Ridiculous History

History #32

History is beautiful, brutal and, often, ridiculous. Join Ben Bowlin and Noel Brown as they dive into some of the weirdest stories from across the span of human civilization in Ridiculous History, a podcast by iHeartRadio.

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  • Iamnotarobot0101001
    All hat no cattle
    Half of the run time is adverts, potentially interesting content puttered about with never ending banter. Squishy hosts who won’t commit to being defined by any conventional beliefs who want to tell you about the illuminati. Weak.
  • Immersed in why
    Molten Gold torture.
    I think an episode on race through history on mindset of people that led to diabolical inventions. Why make it so gruesome for so many centuries? How did they (the church) justify those tortures on a helpless person in light of Christ teaching you have heard of old Eye for eye but I say to you turn the other cheek (referring to long tradition of slapping a man on one cheek as challenge to defend your reputation with sword, duel) but turn the other cheek and pray for those who persecute you. What was it like for executioners to have to skin a person or pull out their intestines in public setting. Why pull out entrails as they called it? Who cleaned up mess? How did they not go mad over time? How much of this barbarism came from enslaving people? What was brainwashing that would have to be done to survive as a torturer or executioner. How did they live in society—reviled or paid well and anonymous? Take your pick. Lots of rabbit holes here that examine the human psyche. We haven’t lost the barbarism still or have we? The use of rape as weapon of war is so common and horrific. All of it crazy. I won’t get started on injustice in our law enforcement and legal system to women who have been raped but only have injuries that could be said is rough sex. Unless they are barely coherent, sign of beating, strangling or torture a woman might as well not bother to report the violence. No blood test to find use of date rape drug or blood alcohol level. Only difference now is be nice to the victim and stall until she gives up or charge her with false report.
  • Fellow youth
    Love it
    Discovered the show about 2 or so years ago. I’ve loved every episode so far, my wife is even able to tolerate this podcast (that is a compliment I promise) have you guys ever heard of The Oyster Wars of the Chesapeake Bay?
  • The_Tardigrade
    Ads and Not Enough Real Content
    Too many ads, and these guys don’t seem to know a lot about history either. Good idea, but this podcast is useless to me. I want actual information.
  • Brandon 123
    Too many ads
    It is a good podcast but way too many ads. This show has more ads than any other show I listen to on the network. I had an ad only 3 minutes into the show.
  • Mason Stryker
    Great pod
    This pod is amazing a just can’t stop listening. I’ve listened to other pods that Ben and nol host like stuff they don’t want you to know. Which is also an amazing pod. 🕒🕗🕜🕡🕦🕓🕘🕝🕢🕧🕔🕙🕞🕣🕐🕕🕚🕟🕤🕑🕖🕛🕠🕥🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
  • Kimbobinator
    Great show. Great new direction
    I’m not sure what happened, but their new direction is phenomenal. Stuff I really want to learn about.
  • VegetableBlood
    Too little content
    I don’t really mind the tangents, but between those and the constant ads it feels like you hardly talk about the subject matter of the episode. And even when you do, the interruptions and derailings make it impossible to form a cohesive story or conversation around the subject. You do you, but it’s not my thing.
  • meh_psh
    It seems these guys are getting way too political. Especially Ben. He thinks he knows about the right but he’s just a msnbc guy to the core. It’s very sad that you keep speaking down on the right in your subtle way. You keep speaking on project 2025 but you fail to actually take Trumps word at face value when he clearly states he is not following that guideline. Please look at the actual RNC and what they have been saying for months!! The last rhetoric Ben is trying to push is that furries are the far right??? Are you really saying that the furries are the far right because they were doing what the left always does which is tear everything up and destroy property. Get a grip Ben!! I used to really like you but turns out you are just a tunnel vision sheep for the left. Do you darn research please. FURRIES ARE FAR RIGHT!!????! You are ignorant!!!
  • True Ronin
    Ads Galore with Minimal Entertainment
    Rather poorly scripted and dumb "witicisms". Became tedious after a few episodes Ads every few minutes.
  • Qaarismatic
    Commercials? Yes. Too many!
