Chameleon: Dr. Miracle

True Crime #131

A wellness center some called Miracle Ranch, nestled in the scenic mountains of Southern California, promised a luxurious escape and a path to wellness through clean, alkaline living. Its leader, Dr. Robert O. Young, attracted wealthy clientele with his “groundbreaking” health protocols and friendly, family-man persona. But beneath the serene surface, Miracle Ranch harbored a dark secret. The people who stayed there didn’t get better; they got worse. Through legal documents and candid interviews with former patients and employees, law enforcement officials, and affected family members, this series unravels the chilling true story of one man who convinced scores of people that cancer is not a cell but an “acidic, poisonous liquid,” and how his popular “alkaline diet” turned deadly.Want the full story? Unlock all episodes of Chameleon: Dr. Miracle, ad-free, right now by subscribing to The Binge. Plus, get binge access to brand new stories dropping on the first of every month — that’s all episodes, all at once, all ad-free.Just click ‘Subscribe’ on the top of the Chameleon show page on Apple Podcasts or visit to get access wherever you listen.From Campside Media and Sony Music Entertainment, this is Season 8 of Chameleon: Dr. Miracle. Find out more about The Binge and other podcasts from Sony Music Entertainment at and follow us @sonypodcasts.

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Recent Reviews
  • Ybsjshsibd
    The first time
    The only way thing to be honest about the situation was if you had to do something to make sure you got it done right and
  • Katbev
    Season 8 - WOW!
    Amazing writing. This story is sad, sickening, frightening, crazy, unbelievable! I’m sure there will be a movie and documentary if there isn’t already.
  • NightmareSociety
    A few good but a lot of bad
    I agree with a lot of others here; really like Hollywood Con Queen, Wild Boys and Dr Miracle - so good. Working my way through, the Art gallery one is boring me to tears 4th episode in and the Michigan plot episode is ridiculous in my opinion. Just read the other 1 star reviews that mention the Michigan plot and you’ll get the idea.
  • portia2222
    Well done!
    Makes other podcasts recently seem so Amateurish. This is a well researched and well laid out story. Perfectly and carefully done!
  • dre33333
    Season 8
    Did they do any fact checking?? Or are we just taking the cleaning ladies word about Dr young’s religion, because she’s wrong, and no one corrected her statements. How can I trust anything else in this podcast?
  • EasyEar
    Interesting but very biased.
    Narrator persists in stating that all of these alternative treatments are bogus, but she doesn’t convince me. There are well documented accounts of alternative treatments working, and yes the people are still alive or died from other reasons. Yes, there are also times that they don’t work. This is the same with conventional medication. There are always people out to prey on desperate people whether in conventional medicine or in alternative medicine.
  • Kbrhonda17
    Season 8
    Incredible !! Loved it. Couldn’t stop listening!
  • TheOnlyCloClo
    Wow LOVE & Great Writing
    I LOVE THIS PODCAST …. Have no idea how I found this but I’m doing season by season and haven’t listened to a single other podcast in WEEKS. I appreciate the writing … he has great descriptions and phrasing
  • Manny K.
    Dr Miracle
    Powerful show and very well told story.
  • Polo123fw
    Turning 32
    I listened to this on my 32nd birthday and could. not. Stop. I exchanged the story with a friend. He said that he knew all about this
  • 2 year tapper
    The Michigan plot-too annoying to finish
    The topic was interesting enough but I couldn’t make it to the 4th episode. The host has the most nasally stuffed sounding nose. Too annoying to even finish the season. Glad I didn’t pay for it.
  • ashhanne
    Season 8 amazing
    Just finished season 8, Dr. Miracle. 10/10 recommend. excellent story telling and captures the complexity of being fooled by faux medicine
  • aammyeeee
    Dr. Miracle and Dr. Sebi
    Look into Michael Jackson and the alkaline regime and unseen footage he was seen on.
  • kkhhhv
    Incredible work on alkaline diet.
  • I just want the colors
    So GOOD!
    Had to subscribe because I couldn’t wait to finish this one. I totally remember this diet. I had friends buying Young’s products and water machines. I had NO idea all of this happened. Listen to this one!
  • TonyB507
    Tough listen
    I’m listening to the season about Michigan. Why did they send this girl to narrate after doing rails of coke? Gosh get someone who can breathe out of their nose. Just couldn’t listen anymore
  • Adfsdf12
    I am buying what this podcast is selling and not what Robert Young the “doctor” is selling.
