EXPANDED Podcast by To Be Magnetic™


The Expanded Podcast is the leading manifestation podcast, hosted by Lacy Phillips, founder of To Be Magnetic™ and co-hosted by TBM’s Chief Content Officer, Jessica Gill. It’s based on Neural Manifestation™, TBM’s unique process that’s rooted in neuroscience, psychology, epigenetics, and energetics– with a little spirituality sprinkled on top.While Expanded ranks as one of the best spiritual podcasts, our focus is really on the science and psychology behind manifestation. Our goal is to normalize the practice of manifestation and empower you to get into the driver's seat of your life in order to manifest the experiences, relationships, and things that most align with your authenticity. We cover topics like inner child healing, shadow work, boundaries, how to reprogram your subconscious mind (and why this is so important), clarity, how to manifest dreams, create magnetism, and harness intuition. Part of our manifestation process entails “expanding” past your limiting subconscious beliefs. So, by tuning into this podcast with interviews from experts, thought leaders, spiritual teachers, scientists, and those with Neural Manifestation™ success stories, you are starting the process of “Expanding” your subconscious in order to ‘see to believe’ that anything you desire is possible. And by pressing play, the process begins!Create your daily manifestation practice in The Pathway, our all-access workshop membership, found on tobemagnetic.com.

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Recent Reviews
  • Makiclark
    Life changing
    This podcast and the membership have been life changing. I love listening to both/either Jess and Lacy 🤍
  • @BadGlinda
    Life Changing!
    You know that line at the end of the film when Harry Met Sally? Harry runs across Manhattan on New Year’s Eve to tell Sally he loves her because as he says, “when you find someone you want to spend the rest of your life with, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible.“ That’s sort of how I feel about the Expanded podcast, and The Pathway. I want the rest of my life as a confident, expanded being to start (and continue) as soon as possible and I want to tell everyone to listen to this podcast. I’m constantly sharing it. As a working mom to a child on the autism spectrum, I have so many competing demands and so many challenges to step into my worth yet I find myself coming back time and again to Expanded for motivation and clarification. At 49 with a PhD, a successful business and a career as a college professor, you’d think I had it all figured out, but I find I’m often still triggered in deep spiritual ways. My first year on The Pathway shifted my perceptions so profoundly, but since my membership expired, I’ve come to rely on the podcast to nudge me along. Because of what I’ve learned from the podcast and the Pathway, I’ve manifested big things like the perfect school for my son, small things like a free Instant Pot, and even lucrative clients. Thank you! Thank you for the work you do!
  • Laura B 79
    Love the content but not the host :(
    I want to start off by saying I think Jessica has a lot of gifts and talents. Although, I really struggle with her as the host of this amazing podcast. I love and adore the TBM work. Being a pathway member has changed my life. I historically have loved the podcast but recently am finding it harder and harder to listen. I struggle with the sound and energy of Jessica’s voice, the constant misuse of grammar, and misuse of words. Her voice and speech literally makes me anxious. More and more, I find I can’t focus on the podcast and end up tuning out or am so distracted by the things mentioned above. I think it’s a shame because the content is so important and so valuable. I understand Lacey may not be as available for the podcast, but it’s night and day when she’s sharing versus Jessica. I’ve tried sharing the podcast with several friends and they’ve had the same feedback and, as a result, been turned off to TBM work as a result. Such a shame because I know it could benefit them. I was reluctant to write this because as I stated at the beginning of this review, I do think Jessica has a lot of gifts and brilliance. But, as the host of this podcast, she really falls short. I’t would be so wonderful if you all could get a more aligned host that would keep your listeners.
