It's My Pleasure

Sexuality #112

"It's My Pleasure", hosted by Danielle Savory, challenges the status quo, urging women to explore a crucial yet often overlooked aspect of their lives—PLEASURE. Join this fun and informative podcast with candid conversations and real life solutions, from orgasms to overwhelm. You'll enjoy the tidbits of neuroscience and real life scenarios that Danielle shares to help you lead a more pleasurable life in and out of the bedroom. Listed as the #1 Podcast on Sex & Relationships of Mashable's 2023 list, this podcast focuses on self-growth from a completely different angle - where we aren't just surviving, but loving the lives we live and using our brain for the most orgasmic outcomes.It’s time to de-stigmatize pleasure. Elevate the conversation around sex and reclaim a fundamental aspect of your humanity - PLEASURE.

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  • EricaB310
    I found Danielle through her work with Victoria Albina and I’m hooked!! I love her realistic take on all things relating to women, not just pleasure. Thank you for making my commutes better and giving me a whole new perspective on my life and marriage!
  • landofangela
    Sex and Knitting
    I’m new around here and felt like I might have found my people when intimacy and knitting were talked about in the same episode! Seriously though so much practical value. Thank you!
  • Kadydids
    Just what I needed!
    I found this podcast a few months ago and it has been so helpful. Sometimes I feel like she is speaking directly from my brain. The examples and also ideas to implement in my life help so much in my relationship. It’s great To know I’m not all alone in my struggles and the episodes offer hope to assure me it’s going to all be ok. I highly recommend this podcast!
  • Samba2405
    Yes, please!
    I’ve taken a couple of Danielle’s courses, follow her on IG and hadn’t realized until recently that she’s got this podcast too. Loads of episodes to catch up on but I’ve enjoyed and appreciated the ones I’ve listened to so far. There’s always valuable information to absorb and as a Well-Being coach, I love adding more tools/techniques into my toolbox for myself and clients. And, I love the recent additions of mini episodes.
  • Enjoy Birth
    Nice to focus on my pleasure
    I enjoy listening to the ideas and tools presented in this podcast. As I’ve been focusing on even simple ways to notice pleasure (the smell of my shampoo) etc. I have found more pleasure in other parts of my life as well Thanks!
  • Dancergirl55555
    Great podcast
    Great listen episodes are informative and enlightening. The host Danielle is very knowledgeable. I love that she’s also a life coach because I truly believe in life coaching and the model. I love how Danielle also discusses topics from a feminist lens. Excellent show has taught me a lot and has changed my outlook for the better!
  • Nicolette.nic1020
    Validates my experience each episode
    I found this podcast in a low moment when I just wondering what was wrong with me. I was searching for help to understand why it felt like my head & my body just couldn’t connect & why I had so many different feelings about sex and intimacy & what it said about me as a woman. My lack of sex drive was taking a toll on me and my partner & this podcast and hearing other experiences has validated all my feelings and experiences & gives me hope that things can get better. There’s nothing wrong with me, pleasure just doesn’t always come easy & it’s completely normal. I just have to do the work within to make it easier.
  • MMGG6211985
    Helpful and fun
    I love Danielle’s inclusion of the neuroscience behind the advice on this podcast! In addition to the science, her coaching experience gives her a lot of anecdotes and examples to draw from which I find really valuable. She provides practical tips and ways of reframing your thinking to help you increase pleasure in all facets of your life.
  • Jennie-Laurie Hope
    Super helpful info
    Danielle shares tips and info I haven’t heard anywhere else in a way that is both fun and compassionate. She really wants everyone to win in this area, and that comes through in her authenticity and style of delivery.
  • Tall lady2
    Great podcast!
    I discovered this podcast a few months ago and I’ve been loving the content! Danielle has a very approachable way of breaking down information about sex and pleasure that many steer away from. She also addresses many other issues as they relate to women and their minds that all feed into finding pleasure in their lives! Thanks for sharing all this great wisdom!
  • jennahsn
    Big shifts and just a few episodes in!
    I’m just a few episodes in and am already noticing big shifts in how I think about my husband and my sex life. Thank you, Danielle!
  • Cyndylandstar
    Love Danielle!!!
    I am struggling to find the word to share how much this podcast has change me!! Danielle is fun and smart and loving!!! I am so grateful for the work she does for women!! I look forward to this podcast every week!!!! Thank you Danielle!!!
