The True Tunes Podcast


Listening to better music and listening to music better - with music industry veteran, author, artist, and producer John J. Thompson and a diverse panel of artists, songwriters, producers, and industry innovators who seek the deeper resonances in music and culture. Knowing that all music is spiritual, can we sing along with the good, the true, and the beautiful in ways that make us better neighbors, more compelling artists, and richer reflectors of the light by which we live and move and have our being? Let’s try.

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  • Scootie292
    Worth your time!
    In a world full of hundreds of thousands of podcasts, this one is certainly worth listening to if you’re a fan of good music (and this does not necessarily have to mean “Christian music”). Thanks JJT, for blessing us again with thoughtful conversation.
  • kevdog7/hahahaha
    Hey there! Just listened to the episode with Mike Roe and that was fun. Been a 77s fan for over 25 years. Hope to hear more and would love to hear from Bruce and Mark as well! Maybe an episode about Vector and Alloy Field too? Thank you!
  • Lostdog65
    Contraband in the Evangelical Church
    True Tunes magazine (as well as The Door) we’re go-to’s as a young YP. JJT “got it” when it came to music. Trying to explain to others the “why” always left me frustrated. I’d just point to TT or The Door and say, “They get it.” The podcasts are a great walk down memory lane as well as a peek into what’s going on today. The legends that came before with their struggles and imperfections to the new kids who’ve taken up the mantle, put their spin on things, and have run with it. I’ve recommended this podcast to several of my friends; those on the fringe with me and those who wonder about us.
  • andy zipf
    I love these conversations
    John Thompson is such a wonderful curator of these conversations. I look forward to each episode. Subscribe. You won’t regret it.
  • theololgos
    Romanticism Spirituality
    So yeah — I actually like some of the Old Romantics, especially some of the poets, although the basis of Romanticism is built on sand. Rousseau isn’t an intellectual you want engineering your house. I look forward to John’s podcast, hoping against hope (most of the time, there’s a few exceptions) for an interview of a Christian artist whose mind and emotions are on fire because of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, artists whose creative motivation matches Schaefer’s description of a Christian as a person who “should be the person who is alive, whose imagination absolutely boils, which moves, which produces something a bit different from God’s world because God made us to be creative.” Instead, I keep getting ex-Christians who have appetizer from the Faith, who have retreated into the tamed and beige American version of cultural Romanticism, excellent in their mediocrity. But with exceptions, so hope springs eternal.
  • sgampa
    Really good podcast
    Found this during the start of COVID. I came for the interviews but stay for the music. You can tell he puts lots of thought into the song lineup. I can only imagine how many hours John spent making mix tapes back in the day. The podcast production quality is high. In terms of interviews, he has hit all my favorites: Choir, 77s, Chagall and has turned me on to new artists, as well. The interview questions are thoughtful and meet the artist wherever they are at that moment, without judgement. Because of this podcast I read (listened to) Jesus, Bread, and Chocolate, and two weeks after finishing the book, my friend offered me a coffee roaster. Needless to say I jumped all over it but probably would not have been as excited if I had not providentially just finished the book. Thanks True Tunes.
  • emilysdad64
    Incredible Interviews
    John does a phenomenal job with each of his interviews. He makes you feel like you are in the room with the artists. I highly recommend this podcast to anyone who is interested in CCM.
  • Hrlespaul
    Soooooo GOOD!
    My favorite podcast, not in this category….all categories, except for my brother, Jamey’s! John’s insight and passion for all things music has kept my attention for decades, and this podcast demonstrates why. In-depth interviews, all types of music and artists from the 70’s to today. Interesting and intelligent conversations about things that actually matter. Give it a listen!
  • DanHinst
    I’ve been missing out!
    So true story… I have been avoiding the podcast thing for so long, until a good friend introduced me to True Tunes. I listened to a couple of episodes and couldn’t believe I had waited so long to check it out. Now. I’m hooked.
