True Crime News: The Podcast

True Crime #125

True Crime News: your weekly dose of real-time updates on the most gripping true crime stories, current cases, investigations, scams, and schemes. Host Ana Garcia is joined by crime experts, police officers, defense attorneys, and other leading authorities in their fields as they cover murders, scams, investigations, and unsolved crimes from across the country. True Crime News has the largest and most active true crime digital community in the world, with 4.8 million subscribers on YouTube and more than 3 million fans on Facebook. Join us each week as we take you inside the biggest, most shocking, and most bizarre true crime cases.

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Recent Reviews
  • NappyDresser
    Justice for Jon Benet!
    DNA Now! ❤️ Michigan loves you!
  • Love2Groove
    Love this!
    I’m a big fan of Josh, found him on Killer Psyche. I just happened to find this and I love it!
  • Murder victims son
    Could you expose
    Thank you for trying to bring justice to families.We have suffered for 21 years.
  • Blue hairpin
    New fan
    I’m new to the show. I don’t normally watch or listen to crime shows but somethings gotten into me this last year and I’ve been really into it. Anyway, this show happens to be so good that I’m listening to vintage episodes.
  • Dgfstk
    Love, but…
    Love this show. But Josh needs to stop breathing into the mic 😑 it’s distracting when a guest is talking.
  • AidaDisney
    Witch cackle just killed it all
    I tried to listen a few times but the cackle at the most inappropriate things and times is truly so weird. On the Panini case, not once did she say oh this woman committed a crime. Nope, instead she made fun of the appearance of the ex-boyfriend. And I never knew how irritating the phrase “Don’t you find it interesting” could become.
  • larry.bird.33
    I started listening to this podcast back in January, i was instantly hooked. The detail pout into each episode is phenomenal. Unfortunately, i find the random advertisements in the middle of each podcast annoying, not to mention that the host and any guests he may have drag on each case a little too long. I don’t mind if they go into further detail, but they sometimes go over things not related to the case. Overall; however, i say it’s a great podcast. 👍
  • scheduled listings
    Crumbly case
    The lawyer on this show was so sanctimonious. Has he not heard how hard it is to get mental help for anyone when you are poor? He says nothing about the underlying issues as to what is wrong with our young people. I love this show, but this one makes me want to quit listening.
  • MKay114
    Great podcast!
    I look forward to each new episode! Thank you! MK
  • RapMon3
    The fact that the guy was on Joe Rogan’s podcast tells you everything you need to know about the guy 😂 Not a single person should be surprised that he’s a murderer
  • Angepr
    Love the topics, but the host really doesn’t know how to host. Garcia doesn’t let her guests get a word in edgewise.
  • Karen’s Favorites
    Big TCD Sidebar Fan
    Love how Joshua Ritter covers the cases with or without a cohost this is a must listen for getting my true crime fix! Fantastic perspective on these timely and relevant cases!
  • VentiMike76
    I like this podcast. I consume a lot of true crime podcasts so this is a nice reprieve from some of the other things I listen to. Ana is my favorite host. It’s like I’m listening to friends chat about true crime topics. I was surprised to read some poor reviews - people need to lighten up and stop trying to make this podcast into something else… I think it’s great as is. ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
  • ElSando88
    Tired old stories
    These episodes are like ABC gum. Reporting on old chewed up stories that have no relevance or substance anymore. Rehashing highly publicized cases of yesteryear that no one has any interest in. Snooze. Pass. Unsubscribe.
  • palanquin
    I’m getting weary of this
    A lot of simplistic discussion and lamenting of evil from Ana Garcia and her admiring guests. “Sidebar” with Josh Ritter, however, contains more intelligent discussion, and I find it worth the listen..
  • Jersey Girl in Vermont
    This is one of my favorite podcasts. Always interesting!
  • unknown6545674335
    So Extra
    I have a love/hate relationship with this podcast. I want to like it so much, but Anna Garcia is so over the top and so extra. Laughing when people die or just her faux outrage in other “analysis”. She makes it seem like SHE is the victim at times. I love the guest hosts though!!!!!! And I love the Sidebar episodes. I only listen to the Friday episodes when I can tolerate it.
