Unshaken Saints


Seismic shifts in the religious and secular landscapes are destabilizing the faith of millions. Join religious educator Jared Halverson as he explores restored scripture, doctrine, history, and practice; examines patterns and pitfalls in navigating faith crisis; and wrestles with ways to make your faith unshaken.___________Hello my friends, I’m Jared Halverson and this is Unshaken. I’ve spent my life studying the scriptures, my professional career teaching them, and my education at a Bible-belt divinity school exploring ways they have been used and abused, attacked and defended. And I’d like to share with you some of the things I’ve learned. In March of 2020 I created a YouTube channel called Unshaken, and six months later we hit our one millionth view, as people around the world are eagerly pursuing an unshaken faith in God by immersing themselves in His word. More and more viewers have been asking for an audio-only version of the lessons on Unshaken, and this podcast is my attempt to meet those needs. What it lacks in the visuals shown on YouTube, or the polished sound of a podcast-only production, it hopefully makes up for in its accessibility to the drivers, joggers, and multi-taskers out there who want to study their scriptures “on the go.” To you, welcome to our verse-by-verse, Come Follow Me study of the scriptures. I pray that it helps your faith in Christ become unshaken.__________Disclaimer: The content of these podcasts is the sole responsibility of their creator and does not reflect the official position of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints or the Church Educational System.

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Recent Reviews
  • Dprobst
    Love the focus on Jesus Christ
    Love hearing JHal’s perspective through diligent study, surrender to God and humbly asking for light and understanding. I look forward to every episode.
  • The truth 😇
    Love this podcast wish it was still longer.
  • CO Listening
    Great insights
    I really enjoy the way Bro. Halvorsen thinks and teaches. He points out things I have never thought of every week. I like his perspective, often likening it to our day and the challenges of the younger generation. He keeps my attention and I will keep listening.
    especially love this episode… all his podcasts are worth listening to …
  • Suzy L.
    Thank You!
    I enjoy the way you present the information and appreciate all the personal stories. I listen every Monday it’s such a great way to start off my work week!
  • huujbgt
    I love the perspectives and insights that are given in this podcast. I have always enjoyed the stories of the scriptures but being able to really study the scriptures deeply and beyond just the stories has been hard for me. Scripture study (dare I say it) has become boring and something that I just did to mark it off of a to do list. With this podcast, I feel inspired. I feel interest and even excitement to listen to the insights given here and then read the scriptures talked about for myself. Thank you so much for restoring the deliciousness of studying the scriptures.
  • Jessday001
    Absolutely amazing. So grateful for this podcast and look forward to it every week. It has enhanced my study so much! Thank you brother Halverson!
  • The Seeker JimC
    Show volume level?
    Up the Sound volume. Not able to hear you as well since the move. Your voice does not cut thru truck,car and other background noise as before your move. In all other ways you always make my day.
  • Bhedin
    Audio Issues
    Overall the content is great but recently the audio lately has made it hard to listen. I have to crank my volume all the way up in my car and still can’t hear certain parts. There’s also a static sound whenever there’s even a momentary pause (like when you take a breath between sentences).
  • T.Jay2
    These are rich and spectacular knowledge of the scriptures visions. I love listening to you brother wish you could be closer to Hawaii to pick your knowledge. Thank you
  • lightSpeed226
    Your ultimate study guide
    Halverson knows so much about the scriptures. Really makes you enjoy diving into the text rather than just reading it.
  • Dizzi45z45
    This podcast has been a Faith saver for me and my family
    I discovered this podcast during Covid and I can’t tell you how important it has been to me ever since. My wife and I have faced some very Faith challenging trials the past three years and the inspired words and guidance of this podcast has helped us incredibly. Thank you Jared for all your efforts in these podcasts. These are doing so much good for us and so many people I helping us become unshaken.
  • Nashville Senior
    Changing Church Cumture
    I love the way you teach the goodness and truth that is not only in our church but in all faith traditions. It is sometimes difficult to live in an area with a lot of church members who have not experienced much outside the “church group” especially when your situation may not be the perfect Mormon family. I am always telling my children to focus on Jesus and His gospel and give grace to all members who unknowingly say or do things that could be offensive if one chooses to be offended. We have much to learn to be one and to encourage and love everyone. Thanks for your attitude and point of view.
  • Starkillerbasekiller
    If you haven’t started to listen to Unshaken yet, it’s time to! This accompanies the Come Follow Me curriculum of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. The way Jared presents the lesson really gets you into the Word! Especially if you are like me and are looking for a way to study during a commute, etc. Recommend 💯!