  • Markonthedoor
    A soul-stretching exercise every time I listen
    Back in the 1990s as a radio DJ and church youth group volunteer, I had to fight factions that hated popular music. So, I became a staunch advocate of Christian music and defended all its genres and pushed so-called “secular” music aside. TrueTunes is helping me see music for what it is… the artistic expression… the lyrically excellence… the stories behind the music… and more. I feel free once again to hear all music with fresh and discerning ears. I owe that to True Tunes.
  • Thom Wesley
    A treasure trove
    This is a true treasure trove of interviews, album reviews and other musical delights that feature the perhaps overlooked and certainly commercially untapped genre of faith based alternative rock( which is prolly too narrow a description but it serns like what fits best.)John J Thompson is well versed in the field and knows how to conduct an interview that makes for compelling listening. A number of the artists he highlights I had never listened to before, but JJT has a way to pique your interest in art undiscovered. Well worth your time.
  • mattkthomas
    In depth and good music!
    This podcast is simultaneously modern, up to date, and nostalgic. Some of my favorite episodes have been the Chagall Guevara and Michael Roe (77s) episodes. Keep up the good work JJT!
  • Bruce Neher
    JJT and True Tunes Lives On
    JJT is a living legend when it comes to knowlege of and love for the CCM music industry. The original True Tunes News magazine kept me informed about all of my favorite bands and I moured its loss back in the day. Now we have the True Tunes Podcast and again get to hear from John and his guests on a weekly basis. Highly recommended!
  • CliffBMW
    Better Music you might have otherwise missed
    Give it a listen. Solid interviews with thoughtful questions. I’ve learned something every time I’ve listened. I’ve also picked up some new (to me) artists to add to the play list. Just today I found Wovenhand!
  • haildamage
    So great
    This is the ultimate podcast for niche music nerds. John is incredibly knowledgeable, insightful, and enthusiastic. Bruce is a master curator of music and pulls in the perfect clips.
  • zarcon8
    Trip Down memory lane
    This has become one of my favorite shows. I grew up listening to many CCM artists and bands from Tooth and Nail Records. This show brings back so many memories! Keep up the great work.
  • Kent1971
    Blurring the lines
    A podcast steeped in fandom, art, music and the line blurs between all types of genres. If you’re like me and love music especially the under served or avant guard this is a great podcast to dive into. It pulls no punches and is just edgy enough to keep you on your toes in so many ways. It’s well done from start to finish by people who love music.
  • stegj
    Chagall’s World
    Thanks JJT for another excellent podcast on another excellent artist/group that fell through the cracks. I’m sure it’s gratifying for them to end on a high note.
  • Arcadiajeff
    My favorite record store of the 90s is now my favorite podcast of the 20s!!
    A perfect guide for rediscovering musical joy from the past and discovering new music to enjoy from the present.
  • Chad Thomas Johnston
    True Tunes Lives - Live Long True Tunes!
    I first stumbled upon John J. Thompson's underground print zine, True Tunes News, in 1993, and soon found myself fascinated by a secret world of musicians—and I soon began ordering their albums from True Tunes' store in Wheaton. I was crushed with the zine folded, and elated to learn it had arisen from its print ashes to live on as a podcast. John J. Thompson knows the industry and the artists, and he has the vision to make meaningful connections that others might overlook. It's a pleasure and a privilege to enjoy the gift that is this podcast, and I look forward to many more from the resurrected True Tunes.
  • Manos73
    How to Ruin a Great Interview
    All of the long musical breaks make the conversations lose their threads. Some good stuff here but it’s buried in over production. Good luck but not sure I can handle and won’t for artist I don’t already follow
  • The Bakery
    Excellent episode with Bruck Cockburn
    Wow! Just when I didn’t think this podcast couldn’t get any better then JJT interviews a veteran and legend. Plus, it clocks in at 2 hours! I learned so much about Cockburn. Thanks John for a job well done.
  • Birksfam
    Simply the best!
    This podcast is brilliant! The care, the craft, the content…and the music - wow, the music! I look forward to every episode. I listen intently. I reflect on it. I investigate artists who hadn’t previously been on my radar. And then I start unprofessionally promoting the heck out of it. I want others to be as informed and inspired by TrueTunes as I am. Then, I sit around waiting for the next episode. Well, not exactly, but…
  • staich3
    I absolutely love this podcast. I have discovered dozens of new-to-me artists & been moved and inspired by their stories, the rich conversations had and insightful thoughts of host, JJT. Thank you!