  • welcomeday05
    Where’s Lacy
    I don’t listen unless Lacy hosts which is rare these days :/ close to unsubscribing
  • alehayde
    My mandatory listening for the week
    This is the one podcast drop I look forward to the most each week—and I think I started listening at the very beginning, 2017? 2018? It blows me away how it always seems to have some nugget that is exactly what I need in the moment. I’ve been a pathway member for years and have manifested my babies and home (with every must have on my list in the exact right place and the right price), a new aligned career (life changing!), a wonderful community, incredible travel opportunities and oh so much more. The work is so ingrained in my day to day vernacular that it’s truly changed how I see the world. Jessica has done such an amazing job with the pod and her voice is so soothing too! The recent additions of the nervous system resets have brought this all to a whole new level- I feel like I can tackle anything now. I’m so thankful for all that you do on the pod and at TBM. 🙏🙏🙏
  • Merimerimerimeri123
    ISO realness
    I miss when the stories used to be more long form and when yall had more alternative stories… I guess less “girlboss” oriented? I don’t really relate to a ton of the guests manifesting because I’m not trying to really be a corporate she E O who wants to build her own company. More creatives!! More musicians! More painters or woodworkers! More stories of people using social media to grow their small biz that is an artisan at its core?
  • elc19901990
    ISO Soul!
    Jessica is so sweet and brings so much intention to the podcast, but it just isn’t the same. There’s so much intellectualizing of every concept, versus channeling if that makes sense … it used to feel like the podcast imparted Lacy’s gifts.. versus dissected each tenet of TBM so systematically. It’s lost some of its soul and I find myself tuning out. Even if Lacy isn’t available anymore, perhaps there’s a way to bring back some more of the flow and magic?
  • utica_ave123
    As someone who has been on the TBM ride for years, I feel compelled to share my thoughts on manifestation. I’m at a stage in my life in which I’ve become a little skeptical of manifestation. Are you actually manifesting things or is your psyche aligning to a potential future outcome? Hence why you may feel drawn to certain things you want from life because it may already be written. I also think this work can keep you in a constant loop of always needing to be working on yourself which can be dangerous for those with fragile mental states, especially if your manifestations aren’t coming through. I have found my life has become exponentially better when I decided to let go of the chase for manifestation and just simply prioritized being present. Having aspirations is important, of course, but my intuition and instincts began to plunder when I would write out specific manifestations because I was so consumed by those particular things happening that I wasn’t in the flow of life. I recently recognized that the best years of my life happened when I wasn’t even aware of the concept of manifestation. My “rock bottom” years consisted of me over obsessing with manifestation. Once I decided to let go of it, I returned back to those good years pre-manifestation. Mama Medicine has spoken at lengths in the past about demanifestation (if you dig through her IG you’ll find a live about it from a few years ago) which really resonates with me and maybe someone else who has felt unsure about this program will resonate too. Of course choose the things that work for you and if manifestation is that, wonderful. But as someone who can be neurotic and a perfectionist, manifestation can take me in a depressive spiral. Also, Lacy is at a place financially in which “manifesting” things is of course easier than someone living in poverty. To ignore the financial privilege that’s undergirding your next real estate venture or next farm animal feels a little deceptive. So are you actually manifesting or do you just have the financial resources, proximity and ease of access to get more of your material wants? In general, I think life is more fun and beautiful when you allow for mystery and surprise. Life is so much more juicy when you let spontaneity lead. So please check in with yourself and always ask is this working for me because getting clear that this isn’t for me has been the best discovery and has taken so many burdens off of my back.
  • hollsg346
    Disappointed - Not what it used to be 😞
    This is coming from a therapist and a projector who was a loyal fan: I used to listen to this podcast religiously, I’ve listened to them all from the beginning and been a member of TBM. I always recommended this show to friends and strongly believed in everything it was about and loved the content with my soul and being. I was passionate about it. For a while now I can’t even tune in to an episode any more. I used to look forward to listening to the show each week. Since Jessica became host it ruined it for me. I want to like her and I want to be able to overlook her voice but I can’t. Like someone else mentioned her voice literally hurts my ears and I can’t listen. The content is also superficial as well. It lacks the depth, creativity, craft, and beauty that it had in the beginning pre-all the co-hosts. It lost it’s magic, and I believe because Lacy is not hosting and also the type of guests and content each episode consists of now. I used to LOVE all the guests on the show, I would always begin following the guests afterward because I had genuine intrigue and mental stimulation from the show. Now the guests seem to be mostly subscribers who talk about their journey and process to sell more memberships. I agree with other reviews that it is a constant sells pitch of a product and “formula” for the product and nothing more, nothing substantial or nourishing. I had some interest in Dr. Tarah and Janelle the therapist initially. A few episodes were okay, but them constantly involved is not interesting any more. I grew so bored of that. There’s not enough contrast in content and guests. I miss the old guests that were interesting and provided the depth and contrast. I also loved Lacy as host and miss her as host. I understand her wanting to grow her family and focus on family but her absence in hosting the show has ruined it for me. I want to hear more about many deep topics, like all the old guests provided. Not just members preaching their success stories and wealth and the “formula” of the product they are selling. It has lost it’s magic. The human aspect of this podcast has went down the garbage. 🗑️ I was such a #1 fan before all the cohosts and Jessica joining. It ruined it for me. I hope something changes because when I listen it’s disappointing. I used to love, love this podcast as my favorite podcast.