    Love the hosts and the content! Hate the frequency and length of commercial breaks. Who made the decision sell ad time that would nearly equal episode length? Five ads at the beginning of the episode. Five ads five minutes in. Five minutes later? Five more ads! Am I exaggerating? Just a tad. You decide.
  • PrancyDan
    Do you
    They’re all getting checked regularly. The most attractive elbows are on tables
  • TXgal-inGA
    Lots of commercials!
    Not exaggerating, about 10 min of show then 5 min of commercials. Cannot even get into the show with the frequency and length of commercials. Too bad because it was pretty interesting.
  • Astrid Vue
    Ottoman Harems just pushed me to unsubscribe
    There are too many commercials to start and then their absolute dude-bro treatment of the material made me sick to my stomach. Britannica was your source? Are they a sponsor, too? Maybe their attitude was due to their discomfort with the material? I stopped looking forward to this show long ago, so it was time to prune it.
  • Mattzthatsme
    Big Stink
    Love the show as always, but I was literally yelling at my phone for you to make the connection that Kit Harrington, a.k.a. John Snow is actually related to the Harrington gentleman that invented the modern toilet lol
  • hellaweed
    informative & nice interesting break from intensity
    surprisingly interesting despite the presumed mundane topics presented in the titles of each episode. i like to listen to intense real stories of injustice and crime-related topics. this is an amazing pallet cleanser and provided me with many interesting additional to add to conversations that actually grab people’s attention. started from the oldest and am working my way up to the most current. it will take awhile since it started on the precipice of the podcasting game. a proven and utterly fascinating podcast. from the role butter played in the disruption of medieval catholicism and it’s power, to the neat things our history books omitted e.g., our strategic plan to get china addicted to opiates and then systematically ensuring a war on chinese restaurants by using the tactics we implemented to create an addict riddled economical threat and turning it around by propagandizing the idea that it was the chinese emigrants who were trying to trick us into a world of sin by opening chinese cuisine restaurants. an interesting, unbiased, and lacking in editorializations. rare these days. and yes it’s true, it’s not left or right podcast. just interesting history told with transparency sans agenda.
  • Dust_Spleef
    It’s awesome because most podcasts just tell the history but these guys put their own stories and opinions in it
  • Bette with an e
    Ridiculously Fulfilling
    Yes, I enjoy history and no I don't have much time for entertainment at this stage of my life, but i do have time for these gents to fill my cup with ridiculous history! I listen while I'm doing dishes or laundry or on the way home from work , even as I'm winding down to go to sleep. To the people complaining about ads, come on …its that or consumer funded. I’m personally not looking for pay as you listen content.
  • GoldilocksSF
    I love your podcast but Chex mix
    Chex mix was a cereal first. Delicious with milk as they fill up with milk like a pillow. Then people started making a savory mix with Worcestershire and then Chex mix started packaging the mix.
  • LadyWood007
    One of the greats
    Great podcast filled with interesting, and a lot of little known stories of history. The hosts are charismatic and provide great tangents. After listening to a couple of episodes you catch on to their vibe and settle in to listen like a “silent” friend on the couch. I came over from Stuff You Should Know and happily added this podcast to my weekly listening schedule.
  • Mr.J.Beauregard
    Too many tangents…..
    …. and going down rabbit holes.
  • cs102
    If you are in NYC check out The City Reliquary
    Loved the show. You were saying you were going to be in NYC soon. Check out The City Reliquary 370 Metropolitan Ave, Brooklyn. Lots of ridiculous NYC stuff.
  • Doe2010
    I love the banter!!!
    One of the best things about this show is the random things that come up in conversation!!! It feels like just straight up being with friends and chatting. It’s the best!!!!
  • KittyFourteen
    God Awful
    Guys, too much kibbutzing, not enough substance.
  • tygroom
    Way to much random banter and giggles
    Tried listening but it’s more like buddies just rambling what they know. I like the idea a lot but after 1 episode I just can’t do it.
  • cbacchetti
    Fun and informative
    New listener here. I’ve only listened to a handful of episodes so far (jumping around out of sequence) but I find the topics fascinating and well researched. I knew when I heard a Dennis Reynolds’s reference in the Saltan Sea episode, it was a winner.
