Grow or Die Podcast

Fitness #67

This show is where you can find anything you need to know about fitness and entrepreneurship. We mainly talk nutrition, training, supplementation, bodybuilding and really all things fitness. We'll also cover what it's like being a business owner, mindset and really whatever else we feel interested in talking about. Don't worry, we'll spill the tea because host Justin Mihaly isn't afraid to push a few buttons.This podcast is to help you grow because without growth, what else is there? @jmihaly_

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Recent Reviews
  • schemcam
    Love this
    I’ve been listening to this forever! Find it very interesting and learn tons! Never zone out while listening all ears every episode
  • Mvnnythebarber
    Hands down best podcast for better health and life overall
    One of the only podcast I can listen to in my car and not zone out on. I’m all ears when I give a new a episode a listen. So much value given in this podcast
  • Lovely567I
    Interview with Niki
    Amazing episode Justin. Thank you for being vulnerable.
  • Shellylefkoe
    Justin totally rocks
    I just had the privilege of being a guest on the Grow or Die podcast. Justin was engaged, interested and interesting. He was vulnerable and was willing to share his issues in order to make a difference for his listeners. He is a deep diver and I know you will get value out of listening to this podcast. I highly recommend. Shelly Lefkoe
  • JitzSu
    Keeps me walkin’
    Love listening to the podcast on my daily walks! Always an interesting variety of topics and helpful ways to improve my day to day. Keep up the great work!
  • Gabs1716
    Informative & Easy to Listen
    I enjoy listening to this podcast because it’s open, honest, informative, and so easy to listen to. It’s everything you need!
  • DMullen5
    Great info and inspiration!!!
    I do enjoy this podcast! I really like the diversity of the subjects and guest on the show.
  • k8tglynn
    Cory Rocks
    First episode I’ve ever listened to is the latest one w/Cory H and she is amazing. Thank you so much for having her - I always learn so much from her and have so much respect for her perspective and insight.
  • J.w1144
    One my fav podcast!!!
  • Mr Nick Cate
    Best podcast in the game!
    I cannot even begin to describe just how beneficial this podcast has been to my personal fitness journey as well as my life overall. It is both highly informational as well as highly inspirational and I cannot recommend it enough!
  • Erinbs
    This is a pretty good listen, some episodes are better than others but almost always contain some bangers of information no matter your level of comprehension.
  • Pinky’s_pt
    The Grow or Die Podcast is an absolute game-changer in the world of bodybuilding! I've gained invaluable insights that have significantly enhanced my journey. The new direction, featuring incredible experts, adds an exciting and enriching dimension to the show. A must-listen for anyone serious about growth and excellence in bodybuilding. Highly recommend!
  • ireryhfdgbchjn
    Love listening!
    Knowing what Justin does before listening to the podcast made me assume it wouldn’t be for me, but I’m glad I gave it a try! The episodes I’ve listened to so far have all had things I can apply to my own life and business. The format makes it easy and enjoyable to listen to as well!
  • Grow or Die podcast is great!
    Great Podcast!
    Grow or Die has easily become one of my favorite podcasts. I always get a good laugh and take something good from it to apply to my daily life. I love how honest and open Jason is with his listeners.
  • based shrimp
    Great start to the day
    By far the most uplifting and inspiring podcast to listen to by the most amazing minds and souls. Thank you for what you do
  • Chriswhitruiz
    Listen!!! Won’t regret
    Been listening weekly to the podcast , and the amount of knowledge shared on this show. Very professionally set up, very interesting , and good personality from the guest and host!
  • LinSilDav
    Tuned in for one, back for more!
    I tuned in after seen an influencer I follow on the podcast and I enjoyed it a lot! There’s engagement and there’s conversation, and it seems genuine but also it shows interest and I like those aspects of it on top of educating people with a certain gentleness. 5 stars from me and I hope to see it progressively grow!! Great job.
  • lodykarsen
    Amazing content
    The content Justin is putting into these episodes is top tier ! Soo many excellent guests!
  • Cultivated Bodies
    One of my top PODs
    I’ve been listening to GOD Pod since it first started in 2020. I love Justin’s approach of talking about the fitness industry but all things LIFE. You can just feel it in his Pods how he’s always willing to learn to better educate others. Very informative and always been one of my favs!
  • John the BB thomas
    Best podcast I’ve ever listened to
    No podcast has changed my outlook on life more than The Grow Or Die Podcast. I left a relationship that needed to be left. I made it through the loss of my father. I finished my contest prep for a bodybuilding show and got in the best conditioning of my life. I nearly double the number of online clients I coach by employing lessons and beliefs shared by Justin. Best podcast ever! @thebodybuildingvegan endorsed!!!!
