Lex Fridman Podcast


Conversations about science, technology, history, philosophy and the nature of intelligence, consciousness, love, and power. Lex is an AI researcher at MIT and beyond.

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  • alienflower27
    Thank you for your open mindedness
    Hello! Thank you for having Trump on and not giving in to The mainstream media and looking into things yourself. We need to talk to each and not feel so threatened. I’m a republican and I can’t talk to people because they won’t sit down and have a reasonable conversation. I hope to try the news organization that you suggested. I’m looking for facts and I can make up my own mind. I don’t need the media to do it for me.
  • SLoomis78
    This is the intellectually smallest podcast ever produced.
  • trance79
    Has everyone finally lost their minds?
    Lex is a master of highly accessible deep-dives delving into a range of complex topics. He effortlessly manages to blend and balance tech, philosophy, the future, AI/ML, and the human condition. And yes, occasionally politics. He is intelligent and well-spoken. He is knowledgeable and his curiosity and thirst for knowledge shine through each episode. With a placid, calming demeanor and universal respect for guests, many discussions turn introspective and “real”. Check out the show if you enjoy picking apart cutting-edge tech while pondering the meaning of life. As for the title of my review. I’m disheartened by the number of reviewers airing personal grievances against Trump, thinly disguised behind grossly unfounded criticism against Lex Fridman. Consider the amount of time spent each day that you allow Trump, Biden, Kamala, whoever, to seep into your thoughts, fears, hopes, worries, and actions. C’mon, you are better than that! Redirect the time into anything constructive. Start a new hobby. Help a neighbor. Decide to be the agent of change for good instead of waiting on someone else to do it. It definitely took me too long to figure it out and let go. And for goodness sake, stop ripping poor Lex a new one 😅🤣
  • PoeDiddley
    Unfortunately not what it used to be
    Was definitely a fan for a few years but lately it’s just gone downhill. I miss the science, ai, and robotics talks. What about the tech roots? Having politicians campaigning on a show that used to seem to stand for logic is a new low. If he had gone too left I’d feel the same way because logic and politics dont mix. Had to unfollow cannot support using political grandstanding just to temporarily rake in either sides followers for ratings or monetary gains.
  • abiscuit333
    After years of listening to Lex and enjoying challenging and thought provoking conversations this podcast has become a huge let down and disappointment. Do better. Biased political platform doesn’t equal thought provoking or innovative content. Give me some people with actual intelligence to listen to not click bait celebrity.
  • Dylan H bbq
    Its gone down hill
    Just finally unsubscribed after the past couple of months. Lex really used to ask interesting questions and really used to put people’s feet to the fire and fact check. The trump podcast really was the nail in the coffin on this feeling after he just let him bandstand instead of doing what he used to be so good at. Its really a shame. I miss the early lex days :(
  • walkingspanishdownthehall
    What happened?
    Just listen to Hardcore History.
  • Klauski57
    Tough to take seriously, but periodically very good
    Ive been listening to this podcast since the beginning and initially found it fresh, insightful and thoughtful and shines brightest when it covers tech-related topics. For interviews of this caliber to be interesting, the host really needs to periodically fact check and push back as required. Otherwise whats the point of having a discussion? Over the last couple of years Lex has decided to take on geo/domestic politics that affect us all, so save the warm fuzzy feelings for sesame street and try harder to get to some truth. Maybe he has become reluctant to push back for fear of getting a rep as a tough interviewer? nonetheless the podcast wasn't always this way and having Trump on seems more like selfish self-promotion rather than finding out what the candidate truly stands for.
  • Betsy Wolfston
    I loved your conversations with Sam Harris and Rick Rubin. There was a sense of intelligence, insight and curiosity. Sorry to see you going down the power drain where quality interviews isn’t a factor anymore, just fluff and name dropping. Aren’t you getting bored with who you interview? How did your brain even sit through this interview? I couldn’t last. Trump - dribble, slur sounded drunk. No insight of any kind. A waste of your time and ours.
  • Amberl1196453
    My favorite
    I just love this podcast. Lex is respectful and I really get to know the guests due to the long interview style with the right questions asked.