  • San Vin
    Feedback on current iteration
    I’ll begin by amplifying what I love about this podcast— it is expansive, inspiring, and clarifying. I discovered TBM in 2019 and have been a devoted listener and pathway member ever since. My entire life has transformed over the past few years and, in part, because of this beautiful work. With that said, I’d like to echo some of the former reviews. I dearly miss the deep, grounded, insightful voice that Lacy brought to the podcast. The current iteration lacks an intellectual edge and leaves me linguistically craving more. There is a surface-level tone that has crept in, with the current host employing more general answers and superficial responses. I miss the fervor that use to accompany each episode. I still advocate to listen and will continue to do so myself. The benefits certainly outweigh the critiques. Overall, I am grateful for the access to such thoughtful content and hope it continues to evolve.
  • sadto say1
    Adds 👎🏻
    Paying members should be able to get access to a pod recording with no adds
  • some/girl
    Of course she wears that hat
    Why do all alt health people look and feel the same?
  • SkySky2
    But that voice…
    I love the content, but find myself tuning out due to the grating voice of the host. Her voice is torturous. Literally hurts my ears. Maybe something can be done in the sound design to soften those edges? That would be cool. Or maybe Jessica can work behind the scenes? A new host would cheer me up! I tune in every episode hoping things have changed.
  • swellspell
    Somebody that I used to know
    I used to love this podcast so so much. The guests and process episodes always put me into such alignment and helped me continually gain perspective. Enough so that I subscribed to the TBM work after listening for about six months and started diving into the back catalogue. Something has just been off the past year or so. It feels a lot more surface level and focused on gaining new subscribers. The best in class episodes feel like throwaway content. There’s nothing that really nurtures listeners who have been here since the beginning. Everything is so focused on selling “the work” that some of the original sparkle of manifesting and real life examples has been lost. The DIs are still helpful but the podcast content just seems like filler/top-of-funnel fluff now. I miss the OG content.
  • HelenaWoods
    So grounding
    One of my favorite podcasts! TBM’s neuro reprogramming membership changed my life 💕
  • Roar20202000000
    Life Altering
    I have been listening religiously to the To Be Magnetic podcast for over a year now and so much has happened for me. Through both good and bad times this podcast has helped me to get through them all. I’ve uncovered so much about myself and others just by listening to the episodes. I’ve been so much more empathetic and loving to myself and the people around me since listening. I’m currently manifesting a $5K month for my business and when I do, I will finally buy the membership. This is a huge manifestation for me and I’m excited for it to one day come true. I completely recommend listening to the podcast because it will change your life for the better! I’ve never written a review for a podcast but I got a ping to do so. I hope this review is just what you needed to inspire you to listen to The Expanded podcast by To Be Magnetic!
  • JEK831
    Love this podcast!
    I’ve had a ping to write this review for a year! 😬🤪 First and foremost, I’ve wanted to share how wonderful it’s been to see Jessica grow in her role in the podcast! From when she first started until now she has really grown in her confidence and ability to clearly explain this work in a way that’s incredibly helpful. I’ve been following the TBM work and listening to the podcast since 2020 and am so grateful for this resource. I’ve listened to almost every episode and the monthly calls in the group, and it’s really helped me integrate how this “work” actually works, even when I’m not actively doing the workshops, I can more easily see the energetics behind what may be going on in my life.
