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Rockit609Lose BobbySneaker shopping was embarrassing man. He’s a failed standup and you are everywhere. Maybe it’s all an act but I can’t take him anymore. Keep doing your thing
briteeshafun interviewerI love anything Santino is on. He’s a great interviewer and this podcast is always so fun and light. I look forward to his Friday pods
LessCouchOnSorry Andy.You and Whitney Cummings are speed freaks. Twackle Jacks.
Missy V0112Real LaughsLove all the episodes, but I have to say that your chem with Lisa Gilroy is second to none. Beautifully played off of one another with such ease and gave us the good ole “busting chops” comedy that is just too funny when it’s done right….idiot.
ikystamBday TwinPerfect mix of comedy and real talk
djgieSpeed racerSantino is the quickest comedian out there. A Swiss Army knife of talents. This podcast is a top 5.
BELIEVEITCANHAPPENPete HolmesYour conversation with Pete Holmes was excellent! Funny as F and I learned a lot. Thank you for all you do. ✨✨🙏🏻
Doctor of SpeechY’allPete Holmes interview was deep and delicious
GrodellBest pod castAwesome show
itswhatsername2uRefreshing PodcastI’m very happy that I came across this podcast. I especially love the conversation had with George Lopez.
Oliver LFGMWe need more of Santino and DonnellI love Bobby but Santino and Donnell is just right. Ebony and ivory 2025!
spshladfwah grah…not frah grahjust fyi
wtf543456715 stars for AndrewI wanna like Hannah so bad.. I’m a giggler but why is Hannah such a pick me
Brymarkie9483720CringeThis privileged white male “comedian”downplays Trump fascism? Ok bro 👍
Aaronshane14Great guestsHonestly this shows has some of the better guest selections. I’ve been a prof fan for awhile and was shocked when I saw his name
Dave6480Kyle Kinane episodeWhat a great episode. I’m new to this podcast, but if that is par for the course then I’m sold. Now I’m a huge Kyle Kinane fan. I was familiar before, but now I’m a fan. Great work
KoopKoop0689Mr. Santino!Your a hilarious comic! I have been running through as much of your stuff as I can find. So happy you have these things going for you! Huge, huge fan. Keep up the great work!!
JghenFunny but also realLove this pod! He’s very funny but also relatable. I love his honesty and he’s not afraid to speak his mind. Found him through a pod he was on and then followed this and I’m now a fan!
Lively up yourself 🎅🏾It’s called a pick meFeminism is merely the belief that there should be equality between sexes. Derp. That’s literally it. A label of an ideal. Not a “group” for you to whine about “rhetoric” that you don’t align with. Not some new “group”. An ideal. Of equality. If you believe there should be equality, “yes”, you are a feminist. It doesn’t mean you’re one of “them”, Mr Santino 🙄🧁🤏
newark danNo john stamosOr similar celebrities. These guys don’t talk about anything because they are afraid and deflect anything that comes there way with “is it cold in here?” But 5 star cuz Santino is goat
PacomykoBinge the GingeSantino gives me ‘My kids friend growing up that made it’. Still trying to figure out if it’s being proud for him or just plain creepy. Listen in; you decide.
chondog94888Love AndrewBut the episode with Joe de Rosa was insufferable. He sounds like a horse salesman after cars were invented
jasonAllredI’m dying up hereWhen will Season 3 of “I’m dying up here” drop? Awesome show, thank you 🙏🏼
JessGus333Great…..Now I have “Tears in Heaven” stuck in my head….😑😑😑
Danie AlyseSurprisingly GoodI am a Bad Friend’s listener. Never thought to look for a solo project from Andrew. Saw that Heather McMahan was doing his show, and I tuned in. It was so good. He is such a natural at this which I assume is pretty difficult to do by yourself. I even went back and listened to Miss Pat’s episode. Very good.
MbreckonUnrivaledThe Pete Holmes episode has got to be the best podcast I’ve ever listened to. The chemistry and wit between the two is unrivaled. Pure Masterpiece 👌
HarmizmeeWhitney CummingsWas Whitney high the whole time? She couldn’t stop laughing
The Peoples CriticLove the RocketSantino is the man. Good stuff here.
buddyloveeBest in the businessSantino is pure gold
stonecold69355 stars 10/10Great pod with a great host and great guests
Whisker biscutsLOVE IT!Love this POD
jdigWhat took me so long?I love this podcast! I can’t believe it took me so long to catch on to how awesome Andrew is.
KraytdragonbornRed Head RedemptionGreat show.
Dalton CullerSantino is the bestSolo or with a crew, Santino is a fantastic listen. A great mix of hilarious with the occasional serious conversations, I love this show and look forward to it each Friday.
Njmikey88Can’t stand his voiceAlso must bring up race constantly and how whites are terrible…but he’s white…. Extra cringe. Was listening weekly and I’m done
No free hints???So funnyCheck out the other one with him and Bobby Lee. It’s so funny to.
jakethec@keSantinoLove Santino bambino what a guy what a pod
i hate the parkwayIs Steven Sodenbergh a robot?The way you hear him end his sentences I can’t tell if he’s getting choked up from crying or if he’s a robot and is ending his sentence/thought. Love this show. Andrew Santino is one of my favorite people in entertainment.
bigfishbob420Great stuffLove the show. I’m a driver for a delivery company and I pretty much listen all day. This podcast is one of my favorites you are great with the interviews almost Stern like. Keep up the good work and please don’t stop.
Oscar Santana LiesIt Doesn’t MatterSantino was great on the It Doesn't Matter Patreon podcast. Really funny dude
BMXFS8090New stuff needed.So lame hearing one rich comedian talking to other rich comedians. Dude mix it up. Most people out here don’t want to hear how rich you people are. Try being funny instead.
woogles32Love!Can’t get enough!!! I love Andrew He is another one of my favorite comedians not to mention very handsome man!
HappyLongPipePerfect ending to the work weekEvery week I look forward to Fridays and starting my weekend with a laugh. I’ve been introduced to many fun people and have got to learn about some of my favorites. Thank you Andrew! Many blessings 🙏🏽
223534553AndrewI really like Andrew, I feel like he is a nice guy. But he is really annoying on podcasts. He does that yes and improve wayyyyy to much. It’s annoying and not that funny when he does it so much
jimmytWhite hooping?!Reddick and Williams are the two examples of white NBA players? Dear God have you not heard of West, Havlicek or BIRD? OR Bill Walton who would have burned the record books if he could have stayed healthy. No one learns any history.
Consume0812Whitehall Ep. S. Side IrishWow, in addition to being quite funny, the Santino looks Irish, speaks like a South Side Irishman. It's like I was listening to one of my buddies' younger brother interview a posh Brit. How do they get these heavy hitters. Love the guy with Lee as well.
NomoSomoBoo John CenaYou really brought on China loving John Cena????
EfromMinneObsessedI am in love. The nick swardson episode. 😂😂😂😂😂 also yes 100% nobody can out drink Minnesotans or Wisconsinsss. You will regret trying too 😂 You can literally drink and drive in Wisconsin for sport. Nobody cares. The sheriff sat next to me once drinking while I smoked a joint 😂
Sully.NewYorkWay With WordsAndrew has one.
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