What's The Frequency?


A psychedelic noir audio drama podcast set in 1940s Los Angeles. Recently radio broadcasts in the city have been reduced to static, leaving a popular radio serial as the only remaining show on the air. Even then the show finds itself continuously interrupted by a mysterious broadcast. A lone distorted voice reaching out for help. Follow Walter “Troubles” Mix and his partner Whitney as they search for a missing writer and navigate through a city quickly falling into madness. Could the mysterious voice be the culprit? Will anyone be able to stop the madness from spreading? And… What’s The Frequency?What’s the Frequency is created and written by James Oliva.Produced by Alexander DannerWith music composed by Kurt C. Nelson.

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Recent Reviews
  • frequentj
    Bizarre and fun!
    I’d never heard of this one, so when I stumbled across it, I gave it a listen. The audio and creativity really appealed to me, so I’ve been binging! This one takes some time to unfold, so just go with it!
  • ThisIsAWug
    A Mostly Solid Stab at New Weird
    I’m a huge, huge fan of New Weird, and this kind of thing is right up my alley. For anyone who’s considering listening and wants a sense of what to expect stylistically, think David Lynch’s Lost Highway. You have to be willing to put in some work, and if you’re not ready for it, I could easily see it being jarring and confusing. This is definitely not everyone’s cup of tea, but for the most part it was mine. Why “for the most part”? There were two issues for me that brought my rating down: First, I think the voice acting and dialogue for some of the characters needed work. It wasn’t a huge deal, but was occasionally distracting. By itself, that might not have affected the rating, but more significantly, I went from feeling creeped out and anxious at the end of the penultimate episode (which is a good thing!) to feeling really pretty disappointed by almost the entire final episode. It was going so well, I didn’t expect the ending to fall flat for me like that. If you’re into New Weird, surrealism, experimental art, and media that exists in that kind of space, I’d say it’s worth a listen. The ending might feel more satisfying to you than it did to me, and the rest of the episodes were pretty engaging.
  • Samples br549
    My All Time Favorite Podcast
    I have lost track of the amount of times I have listened to this podcast, and every time i do I notice another little detail. It has practically become a yearly tradition for me lol. Great work all around to everyone involved in the making of this podcast. I’m eagerly awaiting a season 2.
  • Walaf Shan
    Highly experimental
    The plot of this show takes several episodes to appear, and I’m still not sure I’ve found it. It’s a lot of style - very interesting structure, carefully crafted sound and dialogue - so if you’re up for hours of weird with no clear story, give it a try!
  • Jen12345678887654321
    I’m confused
    I’m really not smart enough for this show. It’s an interesting concept and I like mischief and co but I listen to podcasts while I do other things and I can’t do that with this bad boy
  • Smallblackrabbit
    Not bad
    A bit too impressed with itself.
  • slipsteam10
    Warped and Wonderful
    The David Lynch of Audio Dramas, but with a touch more style and narrative drive. I am enthralled. Cannot wait for season two!!!
  • DudeGuyBroMan85
    I have no idea what’s going on, I can’t honestly tell if there’s a story going on here but I also can’t stop listening. It’s like an audio Rubix cube, it’s frustrating but I also don’t think I can stop until it’s finished. Good job? LOL
  • Halvonator
    Mid-sentence commercial breaks!
    Might be good, but I’ll never know with Jay Farmer of Quicken Loans barging in mid-sentence. After the third ad in the trailer, and then another commercial break after a minute of the first episode, I gave up.
  • madsuptonogood
    do yourself a favor and listen to this
    this show is absolutely brilliant. there are so many things i love about it there’s not enough room to list them all here. all of the characters are so much fun and are so interesting. the story takes so many turns and imo the best/scariest thing about it is how it constantly breaks barriers and expectations in such unexpected ways. pls do yourself the favor of listening to this phenomenal show.
  • alittlejstillz
    Weird and I love it
    This show is doing some fabulous experimental stuff with narrative audio. This is a psychedelic adventure and a wild ride. Definitely a good one for close listening. Love it.
  • WijsMentat
    Couldn't make it through an episode
    Multiple commercial interuptions in a 3 minute trailer should have given me pause. Too many interuptions to the flow. Maybe I would enjoy it but not with this story flow.
  • Droooooo
    Delightfully bizarre
    This show is great and includes crisp, impeccable audio design. Dimercurio (spelling) brings an air of desperate pressure to everything she’s in. Very enjoyable for the setting. Lovely, can’t wait for more.
  • fabdiva1988
    For sound nerds
    Fantastic actors and top notch sound design. The show has an amazingly creepy vibe. However, this show is about 60% sound design and 40% plot. While it was interesting for the first few episodes by the finale I was very ready for a resolution and more dialogue.
  • Tokyo bound
    Creepy Brilliance
    I just finished listening to the first season and my mind is rattled, my teeth clenched, and my nerves unglued. But in a good way! What the Frequency? is a crazy, avant-garde, disturbing, yet humorous roller coaster of a mystery. Detectives are investigating a missing writer, and people are being adversely influenced by the only radio show left on the air. And we all want to know... what is the frequency!? Highly recommended, but not for the faint of heart.
  • p.f.m
    One of my favorite shows
    The writing and sound design are simply superb. Do yourself a favor and check this show out!
  • bookwyrm1325
    I have no idea what’s going on but it’s a fun ride I’m willing to take
  • camillaglitch
    Magnificent storytelling, incredible execution. Definitely not for everyone.