  • Sades2024
    So helpful, thank you TBM
    I found this podcast two years ago while going through my divorce. This, along with being a member of the TBM community, has helped me heal so much trauma. I had spiritually bypassed a lot until I found this work. After two years of work I can confidently say that I have deep self worth and have broken free from long time self destructive patterns.
  • Loro88
    Wouldn’t recommend
    If money is “just energy” is the energy of someone who does physical labor and make minimum wage less energy than a social media influencer?? This rhetoric is truly aweful!
  • Meb529
    Bring Lacy Back
    I wish Lacy still hosted… I don’t enjoy the episodes as I used to and have stopped listening
  • Random person 216996643
    Life changing podcast
    I have been listening to Expanded for the past year. I have probably listened to every episode at least 2-3 times (or more honestly) Lacy and Jessica really ask and explain all the right questions and just really educate on energy in a way that makes sense. In a way that has lead me to doubt the universe less and trust myself way more. It’s my favorite podcast and i look forward to every Friday. 10/10 I tell everyone it’s a must Truly life changing 🤍
  • Lilu90108
    Not the same anymore
    I used to love this podcast when Lacy was the host but since Jessica took over I never listen to it anymore. I wish Lacy partnered with someone similar to herself to host the podcast: same soothing voice and spiritual gift, etc. it’s unpleasant to listen to Jessica and even when I what to listen to it again sometimes I turn it off within the first 10 mins. Sad what became of this podcast :/
  • GastrocRock
    For the skeptical, science-minded
    As a researcher and science-lover I was skeptical of manifestation (and some approaches are too woo for me.) However, Lacy’s approach is perfect for skeptical people like us. It just makes sense. I’ve been enjoying the podcast for a while and eventually upgraded to the membership!
  • Sahara G.
    Ads, ads, and more ads!
    I am interested in manifesting and always willing to learn more. I searched the app for podcasts that discussed manifestation and clicked on the 12/2/22 epi of this podcast. There were 10 MINUTES of ads! Like what?!? After the tenth minute, I immediately clicked off and had to leave this review. I’m all for getting your money but 10 mins?!? Plus, it was the first 10 mins of an episode. My goodness!
  • Nxhshbsbaahhab
    My favorite podcast!
    I started TBM in November 2021, and my first introduction to it was the podcast. Since then, I’ve introduce TBM to dozens of women who were curious/open to manifestation.
  • He who shall remain nameless
    A master class in spiritual bypassing
    I got into TBM a few years back after a friend recommended an episode of the podcast called "Explained" that featured cohost Jessica and guest Dr Tara Swart. From there I started to follow the pod and eventually became a pathway member and did the work actively for a few months. I ended up getting so turned off by Lacy and her materialism/consumerism that I had to stop listening to the pod in order to be able to do the TBM work. And then I eventually quit that as well. The first thing I would say to anyone curious about the efficacy of her method is that it manifestly did not work for her, Jessica or Tara. They are all failed actors. That was their dream and none of them were able to manifest their dream job. Instead they now make a living from pointing others in the direction of a power that they, themselves, couldn't harness. Lacy’s method is solid, if unoriginal. It’s a remix of important concepts that you can find elsewhere, and she is very effective at making them digestible (and of trademarking them and reminding you at every step that her product is New And Improved). But the insatiable consumerism of this show and many of the things Lacy and her co-hosts reveal about their values in this show are disappointing. I like the emphasis on self worth. Self worth is absolutely what matters - when you expect more, you often get it. However, bingeing Lacy in conversation started to make it clear to me that her own method hasn’t healed her. Her scarcity mindset is apparent in everything from her love of precious metals (which literally derive their worth from scarcity), to her (charmingly frank) descriptions of her partnership with her fiance, to her relentless branding, trademarking and self aggrandizement. Her core values include such ego- and fear-driven qualities as luxury (seeing your wealth at all times so you can be comforted, including wearing reminders of your wealth on your body in the form of jewelry… what happened to trusting?) and being notable (why not just be good at something?). Lacy also happens to be stunningly beautiful, which is an important context to view her stories within. Many of Lacy’s anecdotes about manifestation involve ex-boyfriends (“I wanted a cool apartment and then low and behold I had a ping to call that guy I broke up with and he set me up with his place…”) Beautiful people can have low self-worth, too, and it seems that’s something she’s been fixing for herself. She has learned to step up and demand her inheritance as a gorgeous woman in a looks-obsessed world. But let’s be honest. When you look like Lacy, you simply have more money to spend in the mall of life. Maybe it took her a while to realize it but now she is certainly negotiating for herself at a higher rate. Good for her. Still, not everybody looks like a J Crew model. There are spiritual and scientific truths here if you look for them but mostly TBM is selling mystical consumerism. Lacy’s teachings turn life into a type of shopping. This is the very essence of spiritual bypassing: self-work which is designed to give us a quick hit rather than what we need, and to separate us from humanity rather than showing us how to trust into connection. Consumerism is about getting a jolt of stimulation, which distracts us from what our higher self is trying to tell us. Lacy’s idea of using a shopping list as a carrot to persuade ourselves to heal is an intriguing one. If only it worked. Judging by the evidence Lacy provides candidly, shopping our way to healing just leaves us with a longer and longer list of wants but no real “trust muscles.”
