what makes this band so inexplicably and triumphantly perfect. It’s about friendship and love, lust and jealousy, rivalry and soul-deep interconnectedness. The Beatles are truly done justice by this exceptional and far reaching podcast.
  • Rikki Fataar
    This podcast is amazing
    I can’t put into words how deeply this podcast has affected me. Diana is utterly engaging, informed, articulate and charming. The show brings a bracingly fresh, even revolutionary take on the oft-told stories. A+, 10/10, so very well-done.
  • SpongeBobbyHil589
    One Sour Fantasy
    In the years after The Beatles breakup, McCartney became less and less venerated in the rock press. Especially in the aftermath of Lennon’s murder, Lennon become lionized, while McCartney less so. A reassessment of McCartney’s career could be an interesting topic to explore. Sadly that’s not this podcast. Instead it’s a worshiping at the alter of McCartney at the expense of any other collaborator deeming anyone other than McCartney inferior. The irony is likely lost on the host, in the same way they became annoyed by Rolling Stones magazine constant adulation of Lennon and downplaying any contribution of McCartney, they are doing the same snide derision only Lennon-McCartney in reverse. They are 20 years too late. McCartney is generally beloved now and much of his past missteps / failures have faded. The scales have over time balanced, giving due credit to each individual Beatle. This show is the host sitting on those scales in Paul’s favor. Their spin and skewing of facts inadvertently casts more doubt than proof on the majesty of McCartney. Then there’s the host’s yaoi fan-fiction of a romantic relationship between Lennon and McCartney. Mark Lewisohn, who many consider the most respected historian on The Beatles, bluntly squashed any rumor of this. In response, the host will regard anyone that doesn’t support their fiction as “jean-jackets” this term is also applied to Lennon apologist. Each show could be used as examples in all the logical fallacies the hosts commit. If “jean jackets” is the derogatory term for any male author that they mean to deride then “faux leather jackets” could be used to describe the faux journalism and faux honesty of this show. Fake. It claims to recontextualize The Beatles story. “Recontextualize” doublespeak for not providing proper context or omitting key facts which is a constant. They speak in ellipses never quite arriving at a point. Psychobabble. Trying to elicit a conclusion from the listener but their premises are so ludicrous it’s laughable. Host softly saying McCartney and Lennon’s “partnership” for their songwriting-partnership. It’s Not “a Beatles podcast,” it’s a McCartney fan girl podcast, if you’re not going to be honest with your audience at least be honest with yourselves. Still poorly produced. Bottom barrel. Cat nip for cat ladies.
  • Sdkirtley
    What an incredible show
    I happened to stumble upon this (until now, for me at least) hidden gem. Diana Erickson sounds WAY too young to be a Beatles fan like us old timers, but what incredible depth of analysis and real love (pun intended) for her subject matter (and the subjects themselves). I am an immediate fan!
  • LilyH11
    Fabulous and well researched Beatles pod!
    Cannot get enough OSD content! Diana has continued to build upon the break up series by interviewing incredibly talented and knowledgeable authors, musicians, journalists, songwriters, etc. She continues to develop fresh thinking about our favorite band, making new connections through research based analysis, as well as thoughtful and compassionate reflections. I love that she views the Lennon/McCartney partnership as the axis on which the Beatles spin and balance. She has researched the lives of both Lennon and McCartney meticulously, and she interprets their love and bond like no other podcast, author, or commentator I have heard or read before. Thank you for your hard work, and looking forward to more episodes!
  • NaomiCampellsAssistant
    Good yet Frustrating
    Love some of the nuances, fresh perspectives the host brings to old Beatle narratives… I think it’s necessary in deconstructing the one-dimensional views and clunky myths in most Beatles books. Yet, this podcast is tough to be a fan of… She focuses too much on debunking the silliest, lowest common denominator Beatles fan myths, which gets weary. She has a very judgmental tendency toward characters like Yoko who she gives the same one dimensional treatment that the Jean Jackets give Paul. She constantly interrupts the guests’ train of thought with defensive interjections, which is really frustrating for the listener. At best it’s jarringly over enthusiastic “yeah yeah yeah yeah!” And at worst it’s like a know-it-all who steps on the guests’ ideas and never lets them share their full thoughts. She seems to have some distain for her fans bc she doesn’t seem to read, incorporate or care about constructive listener feedback.
