

RedHanded the podcast jumps head first into all manner of macabre madness. We cover everything from big time serial killers (and those you may never have heard of), to hauntings, possessions, disturbing mysteries, bizarre whodunits and basically anything that tickles our creepy fancy. So, join us, plug in, sit back and prepare for scares.

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Recent Reviews
  • Sickfinreviewskid
    Incredibly Bias
    I’ve listened to a few episodes, and it’s clear this podcast is biased. Leaving out evidence that supports the other side.
  • Morgy228
    I like the show but ad placement is atrocious
    I like the show and enjoy listening, but for the free version with ads it’s a horrible experience. The ads are way louder than the regular content. The ads also have absolutely horrible placement, sometimes firing off mid sentence in a serious story.
  • arisalinas
    Absolutely Amazing!
    I’ve been listening to Hannah and Suruthi since the beginning and ever since I’ve been hooked! They cover cases from all around the world not just the US, and all kinds of crime. I truly appreciate that when they cover sensitive topics they are respectful and honest. I’ve listened to other’s podcasts and when it comes to political and religious matters they push they’re ideas and basically make fun of those who think differently. However they’re not like this at all, but rather respectful. I also like that they cover not only the criminal but also they give the time to speak on the victims life. Their episodes are always interesting and thorough. Totally love listening to them, and will continue to support them. 🤩
  • pillr96
    551 episodes yet just discovered it?
    How is it even possible RedHanded does not top Apple's charts weekly? Bored from Apple True Crime suggestions, I tried an Amazon Music podcast. This was first. I'm addicted & binging. These ladies are funny, intelligent, and seem to put the work into research. The podcast is ALWAYS interesting EVEN if you think you know the subject. One question: what does "BULLOCKS" mean?
  • letsalldance
    Love these ladies!
    Thank you both for your stellar show. I don’t listen to many podcasts with more than one host, as they tend to be annoyingly self-absorbed and spend too much time off-topic. You both tell compelling stories with just enough humor and compassion. Thank you!
  • JOLS730
    One of the best True Crime podcasts!
    Came here from a collab with Wine and Crime and I’m hooked. This is a new obsession! I love their voices, the banter, and that they actually cover really cool cases!
  • 123FakeSt
    Fkng hate Hanna, your loudmouth hyper speed speech is a complete turnoff. I imagine you spitting everywhere. You’re not quirky or cutesy, you’re annoying. Modulate your voice and stop Spitting when you speak.
  • Jillippino
    Love these two!
    One of my favorite duos for true crime. I love their story telling and contributions to each case.
  • ashleyns2019
    Karen Read
    I see another podcast who has covered Karen Read and has a ton of negative reviews following their coverage. Admittedly I left a negative review on another podcast because of their coverage, it was disgusting. However, as a longtime listener to red handed even though I don't agree with the hosts opinion on what happened I feel we should give credit where credit is due. They did a pretty good job as far as coverage goes, and offered their reasons why they felt that way, they also didn't out rightly say that something else didn't happen, as an example perhaps she accidentally hit John. I think the real issue here is that our judiciary system in the US has checks and balances for a reason. Ultimately it was the prosecutions job to convince the jury that the crime was committed without a shadow of a doubt. The prosecution very much failed to do that. It doesn't matter what the defense's strategy is, they did their job. The hosts did a great job of pointing out sloppy police work even going as far as saying it's reasons like that, that the general public can't trust them and likely will accept a conspiracy theory because of this. I'm happy with your coverage girls. Keep killin it!
  • p_ jones
    Not Another Giggling Girls Podcast
    More than one host makes for a bad podcast as they try to out-giggle the other.
  • TheTiminator1
    Great Podcast
    The hosts are great, the episodes are interesting, and the podcast overall is well done. The Karen Read coverage is accurate despite the 1 star reviews saying otherwise.
  • Erin Abbott
    Fabulous but dripping with condescension
    They’re award winning and beloved. And come down hard on sides while trying very hard to appear diplomatic. So I guess I gotta give them points for that. They are sassy queens. But as a listener, expect judgement and not just for criminals.
    Good job
    On Karen… and all episodes.
