Canadian History Ehx

Follow Craig Baird as he explores the good, the bad and the weird of Canada's history from the pre-colonial era to 25 years ago. Whatever you want to know about Canadian history, this is your one-stop shop.

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Recent Reviews
  • Kfschr
    National Treasure
    Craig, You are truly a Canadian National Treasure! Living in the US with each state having its own unique historical events, there is NOTHING like your fascinating program available. I thank you for your incredible deep dive into people places and events that consistently resonate fun and interesting in CANADIAN HISTORY ex. BIG FAN KHF- Albuquerque , NM
  • zxxcb.
    We Demand Pushing For Change Rally
    Craig your innate talent finding historical stories such as WE DEMAND PUSHING FOR CHANGE RALLY was truly a fascinating one. Thank you! BIG FAN KHF-Albuquerque, Nm
  • consciousdave
    Great show for Canadian history fans
    I haven’t come across a ton of shows that cover Canadian history specifically so really appreciate this one. The host Craig Baird is super passionate about the topics covered and it really shows through in the episodes. He’s also a great follow on Twitter, consistently putting out interesting and relevant content. As a Minnesotan that shares a border, I’ve been enjoying learning more about my neighbor
  • XxXpaYnXxX
    Essential Listening for North Americans
    I have been a follower, fan, and patron of Craig Baird for about a year to a year and a half now. This podcast as well as his other’s should be essential learning for all North Americans. The facts are presented in a light and inviting way that really allows you to sit back, relax, and learn in a way thats entertaining. A lot of “History Podcasts” have an obvious angle in their development, but Craig is nothing if not fair and honest in his presentations, interviews, and re-tellings. On personal note… Craig, thank you so much for this podcast. As an American living through a pandemic, your voice and the power it has to transport me to your beloved home of Canada has provided many hours of comfort and encouragement. Thank you again for all the content. Once the border re-opens, I look forward to visiting many of the small towns and hamlets you’ve covered in your podcast.
  • A_Asai
    Great narrative
    Research ✅ Great story telling? You betcha! Take the time to get to know some fascinating history. Craig does a wonderful job of diving into some fascinating subject matter. And as someone very unfamiliar with Canadian history - I appreciate it! Subscribe today! Alycia, host of Civics & Coffee
  • likely a phantom
    Wonderful show!
    Craig absolutely knocks it out if the park every time! Great content, not just for Canadians, but like, also for everyone.
  • Kenny Ryan.
    Solid show!
    This show offers great glimpses into moments of history that are really interesting, but might not have all made it into your history textbook. Especially interesting to this American curious about our northern neighbor.
  • Regthatch
    Fantastic Podcast
    American here who heard about this through another podcast. This a fantastic podcast for anyone who likes history. There is a good variety of history stories to keep you interested and even learn a little about our neighbors to our North.
  • HelloandNo
    Love this show. Always keeps me interested and always look forward to new episodes. -Tabby from Your New Best Friends podcast
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