The Vanguard Tactics Podcast: A Warhammer Podcast

Games #43

Welcome to the Vanguard Tactics Podcast!This is a podcast dedicated to the Warhammer 40,000 tabletop wargame, where we analyse the rules, new releases for the game, the competitive meta and develop strategies to help you become a more confident 40K player. Our founder is Stephen Box, a former professional bodybuilder, model, and fitness coach who has made it is personal mission to raise the standard of the game both on and off the table-top. Stephen's focus both here and in his 40K coaching career, the Vanguard Tactics Academy, he emphasizes sportsmanship and fair play above winning at all costs.Your host is Dave Kolmel, a combat veteran turned lawyer who has had a passion for the game of 40K since 1995. Dave loves every aspect of the hobby, and loves talking about it with Stephen and the show's various guests, encouraging and spreading Stephen's motto of sportsmanship and fair play both on the podcast and at tournaments.Come join us to learn about Warhammer 40,000, how to be a better player and opponent at the tabletop, and how to get the most out of this amazing hobby.

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Recent Reviews
  • dragon lord357
    Next generation of Warhammer
    I’ve just started playing Warhammer and this podcast has been super awesome and helpful. Thank you for helping me learn and play the salamanders!
  • Untold Matt
    Very Helpful!
    I’m really new to the world of Warhammer 40K. My nephew wanted to have someone to play against so I picked an army, I’m learning as much as I can and I’m in the process of getting my army battle ready before I play my first game. I listen to this podcast while I paint and I end up passively learning a lot about this game. I appreciate the detail and newbie friendly explanations in strategy and everything 40K related. Please keep up the amazing work!
  • ConCorp17
    Best Warhammer 40K Poscast
    The Vanguard Tactic’s podcast as been an amazing help to me. I started playing Warhammer 40K around three years ago and this podcast has helped me a lot. Dave and Stephen are great hosts too. Any 40K fan or hobbyist would enjoy this family friendly podcast.
  • Jordan j 411
    Great 40K podcast!
    When I first got into 40K around the end of 8th I looked for a good 40K podcast and non of them clicked. Even if I only dip my toes into a hobby I’m very competitive by nature and most of the podcasts I found were geared more towards casual players and I bounced off them. I recently got Votann as a new army and found the Votann revisit episode and became hooked. The hosts are clearly excellent competitive players while keeping it accessible enough for new players. My new favorite podcast. Just joined the Facebook group as well. Keep up the good work guys!
  • Elroy!77
    Great Podcast
    I really appreciate the codex and index reviews. I feel more prepared to play with my local club’s and friends.
  • snapchathater1157
    Needs a new host
    I used to love this podcast for the positive attitude that it pushed and the community, but recently Ive been really dissatisfied with the episodes since Dave took over hosting. It seems like his organization is all over the place, and depending on what the topic is, he just gives his opinion as fact and only talks about whatever is meta at the moment. A lot of the time he glosses over major topics because he personally doesn't care about them. I feel the the podcast used to be about playing what you like and learning how to do well with your own personalized army regardless of whether its meta or not. Now its just another metagaming circle jerk warhammer podcast 😔
  • zzYYxxg12367
    Excellent podcast!
    This podcast is consistently well done, and very much about quality play and enjoying the game. Great job guys - RLTW!
  • qaswdvh4k
    This has been so helpful
    I have been playing warhammer for about a year now and this has given plenty of information on the different index cards. DO ONE ON THOUSAND SONS!
  • deimos & sanford
    So good
    I just got into the game and play blood angels this podcast is really helpful in helping me learn my rules.
  • Jscott666
    Just getting back in
    I have just started playing again a few months ago after a 25+ year break. I bought some models and tried to back in 1998 or so but being young and starting a family very early in my life, financially it was impossible. I have kept up with lore with the advent of YouTube over the years but never had any reason to make the commitment again. All of the sudden a very good friend of mine said, “hey! I’m getting into 40K!” I resisted for a while since I have a few other hobbies that take time and resources (hunting, fishing, Xbox lol) but I have to say I am having the time of my life! Even though I haven’t won a game yet with my Orks, I can’t get enough. I found this podcast and I think it will make me a better player in the long run if I pay attention and put the things I learn into practice. I learn something every time I listen. Great job guys, I can’t wait for the next episode!