  • Azmom20
    Refreshing and eye opening
    I appreciate the shortened podcast length this year. But also enjoyed the longer ones from years past. The insights and stories you share to relate the scriptures to our day is profound. Your teaching style comes across as real, honest, thoughtfully prepared. Your love for the scriptures, the truth and our savior is evident in how you teach. Thanks for helping me (and so many you’ll probably never meet). The last few years, your podcast helped me through the death of my brother and others near to me. You helped give me something good to focus on, helping me understand the scriptures on a deeper level. And ultimately loving my savior even more. Thank you! Keep up the great work!
  • Georgia Porcupine
    Thank you SO much!!!
    Brother Halverson Thank you for taking so much time to help us learn and progress so much quicker! I’m extremely sad your lessons won’t be as detailed now but it’s actually going to break my 85 year old mother’s heart! She listens to your podcast, even the 5 1/2 hour ones, twice each week. You have a gift and a crazy good knowledge! and most of all, thank you for being humble as you teach. It somehow makes the content sink in easier and deeper. And THANKS for being so inclusive of all the marginalized groups! You are an amazing example of a true disciple of Christ!
  • gfjkynbfs
    Eye opening
    Brother Halverson! I feel like I’m attending an Institute class or like I am at Devotional again! How I longed for this feeling! I look forward to your posts every week! I found your podcast through Brother Bytheway’s favorite, I absolutely understand why you’re one of his favorites. Thank you, thank you, thank you!! 👍🏽👍🏽
  • MeiLi Moore
    From the bottom of my heart I thank you for these precious lessons. I thank your wife and your children for sacrificing time with you, to allow you to send these lessons. For 2 1/2 years I have listened to your podcast while I do my housework, dishes, and drive carpools. I share your insights with my husband and children. My deep gratitude for the word of God as well as my respect for dedicated prophets who painstakingly recorded these ancient scriptures has grown. But I want to especially thank you for the perspective I gain by listening to your lessons and testimony of Jesus Christ. I understand them like never before! Just as “dark out” curtains are opened and sunshine floods the room, I feel your explanations bring light to my limited scripture experience. Now I want to study scriptures in my free time! Thank you for bringing the incredible light of Christ into our home.
  • MissThang18
    These lessons are worth your time!
    Thank you so much for giving your all in these scripture lessons. I only started listening and following along with you last year, I wish I had committed myself to more serious scripture study sooner. I am a mom of six who practically never has time to read my scriptures, it’s a habit that I never cultivated the way I should have as a teen. As an adult I’m desperately trying to add that spiritual time to my day. I had my sixth baby last year and I still managed to listen to every one of your lessons and I am so proud of myself. I think it can be difficult for those of us (I’m a 35 yo millennial) who are trying to hold on to some semblance of what life used to look like before phones by resisting doing everything on our phones (especially scripture study). Heavenly Father has been diligently trying to show me that my phone is a powerful tool that he has given me that can absolutely be used for good. There have been so many times that I have turned on your lessons in the car and my kids instantly groan, and yet within 1-3 minutes they are listening closely. I used to get grumpy and tell them to stop complaining, now I tell them that mommy is trying to read her scriptures and I like having the spirit with me. The scriptures are making me a better person and I know my children can see that. I’m feeling so emotional as I write this review, again Brother Halverson thank you so much for putting so much of your time and effort into these lessons.
  • Shaunna33
    Just Grateful
    I have been recovering from many physical and emotional ailments these past years. Sometimes all I can do is lay in bed. Feeling so alone in my days I have turned to Bro Hal’s lessons for strength. I know that it is a labor of love to do these videos and podcasts for all to grow. And I am just grateful for his love and compassion for others. I have had many issues resolved by listening and have been able to keep an eternal perspective. Thank you Brother Halverson for you love and willingness to help. You don’t know me, but one day I hope to thank you for helping me.
  • mom f hope
    Unshaken saints
    This is a great pod cast! I’m so grateful I found this pod cast. I’m so grateful for an amazing teacher. He shows the contraries to gospel doctrine to help us learning the doctrine to decide for our selves and use our faith to gain a greater testimony of Jesus Christ and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Brenda from Missouri
  • JC 1989
    Good but long
    I really appreciate these episodes. Would it be possible to have an unbroken Saints abridged podcast? I can probably do 1-2 hours a week, but 4 hours is a bit much as I put come follow me podcasts on autoplay (2 x 2 hour split episodes a week is still four hours). Thanks!
  • Anna_B_Anna
    True Scholar
    Listening to the insight, knowledge and testimony of Jared Halverson is one of my favorite (and the best) ways to study and be taught.