  • Nycgirlie91
    It’s an ad
    Of course it can be expected that they will promote their offerings on the show. However entire hour long episodes dedicated to how incredible Lacy and her work is without actually interviewing the guests is just insufferable. Used to learn interesting things here, not anymore.
  • AshleyMariposa
    The challenge episodes are so supportive!
    I have been a fan of this podcast for years and have really enjoyed tuning in weekly during the end of the year challenge. I am finding gems of expansion and accountability in each episode. The conversations are helping me take my work deeper and I am feeling so supported along the way! Thank you to the TBM team for such a generous podcast. x
  • Diana G M
    So much more than manifestation
    This podcast is a community resource for people practicing their self healing work. It’s hard to fully convey the potential this work has to impact and shift people’s lives through self awareness, self worth, boundaries, inner child work, and so much more. Anyone who only listens to the podcast but has not done the TBM workshops will not fully understand the depth of healing this work can provide. Lacy’s wisdom and grounded presence is the foundation, and yet Jessica brings a relatable and inspired energy that was lacking before her. She’s continually this working to expand the podcast it to its fullest potential and show what’s possible for how to truly integrate TBM into one’s life.
  • AmRBran
    I used to LOVE TBM!
    TBM saved my life in a lot of ways. I used this work to get sober and have manifested an AMAZING life since finding Lacy and TBM in early 2020. In the last year I’ve really struggled with the entire brand. I used to listen to the podcast every Friday morning, first thing. And now, I end up turning it off within 15/20 minutes because a lot of Jessica’s perspective doesn’t resonate. Jessica speaks with a lot of authority and certainty, and I understand why she does that, but I think it’s somewhat dangerous. This work is SO nuanced and everyone’s personal experience with aligning with the life they desire is completely different from the next, so to speak about the work in such definitive terms on the podcast, feels out of sync with what a lot of people experience on a daily basis. Example, this last week’s process episode, the guest said that when she manifested her current partner, she knew he was her person because she felt so much “calm” and that’s how you’ll know it’s aligned. That theme actually comes up quite often in this work. “If you feel calm, that’s how you’ll know”. When I manifested my current partner I was SO FREAKING anxious those first 3-4 months. If I had filtered that relationship through the TBM lens, I wouldn’t be with the person I’m with now, and this relationship is the healthiest/happiest relationship I’ve ever been in. I think what Lacy did in the earlier years of TBM that worked really well, is she talked about the nuances of the work and focused on the real energetics. Because Jessica doesn’t have the same skill set as Lacy, a lot of her advice tends to feel black and white and very focused on outcomes/material possessions, which really, really doesn’t help anyone’s manifestations. She’ll say “don’t focus on the outcome”, but most of her manifestation stories are “I did this, and then I got this thing (couch, trip, computer)”, and the more I learn about manifestation and listen to other spiritual teachers, the more I realize, it is sooooo not about that. I also feel like the podcast in particular doesn’t do a great job of considering people with mental health diagnosis. The black and white mentality, the “do this and then this will happen” advice is harmful for people who suffer from things like OCD, BPD, or any other behavioral diagnosis where over-control is a dominant symptom. Having more mental health professionals on the podcast who aren’t just Lacy’s therapist, might be beneficial in bringing awareness around how someone with OCD or panic disorder or clinical depression, could navigate this work safely because I do think the work itself is beneficial. It just needs to be discussed on the podcast in a more inclusive and considerate way.
