Aquinas 101 - Course 2: Introduction to Thomistic Philosophy

Courses #97

This is the course listening for Aquinas 101 - Course 2: Introduction to Thomistic Philosophy--the second of six courses that together make up the Aquinas 101 Course. Each podcast episode accompanies a course video and course reading. If you haven't enrolled already to receive semiweekly emails with all the materials, be sure to do so at Because it matters what you think!

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Recent Reviews
  • RyHYoung
    Really good, but don’t worry
    I love listening to your lectures! Don’t worry about adding the ‘she’ pronoun in there with the ‘he’ when reciting philosophical texts, though. It’s really okay to not do that.
  • Ishmaranara
    Truth is essential
    An excellent layout of truth and reason. A refreshingly sane and faithful philosophy presented in an understandable way. Thanks!
    Praise Jesus!
    Tu Rex Glorie Christie
  • peachtea123
    Awesome and priceless lectures!
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