  • rossenfunk
    The podcast I’ve always wanted
    Deep dives into old and new music, interviews with artists, and challenging “soap boxes”. I love it.
  • benjamincoy
    Great interviews! Great interviewer!
    Having grown up reading the True Tunes magazine while listening to the bands therein, John J. Thompson’s True Tunes podcast is a welcome addition to my podcast lineup. If you listened to the musicians he’s interviewed, or if you’re looking for new music, this is a superb place to start. From Amy Grant to Terry Scott Taylor; The Choir to Eddie DeGarmo and Phil Keaggy, John’s questions are deep, thoughtful, and get into both the artistry and humanity of the interviewees. Love it! Keep it up, John!
  • MartyScott
    My newest binge
    I hadn’t heard of the cast until my brother sent me a link to part 1 of the Terry Scott Taylor episode. After listening to both let’s, I immediately subscribed. Outside of the Bible and my Pastors/churches over the years, nothing has shaped my faith more than the likes of Terry, Steve, Derri, Mike, Gene, Keith, Charlie, Leslie/Sam, et al. I look forward to getting caught up and being exposed to even more great tunes.
  • Pastor Matt Staniz
    True Tunes has the Perfect Recipe!
    True Tunes is my favorite podcast ever! John J Thompson is a masterful interviewer and a passionate listener to music that invites the listener to bring their ears, heart, mind, and soul to the intersection of transcendence with daily life. Every episode has introduced me to new remarkable music while reminding me of the artists and songs that have made me love music during every chapter of my own story.
  • Marjyblue
    I have discovered so much because of this Podcast
    I have always thought of myself as reasonably well informed about music. But this podcast makes me realize how much I have been missing. Virtually each episode points me to something wonderful I haven’t heard before.
  • David J Zoeller
    Finally, The Music Podcast We Need
    If you’re looking for a podcast about music that truly understands that there’s really only good art and bad art, then this is the one for you. The host is thoughtful and intentional about showcasing good art and good musicians whose stories need to be told. If you are tired of the same ‘ol, same ‘ol in music, check this one out.
  • Thedreadpirateroberts
    One of the best Faith-based podcasts out there!
    The True Tunes Podcast truly is one of the best, well produced, and thought provoking faith based podcasts out there! So many great interviews, celebrations of iconic artists and always the needed encouragement to “listen to better music and listen to music better.”
  • Rev1l
    Thanks John for bringing True Tunes back
    Back in the day True Tunes was always a step above the rest. They carried the best music at their store and on their catalog. The magazine was amazing both for the reviews, articles and a place to find new music. I’m so glad John T. Thompson and True Tunes are back and producing content. The podcast isn’t the same but it’s a brilliant and worthy continuation of the True Tunes brand.
  • Alpskier88
    Found this podcast via the recent appearance of The Choir. Then got sucked down the rabbit hole of memories Rich Mullins, Jimmy A, etc. Glad this show is around.
  • Yert-1969
    Always glad I listened
    I am saddled with a bent towards nostalgia. I thought I would only enjoy this podcast as I warmly revisited my younger CCM self and my old familiar favorite artists. But this show far exceeds a walk down memory lane. The result is a thoughtful and measured musical journey with nuance and depth beyond what I expected. I shouldn’t have been as surprised as I was. John has always been a great writer and commentator on music and the nuts and bolts of living. Through this podcast I’ve revisited old “friends” and been introduced to new ones. Thanks John!
  • JRvalicenti
    Well Done
    John has always been a great writer and communicator in any venue. I bought every True Tunes magazine back in the day, watched him on the C-Stone Gallery Stage, and listened to the original podcast in 2000. JTT keeps us informed of the coolest music and people. Thanks...Keep it going.
  • Robyn Dyba
    Better music, better me.
