
by Gimlet

Resistance is a show about refusing to accept things as they are. Stories from the front lines of the movement for Black lives, told by the generation fighting for change. Hosted by Saidu Tejan-Thomas Jr.

Recent Episodes
  • Say It All Now, Sugar
    Dec 15, 2021 – 01:00:38
  • Land of the Free, Home of the Braid
    Dec 1, 2021 – 41:03
  • My Somebody
    Nov 24, 2021 – 53:34
  • Reunion
    Nov 10, 2021 – 54:00
  • The Baobab Tree
    Oct 13, 2021 – 40:05
  • The Fist Without The Fuss
    Sep 29, 2021 – 01:04:01
  • Big Floyd
    Sep 15, 2021 – 52:32
  • Live From The Tribeca Film Festival
    Sep 1, 2021 – 46:43
  • Bushwick and the Beast
    Jun 23, 2021 – 48:34
  • Get Back In The Water
    Jun 9, 2021 – 43:11
  • Jesus Was An Enemy Of The State
    May 26, 2021 – 53:08
  • F Your Everything
    May 12, 2021 – 45:56
  • F Your Bayonet
    Apr 28, 2021 – 33:12
  • F Your Water Fountain
    Apr 14, 2021 – 37:40
  • Geechee World Order
    Mar 31, 2021 – 44:50
  • Didn’t We Just March For This?
    Mar 3, 2021 – 36:17
  • I Want To Report A Theft
    Feb 17, 2021 – 30:15
  • My Somebody
    Feb 3, 2021 – 52:41
  • Borders Between Us
    Dec 23, 2020 – 39:43
  • Give Me War Music
    Dec 9, 2020 – 44:50
  • Lesser Known Creeps
    Nov 25, 2020 – 35:28
  • See You On The Road
    Nov 11, 2020 – 28:37
  • Coach G
    Oct 28, 2020 – 32:18
  • Shake The Room
    Oct 21, 2020 – 42:11
  • Is It Too Revolutionary?
    Oct 14, 2020 – 42:22
  • Resistance Official Trailer
    Sep 30, 2020 – 02:46
Recent Reviews
  • Phila-Dan
    At the top.
    I was just going to share the “F your water fountain” series with a friend, and thought I’d share it here too. It started in April 2021. Find it in this podcast feed.
  • Unemployed Hero
    Engaging, educational and thought-provoking!
  • Otelia18
    This podcast is incredible
    I binged this entire podcast in a couple days and I cannot wait for the next season. Every episode is well thought out and fully engaging. I have learned so much about racism and deep betrayals that have been committed and continue to occur daily. I can’t recommend it enough.
  • yennyvee
    Like many others, I’ve never felt compelled to review a podcast despite being an avid listener. But wow, everyone needs to listen to this. Fresh Air introduced me to Saidu Tejan-Thomas and Resistance and I’m so grateful for it. Each episode is masterfully told and produced, and the show’s theme seems to grow more and more expansive with each episode. And the music! Thank you to the team behind this for doing such incredible work.
  • JjayGirl
    The content of this show is so well reported and composed, but what I really appreciate is how much thought and care goes into the music of the show. The music credits are as long as the story credits! Keep up the incredible work
  • linsiiik
    Thank you
    This podcast was made for me, thank you. The depth of BIPOC stories is endless with opportunities, you share new perspectives with a breathtaking beauty. “All this is for you. Full stop.”
  • DMOccupant
    Original voice
    I wish everyone would hear these episodes. Brains, heart, courage and invaluable knowledge. Update: this podcast and the breadth of coverage in geography as well as history just keep expanding - I can’t think of a more meaningful, educational and thoughtful source out there today.
  • Jasperblu67
    So very good!
    So, you want to be an “ally”? Start here. Like good story telling, and to feel inspired/moved by it? This is nothing if not that. Want to learn something about how the world really works for “other” people, especially BIPOC? Get on it, because this is the forum! Cannot stress enough the level of quality this podcast puts out. Truly stellar, excellent & compelling output. Always leaves me wanting more. Thank you “Resistance” for carrying the message!
  • jericksen1
    Love medicine, must listen
    I’ve never written a review for any podcast despite loving many, but Resistance captures my mind, heart, and soul on a whole ‘nother level. I am an ambassador for this one as I believe everyone needs to hear it. Resistance is a unique blend of wake-up call, personal journeys, evocative storytelling, and love letter to the human spirit. I fell in love with Resistance after hearing the Coach G episode featured on Heavyweight, and my love, awe, and respect have deepened with every episode since. My only complaint is that I haven’t been able to find any merchandise so that I can spread the good word by rocking a hoodie with that incredible lit match image! Finally, I appreciate how the podcast embodies its name. Resistance is an ongoing act of resisting so many issues and inequities. It makes me feel righteously angry and full of love at the same time - which sums up the complex magic of this podcast. Listen please! It’ll be a better world when everyone does....
