Church News

News #180

Experience behind-the-scenes stories and interviews relating to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Join Sarah Jane Weaver as she interviews Church leaders, members who are making a difference and writers from the Church News team.

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Recent Reviews
  • M Michele C
    The episode with Pres Holland felt like a personal, spirit-filled visit between friends which I was warmly invited to join! Actually…that’s exactly what it was!
  • Ethan E Ball
    One of the best ways to reconnect and remind myself of the powerful work god is doing to bring his children home!
  • KGardnerH
    These podcasts are very informative and have strengthened my conviction of Jesus Christ. I loved the episode about the filming of the Book of Mormon videos.
  • Nath8000
    Uplifting, Educational, Inspiring
    Thank you. I enjoying learning about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
  • B.Dissapointed
    One of my favorite podcasts!
    I commute about an hour to work and this is one of my favorite podcasts! It is never a waste of time. It’s always informative and spirit filled. SJW is a fabulous journalist and understands what to cover/who to interview that will be interesting to most.
  • TJHR11
    Uplifting Content for Anyone
    BTS on the topics related to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints?? Yes, please. So grateful for this content in the world.
  • marathonmom5
    Uplifting updates
    Such a wonderful place to turn to in order to keep up with the wonderful things the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is doing!
  • amyncaba
  • 9751482
    A must listen!
    This is a must listen to podcast for every member, friend, or anyone interested in learning more about the current events and works of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
  • DCMikefromAZ
    Great interviews
    Excellent podcast to learn about all the ways the church is improving society.
  • ScottFromRedmond
    Thank you for the excellent interviews
    Excellent interviews with dedicated individuals who help me to want to be a better disciple of Jesus. I appreciate the quality of your guests and the insights into their service experiences and life perspectives. Thanks!
  • gbotri
    Lots of learning
    I love this podcast and learning about so many different things that are going on in the church.
  • PGmommaB
    Great information and the spirit is felt!
    I love listening to this podcast and hearing directly from the people in the know about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. So many different topics and updates on current events that are relevant. Thank you for creating this podcast!!
  • DonetskMama
    Beautiful insights!
    This is a fantastic way to see the Church from fresh perspectives. I love Episodes 160 and 161!
  • B__Chuck
    Great spiritual insights
    Check it out
  • slckaren
    I love this podcast!
    How do I begin to sum up how much this podcast has meant to me, in good times and in bad, when it has positively influenced me so much? As a lifelong member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, I am particularly interested in media produced by the Church itself. Along with the scriptures and the curated library of books and magazines the Church provides, having something in the podcast format is a convenient spiritual boost to busy, modern life. This current and relevant podcast is so timely. I love that it gives us content from the present leaders of the Church. It is great to hear their thoughts, in their own voices, in a more personal and informal way than we hear them in General Conference, when they are unable to be as casual and relaxed as they are here. I have especially appreciated hearing from the women leaders, and as a leader of young women, the Emily Belle Freeman episode was a special treat! It was great getting to know more about her and the way she thinks. Please keep addressing the current issues in the world that impact our youth. Keep bringing us the authors and speakers we used to have to wait to read in print or listen to “on the circuit.” Keep up the great work!
  • Shureeck
    Always interesting
    I appreciate the variety of topics. They are always interesting and help strengthen my testimony and knowledge of the gospel.
  • marticita
    Love love love the Emily Belle Freeman interview
    Emily has a way of explaining complicated topics in a very simple and thoughtful way. This episode helped me to feel the spirit.
  • Dfr1019
    News through a podcast
    I love getting news in the podcast format. The episode about the mission leaders conference was so interesting. I enjoyed hearing about all of the chapters of Preach My Gospel from the leaders of the church.
  • Zac Knibb
    My favorite podcast! I love it!
    Helps me realign each day when I drive.
  • Jakey Toronto
    The Unfolding Restoration
    The Church News podcast helps me understand how the restoration of the church of Jesus Christ is an ongoing process — how revelation continues — and how to better live this restored gospel and appreciate its fruits.
  • MiRicks
    Great Guests Inspiring Discussions
    Great podcast for Latter-Day Saint and adjacent listeners!
  • bericjohnson
    Outstanding podcast, thanks!
  • likeslicorice
    Variety of guests
    There is a nice variety of guests who are interviewed. I learn new things from each episode. Thanks!
  • Dew from Heaven
    Wow, the one with Rabbi Meir Soloveichik (ep. 107) gave me such sizzling tingling gathering-Israel goosebumps that I felt I had literally eaten manna from heaven and was left quenched from a thirst I had not even known was there.
  • wmayfield243
    Rabbi S
    The episode with Rabbi Soloveicek (sp?) was very impactful. It’s wonderful to hear experiences of faithful people in different traditions. I want to learn more about him!
  • Bishop Sandoval
    Always Timely
    Somehow this podcast is always timely to the things happening in our world. As members of the church we are so blessed to have a team of journalists dedicated to bringing us a unique perspective into the church through the guests and coverage of this podcast.
