Exam Study Expert: ace your exams with the science of learning

Courses #99

Donโ€™t work harder, work smarter: how to study effectively and get the grades of your dreams with winning review strategies, killer memory techniques and exam preparation tips you wonโ€™t hear anywhere else. Join Cambridge educated psychologist, study techniques researcher, coach and tutor William Wadsworth as we dive into the secrets of academic success.Looking for the grades of your dreams? Want to know the real secrets to preparing for and taking exams? Through a powerful combination of rich personal experience and the very latest learning and memory science, William and his expert guests are here to help. Here's to results day smiles!

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  • Honex2007
    Why this is the best.
    This is just the best listen to it itโ€™s really useful trust me you will like it just go and watch it no seriously just go and listen to it please
  • Little Buckster
    Grade A!
    William knows his audience well and asks the right questions of his guests to highlight their strengths while bringing maximum value to his audience.
  • helena,butitsallreadytaken!!๐Ÿ˜‚
    Its great!!
    The math episode really helped me,thank you so so so so so very much,keep it up!!๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ’
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