Women and Crime

True Crime #208

Two Criminologists cover a new female-focused case each episode. You’ll hear the stories of these women, paired with the science that tells you where it all went wrong. We’ll explore the causes of female crime, victimology, the legal system, as well as celebrate heroines who have left their mark on the criminal justice system.Dr Meghan Sacks and Dr Amy Shlosberg are both Professors of Criminology at Fairleigh Dickinson University. Both have years of first-hand experience working with offenders and professionals in the criminal justice system. They teach classes covering topics such as: Women & Crime, Race & Crime, Criminology, and Serial Killers.

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Recent Reviews
  • alilizlou
    Good show.
    I love this show. Hearing them talk about women from all aspects of crime. The victim, survivors, the trailblazers, and the perpetrators. The stories are very heartfelt and shed light on lesser known stories. It’s nice to hear the theories and try to understand why. I do wish when they cover stories about survivors and chose to read their statements they read the whole statement. I’d rather hear that then the theories. It’s the least we can do since we’re sharing their stories we should hear their statements. The differences in when Megan is telling a story to Amy and when Amy is telling it to Megan is interesting. Sometimes it just irks me so much.
  • jupfllife
    3rd review
    I’ve given women and crime 5 stars since I started listening to amy and Meghan years ago. I’ve never missed an episode! Not only are there stories always intriguing, their knowledge on the justice system keeps me coming back for more!
  • ash0025has
    Great Podcast
    The ladies speak well and are well educated on the topics. I enjoy pod casts where the pod casters don’t spend a lot of time talking about their personal lives and these ladies don’t. They stuck to the story.
  • Meljm775
    Favorite true crime show!
    I look forward to your show every week and you’re my favorite true crime gals! Love hearing your theories and expertise. Ps- those one star reviews are freakin hilarious and rediculous !! Loved hearing you share them on the show 😂🤪
  • J_S_C
    My favorite podcast numbskulls!
    I look forward to this show each week. Their style of storytelling is great and I appreciate their expert input on criminal theories.
  • Mtere2014
    Intelligent, compassionate and educational
    I look forward to every Tuesday! Great job to both ladies!
  • The Wicked Mrs. Hicks
    Educated, Intelligent and Compassionate True Crime
    These women know their criminology. They are educators in the subject and it shows. You get the facts of the case - clearly presented, no fluff. Then they get into the WHY, which, for me anyway, is the reason I listen to true crime. I love hearing the psychology behind these awful behaviors and Amy and Megan go into this aspect from a criminology perspective. It’s really fascinating. Despite being a little obsessed with true crime for a couple decades now, I have learned so much since finding this podcast just a few months ago. Strain theory is a subject that I never heard of before this podcast and there are a few others as well. I also enjoy how Amy and Megan somewhat contrast each other with Amy being a little softer on criminal behavior and Megan being slightly more inclined to go hard though both are always fair and reasonable. It’s more like Megan leans logical and Amy leans emotional and since they’re both smart and compassionate, neither goes too far either way. I absolutely love this podcast and I’m just sad I got through their available pods so fast that now I have to wait for new ones 😂 Re: the reviews complaining about a guest going off on conservatives. Amy and Megan are clearly not MAGA folk. They are educated women with compassion and self awareness. Crime is a political subject so if you’ve been listening for a while you know they are not conservatives by the modern MAGA definition. That said, they don’t discuss liberal vs conservative on any regular basis. For the party of free speech it seems odd these reviewers would expect them to butcher their guests opinions to placate the tender egos of free speech enthusiasts. The irony. But there isn’t a bunch of maga bashing on this podcast so if that’s a sore spot for you, you really don’t need to worry about it, you’re backwards perspective on the world isn’t getting called out on this podcast with any frequency. Thank you Megan and Amy for educating your listeners!
  • Boxcarvp45
    I’ll pass
    What a shame I was looking for a new podcast to subscribe to and this one caught my attention until I checked the reviews, apparently this podcast doesn’t care for conservative points of view so there is zero need to hit subscribe.
  • ams728216
    One of the best
    The hosts have a great rapport and always respect the victim and each other. Sounds like you’re just listening to two (educated) best friends chatting about a case. Great job!!
  • 3MeeMee
    I love this podcast it is addictive to me! The explanation of the psychology profile and the legal applications are spot on. Thank you and Keep up the good work!
  • ellabell22
    I’ve always enjoyed your podcast, and being a personal friend of Ryan Widmer, I truly appreciated your unbiased and honest podcast regarding his case. But after listening to your guest host completely bash conservative/ republicans, I was very insulted. The most recent podcast had the two of you laughing because a lawyer turned down Donald Trump as a client. Funny huh? I guess you find him being shot hilarious. Disgusting. I’ll listen elsewhere
  • Jsfriend
    One of my favorites!
    I’ve binged on every episode & paid to listen to the subscriber episodes. Amy & Meghan are compassionate towards the victims & families, they are great storytellers & aren’t afraid to give their opinions even if they differ at times. As a licensed clinical social worker who also has a PhD & a Masters in Criminal Justice, I like how they connect criminology theories to the crimes. They get straight to the story too!