  • Sdrj1
    Political Prisoners, FYWF
    As a seventy year old white male with degrees from two Ivy League universities, I am not your demographic. I have never rated a podcast before. But this podcast is important. F*** your water fountain indeed. Bless you.You are doing this for all of us. Keep Resisting.
  • hnshsne s
    Cannot overstate how great this podcast is
    Masterful storytelling, every episode is compelling and educational. My very favorite podcast. Required listening for all kids. My 12 & 15 year olds love it as much as I do. Thank you, Saidu, truly. I hope this podcast is around for years.
  • Trchuck
    A natural narrator and storyteller
    I first heard of this podcast and Saidu Trejan Thomas in an NPR interview. Just knowing of the topic was enough for me to subscribe. Hearing Thomas’s background and impetus for creating the podcast had me eager to start listening. I’m not even through the first episode, but stopped what I was doing to write this: listen to this podcast. I have no idea if the interviews and subject matters will always be of this caliber, but it’s awe-inspiring that one moment Thomas was a gamer who described himself as someone who didn’t have the capacity to really process the murder of George Floyd, and virtually the next he has created this podcast...and he’s such a naturally gifted storyteller, interviewer, narrator.
  • vmspain
    Borders Between Us
    A luminous piece of storytelling- the whole podcast is worth subscribing to!
  • Lizm5810
    The obstacle is the path - Marcus Aurelius
    That quote came to mind when I heard Saidu Tejan- Thomas ponder his path in the episode featured on “This American Life”, his way to meaning. It’s right here in front of you and you are doing important work, bringing light to the issues that touch your heart. Your words, your poetry brought me to your podcast and I am here to stay. Your words reverberate in my heart long after I hear an episode and I question myself, my path, my place. Keep breaking down walls and shining your light. Many people now know who Marcus-David Peters was and the brutal way he was murdered when he needed help. It’s hard to know what to do with the weight of our grief but each drop in the bucket matters and together we will make meaningful changes for the next generation. You are transforming darkness into light.
  • helen_a_hand_basket
    Really great
    I’m grateful for this program—good storytelling, info, editing, etc.
  • Amh78
    Important & Informative
    I found Resistance when they were featured in This American Life. The stories are so unique and something I wouldn’t be exposed to otherwise. Thank you for your work.
  • modest mediator and Buddhist
    Thank you!
    Powerful story and truth telling.. Touching, edifying and beautiful .
  • Rayma_Anne
    Deeply Moving
    So well done Saidu. And I really love your personal stories scattered in. You are a phenomenal writer and host.
  • Lola Luffnaigle
    One of my faves!
    The host is great and the guests are always interesting
  • qbdolnick
    Thoughtful, brave voice, excellent writing & production. Thank you all for your work! It’s important & artful.
  • Tigerlilly_RM
    Baltimore is an all out corrupted autocratic police state
    My Somebody !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you for telling Kelly & Keith’s story. So very angry, sick and tired of beautiful people having a ruthless, insidious knee of autocratic police state on their neck, as the complicit city, state & prosecutors stand and watch with their hands in their pockets for years and years, now centuries! CITY OF BALTIMORE PD, DA -HOW do you sleep at night???
  • nanzpeace
    Oh wow
    Loved Saudi’s Warriors in the Garden on This American Life where I left an awed review. Thrilled to hear he has his own podcast. - His newest fan.... ✌️👍🌈
  • wu library
    subscribe. now.
    quality production & outstanding, thoughtful content. thank you
  • Seattledewdrop
    Phenomenal Storytelling!
    Storytelling at its best! Raw and succinct. Complex and full of intellect and heart!!!
  • ArtistTutorTeacherLiz
    Storytelling at its best!
    From one storyteller to another, this podcast does some phenomenal storytelling! I love the stories you’ve chosen to share and the ways you’ve highlighted each them. Forever fan!
  • asdfghjkl42
    Love it
    Definitely one of my favorite podcasts. Powerful and engaging.
  • NajaSL
    I Love This Podcast!
    I look forward to each biweekly episode! I love how Resistance really broadens my worldview. Thank you!
  • alsoowned
    Enthralling and important
    Absolutely love this podcast. Each story could have its own podcast, and it leaves me wishing they did.