  • somplyless
    COMPLETE Game Changer
    So happy to connect to Daneille and this podcast. First of all - just listen with an open mind! You don’t need to have a desperate issue to make change. This podcast just made me decide to “raise the bar” on the life I’m living and on the future that I will have with my husband. I tuned into myself, reframed this “for ME”, and took this off the back burner. Now - with this at the forefront I have simply fallen more in love with my husband of 34 years. We talk more, connect more, smile more and carry that joy to every area. Lots a small little shifts added up to an absolute game changer! Thanks Danielle
  • MissyF12
    Essential Listening!
    This podcast is EVERYTHING! I leave every episode with tangible nuggets of actionable wisdom. It feels like an honest conversation with your best friend who happens to have the most brilliant brain and the ability to simplify and help you sort out your drama around pleasure. Thanks Danielle!
  • Caitie Daidone Coaching
    Game changer
    Coming across this podcast and Danielle Savory’s work in general was a game changer for me. You don’t know what you don’t know, and the info in this podcast opened the door and has guided me into so much more awareness and a more pleasurable relationship with myself, my husband, and life in general. I love Danielle’s approach to sharing all her wisdom and knowledge - so much love and compassion while keeping it all light and real and occasionally nerdy (which I love).
  • Kmv1113
    Love love love!
    I have received so much wisdom from this podcast. Being married for 20 years and going through hormonal changes left me thinking I’m never going to get out of this rut. Thanks to this podcast I am seeing some mindshifts I am attempting to change and recognize. Thank you so much for pouring into this podcast!
  • spacekraft19
    So helpful!! Thank you
  • Jessica Globe
    Just what I was looking for!
    I’ve recently been having a renaissance with my husband, working to spice up our bedroom life. I was looking for a podcast with a host who I didn’t find annoying or creepy who I could trust to help me on this journey. Danielle was that person! She’s kind, compassionate, and knows her stuff. It has been so helpful since my first experience was traumatizing and has left a residue on my sex life. With her help, I’ve been liberating myself from that experience.
  • jordannk
    Women, Life, Freedom
    It's My Pleasure is making space for women to speak their truth and grow. #womanlifefreedom
  • Nilou N
    All Around Goodness
    I have benefited from Danielle’s podcasts immensely; whether about personal matters or global ones. She has an ability to make you feel comfortable and has a way of speaking that is so intimate and personal. Really enjoyed the latest episode with Mahsa about the current woman-life-freedom movement in Iran. Thank You Both!
  • AlyssaL101
    My go-to podcast!
    I can’t say enough about Danielle & this podcast!! I listen to this podcast when I am tired of being in my head all day long, when I’m in need of inspiration in my self-love & self-care practice, when I need to remember that I am deserving of my OWN compassion and, of course, all the pleasure. I’m in my 20s & have a great sex life with my partner but it has gotten even *better* since listening to Danielle because my relationship with *myself* and my sexuality has drastically improved. I really hope to work with Danielle in the future. But just by listening to the podcast, I’ve had so many breakthroughs. Danielle, you’re amazing and thank you! 💕
  • healthyjoha
    Tapping into my pleasure potential!
    While researching Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, I stumbled upon a podcast that changed everything for me! It resonated with me so much that I decided to join her coaching program to improve my relationships with my husband, my body and with sex. Inside the sex module of the program, Danielle did a training and I just knew I needed more of her so I stated listening to this podcast. What a great resource this has been! At 44 I really thought my sex life was as good as it gets. I didn’t even considered the possibility of it getting any better. Like many women, I though that there was something wrong with me and that I could never experience the level of pleasure I wanted; that it was outside of my control. Now I am in the Undressed program and I can’t wait to tap into my pleasure potential!
  • BookwormerB
    The best sex podcast EVER!
    I look forward to every new episode Danielle puts out! She’s makes every cringy sex situation normal and inspires me to enjoy my pleasure, rather than earn it or be ashamed of wanting it. I learned from this podcast (and one of her lovely affordable trainings) that putting my pleasure first will improve soooo many other aspects of my life. It starts with being comfortable with feeling pleasure and it spreads to your sex life and beyond. Thank you, Danielle for your amazing work!
  • mrs-Austin
    Great podcast!
    Eye opening things to think About each week and challenge you in your life. Thank you Danielle! I love the focus on not only the sex life but the bigger picture!
  • happygirltendi
    This podcast has been amazing. I have learned so much from Danielle and I love her passion to help women step into their own pleasure and prioritize themselves which is something I needed to hear. She is so valuable.
  • Kdiddlz
    Simple, effective advice
    It’s such a pleasure (!) to have such straightforward, interesting and useful information at my fingertips. Thank you, Danielle!