  • Honeydab
    I've been listening to the grow or die podcast since day one and I absolutely LOVE how much it has evolved! I feel as though I have grown with Justin over the years and between the guests he bro fã on and the knowledge he drops, this is by far one of the most well rounded podcasts that you can find today! Your one stop shop for anything really! Thanks Justin for being so open and vulnerable and always keeping it so real! Always looking forward to each episode that drops! 🩵🩵
  • JacquelynGwin_thatlilbuffchef
    Authentic window into a young man’s growth
    Fitness enthusiast, entrepreneur, or just looking for advice in navigating the human experience, Justin has provided not only information but in the process an at times painful, authentic, and rarely seen window into a young man’s growth and vulnerability in both his personal life, career, and spiritual endeavors and provided insight to his listeners who are seeking to do the same authentically. He has allowed himself to be open to growth, changes in opinion, has held space for others different than himself as well as shown up as an example of a man in his true masculine self who is also able to honor feminine aspects, explored the depths of his and his guests differences and allowed with a curious mind his opinions to be changed, rooted, and nurtured over time in a rarely viewed public manner, all while providing education and empathy to listeners he has never met. In listening you may disagree, become angered, or feel seen, but regardless you will get something depending on which of the hundreds of episodes you choose to embark on. -Jacquelyn
  • Rb1488
    Thankful this is available for us all to grow and flourish in life. Amazing content and even better host. Wish I would have started listening and leveraging this content sooner.
  • Beta_alaurine
    Highly recommend for anyone who wants their mental fitness to match their physical fitness
    I started listening to this because I will be a first time bikini competitor in 2024 and just wanted some tips on competing. I came out with so much more. Mental health and stress management is extremely important to accomplish your goals but the words in each episode are so impactful that I realized I truly love learning about self-improvement regardless of its effect on my performance. Justin isn’t afraid to get vulnerable and he brings on intelligent guests who offer unique perspectives I’ve never considered before. The takeaways from every episode are so valuable. I hope this podcast continues for many years to come
  • RayVaughn19
    You won’t be disappointed
    Grow or Die continues to evolve into a podcast that consistently provides the listener with impactful, thought provoking insights from JM and his guests. The podcasts creates conversations with an array of breadth and depth to them over a wide ranging spectrum of topics. I look forward to each episode and have even constructed a rep scheme where I do 1 rep for each JM laugh per episode to help my training.
  • mkalmar
    Best podcast ever, it has changed my life
    I started listening to this when it was mostly bodybuilding related. But with the shift Justin did towards more life topics and specially mental health, is has literally helped me and made my life much better. Now I’m able to take care of myself in a much better way, I learned how to journal and what to do on stressful moments, I learned how to deal with my emotions instead of suppressing them, and I also learned how to start communicating them instead of staying quiet, as well as knowing that it’s okay for me to be emotional. I absolutely love this podcast. Thank you J for all the time and energy you continue to put into this
  • SummerGrace123
    Life Changing Podcast!
    I always get so excited when there’s a new GOD pod out. I’ve been listening since the beginning and I’ve probably listened to almost every episode. Not only have I learned so much about training and bodybuilding, but now I’m learning even more about growing as a person outside of bodybuilding. I love this pod as it constantly inspires me to seek more for myself, and grow into my true potential. As the podcast has shifted into growing more as a human, I am grateful that I get to level up alongside the pod.
  • RachelThruston
    10 stars!!!!!
    I’m an online nutrition coach and have been in the fitness world since 2016. Justin’s podcast is so real, raw, and informative. My clients are lifestyle clients but it’s so interesting to hear about how different coaches run their businesses, how they coach their athletes, etc. He has interviews countless influential people and has very rich dialogue in each podcast. I love both the short AND long ones - for long drives and during my cardio. I always learn something new after listing to an episode and I look forward to them every week! Thank you for sharing your knowledge and expertise on this platform!!!! @coachrachelkkw
  • KellyD5
    I started listening when the podcast was more hardcore bodybuilding talk and it was fitting for my life and competition mindset. As I started to shift into being more emotionally and spiritually in tune with myself I found myself not listening as much. I had the show still saved and noticed the shift in the podcast as well and with a Justin as a person. It just aligned and has really been beneficial to my life. I look forward to continuing to grow with you. Thank you! -Kelly Reed
  • healthwithhads
    Fav Pod
    I started listening about a year ago when I was trying to find the best “fitness” podcast. Now, the Grow or Die is a podcast that hits on all points and life. Not only that, Justin Mihaly, the host, is someone with contagious energy and will always make you eager to hear the next. Truly has changed my perspective on a lot of things.
