I Survived


What is it like to face death and make it out alive? Based on the groundbreaking A&E television series, I Survived documents harrowing stories of human endurance. In their own words, survivors recall how they overcame unbelievable circumstances that changed their lives forever.

Recent Episodes
  • I Remember Thinking I'm Not Going Like This
    Sep 16, 2024 – 00:41:58
  • I Was Just Waiting For The Gun To Go Off
    Sep 9, 2024 – 00:43:37
  • I Knew I Was Going to Get Shot and Probably Die
    Sep 2, 2024 – 00:44:03
  • I Didn't Know Which Way Was Up
    Aug 26, 2024 – 00:38:29
  • I Didn't Know How Bad I Was Hurt
    Aug 19, 2024 – 00:42:00
  • I Started Praying to God Just Let Me Live
    Aug 12, 2024 – 00:43:00
  • I See A Mountain of Snow Bearing Down On Us
    Aug 5, 2024 – 00:41:20
  • I Knew I Was Going To Die Saving My Son
    Jul 29, 2024 – 00:39:24
  • City Confidential Is Available Now!
    Jul 25, 2024 – 00:01:04
  • I Remember the Fuselage Opening Like A Can
    Jul 22, 2024 – 00:47:47
  • Introducing American Justice!
    Jul 17, 2024 – 00:01:03
  • It Was The First Time I Realized It Was A Massacre
    Jul 15, 2024 – 00:46:35
  • I'm In A Taliban Prison and Nobody Can Find Me
    Jul 8, 2024 – 00:42:31
  • I Was Hearing Bullets Fly Over My Head
    Jul 1, 2024 – 00:37:42
  • I Could Feel The Barrel On The Back Of My Head
    Jun 24, 2024 – 00:40:24
  • I Thought That Was The Last Day Of My Life
    Jun 17, 2024 – 00:40:44
  • I Could Smell The Fuel Was Coming Into The Train
    Jun 10, 2024 – 00:45:34
  • If I've Hit An Artery I Only Have Minutes Left Of Consciousness
    Jun 3, 2024 – 00:44:31
  • I Felt Like A Hockey Puck Sliding On Ice
    May 27, 2024 – 00:45:24
  • I Just Kept Screaming and Kicking
    May 21, 2024 – 00:46:24
  • I Just Can't Get Over The Look In His Eyes
    May 13, 2024 – 00:43:53
  • I Could Just Feel My Skin Almost Blistering
    May 6, 2024 – 00:47:30
  • The Blood Was Just Pouring Out Of My Neck
    Apr 29, 2024 – 00:41:41
  • I'm Either Going To Take A Round Or That Bomb Is Gonna Go Off
    Apr 22, 2024 – 00:45:46
  • I Thought He Was Killing My Son
    Apr 15, 2024 – 00:47:09
  • If I Play Dead He Wouldn't Shoot Me Again
    Apr 8, 2024 – 00:48:51
  • I Chose to Fight That Day
    Apr 1, 2024 – 00:44:41
  • I Felt The Worst Pain You Couldn't Fathom
    Mar 25, 2024 – 00:41:09
  • I Fell Into a Deep Dark Place
    Mar 18, 2024 – 00:38:54
  • I Was in My Own Vampire Movie
    Mar 11, 2024 – 00:42:37
  • I Was Living on Borrowed Time
    Mar 4, 2024 – 00:42:16
  • New episodes of I Survived coming soon!