  • 82KJ
    Like having a neuroscientist for a best friend
    For anyone who believes they are broken sexually, or that the problems in their relationship are their fault, please listen to this podcast. Danielle uses clear language to explain how our brains can keep us stuck in old beliefs, and normalizes that experience so we don’t have to feel alone in our struggles. She also communicates so much compassion that it opens up space to stop judging and see that we can accept ourselves and get curious about what else is possible. Thank you so much Danielle for this important work.
  • lilhug69
    Loving learning
    I love listening to your podcast. I recently ended a bad marriage and have been really focusing on myself the past year. In my marriage I only orgasmed like a couple times a year with my husband, and I noticed he would not hold me back and hinder my pleasures. Only I didn’t understand at the time. At the beginning of the separation I started getting into more mindfulness and meditation. Also before the separation I started looking into more pleasurable information and what to do to increase my pleasure, but he wasn’t interested in helping or hearing what my concerns were. So I learned about meditation, focus on my body and my feelings. Now I’m with a woman and she is completely opposite and is so encouraging for me to get into me. Anyways. I also had a life coach for 6 months, and she encouraged me to listen to your podcasts. It’s putting all my skills together and my mindfulness. I’m finding all these skills I’ve heard of and practiced and I’m putting it all together. I’m getting into me being in the power of my pleasure. Right now I’m listening to your 3 part section about mindfulness and putting it all together. Anyways, I’m really loving getting to know my body and increasing my own pleasure and taking charge of the ideas that I’m in control if I just try. And practicing accepting pleasure that I feel like I was taught to push aside with my marriage. Ok. Anyways, thank you! I love your advise and podcast
  • jazmyn king
    Just sign up
    Life changing. Invest in your self
  • D.--
    Saving me!
    Thank you, Danielle for your incredible, brave, work! You are opening my soul and blowing the doors off my mind!!! Your insights and tools are giving me the strategies I need to have more intimacy with my husband and self-trust in who I am! I am getting to fall in love with my husband again and fall in love with ME for the first time! I initially titled this “saving my marriage,” but I realize you’re teaching strategies that will save ME, and my marriage will follow suit!! Thank you!
  • Kkn4847
    Thoughtful Podcast
    This is a great podcast for anyone wanting to deepen their thinking around intimacy, self exploration, and sex. The ideas she poses are exceptional and applicable. Danielle devotes her talent to improving your mind first to then improve your pleasure. Thank you, I’m excited to learn more.
  • Shooting Star Jean
    Pinnacle of self care
    Not quite sure how I discovered Danielle’s podcast but since I did I have followed and listened to every episode with great anticipation and delight. It is one of my favorite “self care” activities that has benefited not only me but my husband and our entire family, as the more pleasured I am the more that pleasure transfers to and benefits every one around me. At age 50 and happily married for almost 21 years I consider myself to be extremely blessed in the sensuality and sexuality department but there is always more to be learned and reinforced and Danielle’s podcast does just that. Her wisdom and frankness is so very refreshing and inspiring and applicable not only to sex but to all of life - reminding us that our thoughts control our actions and results and that we are here on earth to be present and enjoy and be delighted and that this is not selfish but benefits all those we come into contact with for the greater good. Thank you Danielle from the bottom of my heart! I am so grateful to you for this podcast and look forward to continuing on as your student in the years to come.
  • List user r
    It’s only just begun
    I’ve only listened to 5 episodes, and already my husband and I are enjoying more frequent and longer lasting sex, and exploring more ways to give and receive pleasure. We have been together since teenagers, so spicing things up in the bedroom now that we have children and many other life stressors has become a challenge. Thank you Danielle for your guidance, and my husband thanks you a thousand times more!
  • Casperdaughter
    For every woman!
    What a resource! Great energy! Open and approachable and clearly passionate about her topic! Life coaching and intimacy, what a combo!
  • mjoyb83
    Changing my life!
    I am so so thankful I was introduced to this amazing podcast. I am slowly listening and it is helping me become so much more mindful of my needs/desires. I am recovering from breast cancer and dealing with medical menopause side effects which brings my sex drive down. Danielles words are like a breath of fresh air 💕 thank you!!
  • Elizabeth Villegas
    Obsessed !
    Danielle is amazing! I love how she brings in the science part of it because it helps me make sense of everything. She makes everything so simple to understand and I am sooo excited to implement all that I’m learning. Love the compassion she has and you can really tell that she loves what she does. Thank you for creating this podcast!!!
  • megabucks2020
    So good!
    I feel like I get nuggets of insight from every episode. Thanks so much Danielle!
  • Love-It-or-Leave-It
    Awesome, Informative, Real
    This podcast gives awesome advice and information for those looking to improve their sex lives. It’s geared towards women but I often share the insights I glean from it with my partner. Danielle’s voice is very real and down-to-earth ... she calls it like it is and doesn’t sugar coat anything. Highly recommend.