  • Dave not my real name
    I’m just a casual player, but I listen to this podcast to get better at the game. Also having seen/heard other content creators, I’d rather lose to the VT team then most of the “top” players because I know that even if VT was beating me they would be cheering me on and encouraging me. I’d be more willing to get into competitive play if everyone was like you all!
  • Watchmaster Jason
    My “Mostly Weekly” Bright spot
    Listening to this podcast is one of the things I look forward to each week as I travel for work. So much great information and insight into how the game should be played. As always great work. Well, except for the lawyer. BTW, you say “uhm” too much. But I still love you.
  • TFT_1776
    Massive tiny… something… energy
    These guys really like their guns especially when unstable kids bring them to school So the response to gun violence is laughs and a touting of how easy it is to carry a gun without a permit and brits laughing because he and his neighbors all have guns so whats the big deal? Oh sure any everyday encounter reaching maximum escalation is laughable, don’t worry mate. Vet or not, some of you have never had a gun pulled on you and it shows…way to acknowledge the big issues. You would think a brand started by how they were treated in a game would have an fraction of empathy for how we treat eachother in life. Incredible maturity in acknowledging you have a voice and a platform, anyways back to the army men. -Tommy from Texas
  • Archon Big Will
    Dave needs a Football team.
    Dave you need a football team. I think you should follow Queens Park Rangers - mid table & mediocre. Make it happen Stephen. Great Show. A+
  • Dr.Zaius1
    Kept me in the game
    My experience with Warhammer 40K for tournaments has always been horrible. I seemed to always be paired with WAAC players and it just wasn’t any fun. Listening to you guys gives me hope I may find a niche. Overall, this is great content and it doesn’t promote WAAC play. It promotes tough armies , fair play and fun. Keep it up!
  • EladrithYnneas
    THE ‘Winner’ of 40K Podcasts
    The Competitive 40K podcast strikes the balance between brevity and detail with ninja-like precision. The hosts also do an outstanding job catering to both newer and veteran players and there’s something to learn for everyone. Their hobby segment epitomizes the podcast’s refined nature with short hobby hacks from one of the most successful professional hobbyists in the industry which - once again - are designed to be usable by hobbyist veterans and beginners alike so don’t be intimidated by the fact you’re getting advice from Siege Studios. If I had to pick a Best Over All podcast it’s this one. There’s not an ounce of fat on these podcasts and all the muscle they need to knock out the competition. Joining their Facebook group is an additional no-brainer as it’s free and you get surprisingly close to the hosts. If you like podcasts and 40k and don’t have this one in your library you’re simply doing yourself a disservice. Full-stop.
  • Aedynsdad8
    What's the point?
    I honestly don't know why the new host has such a dislike of Americans. But, this "useless" American has heard the last jib I'm willing to hear for this podcast Sportsmanship...what a joke
  • Jon Lee Pettimore
    Worst Magic the Gathering Podcast Ever
    This is the foremost competitive podcast going for 40K, while also presenting information about the game and hobby that is relevant to non competitive players. Stephen Box has championed fair play and good sportsmanship since his entry into the competitive scene years ago with his now famous YouTube post about being cheated against during a tournament. Since those days, he and his crew at Vanguard Tactics has risen in standing due to their have fun, good sportsmanship and fair play ethic. While other podcasts have become little more than commercials for GW, VT is making a stand for the health of the game and the community.
  • RetDev
    Love this!
    not only is it great 40k content with a wonderful attitude and mindset, but the Dresden Files reference pushed me to pull over my car and immediately leave a review.
  • sadam driver
    Great Game content, not a fan of new host
    The game content, mechanics, reviews advice is an incredible resource. To be frank the new host comes off as wanting to be right with the people on the show, often citing that its the lawyer in them. Also made light of gun ownership in the states, I understand this is a war game but living here with the prevalence of gun violence made this a pretty sour note. I think the show, academy and community has been a tremendous help as a whole. The welcoming and positive outlook that this podcast started with just feels a bit dulled, despite the levity and information it provides.