  • Dam0n3477
    I’ve been listening to Expanded over the past 18 months intermittently. I became a TBM community member a week ago. The immediate shifts I’ve seen in my mindset and self awareness are so exciting! The timing of Episode 276 was also timed perfectly for me. Don’t disregard this work, it will genuinely set you up to get clear, make meaningful change and become a whole, healed version of yourself.
  • LinzSmith
    You need this
    Lacey is wise beyond her years and so real. She’s that friend that doesn’t sugarcoat things and you know she’s right. Jess is a a gem of an interviewer and thoughtful host. She can distill topics down into practical uses and application. TBM work is what YOU make of it. Thank you both.
  • Emily42837
    Love this podcast
    Love this podcast and TBM! Jessica is such a great host, she asks interesting questions, distills information so clearly and the conversation with guests flows naturally. Thank you for the content!
  • GigiMarie3
    Mixed feelings lately
    I like some of the content & have had a membership for years, but some of the guests have extremely shortsighted viewpoints that don’t take into account real sociopolitical context. They spout ideas that can be really harmful or just incorrect given the reality of the world. The guest on this weeks episode talking about Jeff bezos is a prime example of this. I also find it frustrating as a longtime listener that they reiterate the basics of the program every time they do a process episode. It really inhibits the depth of the conversation & feels redundant. Just direct the new listeners to another episode & let the content be deep and insightful. Also, and I say this with love, but Jessica could really use a comms coach. Her grammar & (improper) usage of idioms is *incredibly* distracting. Saying things like “grit and bear it”(??) or mispronouncing words and having very jumbled sentence structure shouldn’t be the case given that her job is to host a podcast. She should be well spoken with proper grammar full stop.
  • Marisa Hohaia
    I love how applicable this podcast is!
    I think it is so important to apply spiritual practices to everyday challenges to maximize the positive effects! The tools Lacy and Jessica provide to help me do deep work has truly helped me to stop going through the motions and introduce intention to my life and business!
  • misslady828
    If it quacks like a cult…
    Please for the love of God to anyone who calls themselves a fan of this nonsense, manifest yourself some critical thinking.
  • flwrsofpwrs
    Following TBM since before it was TBM
    I first heard of Lacy on a different podcast & she didn’t even have this going yet, I followed her on IG and those early episodes were a great big beam of light as I did the work and was so insecure about my place in spirituality. The whole business has grown and changed but the core is still the same. It works. In 3 years, I went from a HS drop out stocking shelves at Whole Foods to now having triple the income and on my way to earning 6 figures in a chill corporate job. Because I tuned in and followed my pings and was ready for opportunities when they presented themselves and had the self worth to push forward when I was tested, and knowing that anything is possible.
  • Diana Hitchen
    Mixed feelings
    I think TBM’s method of manifesting is legit— these methods have been studied by others who paved the way in neuroscience. That being said, I am not a fan of Lacy, it’s clear just listening to her speak that she is inauthentic and not intelligent. It’s clear that she just wants to be wealthy and have nice things, and has convinced herself that she is bettering the world. Really I think she’s just taking advantage of millenial desperation in this challenging economic age.
  • Olgita Herbalife
    Love TBM but Lacy needs to chill
    I’ve been with TBM for years and ultimately practice what they preach. However, in recent years Lacy has really been getting in my nerves with her “you can call me a witch” comments. She talks about neuroscience and in the same sentence talks about coming from a long line of witches. They also lost me when they started talking about pet psychics… lol just stop. People with money will pay for anything.. smh.
  • AprilIsMyRealNameTho
    Power of the Podcast
    Hi TBM team! I’ve been listening to your podcast religiously for 2.5 years now. I had to hop on and review the POWER of your podcast and methodology because my manifestation list is too long not to share. In 2.5 years I have been able to manifest a total career change for true stability, started my own coaching practice and signed my first client, let go of unhealthy relationship patterns and leave a partner I thought I’d never be able to let go of, bought the perfect house for myself and my new life in a city where I feel safe/inspired/home, and now I’ve met someone who embodies my entire list(just seeing the list embodied is expanding me further!). Thank you for all the work you’re doing both externally and internally!!