    Feb 29, 2024 – 00:01:02
  • This is Terror - Part II
    Feb 26, 2024 – 00:32:55
  • This Is Terror - Part I
    Feb 19, 2024 – 00:34:17
  • I Tried to Scratch His Face
    Feb 12, 2024 – 00:42:19
  • I Had a Dark Secret
    Feb 5, 2024 – 00:32:43
  • If I Go to Sleep, I Might Not Wake Up
    Jan 29, 2024 – 00:40:38
  • I Was Scared to See The Blood
    Jan 22, 2024 – 00:31:22
  • Somebody's Trying to Kill my Brother
    Jan 15, 2024 – 00:47:15
  • I Knew I Wasn't The Only Victim
    Jan 8, 2024 – 00:41:00
  • I Felt Less Than Human
    Jan 1, 2024 – 00:37:06
  • I Can't Believe I'm Still Alive
    Dec 25, 2023 – 00:38:01
  • I Ran For Everything I Had
    Dec 18, 2023 – 00:34:50
  • I Could See Beneath The Blindfold
    Dec 11, 2023 – 00:40:13
  • I Didn't Even Realize I Was Shot
    Dec 4, 2023 – 00:32:24
  • I Don't Want To Die Like That
    Nov 27, 2023 – 01:11:31
  • The Box Became My Safe Haven
    Nov 20, 2023 – 00:50:28
  • His Eyes Were Black
    Nov 13, 2023 – 00:54:10
  • He Knew How to Control Us
    Nov 6, 2023 – 01:08:21
  • A Two-Foot-Long Machete
    Oct 30, 2023 – 00:45:39
Recent Reviews
  • Melissa080808
    The taliban episode is breathtaking. There’s no other way to describe it. Read by Jere himself. The man in Parliament is the epitome of love. I’m an optimistic person and a positive person and when I heard him mention the member of parliament I just knew that who threw him under the bus from the very start of his journey. And I don’t air on the side of scrutiny and negativity. It was natural for me to think that, and when I was so mistaken, it took my breath away and showed me once again how truly deep down we do all of each other.
  • mrccatopa
    Podcast is a MUST listen for all women
    I walk and jog a lot for exercise and my mental health. This podcast had helped me so much. Some episodes trigger memories from my past and I tell everyone I know about it to be aware and listen to possibly save their own lives.
  • Nikky Kelley
    Much better
    Flat you ditched the long after stories. Make a new story for after the fact… Much better format.
  • Lindsay Heeger
    Great podcast for walking and driving
    I used to love this show when I would randomly come across it. I recently rediscovered it through this podcast and I love listening to episodes while walking my dogs and also while in the car for long periods of time. It helps the time to go by so fast. On the actual show they would put information on the screen so if you walked away you would lose track of what was going on, so I love how the podcast tells the story through the person’s point of view and also the narrator fills in the gaps. The stories are so interesting!
  • instagram phishing
    Too many ads
    Half the episode is adds. It’s so annoying and makes the podcast not listenable. I unfollowed it just today. Not a fan of the addition of extra adds
  • Rrmandand121
    I miss the aftermath
    Changing my 5 star review to a 3. I miss the aftermath. It is so focused on the gore and descriptions. I personally don’t need that. I love hearing their story of triumph.
  • aemckean
    Great changes
    Usually, when things are reworked or revamped, it ends up being one of those “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” situations. That is so not the case here. I stopped following this show maybe a year ago? When a girlfriend sent me a recent episode, I decided to give it a try again, in spite of myself. I’m so glad that I did. What a difference! I’m loving the new host, and the slight changes in the way the stories are presented. It’s always fun to discover a new podcast that I actually like. Although this one may not be literally new, it definitely *feels* new and refreshed. Looking forward to hearing more!
  • ZSaraM
    Suggestion: Mix and match the old and new!
    I like the new format’s idea of telling more than one story in an episode, but what is lost is the in-depth discussion of the aftermath and what this experience has meant for the person going forward. I miss hearing more about what the person’s life was like immediately afterwards, and how they’re doing now. Maybe two stories an episode would allow for variety but also thoughtful reflection. That might also better respect the person’s whole experience.
  • snooks the schnauzer
    So interesting!
    Such interesting stories!