  • Spencer Bull
    Great content
    Came for the bodybuilding content, stayed for the diverse array of perspectives that contribute to the entire human experience.
  • TheFatJester
    A Thank you!
    Love the podcast definitely change my perspective on life and in the gym! Much love 🙏🏼 Justin has been evolving ever since covid when he first started. Absolutely love it and love the change of pace man. The shift into life advice and impact you’ve had on me is appreciated!
  • Christinemadrid15
    Great pod
    Been listening to this podcast since 2020
  • erhaaaaa
    Pulls me in
    Just started listening and a few episodes in. Really enjoy it so far ❤️‍🔥
  • Danielle 44
    Changes my life every episode
    Truly, every word holds so much knowledge even through the LOL’s. Not only do I laugh with Justin and his guests, but I leave every episode more intelligent than I arrived. This podcast, is about to be, the greatest of all time. My favorite to date!
  • A Meek
    Justin is always spittin fire. I enjoy his solo episodes and the guest episodes. I learn something new from every podcast!
  • D.Thill
    All-time favorite podcast
    This podcast was great when it was solely body building focused. The value was incredible and I learned so much. Equal to or greater than purchased mentorships I was in. And it’s progressively gotten even better. Now with the combination of bodybuilding and psychology, energy, etc - it’s incredible and beneficial for a multitude of listeners. Anyone looking to grow in any area of their lives will be glad they found the GoD pod. I anticipate every episode dropped. Thank you for keeping up with this podcast, Justin.
  • James Ball32
    Top Notch
    Justin puts effort into every show to create VALUE for his listeners. Not to just put another episode out. It’s worth your time, you WILL learn something.
  • Mdnjdjx
    Amazing podcast with loads of incredible information
  • BethHallFit
    Not just for bodybuilders but overall personal growth and wellness! I’ve been listening for years, and look forward to every new episode. Never disappointed. Yall are amazing 👏🏼
  • EddieV_2008
    Morning Motivation
    Justin is unbelievably smart and talented. Every morning on my way to work I listen to his podcasts. Sometimes many times over. His vast amount of knowledge and humility is a testament that he is truly invested in this industry and his continued pursuit of bringing his followers the absolute best. His positivity and honesty is something that makes his podcasts different from all the others. Keep crushing it Brotha!
  • ImBatDan
    Always delivers
    True to the name, this podcast just keeps growing and improving. It’s been great since the first episode and only gotten better from there. Justin has helped me tremendously as a coach and as an athlete.
  • Scosae
    Authentic and Inspiring
    I very much look forward to the GoD podcast! Justin and his guests are so authentic and relatable! There is never a show in which I don’t walk away without AT LEAST one nugget of goodness. I’m learning something new all the time. Bodybuilding is a sport that’s so new to me and I love that GoD focuses on physical AND mental growth! 10/10 recommend!
  • guywhowrotereview
    Great podcast for all things personal development
    I started listening to Grow Or Die years ago for education on training / eating / bodybuilding but got hooked because of Justin’s ability to bring so much more than that to the table. The podcast vulnerably and transparently covers so many topics related to human well being with great guests, great conversations and regular laughter. One of my weekly listens every week.
  • Dksksosdnfnfnedososoqjsb
    Just keeps getting better
    My absolute favorite podcast. Definitely give it a listen. Any and all of the episodes have so much value
  • jes🥰
    Great pod but audio quality is scary.
    I love this podcast, the guests and the topics are top tier. But we can hear him breathing and wheezing and making all sorts of noises right into the mic. For folks who are listening to this podcast with headphones on, it’s piercing to the ears and really irritating. Please fix your audio or mute yourself when your guest is speaking, we don’t want to hear you wheezing into the mic!!
  • LeslieBMJ
    Nice pick me up
    I love listening to Justin and his guests. As an amateur competitor, I enjoy listening to the raw truth about prep and just how to be your best self. I would recommend this podcast to everyone.
  • light skinned Latina
    The real Pre Workout
    I’ve listened to all your podcasts twice. If i ever won the lottery I’d hire you as my coach. But until then I’ll continue to listen to your podcasts
  • yelph8r
    Worst podcast I’ve listen to in awhile
    Just meh So many better podcasts out there!
  • alakakak15
    Anyone else feel like you have to crank the volume just to hear Justin? Like why you whispering bro
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