  • Shawna27888
    Problematic self help culture?
    My issue with TBM is that it’s essentially never ending self-improvement homework, with negative consequences for those who don’t constantly keep up with it. I really reject the message that bad things will happen to you if you are not “in your worth.” Specifically, it was tone deaf for Lacy to suggest that the SAG strike is negative affecting those that didn’t “do the work” during Covid. It’s a slippery slope to attribute bad things or good things happening to those who have somehow put in more effort. Sometimes things happen this way, and sometimes they don’t. Often life can be extremely random. I worry that these teachings will find their way to people with guilt fueled religious upbringings, or that those who have lost love ones or had abusive childhoods will somehow feel the universe is testing them because of some higher plane they haven’t reached. TBM is part of a larger wellness/self-improvement culture and I’ve begun to realize the constant push for (mostly women) to just constantly scrutinize themselves, improve themselves, and dig deeper and deeper into their psyche is actually a way to feel a false sense of control over life’s unpredictability. I also have started to think it’s not all that different from how diet culture used to be- a push for us to be constantly examining ourselves rather than just living and enjoying life. This podcast and work is just not for me at all and that’s okay. I just wanted to share this in case it resonates with someone else.
  • Gr8Gatzbi
    Off the mark
    Lacy & team seem to be completely oblivious to reality, as highlighted in her laughter around the strike. Most people affected cannot afford to take a break, adjacent industries with hardworking middle class people are all being strained. For most of us, this isn’t a vacay! &, saying that peoples hardships are bc they didn’t “pass tests” from the pandemic is delusional. Millions died, millions more got long COVID, industries & the economy were shattered. We get it, Lacy, you’re a white rich pretty lady. Why don’t you use your amazing “energetics” & manifesting skills to help those less fortunate? Why don’t you amplify the strikes, instead of saying that those of us doing the real work on the picket lines aren’t aligned enough?
  • Steph9022
    Appreciate Jessica & Lacey!
    I truly appreciate the work you both do from the bottom of my heart. I look forward to the episodes each week. Jessica, you are an amazing interviewer, your reflections and summaries are spot on, and you make this information digestible. Lacey, I feel inspired by the way you show up for life, as a teacher, a mother, and someone immersed in nature. You are such an expander for me. Both of you put yourselves out there in the world, that cannot always be easy. So thank you for continuing this work. I benefit greatly from it!! ❤️
  • Reena111
    lacking key nuance
    Yikes— the episode on “manifesting during uncertain times” had some really problematic messaging in it from Lacy. “If you’re falling on a hard times now it’s because you didn’t accomplish/do what you were suppose to accomplish/do during the pandemic” ???! For everyone who internalized that messaging, PLEASE know the inner work you did & results you got during the pandemic (or ANY other past event/season) was exactly correct and on time for your soul’s unique evolution. You learned & grew in exactly the ways you were meant to in that moment. What you’re experiencing now isn’t a “retry bc you failed to ascend in the pandemic” but an entirely new circumstance and set of growth bc that’s what life is. I hope/think this is at the core what Lacy meant, but she had really messy/dangerous word choice from what seemed like a lack of presence and groundedness. It all felt rushed. Unfortunately I think this is the result of “passing tests” narrative. I never had a problem with it, but now see the slippery slope… Hope she gives some sort of acknowledgment & unpacks what she said in this episode deeper. Have a process interview with an aspiring actor/writer instead of referencing social conversation you had with your accomplished friend. Eeks, icky feelings.
  • Allielou86
    Can you talk about talk about confronting parent about the trauma? Bc I don’t feel like it moves the needle to let them know. But also it might be healing i don’t know. I can process on my own but I feel like I want distance bc of it and maybe there’s something there. Thank you.