  • Bbbridgeyyyqedfj
    Pretty ok!
  • CaptMermaid
    Narrator has too much vocal fry
    The story is good. The production is good. I think it’s an interesting compelling story of true events. Unfortunately, her creaky voice is like listening to fingernails on a chalkboard. It was a real struggle to get through episode one and I might not be able to continue which is too bad since I am very interested in hearing this. I might have to turn off sound, sit in a chair, and read the transcript instead of listening.
  • Calvin_Sexton
    My thoughts on dr Miracle
    Very gripping podcast. Listening to the victims' stories made me feel connected to people and the planet.
  • nico333nico
    The Michigan plot
    Just because people are stupid and idiots doesn't mean they aren't incredibly dangerous as evidenced by what happened on January 6. This seems to be missing from this podcast. It's like "oh these silly stoners with lots of guns were duped by the FBI!" Give me a break. I liked season 8 about the alkaline diet, but really sorry I decided to listen to this season.
  • Nullity
    Couldn’t hold my interest
    I really wanted to like this, but it couldn’t hold my interest in season two. It took all I could do to get through a season one and this season is just as bad. My life is only so long. I can’t wasted on a podcast. It’s not worthy.
  • GPSnark
    I bailed before the 2-minute mark
    It’s yet another podcast in which the writer/host cannot refrain from adding quirky cutesy asides in the erroneous belief that this enhances the story. The sound effects & “zany” music also cheapen the podcast and bring a real kindergarten vibe to what is probably a great story.
  • Mysterio.
    Apologists for domestic terrorists
    A stilted presentation that forgives everything a group of domestic terrorists did. Also poorly presented with one host having so much congestion it’s unlistenable.
  • iagosant
    What’s a Thai-vo
    Just started but… did she mean tee-vo?
  • USA Mknitter
    The Michigan Plot - Season 7
    I initially was getting bored with The Michigan Plot until about Episode 5, particularly Episode 6. I didn’t know much about this plot and the persons involved except for what little I saw on the national news (I live in a totally different part of the USA). I now appreciate the “deep dive” that was done with this particular podcast (Season 7) and am sad to hear that the jury was only shown “minimal” evidence. I appreciated the comment made about a trial being similar to a cooking show—same ingredients but which cook can pull off the best “end result.” Also, does the punishment fit the crime? This podcast showed that NOT being able to hear a lot about about “the why,” and not just the actual event itself, is not always the best—there’s too much left to “assumption,” which may not always be correct.
  • Matt_B_W
    Stop the “clever” snark.
    Giving season 2 a try. So far, about ten snarky comments like: “things are, well, complicated”, “she was, well, different”, “the investors were, well, confused”.. Stop it.
  • rayjay555
    Dr. Miracle. What? This is astonishing. Listen and believe.
  • Jana197670
    Great Binge Listen!
    This a excellent podcast, I listen to all of it one day! My prayers to Dawns family on their loss. I am a breast cancer survivor almost 2 years remission. It truly saddens me that ppl who call themselves doctors have no empathy and watch someone suffer especially when he can physically see they look worse or markers on the test say different. Karma will be his end all. Warm wishes to all who suffered at his hand. J.
  • Mary star
    Chameleon- Dr Miracle
    Just found this, very interesting and well researched!!! Will be listening to many more and and probably some binge listening! Worth your time!!
  • Lindyearp
    Podcast misses the big picture
    Felt like this belonged on Fox News.
  • Nolawyerjokes
    I want that time back…
  • Engman19
    Typical entrapment story
    Decently covered story about a US traitor that was planted by the liberal fbi to scare Americans away from attempting to the very thing they staged.
  • sue-biquitousNY
    This is a parody right?
  • wildsummer
    More pros than cons
    It’s refreshingly “unboring” but you have to be able to look past a couple of negatives. One, the main character Adam and his buddies(?) are painfully dense, and their tough act is really annoying and pitiful at times. They try to compensate for their limited vocabulary by swearing a lot and sound like unsupervised middle schoolers on the playground. Secondly, and I know it’s petty, but one of the hosts had such severe congestion that it’s actually pretty distracting and just kind of unnecessary. All in all though, great listen.