  • ObjectivismIsNotPhilosopy
    Mossad Agent or Russian Mole?
    I loved his Dan Carlin podcast simply because Lex was so effusive in his praise of Dan. Otherwise I find gaping holes in his worldview and an inability to challenge the guests that need to be challenged. He is definitely not the smartest guy, nor the most well-read guy, nor the greatest interviewer, nor charismatic. In fact it was pretty obvious Lex hadn’t listened to any of Dan Carlin’s podcasts. It's fine I guess, but it’s more likely than not he’s just a Mossad agent. He was definitely bootstrapped by someone into celebrity. Speaking of Mossad, I will never understand the Israeli government support of the anti-Semite Elon Musk. Maybe they want to make life so unsafe for the diaspora that they’ll be forced to come to Israel and create demographic “facts on the ground”. Someone should ask Lex - but I doubt he’s smart enough to understand the question. Nor would they have trusted him with the answer.
  • lmagg91
    Having Trump on was pathetic. Lex showed his true colors. Don’t support this clown.
  • mikemy
    I’m not sure value it brings to have despicable people on your podcast, ask interesting questions and then give them a complete pass when they don’t answer the questions and spout complete nonsense. If your going to bring people on, hold them to the questions you asked them. Otherwise, there’s no point.
  • StudytheWorld
    Intellectually lazy and disingenuous
    Over time legitimately compelling conversations with sound criticality have degraded into intellectually lazy disingenuous windmill tilting. Overly softball interviews paired with myopic takes just serve to amplify and platform nonsense while lending it the veneer of intellectualism. It’s boring, tired, and reminiscent of selling snake oil to folks prone to MLMs. It’s a shame as Lex is capable of much more.
  • Abraham Sen
    Arguably the best Podcast ever
    After reading other reviews, I've noticed that some people who dislike this podcast seem to do so because they can't find the drama they're looking for. Personally, I appreciate the diverse perspectives in this podcast, even if some are more useful than others. I find it to be a peaceful and insightful listen for those who have patience and genuinely seek knowledge from the human experience. Thank you, Lex.
  • Me-ness
    Sell out grifter
    Can’t believe I use to like this guy
  • lovessunshine001
    Meaningless fluff discussion with an arrogant dimwit
    “Trump Interview” came across as a lame attempt to let him self promote with Lex’s assistance to keep him on track. I normally enjoy Lex’s interviews. This was unlike what Lex has put out before. “It’s great your thinking…” He isn’t thinking. Zero intelligent discussion or real attempt at integrity. Why taint your reputation like this? I’m surprised. Trying to set him up with Joe Rogan? I get it. You want him to win. Trump has no depth. Trying to make him seem deep fell flat. Gross on a lot of levels.
  • DrDCuddy
    Empty chair
    I listened to a few really great earlier podcasts by Lex and enjoyed them enough to subscribe. More recently, I’ve noticed he is taking a step back and not challenging blatant, blathering, and misinformation, particularly during the Donald Trump interview. Just letting the guy talk endless falsehoods without even addressing them contemporaneously is so useless. Really a missed opportunity to engage and get into any relevant, challenging conversations. I hope that Lex can find it in himself to push back on future guests of that ilk. Total waste of time to listen to otherwise.
  • Andiobe
    I have enjoyed Lex but…
    What’s the point of having Trump on if he just repeats his same old spiel like a chatty Kathy doll… and Lex doesn’t insist on him answering the questions asked?
  • NilesEisenStein
    Trump finally admitted he lost in 2020!
    At 19:05 -19:22 So all those hundreds of J6 people in jail that he lied to are there because of his lies. So sad.
  • CNunezMD
    Bring Back AI
    When it was the “Artificial Intelligence” podcast, I was a voracious listener. Now it’s just mostly quasi-politics and softball questions. I miss the old Lex.
  • Savagegoonbeast
    King of softball interviews
    My favorite podcast until Lex stopped asking good questions. He somehow turned into the king of softball interviews.
  • babycats99
    I value varying points of view and listening to opposing voices but this podcast has just become pandering nonsense. Not worth a listen if you’re looking for any critical thought, find it elsewhere.