  • strawbrm
    Too Lynchian
    For fans of The Deep Vault & Archive 81, but who wanted it to be more David Lynch and less coherent storytelling. If you loved the Twin Peaks revival, this is definitely for you. I found it to be mediocre and disjointed at the start, and it only got worse as it went on.
  • zVi3Tb0Y
    I really like the podcast, very interesting drama pod. However, the prolonged static is tearing my ears apart.. can’t wait for more.
  • CDole86
    This show is freaking great. The use of sound to create such a rich, layered universe is nearly unrivaled, and the performances are on point. The dry cleaner scene in Episode 3 is flat-out terrifying. Highly recommended.
  • AylaTaylor
    Weird and awesome
    This podcast can be hard to follow sometimes, but that just makes it more interesting. I recommend listening to it a couple of times so you really get everything that is going on. But it is worth it!
  • StarKit
    I have no idea what the HELL is going on but I am READY FOR ANYTHING
    You’re stuck in a giant, solid cube of jello. Around you in the jello are 10,000 bats. The bats are staring at you. You hear, very distantly, a numbers station. It is just barely quiet enough you can’t tell what the numbers are but you know something is happening. The bats are staring at you. Their eyes are wide and they are whispering. You shiver. The jello quivers. The numbers station fades in and out of clarity until you can a l m o s t hear the numbers, but then it is quiet again: hushed by the jello. The bats blink. You shiver. The jello quivers.
  • AmberGrains
    I Love this Podcast But
    But I do sometimes get a little frustrated with how long certain moments can drag out. In a 30 min episode, for example, I might expect to lose 10 min to intro/outros & ads. That would still leave 20 min of new story and plot line to enjoy. In this podcast, I often feel like I’m losing at least half of that remaining time to awkward silences and things like characters repeating the same lines with different inflections. Which is great for creating a certain atmosphere and works well for this podcast, but it does get a little frustrating when we’re four episodes in, and we’ve gotten more concrete information from the podcast’s summary than from the episodes themselves.
  • ShoMarq
    a strange kind of wonderland
    What's the Frequencyis not lying when they describe themselves as psychdelic. A freeform kind of noir tale with some of the best sound design I have ever heard, and that's not even mentioning the superb calibre of voice acting. "Eerie" is the word I would use, and at some points "terrifying", like the sound of nails on a chalkboard when you can't see anything.
  • Wil | Podcast Problems
    Strange, gorgeous, and terrifying
    What's the Frequency is one of my absolute favorite audio dramas, even with its few episodes released so far. I love that this show doesn't feel a need to set the scene using dialogue; everything is conveyed perfectly through its GORGEOUS production. The show is both terrifying and hilarious. The writing is quick and sharp, and the characters are delightful. This podcast should absolutely not be slept on; it's one of the most innovative pieces of audio drama I've ever heard.
  • Sassquachcomics
    Very cool
    This is an unusal show. It's surprising, charming, and delightfully odd. Great acting. Man, these are some voices!
  • xtaxorx
    Hooked from the first episode
    What starts off as a random radio static drama, it begins to twist and turn into a world that I'm terrified yet enthralled with.
  • Wastedarkcell
    The Cronenburg Touched Audio Drama
    I am terrified every time I listen to this show. Not scared like walking down a dark hallway. Terrified like watching The Thing for the first time when you’re 8 years old.
  • OswinTheHuman
    Super fun
    Unlike anything I’ve ever heard, and I’m intrigued. Can’t wait to hear more
  • Bridge (C&C)
    Advanced Audio Drama listening
    I wanted to wait until the second episode came out to leave a review, though I’ve been along for this ride since before episode one. I’m an all day sucker for noir and mystery. And the characters are so much fun! Walter and Whitney’s dynamic is amazing. The complementary contrary pair! I’m most curious about how the different mysteries we have will connect, and how we’ll get the answer to the all important “What’s the Frequency?” I am along for this wild ride.
  • Everynicknameistaken04
    So good!
    Super bizarre? But I love it so far. Production quality is great, and lots of voices I recognize. Can't wait to hear more!
  • AinsleyS
    amazing sound design!!'
    i just listened to the first episode, and i absolutely love it! it's spooky and interesting with beautiful and creative sound effects! can't wait for more!
  • phoebexjoy
    Top notch sound design, can't wait for more
    I love the premise of this show. The sound design is really great; it makes you feel as though you're right there with the characters, and it has some more unique elements that set the tone of the show so well. The entire show is very unsettling, in a very entertaining way. Really excited to see where the show goes.
  • nancypantsrules
    Looking forward to listening to the show. Have to get my mind ready for listening vs viewing. So excited about James' project and it's future!!
  • Lazlo Malenchan
    Sounds great!
    I've just started it, about a few minutes in, and I've gotta say it sounds amazing. Eerie and consuming. It's interesting and strange and I definitely think it's going to be something I'll listen to in the future on road trips or bike rides.
  • Stillalive213
    Amazing and Unique
    I love this show so much already. James does a great job creating something unique and fun. I love the aesthetics of What's the Frequency and I already really like Walter and Whit and I'm so intrigued about what's going on with Love Honor and Decay plus the whole Spishak thing. I'm glad I can support it on Patreon and hear episodes early, too!
  • kaludiasays
    So weird I can't WAIT to see where it goes
    Seriously this is a trip....but like the good kind 😎.
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