  • letgodprevail#33
    Substantive, Deep, not watered down discipleship!
    You won’t get trendy, watered down (and misleading) Christianity and discipleship here! Bro. Halverson dives deep into doctrine and scriptures to inspire, strengthen, and unify saints in covenant keeping, true gospel living, and understanding of the Lord’s promises to His children who stand firm in the faith in a chaotic and “mists of darkness” world.
  • BeckyRobinLeavittGoodman
    Unshaken Saints
    Excellent in-depth content. Very relatable. Scholarly
  • Chaplain Jenna
    Please don’t lie to me
    When listening to Faith Matters recently, the announcement was made that Unshaken Saints would now be delivering one-hour episodes. I’m frustrated by the failure to deliver that promise. Please don’t tell me the show is going to be shortened to an hour and then keep posting two-hour long episodes. This might sound minute, but please follow through with what you say you will do. Pease don’t say you’re going to do something and then choose not to do it. It undermines your words of care and concern for listeners. We want a podcast host who does what he says he’ll do.
  • alenelitt
    Fellow Tennesean
    Would like to thank you for your insight and your knowledge that you share on your podcasts . I look forward every week to your lesson . And yes I will miss the 2-3 hr session but I sure enjoy them . My testimony of the truthfulness of the scriptures have deepened. A Litteral
  • Davep2392
    Thank you
    Thank you for sharing your love and knowledge of the scriptures. It is so amazing to see how they can help me and my family . Faith Matters is a wonderful organization working to expand our faith. Thank you!
  • marshamax
    So much talking!
    I really wanted to get into this podcast, because I think Bro. Halverson has a great spirit and testimony. I was interested to hear that he studies rhetoric, because I have a PhD in writing and rhetoric. I just prefer a more disciplined and structured message over the stream-of-consciousness approach. If you like to hear someone riffing on the scriptures verse by verse for hours (literally), you will probably like this podcast.
  • Tommydeez
    Used to love him
    Loves to hear himself talk.
  • Neltus
    Don’t leave us!!
    I have loved listening to Jared and his insights on his podcast. This has been my favorite study help for Come Follow Me. I can honestly say it has changed my life for the better. I heard he is going to Faith Matters Podcast instead of doing his own. That would be a great shame. Faith Matters is not good. The hosts are terrible and often preach incorrect doctrine. Please keep doing Unshaken. Thank you for the time and work you put into this.
  • NYUte.
    Life changing teaching
    Jared Halverson has help bring scripture to life and helped me see Jesus in the scriptures in ways I never thought possible, especially the Old Testament. Jared’s teachings about the Old Testament took a book that felt so foreign and unrelatable to me and not only helped me find Jesus in its words, but also how the Old Testament is foundational to understanding all other scripture. Thank you Jared for your personal sacrifice to produce this podcast. It has changed my life.
  • AllisenH
    This is it!
    If you’re going to listen to one podcast for scripture study look no further. I find Brother Halverson’s commentary comforting but it also pushes me to understand and apply God’s word as I never had before. His well-rounded approach includes historical context and reception, connects different passages of scripture, personal experiences, and my favorite- his analogies. I love how he brings things back to a few strong principles like “proving contraries” and “flexible faith over brittle belief.” As I listen to his commentary and engage with my scriptures I feel myself becoming more unshaken.
  • cole nip nickel
    Best come follow me podcast out there
    I LOVE listening to this podcast- especially in preparation to teach my Sunday School class. Its always been worth the 4+ hours because of the knowledge I gain. Some weeks I will listen to it a few times!! Amazing!!
  • Tasabraham
    Great Show!
    Thanks for the show! Great resource, so glad you are continuing to work with Faith Matters.
  • Utah Ward
    Great for deep immersion in the scriptures
    I found Brother Halverson’s podcast in early 2023. It has been a mainstay of my scripture study all year. He brings insights and thought-provoking concepts out of the scriptures, but I love that listening has given me so much time to really think deeply about doctrines, principles, and personal application of the scriptures in my own life. Looking forward to continuing to learn and improve my studies.
  • SonicC89
    Thorough Insight, Bad Doctrine
    The depth of study this man goes into is inspiring and I can listen for hours at a time, however, he is a Mormon and will frequently reference the heretical Joseph Smith and the LDS Church along with the Book of Mormon. Understand going into this that certain references are OUTSIDE the Bible. Make sure the KJV alone is your final authority in all things doctrine. There is no other Word of God. Joseph Smith was not a prophet of the Lord. Understand this and you’ll be fine. I cannot make this score higher unless he drops the Book of Mormon.