  • 5dollarorangejuice
    educational & respectful
    After listening to a LOT of true crime that fell under the “comedy” genre, this is a refreshing switch! Meghan and Amy are both professional & respectful. I have enjoyed learning so much about the criminal justice system & the ins & outs!
  • SharingisCaring41
    My absolute favorite true crime podcast. I love that this podcast is full of facts and looks at the legality of each case!
  • VegaRosas
    Great Facts
    Thank you for your research and truth about what you say. How you treat the victims with care and respect. Thank you Alejandra
  • allieieieieoeoeoeie
    Do better.
    I used to like this podcast, but it’s discouraging to hear a podcast have a guest who bashed conservatives, and called republicans anti-Justice. How disgusting for you to condone that, aren’t you educators? What about your Republican students, do you tell them they are anti Justice too? You could have called that out, but you didn’t. You could have edited that out, but you didn’t. That was a choice. You have a true crime podcast, stick to talking about that. Leave politics out of it. You alienated a portion of your audience. You should be ashamed to call yourself educators, and I’m hopeful your students don’t pay thousands of dollars to suffer through listening to political opinions. Do better.
  • Goose Maverick D
    Your coverage of the Karen Read trial is terribly inaccurate.
  • Ra Ra Shishgoombah
    Favorite True Crime Show
    I appreciate the academic and non-judgemental approach to the cases. You know the hosts are friends, but it doesn’t take over the discussion. They are both so knowledgeable and provide great insight. I’ve learned a lot listening to this show.
  • JillOWesMD
    As anti-non partisan as they come:-/
    I have listened to this podcast for several years now. Listening to their cases which are usually well documented and semi well edited. However, after listening to them butcher the Karen Read case,& leave out hugely important details like Read first pleading guilty, “but it was an accident “, to suffering through the Nikki Zinger case. Where one of the two guests, claimed that she’d never get justice;” Because XYZ is a Republican, & Republicans are anti justice”! How dare you make these claims,& support them by saying NOTHING to this moron?! You lost a listener today:-/
  • Hedgel94
    I was so offended to hear the guest host imply that Conservative and Republicans are anti-justice. It’s NEVER ok to place such labels on people you don’t even know. Everyone is entitled to their beliefs whether you agree with them or not. Guess this is a show I no longer need to listen to!
  • painted_deer
    Great show!
    The hosts have a cool perspective as academics. Love listening.
  • Erikalynxx
    I am a huge fan but this latest episode ….
    First I would like to start off by saying that I am a really big fan of Women in Crime and Amy and Megan’s other podcast Campus Killing. As someone who works in the legal field and who is a true crime fan, I really like their unique perspective on crime. Though I do not always agree with them, particularly when it comes to the discussion about the appropriateness of the perpetrators sentences, I do think that this podcast allows you to think critically about crime and form your own opinions. This last episode about Nikki Zinger really does not follow the typical approach of the podcast. I would have appreciated a thorough, impartial summary of the case and evidence before the discussion about the efforts to exonerate her. I think it is important that the audience is given all of the information so we can see for ourself why many people believe she has been wrongfully convicted. This episode automatically assumes that the person is innocent and explains why they should be exonerated. I don’t know I don’t really like that approach, I don’t think it’s as effective in getting people to rally behind a cause. Maybe this case would benefit from a longer podcast/deep dive. Especially from commentators and researchers who know nothing about the case. Anyways I still love listening and wish Megan all the best in her maternity leave. Thank you, Ladies for giving us your expertise and experiences in this field of criminal justice.
  • lucky LH
    Inaccurate Coverage of Karen Read Case
    Hoping you have a follow up to the Karen Read case. Have you listened to the the lead Investigator, Michael Proctor’s , testimony on the stand? He is biased, disgusting, and anything he says is suspect! He texted his sister that he hoped Karen would just kill herself. He Searched for nude photos of Karen on her turned in cell phone and texted derogatory remarks about Karen to multiple friends and colleagues! All done on first day of investigation!
  • momma hippie
    Women and Crime
    I just found you ladies and I am hooked!! Love your podcast!! Keep up the good work!! Love you in Kentucky!! Momma Hippie
  • Numpe
    I can’t get enough!
    Love everything about the show, the way that Emmy and Megan cover every case is very profesional and personal.
  • rainbow_809
    This is a good one!
    I recently heard about this one from the Moms and Mysteries podcast and I love it! So well researched!
  • SavesSpiders
    Knowledgeable and experienced hosts throughly examine each case
    It’s so refreshing to listen to these two experts delve deeper into the cases we already know and introduce us to little-known cases that warrant examination. I look forward to hearing them tackle a case with their expertise, but it’s their open-mindedness that really makes a difference.
  • Fluffster Normalpaws
    Weird Vocal Tone
    I just listened to the Asunta episode due to binge-watching the Netflix show about it. This pod had extra details that were glossed over or omitted in the show, which I appreciate. The way the speaker reads aloud is very distracting, though. It’s not humanly possible to read *More.* *Emphatically.* Each and every word is emphasized, to the extreme of sing-songy inflection. I wasn’t sure I would be able to get through the entire episode. It’s grating and sounds amateurish. I might get used to it, we’ll see.
