
Comedy #72

I read Reddit stories with emotion and with funny voices. My most popular subreddits are r/Prorevenge, r/Entitledparents, and r/Choosingbeggars Subscribe to unlock bonus episodes:

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Recent Reviews
  • A thing that writes reviews
    Amazing podcast
    I have listened to every episode in this podcast and it has been great!
  • Terrarian22
    Honest review
    Besides from the obvious problems that have already been covered in many reviews (repetitive subreddits, freaky ahh Adam & eve sponsors, incorrect AITA ratings, Etc) this podcast is superb for a genuine, funny, HUMAN reddit experience, sure the countless AITA episodes and annoying ads get old fast, but this kind of content is hard to find anywhere else on this app. Wether you are a true OG fan of the podcast, or someone new who wants an honest opinion, this review should push you off the fence.
  • Cocostaa0604
    Love this podcast
    I really love this podcast and I listen to it almost daily
  • bcosbdocb
    Long time listener w/ complaints
    I’ve listened to every rSlash released and have been listening for quite a while. I always felt that the episodes weren’t quite long enough. (30 mins would be nice) Recently I feel like we are getting a lot less opinion from rslash and reading of the comments. It’s almost as if it’s a race to read as many as you can. Due to those things it doesn’t feel like there’s a dialogue between rslash and the listener anymore.
  • bobmasterchiken12
    Very great!!
    I have listened to every single episode EVERY SINGLE EPISODE and it’s great I’ve been listening for years and I have no complaints.
  • ZPN810
    Love this podcast butttttttttt………….
    There is only one problem that I have with this podcast. Episode length I really like when the episodes are longer but unfortunately most episodes are only 12 or 13 minutes. Is there anyway you can do 30 minutes to an hour?
  • jmamland
    i love it
  • oh my goddddddddddd
    Fabulous, consistent, and high quality!!!
    Been listening to him for years now, I recommend him to all of my friends. He’s thorough, admirably consistent, and has been background noise that’s helped me to create some of my best art! Thank you, R/Slash!!!💗💗💗
    Long time listener with a complaint
    Since you always feel the need to remind us of the fact that you are a YouTuber, and narrating videos is now your career. Even to the point of mentioning you hired an editor in several episodes. Why now are you paraphrasing so many of the posts you read? It can’t be to save or cut down on time, since you have more than enough time to brag. How about instead of talking about yourself constantly, or always trying to find a way to relate each story to yourself/your life, you read people’s entire posts (even if they are “Too Long” or “Dry”)? Show the OP and your audience some respect. I know this sounds harsh but someone needed to say it.
  • hannahmm7
    i hate to sound like a karen but please research your sponsors…. better help is truly a dangerous company
  • Friesker (formerly ness)#trans
    Reddit podcast community
    I love this community
  • 2000LightYearsAway
    Podcast is awesome!
    Podcast is great! The voices for the characters are amusing and he just flows through the stories well! One problem. We need more r/puppybloopers! We love you puppy!
  • Overseer_Vr
    To Friesker
    Apologies I do not use socials. As I feel that it corrupts and rots the brain. With as much Gen Alpha brain rot is going around I would prefer to keep myself out of that kind of stuff. However I try to keep slightly in the mix by using YouTube.
  • Rookie brewmaster
    Love this Podcast and YouTube channel!!!
    I LOVE this dude and the stories he chooses! His voices are so funny, and his reactions are pretty genuine, not to mention logical (too bad it doesn’t work on Karen’s). I’ve watched other channels for R/(subreddit)’s, and this dude is head and shoulders above the rest. Near daily output for podcasts and videos? Amazing!!! the way he is able to briefly break down a situation in most posts, and give a clear, concise and logical response is awesome. I listen to these episodes on a nearly daily basis. I listen on my way to and from work, during work when I have downtime, at home when I’m cleaning up, doing the dishes. Absolutely the podcast I listen to the most. At this point, there’s so many episodes, and at least twice I have caught up to the most current ones. At that point since I can’t listen to more than one ew episode a day, I just start over from the beginning. No one’s ever going to remember every little story from hundreds of episodes, so some of it like I’m listening to it for the first time all over again! Super happy for this creator, finding success, and I’ll continue to be a fan for years to come!