  • row-your-boat
    My somebody
    This story about black love and the ways the government tries to keep it down moved me to tears. Happy black history month everybody
  • WWoldster
    My Somebody episode
    I get so much out of all these episodes. They are engaging and thought provoking. Please please follow up on this one so we know how Kelly, the kids and Keith are doing! I hope Keith can be released!
  • LBS301
    We Need This
    When you have no power against your gov’t, when you’ve been discriminated against and denied equal rights for centuries , when you see white supremacy both violent and subtle working to keep you separate and unequal just because of the color of your skin, you have to get louder and creative to try and make the change. May the force be with them. From a white middle aged woman who is committed to educating oneself about the true treatment of people of color in our country , figuring out how she can be an effective ally and working to grow courage to be one.
  • unable yo use
    Borders between us
    Wow. Oof. That was hard to hear. I wish I could give you the warmest hug and just bless you with joy. As a mom raising a boy I could relate so much to your relationship with your mom. It’s not your fault that your story was cut so short. Your mom would be very proud of you and as parents we don’t always know how to push our kids the right amount. We too say harsh things when we are mad and we forgive. Please forgive yourself and know that as a mom of a boy I am confident she forgives you. Wishing you love success and eternal joy. ❤️❤️❤️
  • crkearney
    Excellent storytelling
    I often times find myself having to pause this podcast to stop and think about the story. To just stare at the wall and soak it in. The stories are complex, beautiful, enraging, heartbreaking, and always worth listening to the end. I get excited whenever there’s a new episode.
  • L.A. fan
    My Somebody
    What amazing individuals, and their devoted love story, highlighting the incredibly, and systematically unjust American judicial system. Beautifully told.
  • igneous2x
    Borders Between Us
    Thank you, thank you, thank you, dear Said, for this episode. So moving, so touching, so illuminating. I cried so from my heart as a mother, as a mother’s child, as a fellow human being. What a gift you have given your listeners. Mil gracias!
  • rootsreachdown
    Coach G!
    Yes so good !
  • ToRn Rose
    Thank you
    A very well done podcast, I was listening to “Shake the room” while at work when my phone started blowing up over the attempted coup. We need more podcast from and for POC. My black 16 yr old nephew from Canada will soon be living with us to continue his education, I’ve been talking to him as much as possible regarding the police and not being murdered by one, as well as US history, and I’m adding this podcast to “You MUST” listen to this.” As it perfectly covers both topics.
  • yas asia yas
    Seriously so good
    Incredible. Beautiful. Honest, funny. Each story is amazing in different ways on so many levels. The coach episode, Warriors episode, the story about the host’s mom. This show deserves all the love, all the $$$, all the support!! So well done, bravo!!
  • Rw8034
    Love this
    I’ve been listening to the podcast since it launched and it is amazing. Saidu is such a great storyteller and has the most beautiful voice - and I really appreciate the content - I could listen all day. Borders Between Us just did me in - I realize it was recorded earlier but it fits right in with the series and it was so heart-rending and heart-warming I really couldn’t think about or do anything else for hours afterwards. Congrats to you Saidu - you are going places for sure and your mother would be so proud!
  • Ben09jlc
    “Borders Between Us”, Insanely beautiful. Wow. Thank you so much.
  • Clan Dad
    Episode “Coach G” Podcast host (in reference to The video of George Floyd’s death): “I’m gonna be honest, I still haven’t watched that video, but I know what’s there.” That tells me all I need to know about the podcast.
  • mtlover1
    Amazing podcast
    A must hear. Thank you Saidu!!!
  • iheartmies
    i really enjoy this podcast
    thank you for sharing the story about you and your mother
  • Ty Oh.
    Chef’s kiss
    A voice made for radio and narration to match. Chef’s kiss
  • jesk3
    Each episode was captivating and honest! Loved each one! And the music was perfection!
  • FriendlyNeighborhoodJew
    Thank You
    This is one of my favorite podcasts of the year. I can’t wait to see what the future has to offer for this podcast and the amazing people involved!
  • LenaJones77
    Amazing storytelling
    Love each episode
  • FlaviamariaMSF
    Gimlet at its best
    The subject matter is fascinating/important on its own but this show has that story telling magic that gimlet does best. The music helps build suspense, the story-tellers/reporters are engaging and they do a really good job of taking one story and expanding it out to a greater message. Love. Share with friends.
  • hazelbnr
    Pass it on
    First episode is inspiring and impressively informative. Second episode off the hook revealing about another kind of police intimidation. Can’t stop listening, now into episode 3. White boomers like myself, enough of us, want deep change., and are willing to make the sacrifices. Let’s make it happen, and this podcast helps supply some tactics & information. An addendum: This podcast just keeps getting better. TY
  • adley80
    Vulnerable, needed, inspiring
    Just listen
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