  • djeieksnrig
    True Crime that isn’t Murder of the week
    One of the best podcasts that does a season long story, typically about criminals but as the theme says, it’s really anyone with a story about deception. Each season may have a different journalist, but all are very well researched and produced.
  • AZshunshine
    No empathy for violent criminals
    It’s unconscionable to excuse the behavior of these violent anti-Americans. The description of their beliefs, the ways they live, and their disgusting entitlement are things a healthy society should condemn.
  • Tyrone 68
    Very One Sided
    Not sure, but it sure seems like the producers are on the defense team’s payroll.
  • DinaForHill
    Poor misunderstood white terrorist wannabes
    I started listening to this after I read White Rural Rage, and the sympathies shown to these men is something you will never hear afforded to the Black and brown people of this country, who live in far poorer communities, and don’t have the privilege of white skin. If those dudes were Black, they’d have been shot and killed before there ever was a trial, that’s the justice communities of color get.
  • GHMonte
    Relatively weak
    I can understand calling out the FBI for overly orchestrating the bust but, then again, what would you prefer them to do? Sit back while a bunch of heavily armed, stoner, wannabe patriots arm up and pursue some sort of vigilante Justice? Sorry, but when you start threatening the rest of society with Civil War, you gotta pay the price. I agree with the other comments that the woman narrator’s voice was unbearable due to her congestion or whatever was causing her to speak like she had cotton shoved up her nose. One of the weaker of the podcast series.
  • jspeyton
    No Criminal Masterminds Here
    Great podcast and reporting. After hearing the tapes, the only thing I’m left with is how this society failed these men. It’s hard to see how they would NOT have ended up in jail given the idiocy, lack of mental health and, frankly, loneliness on display. What the FBI did looks and sounded like entrapment to me. And also, I think these men were a danger to themselves and potentially others with the right opportunity and means. I guess I really am a bleeding heart because I think they really needed therapy and real friendship *not* centered around violence and lies. Instead they got prison.
  • plopsthatjustwontstop
    It’s wild to me that these people complain about the country falling apart due to BLM protest but when they try and destroy democracy at the capital on Jan 6th that’s just them being patriots. Lock all these racist treasonous a**holes up. And the hosts have so much sympathy for them. I have none. This show is terrible.
  • Logan17273177
    Great reporting!
    It’s sad that the lives of these guys were destroyed by the FBI… the things they said were not appropriate by any means, but it’s clear the FBI orchestrated this whole thing and all you need to do is listen to the tapes to come to that conclusion. Think about all the other lives that the FBI or other government organizations and police outfits have destroyed to serve their narrative..
  • DougieJames1977212214567
    Nasally Host
    I was all about it t until the nasally lady’s voice got the me. Neti Pot, blow your nose, decongestants…do something. But don’t host a show if you’re congested. From one broadcaster to another. Don’t do it.
  • Mrscjmoore
    Couldn’t finish
    I was interested in the podcast but couldn’t finish it bc Jessica’s nose being so stuffy made it hard to listen to…
  • West Smart
    Obvious bias
    I think this show had a lot of potential to be evenhanded in its treatment of this topic. Unfortunately it seems the reporters went in already looking for a reason to sympathize with a bunch of losers. I am no gun nut, not at ALL conservative, and as I listened to the show I just thought that we’re lucky some of these people are in jail. The wives are more rabid and reactionary than their husbands. The woman from Alabama, Crystal Musico, is an obvious fabricator who just lies about her experiences. I’ve been around the kinds of people in this podcast much of my adult life and they are stupid, poorly educated and informed, and also dangerous. It’s too bad the middle class well educated journalists got duped by the bumpkins, but they did. These are not salt of the earth middle America. They’re idiots who, if we didn’t have the 2nd amendment, would be doing something actually constructive with their lives. Well, probably not but maybe.
  • yidabid
    Interesting content, but…
    I found the female narrator very difficult to listen to due to her terribly stuffy nose! 🤪
  • Icpark
    Good reporting
    Good reporting
  • Avengers93
    The guy telling the story E7 is so done with these fools lol!
    The guy telling the story E7 is so done with these fools lol!
  • Safari Jaeger
    Great Reporting
    These hosts should work for mainline news services. They give a report, based on facts, showing all sides of the story. How refreshing not to have polarized political spin. It’s nice to know how and why characters take action and not whether there is an “R” or “D” behind the person’s name.
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