  • Zolbrook
    Best in class
    Best 40K show from the best 40K org, Vanguard Tactics. Their ethos of fair play and community is really refreshing. The host (“the American guy”) is great. His intros are clever, and he has a pragmatic, humble streak that makes him a nice foil for Stephen Box, a likable popinjay. They both know tons about 40K, share advice that comes from hours of thinking and playing, and put impressive effort into cranking out consistently rewarding episodes.
  • Minokozu
    A great source of information
    Found this podcast very recently and love it already both hosts seem knowledgeable and have a great love for 40K without being super must win at all costs and more about having fun and enjoying a hobby rather than just being all about the win. Thank you both and appreciate all you do for the community
  • visjoner
    Vanguard Tactics - Brought fun back to 40K
    I started working with Steven and crew with the Vanguard Tactics Academy. Since starting I finally feel like I’m able to digest all the nuisance and changes of the game. This podcast gives me hope and shows a roadmap to great things. Compared to other podcasts of the genre I love the approach to fair play and anti-elitist attitude. Wonderful people making a product they put a labor of love into. 11/10. 5.5/5
  • smokeymusket
    Great Content thank you
    Haven’t played in 20 years, haven’t painted in 10 years. Getting back into the game cause my kids found all my old models and have fallen in love with the hobby and the Warhammer world. The game is so different from my year 2000 Space Wolves lol. This podcast is helping a ton in getting my warhammer brain back up to speed. I’ve decided to dive full in to a “xenomorph black” Tyranid army, it’s gonna be fun :) Thank you
  • doineedanicknameand dies
    This is Church. Emperor Protects
  • Reya808
    Simply the best in the business
    This podcast and Stephen Box are the only things keeping me in 40k. This podcast is outstanding for anyone getting into or at any point of their 40k journey. Regardless of where you are at in 40k you’ll learn something and level up from listening to this podcast. I can’t recommend it enough.
  • For The Good of All
    Standup gents running a standup podcast!
    We all get into the hobby for many reasons, whether it be the lore, the models, gaming, etc. You guys have given competitive gaming a new identity that breaks the mold of whatever garbage persona competitive players are given. Pushing sportsmanship along with honing our skills on the tabletop is something I wish to strive for. The podcast is personal while going in great depth with every topic. Hoping to join the academy when life allows! Keep up the great work!
  • Generalzerohour
    Great podcast very helpful!
    Great show, as someone who is rather recently getting into the work of 40k this information is very valuable! My only issue was I cannot seem to find an episode where they discussed the new Tau Codex and was really hoping to get more input on it as I’m building Tau but in a balanced army so was looking for fun advice and Input on the new changes.
  • Magsthegamer
    Even better recently
    I started listening to this podcast when I first started 40k, but now, about a year later, I think they’ve really blossomed. Discussions lately have focused on competitive play on the current meta, but from a standpoint where it’ll still be useful in 6 months or 5 years- it’s good ways to play the game, using current discussions as a frame, and I think that’s absolutely excellent. I’ve also come to look forward to the painting advice as my favorite 5-8 minutes of audio that I get every week or so… This podcast makes me want to get back on social media, just to ask questions that could hopefully prompt episodes
  • Sakou Balde
    Competitive tips for casuals
    I’m a casual player and a new player. I enjoy this podcast because it’s focused on instruction, it seems like Mr. Box understands educational theory, and they take things seriously enough to help me get better. I love podcasts with joking around, but sometimes I’m looking for something more serious. This podcast feels like I’m elevating my game simply by listening on my commute.
  • Anonymous271645
    Good show
    I like this show the most out of all the 40K podcasts I’ve listened to because they actually talk about 40K the whole time. Perhaps I’ve just listened to the wrong shows, but most of them talk about all sorts of other crap and only a third of each episode is actually about 40K. This show has the whole time devoted to warhammer. My only real gripe— they are very inconsistent with episodes being released. Sometimes it’s a week between episodes, other times a month or more. I know life gets in the way sometimes, but maybe establish with the listeners that the show will only happen once a month or once a quarter rather than being all over the place with releasing episodes. I joined VT academy because of this podcast and because it’s clear the VT team has a love of playing the game. I enjoy the hobby sure, but I do the hobby to play the game. This is a podcast for any player like me.
  • AegisArising
    Great podcast. The tips here are top shelf. I’m a casual player but still want to win occasionally. I pick armies based on minis I have painted and fluff. Even with my poor decision making, the tips here can help you play more competitively and can sneak out a win over your friends who, like mine, net-list every game.