  • 🐺mister🐺wolf
    HI TACO👹💅
    HII TACO👹💅
  • ShadowGenesis7
    So good, literally addicted
    I started listening to RSlash in July this year (2024) it is currently December... I've gotten over 1000 episodes in averaging 6 episodes a day. I listen when I drive, on vacation, at school, when I shower, etc.. this podcast is just so irresistible that I can't put it down. 10/10 recommend 🫶
  • Umbraic
    Longtime Listener
    I like to let your episodes marinate, because I go through them so fast! I love listening to your episodes during road trips, when I’m about to fall asleep, etc. Great way to unwind and relax.
  • Fidon09
    I’ve just finished listening to every episode. All 2 thousand whatever amount there are, after starting in mid-2022. I’d have to say, that one with the dude who went crazy over the mustard… utterly insane. Or all the toxic mother in laws trying to make weddings about themselves. Not to mention the people rude to physically and mentally disabled people. Don’t even get me started on the pet abuse or homophobia. This podcast has been great for walking, showering, or just unwinding after a long day. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed every single episode, and will continue listening as more are uploaded daily! Thank you, Rslash! And a massive thank you to the real star of the show: Yugo.
  • 5TaЯY Mu51c to my ears
    Just Awesome
    It’s so entertaining and funny
  • Taco 👹💅
  • GLiTCH3R!
    5/5 awesome holes
    It’s a good podcast to listen to. It’s about true stories and some are true crime. I give this one 5/5 awesome holes!
  • Ashley Blair622
    Read by a real person with the perfect amount of commentary
    I love that he reads it like an actual real life human being—with emotion and laughter, anger, even sometimes tears. He has the perfect amount of commentary for each story. Love the content—keep it up!
  • The best of the worst stars
    I think this is the best Reddit podcast about drama I have ever listened to and the other people that say it,s bad might be the people that got there butt served by their wife/coworker’s/boss/parents that are just made they got ratted out to the community
  • MarylandUMD
    Subreddit variety
    I am a rSlash listener ever since it was created on YouTube. However, I feel like the podcast videos are pretty boring as it is same type of AITA stories about some random person having issues with their brother stopping on them. Please change up the subreddits and add more TIFU, petty revenge etc.
  • Doom, eternal
    The best place for me
    Love it 🥰 when you have the opportunity for the opportunity and you have a chance of getting the chance and you get the opportunity and the chance of getting it done in a timely fashion.
  • #1RedditorFan
    #1 Podcast
    This podcast is literally the best one I’ve EVER listened to, theres BARELY any ads and personally I think Dabney really tells the story (in the sense that he conveys the exact tone of the story and the voices are 10/10) Its really fun to just listen to and he doesn’t re-uploaded or just repeat the same stories over and over like other Reddit podcasters do. This is my immediate go to podcast and I can’t stress enough how much I love this podcast (I’ve listened until 2021..)
  • Erdinase
    BEST REDDIT PODCAST EVER!!! i listened to others before this and this really is the best!
  • Jor dyn
    Reliable, funny, straight to the point!
    I love that there is a new video every day. I don’t always agree with every take he has but I appreciate his opinion and I see where he is coming from every time. I’m so grateful for the hard work he does, thank you! I will continue to be a long term listener!
  • be.ccuh
    Struggling more and more with the stories that are so so SO obviously fake that I don’t know whether to be worried on top of being confused. The story today about the Navy soldier who supposedly killed the three “hitmen” and the one survivor miraculously was the guy the very dramatic story had been about? OP had mentioned multiple times he lived on base…and you believe the home invasion and car vandalism happened at the base????? And there were so so many more holes. Bro……I could go on and on about other stories you’ve shared that legitimately do not even add up…..This podcast is clearly going for clicks at this point and this is just reading whatever top stories editors or whoever sending is him. Really disappointing and so clearly a result of no longer carrying about quality of this content.
  • Preston Krogman
    It’s great for passing time when running or mowing. Can’t provide any other examples because it’s all I do.