  • Rolth
    Too many ads and off-topic rants
    Just as it says. 11 minutes of ads for less than 30 minutes of content is the worst. I’m still in the 2019 episodes so this might get better, but for not I spend way too much time skipping ads. Also, Ben needs to learn to breath quieter and less often. He one word between his very loud intakes just makes me cringe.
  • Pb#1
    Podcast on hot sauce.
    Decided to listen to this podcast after ad on radio. Picked the podcast on hot sauce. I struggled through listening as the hosts worked too hard to be funny, and they weren’t. l reached my limit when they had to interject their ‘wokeness’ when they asked if the owners of Tobasco have apologized for the original creators of Tobasco having slaves!! Are you kidding!! You are not perfect so stop being high and mighty. Just tell the history of hot sauce. Ridiculous is a good name as this podcast is ridiculously non-entertaining.
  • not happy psss off
    While the topics can be interesting, the podcasters are boing and dry.
  • sicntired101
    Fun podcast
    I love this podcast it’s fun and informative. I like that they keep it light with humor.
  • Margaret CA
    Meh 🫤
    I REALLY wanted to love this podcast but I didn't. The hosts are likable, knowledgeable, and both have beautiful voices with deep rich tones. But... way too much idle chatter without much substance, yes there are a few great nuggets but not enough for me. Perhaps I will revisit this podcast in the future and see if I feel differently
  • jcooibtry
    I wanted so much to like this podcast, Sometimes the subject matter is something I would find interesting… But I can’t take much of these guys. They ramble like mice on crack. Just everywhere , all over the map. Eventually, they find their way back to the subject matter, but I do t have the patience. 80% rambling garbage. 20% actual history
  • Kjsalmon
    Making history fun!
    I enjoy how Ben and Noel tell the story with enthusiasm and gusto. Never a dull moment here.
  • pleasekillmrxD
    Make Premium
    I love this podcast! especially because it helps me fall asleep at night. Please make a premium option to listen without ads. I will be dosing off then be woken up by an ad
  • MSB...
    Fun folklore
    Enjoyed episode on Krampus and all the nuance of his creation and celebrations. Thanks’
  • bonniejade
    Soooooo weird
    Naked mole rats the episode is sus I’m grossed out 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮 and right now I’m sick cus I have a cold😷😷😷😷🤧🤧🤧🤧
  • sheppardhs
    One of my favorite podcasts
    You guys rock! Thanks for all of your hard work.
  • ChrisSteward
    Always Entertaining
    Even when it’s a topic I’m not interested in, I’m listening to the episode because these guys keep me laughing and learning. Appreciate y’all, Noel, Ben, and Max!
  • Squeak87401
    Informative and Lighthearted
    I have been listening for a long time. I enjoy history and enjoy information with the lighthearted banter.
  • Cpotter12
    LOVE the topics!
    I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE this podcast! Great topics! Just wish they would go a little more in depth on the topics.
  • k Cruises
    They literally just reposted the shows again and again
  • jskisly
    Good show, many tangents
    If they could stay focused on the topic it would easily be 5 stars. Great content, but only half of the show is the actual content.
  • christianjones57
    Muskegon, Michigan
    Ma-SKEE-gan I grew up here and it’s so painful listening to y’all pronounce it 😂😂 love the podcast but ickk lol
  • TheWarthog
    Could be great…
    If it wasn’t for the mindless prattle.
  • tydowns20
    Awful. Just get to the topic.
    6 min into the basketball podcast (my first one) and they haven't even started talking about it. Just stop the jibber jabbing and do the show, nobody wants to hear random things about other people named Naismith.
  • sparkles45
    Too Woke
    Too many long ads
  • DrSay
    Great show, recommended
    I really enjoy the style - interwoven with the topic are asides, quasi-related banter and tangents that add color to the conversation. The topics they select are diverse and interesting, and I always learn something from each episode. There are a lot of ads but I fast forward through em. The fact that the woke whiners seem to somehow be triggered by it is just a bonus.
  • Belzurker
    Great content. Too many commercials
    Great content. Too many commercials.
  • Frye Wolfson
    Hella funny
    Great show.
  • haroldanne
    Hip Pop and the FBI
    Didn’t the FBI investigate the song Louie Louie by the Kingsman ?
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