  • Mkboy1313
    Deep Conversations and the Beatles
    I have to say I am really enjoying this podcast. The interviews are very detailed and engaging. Also, as a man, it’s great to have a non-male perspective as it has allowed me to see the Beatles through a more dimensional lens. Five stars. Subscribe!
  • MellSunshine
    Mind blown!
    Loving this podcast! I am mind blown by some of the theories about the Lennon and McCartney friendship. I totally believe that you ladies have nailed the story! I love all of the facts and quotes! Thank you for a great podcast and information about the Beatles!
  • kkcool
    Love where this podcast goes
    If you’re looking for a narrative on the Beatles and their catalog, give this one a try. It’s a refreshing, almost-new look at what may have really happened with John, Paul, George and Ringo. Nicely done!
  • altaego
    Good Beatle p’cast, BUT…
    Diana knows her Fab-stuff and has refreshing takes and guest that help breathe air into the usual mythos. The only annoying thing for me seems to be how multi-episode content is often beefed up by either pasting repeated takes within 2+ hour frames (like the pt. 2 ep of the Cleave Interview w/John Lennon, when Dr. Driver repeats verbatim the part from ep. 1 when Lennon possibly flirts by mentions how sex is the only thing that keeps his interests then) or the host + guest reemphasize ideas (like John’s being 25 informed his behavior/ideas) without any added info to the take. It’s kinda buggy to listen across two hours of content and hear points repeated with nothing new added to it. Keep up the great work & quit repeating stuff!
  • malbones
    My new favorite Beatles podcast
    I had been listening to a few other Beatles podcasts and was enjoying geeking out about some of the behind the scene info but then when I found One Sweet Dream, I feel like I got the emotional roller coaster that I needed. I’m really enjoying thinking about the context behind the actions between them all. I find myself thinking more and more about what The Beatles break up can teach us about our own relationships with our friends, lovers and even ourselves. This podcast is a psychology study that leaves me coming back for more and more. Plus the interviews are brilliant and the sound bites are lovely additions.
  • Andee Bourne
    Brilliant Podcast!
    Binging on this! The host does such a phenomenal job storytelling !! You can clearly sense the rigorous research behind every single episode. Wonderful host, incredible topic. One of the most engaging series Ive come across.
  • Crespano
    Entertaining and smart
    Worth turning in … !
  • Yummy for my tummy
    A must listen!
    Excellent excellent excellent. I’ve listen to every episode, however each episode tells a story from an angle that I never knew. Elliot A
  • EmmieFN
    I find myself addicted to this take on a story we all know. It completely challenges the traditional viewpoint. Brilliant host!
  • RubyandDaisy
    Entertaining, original and addictive
    Outstanding storytelling —entertaining, insightful and exceptionally well researched. One Sweet Dream challenges the traditional narrative through its various series: the deep dives are superb, the breakup series revelatory and the interviews are astonishingly good. Prepare to be challenged, but it’s worth it! To note—it is very Lennon/ McCartney focused. Highly recommended! Ridiculously addictive.
  • RJH928
    Yea yea yea
    Just listened to #34 all days kept saying was yea yea yea or yes yes yes to everything Joe said. It was as so annoying. Learn to interview and just listen.
  • L Keith Harden
    Great podcast!
    I like the opinions of the host and guests… They seem to come from a lot of reading about and listening to the Beatles… Can’t wait for Maureen Cleave’s George Harrison interview… Thanks, Keith Harden
  • dpt1213
    Do not miss an episode they are great. This is one of the best pods for beatle fans. Homest and in depth. A must listen for any serious fan. Kepps getting better all the time. Bravo Diana
  • KLUminski
    Great podcast
    These ladies are great. For a life long Beatles fan, they offer NEW insights.