  • coffee in that nebula
    Hot👏🏼Labor👏🏼Summer👏🏼 an episode 8/11 take 👎🏼
    First, I want to say I’m in strong solidarity with the actors and writers and service industry folks who are striking. I was disappointed by the Aug 11 ep that showed little compassion for the ✨vast✨ majority of people in these labor unions who are striking and experiencing difficulty in their day to day lives. Not to mention the other industries— dry cleaning, catering, local restaurants, etc who are being harshly impacted by the selfishness of a few company heads trying to profit as they can off the backs of their exhausted labor force. While I can appreciate the silver lining perspective to the situation— being that you can still try to “do the work” no matter what, I also felt Lacy’s comment that it was considered a ‘break’ for more successful actors (who are in the vast minority of the industry) was one-sided and lacked perspective. Let’s show support for those who work so hard to make our hotel stays comfortable or who help create the worlds we escape into everyday. My friends and partner are out almost everyday on the line striking to make their lives LIVABLE in Los Angeles now and for years to come. I certainly hope Lacy’s wealthy actor friends are doing the same for those who hope to be as comfortable as they are.
  • abreitton
    Best podcast
    I always learn so much from each of the episodes. The content and guests are incredible! Love Lacy and Jessica too!
  • dailywalksandpods
    Lack of empathy, preparation, and understanding of nuanced topics
    The August 11 episode contained an alarming lack of empathy and tone deafness for writers and all related professionals who are seeking fair wages, rights to their work, and safe workplaces. It seems the hosts do not fully understand the nuance of what is going on, I would hope they are better prepared in the future when discussing such important topics like the labor movement in the USA. If they put more effort into understanding the labor movement, they would realize how incredibly magnetic it is to have a large group of workers fighting for their rights. The point IS that their rich actor friends can afford to take time off while writers may be struggling to make ends meet due to unfair and explorative residual payment practices, unfortunately the hosts couldn’t connect the two ideas. I’m surprised they missed the mark as much as they did. I generally love this podcast so I was surprised to see such a juvenile and underdeveloped take. It seemed like they just hit record without researching, reading or preparing. Very odd podcast.
  • submersed4eva
    Re: August 11, 2023 Episode
    This review is specifically for the August 11, 2023 episode. This brand has weathered through some major turbulence in recent years especially when some Pathway Members reached out to vocalize their concerns about Lacy's inability to recognize oppression baked into our cultural systems. But the brand shifted post George Floyd as many did to acknowledge the reality of challenges specific people may face because of bigotry and prejudice of all forms. Kudos for recognizing new opportunities to grow. This episode is the first in awhile where both Jessica and Lacy are clearly flailing, struggling to be coherent and falling into a disturbing message of lack of empathy and just major tone deafness. As Lacy talked about all of her actor friends that are able to "be in their divinity" through the current strike I cringed inside for anyone affected by the strike who may have been listening. She actually cackled out loud at one point while talking about the strike saying it was "almost funny" how happy some of her successful actor friends are for this strike. I was shocked and disgusted by her lack of ability to demonstrate any compassion at all. The teachings in this episode fell flat because the older DIs no matter how useful they are also need to expand to meet current challenges. It's ok to acknowledge that you don't know and produce a show that attempts to support people. This episode felt like an attempt to use all the random soon to be expired ingredients in the fridge in an attempt to make a nourishing meal. It didn't work. In stark contrast the August 4, 2023 episode which featured a wonderfully coherent and sincere guest was so very awesome. The juxtaposition between the quality of the two is startling. I'm not sure what is going on with Lacy & Jessica but neither of them felt in the flow of their authentic magnetism in this. One thing is for sure: this a great reminder that we are in a time of revelation when the veneers of delusion will be thinned into extinction. The Pathway may not have all the answers. Sometimes it's ok to acknowledge that it too is a bridge and there are issues too complex for any of the DIs to "fix" but that any of them can be used to help calm and soothe. It felt like both hosts completely forgot these crucial steps. Both hosts seemed in a panic and in the process created the first episode in a long time that was draining and grating instead of infused with at least some bits of shifting insight. I know the work To Be Magnetic shares has value but please remember to practice what you preach and maybe then the condescending tones will be eliminated from what you offer once and for all.
  • JaimeDiehlStyle
    So soothing.
    This is all so informative, eye-opening, validating, calm, freeing, all at once.
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