  • BallJamin
    Always Relevant
    This might be my favorite podcast. I started listening a few years ago and have gone back to hear every episode. Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints would all be blessed to know the principles and perspectives learned here. Thank you so much to the amazing production team that provides these resources.
  • livinmontana
    Great interviews
    I recently started listening to this podcast and I love it. I can’t wait to go back through the older recordings and listen. Every time I finish an episode I feel so happy. I love to share the episodes that inspire me.
  • Doug Holm
    Solid podcast
    A compelling podcast sponsored by one of my favorite news sources.
  • Krazy Tongan
    Love This Podcast
    I love this channel. Thank you for putting this together
  • Use the Force 123456789
    Thank you
    Thank you for sharing! We love all the insights we gain from listening!
  • LouiseLN
    Now we know
    Sarah Jane and her guests provide great background, context and inspiration each week for how we as a church are engaging with our times and circumstances and how we can move forward as individuals and as a people. I definitely “Know now” more about being a deeper disciple of the Savior. Thanks for the uplift each week
  • lakelife4
    Loved episode 58
    Grateful Stevi used her social media platform to be transparent about her struggle with endometriosis so she could help others who also struggle with Endo. Those are the posts that help other people. Loved the gratitude initiative last year. We need to do that every year!
  • Squabble Tops
    we are awaiting our call
    we learned so much that helps at this time Thank you
  • Radaktbjia
    Sr Couple Missionary
    We have submitted our papers and are excited to serve a full time senior mission as a couple. It was so affirming to hear this podcast and contemplate our own opportunities and blessings that await us. Thank you!
  • Tnwac
    So Relevant
    I love the Church News podcast. To have in-depth conversations to listen to surrounding current events in the Church and in the world is incredibly helpful and eye-opening. I’ve learned things on this podcast that are precious to me, and that directly impact my life as I ponder them, grow, and change. The power that comes from listening and being aware of what’s going on, along with scripture and gospel study, is incredible. It adds context—a feeling of security and confidence in a world that is full of chaos and confusion. I’m a young mother. Being able to listen to good podcasts like this with an ear bud in one ear while holding a sleeping baby (along with audio scriptures, conference talks, and the Saints volumes in the Gospel Library app) is such a privilege and blessing! I’m grateful to have access to such technology. Thanks to all who are involved in producing this work.
  • true follower 1144
    August 17 Podcast
    I have enjoyed listening to all the podcasts so far but I have to take exception to this weeks with Richard Turley. While trying to talk about the first presidency letter about COVID 19 he seemed to want to interject personal feelings. The presidency didn’t say command they said urge. Free agency is a powerful thing we have been given for our individual self’s to decide what to do in all facets of life. This is a very tantalizing subject for each of us and until we are commanded to do it should be left up to each individual. It is very irresponsible of Bro. Turley to feel the need to put personal feelings into it. I for one am very disappointed in the Church News podcast for irresponsible tactics to try to coerce members into feeling bad about not getting something that we are individual free to choose to get or not.
  • Missyjken
    Inside view
    I look forward to this podcast every week. It helps center me and gives greater context to current events within the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Thank you for all of those who put into the work to provide this podcast every week!
  • Sunny 🌻
    Beautiful podcast!
    Thank you so much for this inspiring podcast about Nauvoo. I am so grateful for my pioneer grandparents who were a part of this sweet history. I always love to learn about our early Saints and especially about Nauvoo 😊
  • runnergirlx2
    Excellent Podcast
    I enjoy this podcast so much ! I always learn new things and it’s great to learn more about our leaders. I feel spiritually uplifted after I listen and learn.
  • WongHodgkin
    Elder Bednar
    Can I have a copy of transcript for this broadcast
  • J Grant Allen
    Thank you!
    We have never met Morgan but love her style and the way she petitions the spirit to guide her through her interviews in such a way that brings out deep, heart-felt thoughts and key eternal gospel principles. Thank you Morgan for your spiritual preparation - it shows in your sincere kindness and love for those you interview!!
  • FavAuntieProf
    Sister Nelson is amazing.
    Loved the interview with Sister Nelson. What a beautiful insight to the lives of two amazing persons.
  • s.jd.
    Thank you
    Loved the Elder Ballard interview- please keep ‘em coming!
  • Dancinghappy6
    Looking Forward...
    I’m excited to have some positive news in my day!!!!
  • Jessrdh06
    Timely discussions
    I subscribed to the podcast and just recently finished listening to the episode of the early pioneers of the suffragette movement. This was a wonderful episode and so timely. Thank you for seeking out stories that relate to your listeners. It is inspiring and unique!
  • Due West Dude
    So excited for this!!!
    What an awesome idea!
  • I Love Utah!!!
    Can't wait to listen!!
  • Utah climber
    You’re off to a great start!
    How I loved listening to this first episode with President Ballard. Low key, powerful, not over scripted but still edited for hitting what listeners will enjoy hearing. Keep it up!
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