  • SikeTheCyclist
    The perfect pod for Beatles nuts
    Would love to have Phoebe back on for a hidden gems pod. Love y’all and this pod is necessary listening for Beatle fans imo.
  • francisreader
    OSD does what it promises, and gives a modern perspective on The Beatles that goes an awful long way to moving their story in time. There's been a lot of attention given to the updating of the group's music through Giles Martin etc, but OSD (along with the Another Kind Of Mind podcast) are doing important work, modernising and evolving what Derek Taylor called, "The greatest romance of the 20th century". Thank you, OSD!
  • Charlie Shepherd9
    I loooove this podcast!!!
    “I never knew” is what I keep saying…The enjoyable depth of discovery within the journey that Diana takes you on is wonderful. You go back in time through her unique perspective into the greatest band of all time. Again, I loooooove this podcast.
  • lgavs
    Has become my fav Beatles Podcast
    My friend sent me episode of when Aimee Mann was on podcast feb 2022. Conversation was about “Get Back” from Peter Jackson. I was hooked. Michale Penn deep dive episode in April 3022 good stuff too. He is a Beatle guy for sure! Intelligent and easy listening. Knowledgeable hosts. Very well produced with music pertaining to the conversation and topics. Lots of podcasts do not do this. Thank you!
  • Pablo Fanques
    Such a fresh perspective
    I just want to thank you for hours of enjoyment with this wonderful podcast. This fresh look at so many aspects of a story we know is much needed and most welcome. Please keep up the amazing work!
  • dbaps
    Get Back Deep Dive finally
    I love this podcast because the interpersonal relationships between the Beatles are discussed in a new and different way. I also love it that a deep dive of the differences between the Nagra audio tapes and Peter Jackson’s Get Back movie are also discussed in this podcast. I couldn’t find this anywhere else. Thank you!
  • Laarubh
    No George or Ringo
    I agree with other very well written reviews about the almost hilarious Paul bias so I won’t repeat them – honestly it’s nice to hear some Paul bias sometimes. But it really irks me that George and Ringo are completely left out. I understand the original framing is about Lennon/McCartney but you are missing important perspectives on that relationship if you completely neglect the two other people who were most present and likely impacted by their partnership outside John and Paul. I still listen from time to time but that keeps me from listening more regularly.
  • jack dylan
    Best Beatles podcast going.
    This deep dive into the relationship of Lennon/McCartney is required listening for serious Beatles fans. I love this show as much as John and Paul love each other!
  • Liverpool Bound
    Must Listen Podcast
    I have listened to, studied and been mesmerized by the Beatles for over 50 years. This podcast has become an important part of my study. Wow, what a great job ladies. Can’t wait for next episode. Would love a take on some people, not usually studied, that had a hand in shaping each Beatle; early friends, later friends, teachers, family members, etc. Great, important work, thank you.
  • Ty 🙅🏻‍♀️
    Great Beatles Pod
    Best analysis of Beatles interpersonal dynamics I have ever heard
  • ear rational
    Smart and insightful
    Fresh new thinking, emotionally logical in ways I’ve never read or heard anywhere else regarding the Beatles story and the individuals as actual people.
  • GenXChas
    Happiness is a terrific podcast
    I am immensely enjoy thing podcast series. As a very casual fan who watched Get Back and then became a not-so-casual fan, this podcast has been a blessing. I knew little to nothing about the dramatic events surrounding the break-up (I thought they just moved on to do solo work) so my little heart was shattered when I watched the documentary and found out the details after the fact. It felt like I was learning everything in reverse and out of sync, so I'm grateful to this podcast for all the well-researched information, fantastic interviews and for being all-around entertaining as I learn. And for the record, as a person who didn't know a single thing about their dynamic before watching Get Back, I never found Paul to be overbearing. He eventually came to be the one I found the most fascinating within the group. Before that, John's little sweet smile during a scene in part one was the very first hook for me buut...I was not prepared for learning about parts of 1970/1971 after that. *laughs* This is the first review I've ever written for a podcast so I hope this isn't too long. Thanks again for all your hard work Diana - I can't wait to hear more!
  • MarkH 64
    Want a deep dive into analysis of the Beatles?