  • abc-to-the-d
    I stuck in there for years, and I completely agree with talking to and presenting both sides. But the Trump interview — no criticism, no challenges, and the biggest complaint was “you were too hard on my friend Joe Rogan.” What happened to digging deep and asking the questions others don’t? It was just a greatest hits of his rally stuff without any substance. I know it doesn’t matter because his objective seems to be audience numbers and he’s got em, but I’m out. I’ll check back in a few years and see if you’ve gone back to real talk, challenging, pushing, digging, etc.
  • Vincent_Vega_junkie
    Is good for tech tslk
    I find Startalk better for astrophysical content, which is most interesting snd meta.
  • kokiki2086
    Reflections on Lex’s Approach to Diverse Opinions
    I recently listened to the podcast episode featuring Cenk Uygur. While I don’t agree with Lex’s political perspective and find some of his views to lean toward misogyny, I do appreciate his ability to host guests he seemingly disagrees with and still give them the space to express themselves. One thing I value is that, despite my reservations, Lex remains fairly neutral in his interviews, and it’s often hard to pinpoint his own views, which allows for a more open and balanced conversation.
  • Mercenary#1
    Elon Ivanka Spacey - It’s Become Boring
    This podcast has become so boring. Hearing Elon ramble for the 19th time is so burnt out and boring.
  • harrisburgdave
    Taking Sides
    Why don’t people talk anymore? How boring it must be to confine your thinking to just one side or another? I don’t have to agree with someone to appreciate learning more about their thought process and gaining their insights into life. Over, and have no clue 68 years there have been plenty of times I have been influenced by people I never expected to impact me. I don’t trust the youth today. They are so shut out to ideas that do not conform to their politics or social stands. It is amazing they can be so strident and ignorant at the same time and have no clue about how dangerously stupid they are.
  • YupOkay
    Another Right Wing Loser
    Joe Rogan acolyte loser
  • scott0360
    Amazing podcasts!!
    Lex, I respect and appreciate your views that is partly why I enjoy listening to you also your are a great interviewer. The statement you made after your podcast was very well said. I think anyone who try’s to box you into being on the red or blue side truly doesn’t understand you. I’ve have learned so much about people and life from your long form interviews. I think it would be great if everyone presidential candidate was interviewed by you. Thank you!
  • Peter B Baldwin
    The Great Debate
    Once again, an excellent example of a good human. Possibly the most positive interview. Thank you 🙏🏻
  • vagabonddreams
    Eh about Lex ...
    Lex doesn't seem to stand for anything. When he is asked a question, he never answers forwardly.....
  • cjhgb
    I don’t mind the trump family, but it’s so obvious Lex gets a boner around any moderately attractive woman. Hey Lex, your pod was better when you were interviewing truly interesting people. Do better buddy. Nothing but love from me.
  • Laughing until my s
    Ivan ka
    One of the most beautiful, graceful women in the world! And I absolutely loved your clothing line when you had it. Beautiful dresses! Miss shopping for them!
  • angryatthispieceofjunk
    Need we?
    Giving air time to a woman who was born on third base and thinks she hit a triple shows your guest pool is running low. Repeats over nepobabies, please.
  • dcFan533
    A Podcast for humanizing powerful people
    Lex gets some big time guests, but rarely challenges them. Instead, he engages them in a philosophical conversation to bring out their best. He falls short in challenging his guests for their shortcomings or more controversial characteristics.
  • simondarren
    Become so very boring…
    Lex seems to have fallen for celebrity and left behind the meaningful content. It become just another elite celebrity outlet. Sad. So very sad.
  • customer6545454
    Intelligent but no wise
    PR venue for Trump’s family- Lex rely! First Jared and now Ivanka? Lex is a good example how well meaning people with public voice can be manipulated by cynical politicians. Lex, you are becoming a Trump enabler right now. And being naive is not an excuse.
  • Lbar57
    Please read Lex!
