The Yak

Comedy #75

Kyle "KBNoSwag" Bauer and his legion of friends; Nick, Brandon Walker, Rone, Lil Sas, Kate, Steven Cheah and Big Cat gather each weekday at 1PM ET Live on the Barstool Yak YouTube to talk about exclusively the most important topics of the day. This is the podcast version of that show. 10x.

You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit

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Recent Reviews
  • josh k 77
    Case race vii
    One of the worst listens of my life and I loved it.
  • c_t23
    Dan from Newton Mass
    Great show. Host is from Newton. I don’t know why he is obsessed with Chicago.
  • PiratePatPat
    the mildly-cool kids testing out their takes/material at the lunch table before they attempt to reach Supreme Debate with said-material on the school bus
  • Durrrr226
    Normally love the show but
    The Malasek dating episodes are some of the worst content I’ve ever listened to.
  • Khloie cox
    Big COX
    BIG CAT= 🐐
  • mattymillions
    Love The Yak
    Thank you guys for being there 5 days a week with great comedy and banter. The whole crew is hilarious. It’s going to be a sad day when Big Cat retires. Love you Nick, you have the funniest jokes and most creative sense of humor.
  • YakGurl09
    Mook is the worst
    Genuinely be ruins the show. Go away. You're not funny
  • #SellDallas
    Please drop Big Cat
    The show is so much better without Big Cat. He rarely provides anything original, he just repeats Nick and his post laugh sigh that he does 50 times an episode is nails on the chalkboard. When he is out the show is so much more laid back and funny. The old man trying to fit in with the funny young guys is not an act that works.
  • AllieMeP
    5 Stars
    Good stuff. Keep on keeping on! First time - long time here! I either listen or watch everyday, been listening for 6 years. Thanks for always being there. #ladylistener
  • CarolinaQ243
    I listen to multiple podcasts from barstool and other companies as well, but this is my first review ever. Magic week is 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
  • DonJeezle
    Big Cat is like the guy in highschool no one likes but you hang out with cause he has a fake ID
    He always seems one step behind on the jokes yet has to be the loudest voice in the room. I can Only listen to episodes where he’s not there
  • huufghjsj
    Best show
    Nicky clickyyyyy & Kbbbb
  • musikward
    Shoulda left cheah in New York. Send him back
  • schilly cat
    Yak 9-22-23
    Been listening to the yak for almost 2 years and big cat is a big draw but all he does is bully Steve, Brandon, and frank for content when they’re the main ones bringing content to the table. I started with pmt 4 years ago and Kate brings more entertainment on the yak. All love to will Compton but guy is not entertaining
  • Dleezy91
    Wet Wheel
    Love the show. listen to it about 25 times maybe in a year. Watch the rest. use to hate lil sas now i dont mind him. KB gonna have that!
  • Roddy Rodman
    Shark eat absolute duck
    Poke banana
  • Brady - Detroit
    Long Live Penny Ferrone
    RIP Penny - heart goes out to the Rones 😭
  • Joe Wass
    The Yak is quite possibly the hardest thing in my life to explain to anyone that doesn't listen. I never miss an episode, all the regulars are hilarious in their own way. Love the addition of Cate!
  • Warwick Bill
    Best show
    Even as a podcast it’s the best
  • uncletbone
    Kate stop talking with your mouth full
    It’s so gross. .Just let the convo go if you’re mid bite…I have to skip every episode there’s food. I will update to 5 stars when you swear you’ll stop. Love you
  • Andrewvic
    Anudder review
  • Granthalamule
    Anus boys
    I only listen for Nick & KB. Big Cat is cool, Che is sensitive and needs to go to another show but still have a job. A star for each person on the pod I like to listen to.
  • andj993
    Need a dave 10x update
  • EMFLN1010
    Nick is the best!!
    The death of the YAK sliver on Big Cat’s wheel gives me anxiety
  • Emoneyy24
    Kate talks too much
    Kate talks too much
  • BlueRaspberryGuy
    Yak 4Life 10x
    Yak 4Life. I now hate Saturday’s and Sunday’s. 10x Skorpion. Hella tight.
  • Why Eh H
    Can’t listen to this, A new untold story, or SOABD anymore because owen ruins everything he’s in.
  • schneebly10
    Love those Yak boys
    If you like guys being dudes - look no further, brother.
  • balldongler
  • JJBee
    5 stars
    Mintz sent me
  • UnbiasedThots
    Its the yak
  • italiandirtbag
    Owen is the goat
    5 stars only for Owen
  • Nickschu
    It’s the yak
  • Franchize2308
    Great show
    Gave it 4 stars. 5 stars would be Jersey Jerry replacing Owen. Please! Owen is brutal & a few of the best Yak moments involve Jerry! Cmon!
  • McSquibbins
    I never miss an episode!
  • Nick from BOS
    Outrageous fun! The Yak and special guests bring shenanigans back to the table. The wheel is just.
  • Duck Forn
    Give ‘em the dust
  • king_cmoore
    Love you guys!
    Maybe put Kate or Jersey Jerry full time on the Yak?
  • Ahawk1917
    Great Friday show, can’t wait for Monday! (5 star)
  • butzow
    Never fails to make me laugh, best crew around.
  • IronChefA$$hole
    Dumb if you don’t
    This show is the best hour of your day spent with the boys. 10 guys, 10 personalities, endless chucks. 10 out of 10 recommend.
  • WizzleMane26
    Straight Yaggin!
    The crew is serving it up Yak style. The best show about nothing out there.
  • Tquickkk
    Pay the boys
  • Panda bear 54
    Make a wish kid jerry
    Stop bringing on the make a wish kid jerry
  • Sad AWW
    Happy Birthday Sas
    Happy Birthday Sas
  • 2TicketQT
    Lil Sas
    Is there a version of this podcast that doesn’t include him? That would be so much better than this.
  • Thecoolestguyontheplanet
    Coors light
    Coors light, harry (settle or seddel or something), also rone and kb’s street, harry is a lightweight. Still great show. Love u guys
  • jf18804$36
    Case race
  • AOLpassword1994
  • Jeff*3441_&
    For God’s sake please start training your people to not say the word “Like” in every single sentence!
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