  • bismark61
    I have to disagree with ur take on the Alex murdaugh jury verdict! First off evidence was more then just the video although Paul put Alex at the scene! It was also his trucks onstar motion that tract him showed him slow down exactly where Maggie’s phone was thrown as well as his cell phone data showing over 200 steps after the murders! Also the prosecutor brought up the motive as “the family annihilator” theory the definition Alex clearly shares the traits of this typed of person! I do agree the prosecutor did take Alex’s financial misdeeds personally because Alex practically destroyed the judicial system down there giving question to all practicing lawyers! Also he was giving closure to these victims! Other then this I love listing to ur podcast as well as ur guests
  • Dizzymslindsey
    This could be so good
    The host needs to go she’s too much, I’ve turned many episodes off midway because she’s just awful and over talks the people who actually know what’s going on
  • zamud,slaskfjkkl
    One of the worst True Crime podcasts
    I just listened to the one about Dale Holloway. Two women are on. One of them (the host?) doesn’t know her elbow from a gavel, and the other one isn’t much better. They spent35 minutes talking about the case without hardly mentioning one fact about the case. I didn’t know who the “Bishop” was until they finally divulged it. They laugh and blunder their way through, until I just couldn’t stand it any more. ONE STAR
  • SBH1980
    The least “research” you can do
    Is to find out how to pronounce a key person’s name. Like that is the literal LEAST you could do. This show is amateur city.
  • Dobs68
    Worst podcast ever
    I tried listening to a couple of these but could never make it through a complete episode. Ana is the worst host ever. She fumbles around and often cannot finish a thought. Very cringe’
  • Elle Mejia
    I’m with Will about the McDonald’s fries! LOL Love the show. Very entertaining. I highly recommend listening especially if you’re interested in criminal law.
  • m12j23
    Fox News Ishy
    This podcast is turning extremely “Fox News-ish” use to be a huge fan, not so much anymore. I do plan on continuing to listen but it’s becoming distasteful and I would not be suprised if I deleted this one soon. The hostess picks and chooses what crimes sgainst women she has strong feeling towards. Josh is misogynistic always questioning and blaming women. It’s just a weird show as a whole. Needs new hosts and restructure
  • sushijojo
    My favorite 🤩 thanks to Ana!!!
    Im sorry but josh is BORING!!! Can we please take him off or only put him in as commentary with Ana! We all come here for Ana! I am disappointed every time theres a new episode and its josh not ana 😮‍💨🥲👎 sorry josh
  • fayyyyy..
    please get a new host
    I find the topics so interesting but I can’t listen because Ana is a terrible host and laughs all the time for no reason. I only listen when Josh host.
  • britkatalex
    Love this podcast!
    I love hearing about current crimes and cases. Anna Garcia is THE BEST & her love for chihuahuas makes her even more lovable. Although one this there is a guest host on 9/1/23 episode and someone’s phone keeps buzzing and it’s making it very hard to listen to… anyway overall amazing podcast look forward to it every week.
  • Kronsche
    I don’t need to listen to two bros debate whether revenge porn should be protected under free speech. It’s against the law and there’s no debate. Gross.
  • RockinRick8185
    Why Do They Think They Are Celebrities
    Another worthless podcast. They think they’re funny but are only immature amateurs.
  • leslie_will
    Heard about this pod and decided to listen to a current episode. Ep 315 - Ana Garcia tried everything she could to race bait her guest, but the guest rose above and refused to play her game. Much respect to the guest for being quick to point out all valid arguments for bail consideration, not just the aspects that Garcia tried to twist to fit her own agenda. L pod and L for Garcia.
  • Dittyknitty
    I like Ana and Josh BUT
    But I want to know WHERE ARE ANDREA ISOM AND CHRIS HANSEN????? And Joshua Ritter this is for you, the word is spelled “height” it is NOT pronounced “heighTH”! Stop making that egregious error as an educated man!