    I LOVE this podcast, first of all, and I am clear Lex is a supersmart, superinteresting person to hear. HOWEVER, this Kevin Spacey interview? Horrifying. I undrrstand Lex's point to view of hearing a diversity of voices, but there's over 20 testimonies of people complaining of Spacey's sexual harrasment. This is regardless of whatever a court said because of course there is no proof on private actions like this. This doesn't mean they didn't happen, of course he is not pressumed guilty either but at the very least you would have guessed a serious interviewer would have addressed the topic more insightfully. Lex, love your podcast, but honestly I beg you to reconsider your approach towards high profile individuals with multiple serious accusations about intimidating minoroties, as this is no joke. Love from Lorena, Peruvian living in DC 🤍
  • sonia_says
    Paul Rosilie
    Eye opening episode. Worlds within worlds. Thank you. And the fact that you were out in the Amazon in your signature suit?!?!?
  • Steve4278
    I love this podcast
    Not every one of his podcasts interests me, but I enjoy most of them and the guests
  • Mc felony
    Don’t let people tell you how your podcast “should” be
    This is an excellent podcast. Lex is such a genuine curious person. Letting the other person speak, possibly even stupid ideas is he point. To people that give one star and then try to tell you you need to moderate better or ask more questions… these are the people that aren’t really here to listen. And I’ve heard plenty of pressing from you in the past. Pushback per se isn’t really the point here. It’s exploiting other people’s ideas. And to the person who complained about 8 minutes of ads and gave it one star… just wait till I tell you about the concept of fast forward. It’s gonna blow your stupid little smooth brain away!
  • •| Ar! |•
    Smart Listen
    I have learned quite a bit listening to your podcast. Interesting guests and you do a great job interviewing them
  • Trees723
    Keep doing you
    Screw these haters, Lex! Your podcast has brought joy and education on a variety of topics into my life for years. The range of guests are interesting and you do a great job at asking through provoking questions that you make understandable to listeners. I hate seeing haters write negative comments - don’t listen to those fools. Keep doing you and spreading your positivity and curiosity throughout the world.
  • RA18888
    Fun to listen to if you want to waste 8 straight minutes listening to slow talking commercials. Poor quality podcast.
  • arthurofbabylon
    Great concept. Terrible execution.
    The general idea of this podcast (a conversant layman asking an expert questions) is great. But the execution is terrible. The interviewer really needs to grow a spine and ask some challenging, thought-provoking questions. It feels like a fairy tail: expert comes on, they present their field, interviewer asks questions, and everything is rosy. But when you want substance, the interviewer falters. I think he is afraid of offending the guest? Whatever the case, I’m terribly disappointed by the lack of questions and challenge the host brings to the conversation. I understand the host is a real host. They’re responsible for what unfolds. If a guest starts saying rubbish, it is the host’s responsibility to challenge them or bring the conversation back to reality. I’m unsure why Lex doesn’t think this responsibility applies to him. If the guest is about to open a metaphorical can of worms, the host should welcome that and bring it into the conversation. I want to hear about it! I know that means the host (Lex) has to say ask some tough questions, but come on, does he think his guests have weak, reactive egos? The host should be more vigorously oriented to getting at the fundamentals. Letting smooth-talkers slide through the podcast is weak, and leaves me looking for a conversation with real, vigorous thinkers.
  • Louise in idaho
    Support for Jungle Keepers
    Want to “save” the planet? Donations to this cause is a great start! Thanks to Lex for sharing this adventure with us!!
  • damanual
    Great panelists, sometimes insightful
    These interviews tend to run long. Lot of times you get some interesting nuggets but not always. Also, some of the recurring themes that Lex likes to investigate - aliens, the future of AI- as well as some specific lenses - the power of being humble and having good intentions- may be limiting his perspective to get to new ground.
  • Intellectual dark weep
    A farce
    This guy gets amazing guests by ensuring them he won’t ask a single serious question. You can waste as many hours playing candy crush without getting indoctrinated by weird sociopaths
  • ming de merciless
    Hamas war debate
    This is an excellent podcast. Norman Finkelstein, braggart and pedant extraordinaire, his voice, the aural equivalent of metal shavings in one’s underwear, cannot entirely destroy this discussion of thoughtful men on a very complicated subject.
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