  • ashhig
    Top- Notch Podcast!
    I love this podcast so much. I love coupling it with my morning scripture study. Jared is an incredible teacher. The episodes are long, but there’s no rambling- of subject parts. I’m so grateful for this free resource, thank you for sharing of your time and talents for someone like me who struggles to understand what the scriptures are really saying!
  • LilyRick
    Best podcast ever! Filled with the Spirit
    Very knowledgeable and down to earth and easy to understand.
  • loves miracles
    Jared has helped me so much!
    I am so grateful for the help, inspiration and love Jared puts into Come Follow Me and how this helps so many people! The Scriptures have Come Alive for me in ways that I didn’t know they could! Thank you so much for your time and efforts, I hope that we get to continue on through the book of Mormon with you! I also find it very simple and easy to share, the topics come up so naturally and when there are gospel questions I am unsure of answering I say but the scriptures will help and so will Jared. People respond positively, I feel wonderful knowing they are on their path of healing and success.
  • Eroiahfhaeroiughoeriaufh
    This is the best podcast I’ve ever heard.
    Jared is a genius, providing great clarity and spiritual nourishment, and bringing souls unto Jesus.
  • Tezz0505
    I learned about your podcast a few months ago and binged from Acts and an up to date now. I also started listening to the Book Of Mormon podcast from the beginning, now in Enos. I have learned so much and am loving your presentations. Thank you for sharing your learning and testimony!
  • 6kiddosmom
    I have had friends recommend this podcast to me for a couple years and this week was the week to look it up and listen. Oh how much I have missed!!! The depth and spirit of all that is conveyed truly brings peace to my heart. I look forward to studying with unshaken moving forward!
  • jpriest0604
    Best podcast I have ever found
    This is the absolute best podcast on the app, the work Brother Halverson puts into this is amazing, and it has made the scriptures inspiring to me. Thank you!!
  • Mary Scheckman
    Best scripture study teacher
    We all need a little push and clarity while studying the words of Isaiah, Paul, etc. Brother Halverson makes every word of scripture come alive in ways you never saw before. I value tremendously all the time and effort he puts into these lessons which are my morning companions for years since COVID. I’m so grateful for all the scripture study teachers that came up after Covid. I’m sure everyone has their favorite, but to me, nobody unpacks the scriptures and makes it so digestible as Jared Halverson. Huge thanks!🙏
  • LaraFrieda
    Thank you Brother Halverson!!
    Dear Brother Halverson, you are a scripture superstar! Thank you for your dedication to truth, your skill of teaching truth and your humility as you engender love for the truth! I love Unshaken!! I love your 4 hour lessons! And I love your family for being willing to support you as you share a lifetime of scripture study with me! God bless you! 💕
  • aserfvuu
    Must-listen for any person of faith
    A master teacher and bringer of the Spirit (if that’s a term). Jared has helped strengthen my faith. I see in the words that he shares daily with me while I get ready for the day each morning the kind of kindness and love that I know God has for me, and that I pray I can have for others. Brimming with informed faith, Jared brings the Spirit powerfully each podcast. A must-listen for any person of faith.
  • PKimball
    Master Teacher
    Jared Halverson is a master teacher. Every lesson is filled with teachings of the prophets, fascinating stories, insights and correlations that draw the learner into his love of the Savior and the scriptures, with a desire to only help us develop the same. Put him on 1.25 or 1.5 speed and long lessons become more manageable. In him there is no impropriety or sense of self-serving aggrandizement. On the contrary. He is a humble servant of God who has put in the time to really get to know his audience and help each—even those who are in the midst of faith crisis, skiptics or anti-religious—come a little closer to God. Just listen, and you too will discover a treasure-trove, a veritable cornucopia of delightful things to ponder as the scriptures come to life in new ways. Your soul will truly delight in fatness (2 Nephi 9:51).
  • 5n4ke
    My Favorite
    This is my favorite CFM study podcast. The perspective and insights that Bro Halverson brings are priceless. Thank you Bro Hal. Your contributions are so appreciated
  • rstracy
    Essential podcast. Truly exceptional!! Thank you!!!
    This podcast dives deep into the Come, Follow Me curriculum. Thank you, Jared, for this precious gem to strengthen all of our testimonies and knowledge of the Gospel of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Este podcast nos da un estudio profundo al currículo de Ven, Sígueme. Gracias, Jared, por este tesoro para aumentar nuestros testimonios y ampliar nuestro conocimiento del Evangelio de nuestro Salvador, Jesucristo.
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