  • El Dopo
    If you’re looking for interesting, thoughtful perspective and analysis this is NOT the show for you. Loads of obvious grandstanding and predictable assessments.
    Not good
    I’m sorry but Anna comes off like a person who understands the emotionality of crime and murder but not the psychology or laws.
  • Laura Trotchie
    Love the personalities
    Great discussions because they are direct, real, and some light discussions to help ease the depressing issues. Information is different from other podcasts which makes me wanting to keep coming back.
  • Kd_music
    I am completely disgusted by her mockery of victims
    It is completely inexcusable to be cracking jokes, howling with laughter, and disrespecting the victims and families of murder. I am truly disgusted by how insensitive this podcast is. How violated you would feel if a family member or friend of yours had just been murdered and a complete stranger made a podcast episode mocking their life story, with no consideration as to the fact that these families are already going through the most painful time in their lives? And here you are with the audacity to use their tragedy and misfortune as sheer entertainment. Reconsider your story telling and take on the responsibility of a true crime podcast host to honor the victims and their loved ones; or do everyone a favor and stop podcasting.
  • MagonHOU
    Great content, bad delivery
    The stories covered are compelling but I can’t take Ana’s constant laughing and corny jokes even if it’s about the accused in each case.
  • @imwillhenderson
    June 2
    June 2 Ep was not good-Ana and guest seemed to not be aware mic was on-didn’t make sense, maybe wasn’t edited as usual. Confusing
  • Stevette609
    Info is great, panel of experts are great love this podcast
  • Agilk9
    Great reporting!
    I love both of the hosts. The episode about the pregnant Amish woman who filed charges against her abusive husband was one of the most moving podcasts I have ever listened to. I am still floored by her strength.
  • Sas56978975
    Hosts need to read reviews
    Enjoy the content but wish there were different hosts. Joshua is always interrupting the guests and Ana shrieks and sounds whiney.
  • lizzenup23
    Lost me…..
    On the Murdaugh episode with the pearl clutching about a swift verdict and the guest lawyer who bought Alex’s snot emotion. I had to stop listening. Lordt. Is money changing hands for these ridiculous opinions? That case wasn’t that complicated.
  • San Juan mountains
    today’s episode
    terrible discussion
  • intrigue2020
    The woman host screeching and laughing about victims of murder. Seriously so strange. None of the other people are acting like this is funny. I’m watching on tv. I probably won’t watch any more of this show. She’s hard to listen to. It’s about the Murdauch family and people who died. She’s laughing again. Big joke
  • Rick 645446669
    You guys huh say huh a huh lot huh yeah huh it’s just huh hard to huh listen huh to…😂
  • Trippyava
    Mother jumps out of window after killing her 3 children episode
    First off our mental health system FAILED her. The state of Massachusetts failed her. That is who is responsible. She didn't just have postpartum depression , she had postpartum PSYCHOSIS. BIG difference. HUGE difference. Her kids where her WORLD, her EVERYTHING. In her psychosis state of mind she had NO IDEA what she had done. She should have NEVER been sent home, she should have been in a hospital type facility where she should have had 24 hour watch and care. Because our mental health system is a mess to say the least, she was sent home and was doing a intake care. This should have never happened.... again, OUR STATE, OUR MENTAL HEALTH SYSTEM needs to take RESPONSIBILITY. The "professionals" that evaluated her, that made the decision to allow her to go home should be held accountable. The "professionals " that put these guidelines in place need to be held accountable.
  • rickdoss
    There should be a zero star.
    The guys that put out that podcast are anti USA. Can’t listen anymore.
  • heatherpint
    Host is annoying
    Good podcast but have to stop listening because Ana is laughing hysterically at everything, she is so annoying… this stuff isn’t funny and she is cracking up constantly. It’s ok to laugh genuinely here and there when something is actually funny but she is busting a gut the whole podcast.
  • john loui
    It boring
    Soo boring
  • Sedona622
    Episode 240
    This episode is very difficult to listen to. The guest is not a very good presenter and the host continuously interrupts.
  • sassy--1
    Too many child killings episodes
    Too much focus on unfortunate child killings ease up .
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