  • Jshdjdvdhdj
    I love this podcast it prepares me for whatever will happen if it does but I really enjoy it
  • kehlseee
    false advertising
    I was excited when I saw them promoting that new episodes were finally coming, however these “new” episodes are in fact not new. the reason the format has completely changed from what it was is because these are old episodes of the A&E TV show I Survived. this is no longer a podcast based off the I Survived show that dives deeper into each individual story and the aftermath, it is quite literally episodes of the actual TV show, edited together to be one full story at a time instead of jumping back and forth on each story as the show does. for example, the episode on here titled ‘If I Play Dead He Wouldn’t Shoot Me Again’ is from season one and aired all the way back in 2008. it’s incredibly obvious when the commercial breaks were too - when the person says something, it’s quiet for a few moments, then the person says it again but worded differently - or when the host is suddenly & unnecessarily recapping what was just said 20 seconds ago.
  • Jb1hutch
    I don’t usually do this
    I like true crime pod casts. I do like this one as well it’s when they put on things about IBM and other totally different subjects I really don’t care for that. Either do the real pod cast or nothing at all.
  • dannaishungry
    Like the new format
    Instead of 1 episode with lots of discussion of the aftermath, now there are 3 more succinct stories. Much more enthralling.
  • RoRoPrz
    What’s new about it
    I’ve heard nothing new but maybe one or 2 episodes then promos of a different show, just say you have no material or host and let viewers decide if they want to listen.
  • bicpots
    Miss the old show
    The new episodes don’t feel as well reported or as engaging! The host’s new show Lived To Tell is more like the old seasons I loved so much
  • Beleza10026
    Disclaimer needed!
    Please put a disclaimer when children die in your episodes!
  • LemonDrops88
    New format
    It’s nice to have new episodes, but I feel like the old format was more impactful. These are such quick little stories. I prefer the longer stories, but that’s just my opinion!
  • Tashayar333
    Lost something with the new format
    I really liked the humanity and the really getting to know the survivors in the previous format, learning how they survived and how they’re doing now, but now it’s so heartless? Like there’s just a machine interviewing survivors without any care or concern for them. I liked this podcast over the others because it wasn’t just trauma but how it was overcome in time, that’s gone now
  • jizzman32334
    Used to be great, but
    New format is trash. Bring back the old host or forget it. It’s so dime a dozen now.
  • HappyJack:)
    Much better format, thank you!!
  • August Rivers Humanities
    Why break the stories up?!
    So Annoying flipping from one story to the next on the TV show and now here… We love all of the amazing stories one at a time..
  • sr1949t
    First new episode - very disappointed.
    This used to be a great podcast. The new episode is just a rehash of the tv episodes. The value of the previous format was the interaction of the host with the survivor and the story of what happened after the incident. Bring the former host and format back!
  • hbunbun
    All the episodes are repeats. Just stop the show or put new content out
  • Pro Podcast listener
    Same reruns. Season after season.
    Put out new episodes or inform us that you are done.
  • 14Mrs.Thorne
    I enjoyed each episode the first time. The same season keeps looping over and over with a new start date. This is rather annoying and should be fixed.
  • KelsiStoudt
    Used to enjoy
    I’d like to start by saying that the victim’s and survivor’s stories are incredible and they are absolutely amazing so brave for telling their stories for everyone to hear. However from a podcast standpoint, it’s the same episodes that keep circulating. It’s not new. I’ve heard everything 3x over and they just keep playing the same season over and over again. This used to be an enjoyable podcast but it’s repetitive now and I feel as if they’re not giving other survivors the opportunity to share their stories.
  • BooBooo head ❤️
    False advertising .
    Please stop saying your new episodes are reruns. Please come out with new content or stop uploading at least
  • ShawLouis
    New episodes
    This used to be a good podcast but all you here lately is the same episodes over and over again which also plays on another podcast as well pretty much in the same week. Maybe sadly time to end 😞
    New episodes
    Please bring new episodes! This is so frustrating! All you’re doing is replaying the same ones over and over
  • Judah113
    Same 6 stories posted over and over.
    They are literally just posting the same story over and over…..I don’t want to hear the same story multiple times. What is the point??
  • sweetcountry girl
    It’s good but….