  • LAE222222222
    Love this podcast
    Look forward to Tuesday’s
  • ZataRW
    Very well presented
    This is horrific & you managed to bring a different perspective to an already horror. Well done.
  • Humancanvas
    Good writing but editing needs to improve
    I’ve listened to several episodes where the audio will stop and jump forward in the story. They don’t ever backtrack so I end up missing half the plot.
  • JayLMcC
    Best Crime Podcast
    I absolutely love this podcast. I tell everyone about it (in hopes to get you two famous). I really enjoy hearing these stories from two educated women who discuss the criminology part of these cases. My favorite part of the episode is when you two discuss theories. I have learned so much just from listening to both of you speak about these crimes every week. I’m jealous of your students! You guys bring just the right amount of light hearted energy to this podcast. That has always been my biggest issue with other crime podcasts. I find the comedy part distasteful and the fake dialogue annoying. But Women and Crime tells the story exactly how it is with genuine and real dialogue. My only complaint is I wish you guys made more episodes!! I listen to this other crime podcast sometimes and when an episode ends, I find myself asking “hmmm I wonder what Amy and Meghan think about this? What are their theories?” Love you guys! Keep going! Also really love Campus Killings.
  • cccatchem
    These two are brilliant.
    I typically do not enjoy podcasts with more than one host. These two do a great job of remaining unbiased, keeping great dialogue, and most importantly- respecting each other. I love the effort and information these two provide. Thank you both! Brilliant podcast by two brilliant minds.
  • Abitaboutme
    One free murder
    Interesting podcast, but it feels like these two women think if you commit a murder before 25 then we should just kind of shrug our shoulders and say that their brains aren’t fully developed. I don’t want to live in that society. I wish the compassion they have for offenders would extend to the victims.
  • Magalla704
    I want to like this….
    I imagine that busy teachers don’t have the time to devote to scriptwriting. However, that would go a long way toward stopping Amy from constantly interrupting. I found it annoying.
  • wednsdayaddms
    A favorite
    Straight-forward and insightful. I love the nuggets of professional wisdom and appreciate the respect shown for the individuals covered. I only wish the episodes were longer!
  • alexnim92
    After hearing a few episodes, it should be renamed “making excuses for women that do horrible things.” Thank god they talk about being “doctors” because you couldn’t tell otherwise. Not impressed
  • xDearDahliax
    Kinda boring
  • DeacRipps
    “progressive” bias
    I like the stories and telling of stories. I listen to “Wrongfully Convicted” and sympathize with those that can’t afford to defend themselves. But these two ladies are too proud of their “progressive” state and “progressive” thinking.
  • bunkyruth
    Perfection and Professional
    Greetings. It’s refreshing to have a crime podcast with actual facts, from professionals on a different side of crime. I can tell you love your profession as it comes through in the dialogue. You set the standard for crime podcast excellence. Be safe and stay hydrated.
  • LSD122070
    It’s sad that this could be a very good podcast if you had actual interviews but… unfollow for laziness
  • sportyspice11
    Great podcast!!!
    Just discovered this podcast and have been binging it ever since. Btw, Meghan does have an accent, but much more subtle than Amy’s and is very noticeable with certain words. She just thinks she doesn’t have an accent or can’t hear it :) No offense intended, your podcast and accents are wonderful!
  • vcfdgubvghnvcfx222233334
    Great podcast
    I like that these woman talk about the crime theory at the end. Love this podcast
  • laraemiller
    One of my top 5 favorite podcasts
    "Women and Crime" is an absolute gem in the world of podcasts! The hosts are incredibly intelligent, and their storytelling abilities are second to none. With each episode, I found myself learning something new and fascinating. The way they delve into various cases and shed light on the complexities of women's involvement in crime is both captivating and enlightening. This podcast is a must-listen for anyone interested in true crime or seeking thought-provoking discussions. Highly recommend! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
  • PodcastJunkie25
    Love love love!
    I just love everything about these two intelligent, knowledgeable, and thoughtful women. I find their friendship to be so endearing. I wish I knew them in real life! The presentation of the podcast is fantastic all around.
  • Bigmhurst
    Just simply the best.
    I can’t even to begin to describe how much my wife and I love this podcast. We have listened to every episode and all of direct appeal as well. I hope this will continue for many years to come.
  • Jersey Girl in Vermont
    The best!
    Professional and interesting. I really enjoy listening. Thank you!
  • jim kaso
    Thank you for getting to the story without rambling and sticking to story so well I appreciate it keep it up!
  • asc0502
    new listener
    and i’m hooked! actual criminologists:) fantastic. thank you
  • Mod kitty
    Not exploitive & very professional true crime
    This is one of the only podcasts I’ve found that doesn’t feel exploitive of the victims. Both hosts are professionals in the CJ field and can speak with authority. The shows are so interesting, well researched and a different angle than you usually hear.
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