    GREAT content for anyone looking to get better at Warhammer 40K. these guys are great!!!
  • JMpics
    Fantastic & Thoughtful 40K Guides
    As a newcomer to 40K, I've loved hearing Stephen and the gang's approach to the game -- everything from list building to in-game tactics to what makes each faction unique and viable. They get me excited about the new 40K community I've joined. An excellent resource for 40K members new and old.
  • Battle Corgi
    Love this
    This is my second favorite 40k podcast. VT is so in depth and yet also playful in how they present their podcasts. My only issue is that at one point the audio wasn’t so great, but it was consistently posted each week. The audio is now amazing but the podcast has become inconsistent as to when it’s posted. Once it’s a little more consistent I will totally give it 5 stars!
  • alsjfktkebjgbt
    Possibly the dullest 40k podcast
    Episodes are generally on whatever release is new in the meta, and/or interviews that don’t have much to do with actual strategy or gameplay. This is very common in 40k podcasts so not singling them out.
  • clintonkills
    Top Notch!
    Absolutely amazing podcast! Top notch quality, professionalism, and great information. A must listen for anyone looking to take their game to the next level, or get into the competitive scene.
  • BillGates420OfficialAccount
    Competitive, Done The Right Way
    Not only are Stephen and his guests incredibly knowledgeable down to the minutiae of Warhammer 40,000, but Sportsmanship and giving your opponent a fair chance are absolutely stressed which give this game the absolute fair challenge it truly deserves.
  • Valfodur
    Great Podcast and Crew!
    Wanted to give a shout out to Stephen and crew for a job well done! Making Quarantine fun :)
  • Azrael Okie
    Great podcast
    Subscribed to YouTube and Podcast very good information and always professional. Also enjoy the emphasis on sportsmanship.
  • DanaanWB
    Great to listen to
    I’m working at learning more about them game, been playing a bit over a year, and I’m trying to do as well as possible during tournament play, and I’d like to get into itc type games. Very helpful to listen to this try to tear apart common meta lists because every local meta is a little different, and if I want to remain competitive, they help a lot to be ready to play against unforeseen circumstances
  • ConnerZT
    The go to 40k podcast!
    This is my go to podcast for everything 40k. They do meta reports, army breakdowns, tournament preparations and coaching, etc. this podcast is a wealth of information just listening you will be a better player. I check everyday for more episodes, can’t get enough. Well done gentlemen!
  • SLGoku112
    Great show.
    Really enjoy your realistic approach about 40k from the competitive side of the street. Great talk about sportsmanship and intent which is really key for 40k. Good luck with your Blood Angels this season.
  • Jkeef777
    Fantastic podcast! I’ve ways loved the Youtube channel. Keep up the great work guys.
  • Rallen7908
    Informative and Insightful
    Stephen is one of the best in the business. He is helpful and informative with regards to learning 40k and determining the best army. I have recently returned to 40k (I have been in school and did not have the necessary time) and Stephen helped a lot with picking it back up again. Good luck at LVO and I look forward to hearing about the recap!
  • NJ40Kdad
    Upped my game
    Provided clear tactics that people can implement to improve their game!
  • Tyler 2932
    Great Teacher!
    As someone who is new the the “Competitive” 40K world Steven does an amazing job at laying everything out as well as having great visuals for help. As we get into a new year of Warhammer I think it’s great that he will talk about what’s going to change in the “meta” along with him explaining ways to play out your army. I also really like that he talked about the game having a huge impact on Mental Health. I think that this it’s a huge step in the right direction! I can’t wait to hear the next one!!
  • Jmanlong
    Top Notch
    Top notch information from this crew over the last year of following them on YouTube and Facebook. I’m looking forward to this podcast, so much easier to listen to at work, gym, and while hobbying. The quality of audio is also one of the better I have heard as if lately, especially related to tabletop gaming.
  • schlottdogg
    Awesome Competitive 40K Resource
    Been following VT on Facebook and YouTube for awhile now and they produce awesome content. Super excited after the first episode to have a good podcast I can put in my podcast rotation for work. For sure check these guys out!
  • youngflaco216
    Love it!
    Great advice as always, can't wait for episode 2!!
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