  • Yo'Adrienne
    Mmmm mmmm good!!
    Danielle is amazing! She is so knowledgeable, thorough in her teaching, and encourages personal growth and change in an effort to increase pleasure.... not only in the bedroom but in everyday life too! Listen, learn, do, and experience pleasures you never knew possible!!! Thanks Danielle for changing my life....and my pleasure experience! Life is mmmm mmmm good!!!
  • Simply Jewelle
    This podcast is amazing and so helpful. Danielle really breaks down how to have a good sex life and covers so many topics. My marriage and sex life had improved so much due to this podcast! Give it a listen now!
  • JenB207
    This podcast has woken me up!
    I’ve been divorced for a few years and was in a sexless marriage before that. Needless to say pleasure was OFF the radar! I stumbled upon this podcast and it has woken me up to the importance of pleasure in my life - physical and otherwise! Also, I’m learning that being turned on and tuned into my own pleasure translates powerfully into all other areas of my life. Thank you Danielle!
  • Ksakie
    So grateful for the additional resources
    So happy there are resources like this that help women who have been silently suffering around these topics like me. It’s hard for me to wrap my head around this podcast because it also feels like for so many years I’ve seen myself as some unique unicorn who had all of these body issues around pleasure and intimate type self care. I’d experienced trauma as an adolescent and religious abuse around the way I was communicated around the purpose and intent of my body and to be able to work on this at my pace while addressing the shame and step into the idea that I’ve got these orgasm preventing beliefs makes it feel like it’s more possible to move beyond the damage. Thank you!!
  • EnvisionHustleReceive
    More please 💜
    Danielle is a Goddess in her own right! A Goddess of pleasure 💋 Her passion is entangled in all that she does.. and that is very clear! May we all be empowered to take back our power around our sexuality & our right to give and receive juicy, mind blowing pleasure, however and with whoever we FEEL best doing it! Thank you babe!
  • Joni Hamera
    Pleasure is more than ok
    Being a mom with a chronic illness, I forget a lot that pleasure is more than ok. Danielle reminds me each week, that pleasure is worth seeking and finding. From a cup of tea to between the sheets-Danielle teaches me how to find and enjoy each moment. 💚
  • EJ McKisson
    Empowering AF
    I listen to this podcast for the sex info but it leaves me as a more fulfilled woman in every aspect of my life. Danielle’s unique process (that works!) takes you on a journey of evolving and a deepening of the human experience of what it means to be a woman in today’s world. This is feminism at its finest. Her compassion and deep love for women and humanity are magnetic. Highly recommend!
  • Esmitty-haha
    Pure Gold
    Danielle Savory and It’s My Pleasure podcast are PURE GOLD. I didn’t think that having a beautiful, juicy, loving sex life was in the cards for me, after having a history of sexual trauma. I blamed it on everything: exhaustion, my partner, anxiety. I began listening to Danielle, and her sweet, kind, non-judgmental words were like balm to my aching soul. I’m hooked for life and I’m never looking back! Thank you Danielle.
  • deise17
    Life Changing!
    I love everything about Danielle!! This podcast and her work has completely transformed my sex life and my relationship with my husband in ways I never even imagined to be possible. Sex is DELICIOUS thanks to her!! Sooooo much thanks and heartfelt gratitude to her and how she shows up in the world - and how she has helped me see the importance of doing this work NOW. It is so important!! And this podcast is a fantastic way to get started. Definitely tune in!!
  • sex1111
    Love it!!
    I love how you have normalized these conversations around sex. You’re vulnerable in your sharing and there is a recipe for everyone, and discovering that recipe that works for each one is the fun!
  • EJLedford
    This podcast has changed my life
    I can’t sing Danielle Savory’s praises enough! I have been in a relationship for 17 years. Danielle and this podcast is responsible for resuscitating our sex life. I LOVE the “nerdy” parts when she really gets into the brain aspect. It’s a podcast about sex, but MOSTLY it’s a podcast about our brains and lives.
  • Betsy Jensen
    You had me at Neuroscience! And Pleasure!
    I am fascinated with the brain and a big fan of sex, so Danielle’s podcast is a perfect fit for me. I love the mindshift she provides. Even though I consider myself quite sexually open, I think some programming from my religious upbringing has kept me from being sexually empowered. But this podcast is helping me find these old limiting beliefs and root them out. I am a big believer in the importance of sexual energy for vitality and prosperity. So huge thank you to Danielle on this podcast for helping me cultivate that power! Thought work is already a big part of my life so her podcast aligns perfectly with what I already believe. I love it!!!
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