    Just listened to Episode 17 on Larry Norman, the first artist who informed my faith, and just maybe injected enough healthy skepticism and artistic metaphor to create a friction that prevented me from sliding down the slippery slope of groupthink evangelicalism. This interview and tour through Norman's discography was not just a walk down memory lane, it was an exploration of the power of his songs to inspire a singular artistic complex expression of faith on young teenaged me. This is primarily due to the thoughtful and empathetic interview style of JJ Thompson who encourages us to seek grace for our artistic idols when they fall. He even extols young budding artists to eschew the superficial and embrace the tension of a complex messy faith. Can't wait to listen to more of JJ's True Tunes episodes.
  • Jaausc
    Rich Mullins
    I appreciate this rare glimpse. I would like a discussion with Beaker or of Beaker as his impact on the music and strange decades of silence is worth noting. Thanks for the kudos to Andrew Peterson. Totally agree. Surprised you did not mention the magnificent Rich Mullins tribute concert he lead at the Ryman. Would love an interview with him about that . The church is not perfect but she is Jesus’ bride. I think constructive not destructive criticism is in order . Every music industry is flawed . Not just CCM. How can we encourage it to flourish artistic growth and present a compelling look and praise of Christ ? Rabbit Room is leading that way. Would also be worth a podcast. Thanks and Be God’s.
  • JKauf77
    What a gem!
    I’m so glad I found this podcast. Such great interviews with the artists I love and grew up with.
  • hauserpromo
    My favorite music related podcast
    JJT and producer Bruce are creating an amazing piece of art themselves week to week, talking about other great art! I love their phrase “listen to better music, and listen to music - better.” I am reminded of some of the best music of my life here - but also have been introduced to amazing new stuff (like Ella Mine and Hammock) that was just outside my previous reach.
  • Comm Guy
    True Tunes is True Joy
    This is one of the best produced podcasts around. Much more than the typical ‘behind the music’ show, John leaves room for his listeners to experience the artists, the writers, and all that precedes the artistry in an often misunderstood genre.
  • djdarryL
    Beautiful podcast that rest in my mind for days after the last sounds are done.
    Every podcast is different, entertaining, thought provoking and fun. Seldom do I finish the hour show where I just move on. I usually spend time if the internet looking things, people or ideas up that were mentioned during the show. John has a vast knowledge of music and it shows in his guest and his music selections. He has an amazing Spotify account that gets me through life and struggles. Keep it up John!!!
  • 4evertexan-67
    Glad someone rememberers Christian music
    Thank you so much for this podcast. I grew up with Christian music and I love to listen to you share the stories of the people and their music. Back in the day this music was much more original and creative than it is today. Thank you for taking me back there. Specifically, I love your conversations with Steve Taylor and the overview of his music. He’s an acquired taste, but one of my favorites. Also your recent episode about Larry Norman was fantastic. His music happened long before I started listening to Christian music but I did enjoy some of his work. Your episode gave me a much needed look into his life and music. There’s a Larry Norman playlist in my future. Thanks again. Keep it coming. Love it.
  • Playomatic
    My New Favorite Podcast
    My new favorite podcast. I’ve dipped back to visit all the previous episodes I missed. I love the interviews, but my favorite feature is the jukebox. Keep up the great work!
    This is outstanding.
    I absolutely love the style and content of this show. I am just two shows in and already have a list for further study.
  • Kiltedclergyman
    A welcome return
    I’m excited to see the revival of True Tunes! This new podcast aims to provide the same in-depth coverage and thoughtful commentary on the artists who create spiritually oriented music and art. Through the original incarnation of True Tunes in the 90s, John Thompson fostered a community where likeminded folk could explore the intersection of culture, faith, and the arts, and hear from the artists who worked in that space. I read as many of the magazines as I could get my hands on and devoured nearly every web posting. I was able to read in depth interviews with favorite artists and I discovered new bands thru the album reviews. I was saddened when True Tunes “faded into the sunset” in the early 2000s. But now with the revival of the website and the addition of this podcast, I’m getting reacquainted with an old friend and we’re picking up the conversation right where we left off. Welcome back, True Tunes! Can’t wait to hear more episodes!
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