    They recycle the same episodes over and over again and pretend like they’re new releases. So, I would say that if you enjoy the same episodes repeated- this is the podcast for you!
  • 683910474
    Re posting
    This podcast was good back in 2021 when the content was original. They have been only reposting episodes since then.
  • AK Ajijic
    Fascinating stories.
    Excellent series. Admirable people. Well produced. The hardest 20 yards I walked: I feel terrible for her but she was hard to listen to, her grammar, the multiple “I was like” and “like” and her laughing at certain situations was odd. Mentioning the $1,000 she received “oh, that’s cool” and other strange comments. She was a teacher?!
  • TazCam612
    New Episodes
    Love the podcast, but it’s pretty disheartening to see a “new” episode released but it’s another rerun. Better to just stop uploading than continuously rereleasing the same episodes every week. Officially unfollowed!
  • Haufneich
    Stop pretending episodes are new
    Please label re-released episodes. It's very annoying trying to figure out if I've heard an episode once or even twice before.
  • Brenttyboy
    This podcast basically repeats the same episode every 8 weeks
  • AJ4Wrestling
    Enough Repeats
    I loved this show, but at this point they been playing it repeat episodes longer than that actually had new content. I’m out ✌🏽
  • Pitbossmom
    I Survived
    The stories on this podcast are riveting. The incredible lives people are living we know nothing about just makes me appreciate the life I’ve had, even with all the tragedy, I can seem to somehow get through my own life, I can’t believe how much they’ve been through How they’ve come back together and found themselves whole again.
  • EdgewoodPerry
    Repeating Episodes
    If you’re going to continue to just repeat past episodes can you please label them that way? Otherwise, you’re insinuating it’s a new episode when it’s not.
  • Yoyopeace73981
    I Survived
    I love this podcast! I’ve been wanting a crime show where the people don’t die. This podcast is so inspirational! I’m amazed at how courageous, and heroic these survivors are. I also love hearing how they heal through their ordeals and go on to do great things to help other survivors.
  • Ames988
    Love the new episodes… stop the repeats
    I loved this show, cried hearing stories of their pain and triumph. Get some new content please. There are so many stories out there, I feel like at this point it’s a money grab from ads to repeat the same stories over and over and over.
  • Nikkilynng
    Use to love this podcast
    I loved this podcast but they constantly repeat episodes. I’ve heard the same episodes like 4 times
  • beccalc15
    They just keep playing past shows
    This was a great podcast but it’s just the same episodes playing over and over.
  • Bridge-it7
    Love the show, but annoyed it’s repeating
    I love this show and podcast and will start again once it has something new, but it’s been a long time and they are basically trying to trick us by releasing old episodes every week as if they are new. It’s frustrating to get notified every week that there is a new one out, just to time and time again realize it’s a repeated episode I’ve already heard. Why release previous episodes on a podcast when people can literally just click that same episode at any point? There are plenty of survival stories out there, no need to replay the same few over and over. I wish they would just not release an episode if they didn’t have something new. This show would have an easy 5 stars if they weren’t being so frustrating with their content.
  • Couldn't Be Better!
    Great podcast but tired of “reruns”
    Love the stories of survival and strength. Hoping there will be more episodes soon! I have binge listened to all of them in the past week. Update- been awhile now and no new episodes. Very disappointing.
  • Abrady821
    Underlying Religious Dogma
    I know these people have survived horrific things, but I feel like the Christian church is behind this, beckoning us all. We get it, you live a faith based life. Tell me something that’s actually interesting about you.
  • GustyDay
    Bored now
    Unsure why this channel keeps cycling through their episodes. I wrote a rave review previously, but I had to edit it down to one star.
  • RKCS6841
    Stop spamming me with reruns
    I don’t even listen anymore bc I just assume I’ve heard the episode
  • HillaryR87!
    Always loved this show however-
    Agree with another reviewer tired of reruns
  • Jdoggy hip hopper
    Started off so good
    Started off soooo good, but comes out with a new season and just replays the first season. What’s the point of this? Booo
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