    Diana’s insight and enthusiasm wonderfully accentuates the pleasures of the new ‘Get Back’ documentary for serious fans of the Beatles. So many Beatles podcasts claim to offer a deep dive into the material. This one really delivers, with a fresh understanding of the Lennon-McCartney dynamic that shaped everything the band did. Loved the 4-part series, especially #4!
  • bshultz11
    I love the One Sweet Dream podcast! I would love to be involved in these conversations. Such a different insight then we hear anywhere else. So good!!! Thank you for your contributions!!
  • kdls;faj
    My #1 pod covering my fav fab 4
    It's always a special treat to throw this on while at work and makes the shift much more tolerable (even enjoyable?!). Something about it is super comforting and it's always fascinating, really informative. I can tell a lot of work was put into it. Diana is the best has a very zen presence. The guests are all wonderful and some of them are even buds of Beatles, some real good gets. I am recommending this highly!
  • Kline not Klein
    Great companion
    I recommend anyone who finds this podcast to watch Let it be/Get Back, listen to this series and watch again. So many great insights.
  • liballoc
    women talking about the beatles, a revelation
    i appreciate so much how the hosts have created a new narrative about john and paul, effectively queering their relationship and exploring the emotional background of their friendship. it makes their music come alive for me again and it gives me hope that more space can be made for these sorts of complicated relationships that do not fit into heteronormative culture. not only do i learn more about the break-up, but i learn more about relationships in general from listening to this podcast. thanks to tim heidecker for recommending this on his podcast and leading me to these two smart and funny nerd-women. keep up the good work.
  • Kacki
    Its worth a listen
    I have listened to A LOT of Beatles podcasts and I like hearing the female point of view for once. I agree with a lot of what they say but how they say it irks me a bit (my issue more than theirs). I also see some of their blind spots in their analysis (we all have them). I find it a difficult podcast because of the music playing as they talk. I have audio processing issues so this makes this podcast almost inaccessible to me. I have to forward chunks because of this.
  • backontherope
    Great Take
    Really beautifully researched, with a compelling viewpoint. And the narratives are consistently fascinating and well constructed. I’ve learned SO much by listening to this. If there’s one thing I might “ding” about the podcast, I think the interviews tend to be so militantly about the mission and perspective of the podcast that it sometimes feels like the alternatives and info offered by the guests gets a bit rushed. There are a few times where there might have been more to explore when a guest is talking about John, for example, but in the eagerness to bring the story back to Paul, we might miss out on details that might be informative on their own (to be incorporated into the larger narrative later). Minor quibble—really love this!
    There's More Here than Meets the Eye
    How good? How insightful? I admit I did not dive in at my first notice, as I felt a great fatigue (marbled denim). Revelatory, whip-smart, critical, and alive. Like eight hours of Peter Jackson (thank you, Peter!) in each episode. I am trying to temper my enthusiasm writing this. Listen!
  • dreamybean
    I Cant’ Get Enough
    Well researched and thoughtful. I appreciate that Diana knows what she’s talking about and is willing to push guests in real time when they begin to regurgitate old misinformation. She approaches the topics with care and precision and I really enjoy the guests that are on. I would love an episode (or series?!) on the 6 months post divorce meeting pre Paul press release and some more context for what Paul was thinking (or not thinking?) when he ultimately broke the news of the Beatles dissolution.
  • yust10
    Most accurate deconstruction of Beatles breakup
    I can’t get enough of this podcast. If you want to get a look into what was really going on inside the Beatles, particularly in the lead up to and including the breakup, this is your podcast. The hosts logically break down the events, put them into context, and really help paint a picture of the motivations of John and Paul through the lens of their relationship as the Beatles began to fall apart.
  • artofhought
    No Other Beatles Podcast Even Comes Close!
    Diana is brilliant!!! Every episode is a home run. No other podcast compares. Her insight, research and ability to tell a story is extraordinary — and each episode is astonishingly entertaining. Duncan Driver is always a lovely addition as well. By far the best Beatles podcast — I love every episode. Spellbinding! Wonderful job! Keep it up.
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