  • Zoobaby2003
    This dude needs REAL LIFE experience before he passes judgement/opinion on ANYONE!!! 9/18/24 was my final straw! Giving a woman 2 out of 5 butthole score for cleaning her male animal so it doesn’t get an infection, really!?! This dude boasts about being a dad, but CLEARLY doesn’t deal with anything messy regarding his child! IF HE DOES take care of his child, I sincerely hopes he gives himself a butthole score for cleaning up after his baby girl!!! (Think diapers, in case I need to spell it out) What he’s passing judgement on is the same exact thing!! What a disgusting hypocrite!! The double standards are too disgusting!!)
  • Mark Green :)
    Too bias towards women
    Every story where a woman is involved he will side with her doesn’t matter what they do it’s just trash at this point
  • test1837483
    August 30th episode
    Hey love you content been listening for years, wanted to give a tip the last story about the baby, next time really need to add a trigger warning. For anyone that has gone this that it’s very very traumatic. Just a heads up
  • kaaaaaails
    Love you dude
    Always loved reddit stories, but now i listen to them daily ever since i found out keep up the good work bro bro
  • Drama disliker
    Censorship explanation
    The reason Rslash censors words like “butthole” is because he first started posting to content on YouTube and this podcast came second. And because YouTube has stupid people running it, if he says certain words that can be deemed inappropriate, then YouTube will demonetize that video and he won’t make money for that video. He posts what he posts on YouTube onto this podcast. So, yeah! He has a reason!
  • TabletopStudios
    A podcast for any moment!
    I’ve been listening to R/Slash for a very long time now. It’s like he has infinite episodes! He posts daily which is great! He always has good stories and enthusiastic voice.
  • I sometimes review things
    Please stop weird sponsorships
    Dude this is a fun podcast but please stop being sponsored by Adam and Eve and better help. I understand if they are you best option, but especially stop better help, they have sold private customer data. Please dude...
  • MaxTRM.
    I love R slash!!!
    He is just a good podcast and i never lose a episode keep doing great r slash!!! Listen to every single episode to this day
  • Keegan Kriegbaum
    Keep it up
    Your doing great man I love your show
  • Avathebunny
    My favorite podcast
    I LOVE r/slash. This is the only podcast that tells stories from a variety of subreddits, and I love daphnes inputs and how he doesn’t spend 8 Years talking in between stories. ALSO HE CUT DOWN ON ADS SO THERE ARE WAY LESS!!! YAY!! Keep doing amazing work!!
  • feign free iwshdkrgnfhdohddkfj
    Pleaseeeeeeee revisit TIFU it’s been so loooooooong
  • Juddjxv
    Not for me
    Really confused about the censorship… many of the stories have R rated adult content, but we have to censor AITA by saying butthole?? Also the theatrical voices were a bit annoying.
  • dyactavc
    Good but one issue
    I'll start off this review with my one problem, which is the lack of variety in subreddits. Lately it seems like it's all AITA & entitled parents. I'd love it if r/askreddit was revisited! And r/TooAfraidToAsk one that hasn't been done on this podcast before, but I think it could fit. But the host adds actually good commentary & says the username of who posted whatever he's reading, which is something that many other Reddit podcasts don't do. ★★★★☆
  • AmericanLion
    Military Stories
    Please more military stories. I love them.
  • Ellieee1124
    Best work podcast
    I listen to this at work and it honestly gets me through the day. I feel like the one stars are only from people that got talked about LOL.
  • Gbear 115
    I used to watch r/slash back when I was riding the bus home from I think middle school on YouTube. I eventually fell out of watching his videos cause I think I watched every one to date. Now I’m 19 working as an electrician and I’ve listened to every podcast episode as well. Its awesome to find that he never became a sellout. It’s nice to hear about him growing in life, getting a dog, having a child, ect. I love to hear his perspective on things because it’s logical but also not emotionless. I love his passion for what he does and all around, he’s a good quality consistent content creator.
  • SSJbiff
    Years of rslash
    I’ve been listening and watching for years. I need rslash in my life. Good job Dabs.
  • MEH_Sweet
    Not always the newest, but consistently enjoy!
  • crageijf
    Everything is racist or sexist to this man
    Most posts he says “ just a guess but I bet it’s racism” or sexism not everything has to do with race or gender maybe OP isn’t telling the full story your first thought should not be discrimination
  • Caleb 8yo
    Good soup
    Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good Soup Good 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soup
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