  • Pokpopfig
    Love Your Show!
    Thank you for making shows that are interesting and enjoyable to listen to! Even if the material you cover isn’t so savory, your delivery and insights have made me a big fan. I appreciate how you share the backgrounds of the people involved to really paint a picture of their lives, motivations and impacts of really tragic events. I hope you have a live event next March when I visit London! (Nudge, nudge!) 💚
  • Kristina P 78
    Super interesting episodes lately!
    I loved you guys for the longest time and eventually I couldn’t deal with the politics. But lately… you guys have been rocking it. Keeping it on topic and still being your fun witty selves. I love the topics lately. Keep it up ladies!
  • JH3207
    Love this pod!
    You’re brave for taking on the Karen Read case! There are so many twists and turns I’m not quite sure what I think happened but I enjoyed hearing your well thought out explanation. Keep up the good work! ❤️
  • Emac187
    Questioning everything
    I’ve been a long time fan of red handed. I also don’t have a problem hearing them take a side that differs from my own. Unfortunately I’ve followed the Karen Read trail really closely and there was so much I feel like the ladies just accepted everything at face value and did no real digging. It’s making question the integrity of their research for past episodes.
  • NMurphy914
    Karen Read
    Had to stop listening after the first episode of Karen Read. So many missed details and the sarcasm was horrifying. Whether you believe she is innocent or guilty, a lot has happened surrounding this case to bring light to corruption and mistreatment in the state of Massachusetts.
  • Lady L Loves True Crime
    Karen Read
    New to this pod, came for the KR coverage. Lots of factual inaccuracies. Haven’t listened to part 3 yet but can’t wait to hear how they explain away the impartial Physicist and Biomechanical Engineer’s testimony that JO was not hit by a car and instead support Trooper Paul’s inane theory. Just to caveat, I was impartial before trial bc I knew few facts other than the defense’s theory and thought no way in this day and age someone could be framed. After watching the entire trial my mind was completely changed. KR was an easy target for them to pin this on. Was thinking these hosts may change my mind but far from it!!
  • Bethpdxmama
    I was a long time follower but your coverage of the Karen read trial was absolutely terrible. You absolutely did not state many of the known facts of the case nor did you research the story even in the slightest. You’ve lost me as a follower and everyone that I know that follows you as well. Do better.
  • kristi821
    so much bad information
    i’m not sure where you do your research but after listening to one episode, i can tell it’s not from watching the trial. there were things mentioned in the episode that not one single person has said to be true, defense or prosecution. terrible work.
  • Petalbliss19
    Karen Read
    WTH redHanded! Did you even watch the trial? Did you even look at the documents? It seems like all you did was take your biases from turtle boy and the turtle boy is like a cringe journalist. If you can call him that it seems like that’s all you took it off of is text messages of Karen Reed and your dislike for turtle boy, this is the worst research and I honestly listen to what four hours of you guys being snarky already being biased about the case. The Boston police department has a his history of being corrupt. This is a very controversial case. It seems like you guys did not do any research and you watched two YouTube channels about it and called it done. Ever since you went to Wondery cases have gotten worse in research.
  • Maryinsouthie
    Karen Read Case
    You really missed the boat on this case. Did you watch the trial? Unsubscribe!
  • MA observer
    Karen Read
    I get you are trying to be provocative by taking the unpopular opinion that she is guilty but there are so many facts that are glossed over or not mentioned that don’t fit your narrative. It makes you sound completely biased, ironic based on your opening statements. So to me this is one of the worst podcasts I’ve heard on the trial.
  • ashlxighe
    No but seriously (Updated)
    You know how every time you look at the reviews for a charting true crime podcast, at least half of them are about how that show is "the best true crime podcast?" And the content is, like, commercialized and soulless? Or maybe it's not, maybe it is pretty good but the hosts are secretly (or not so secretly) horrible people? Red-handed is the only true crime podcast where reading those kind of reviews doesn't make me role my eyes. Let me be one of many to say this is legitimately the best true crime podcast. Not only is it well researched, but the hosts are very respectful, well-informed members of society and not in a boring, repressed way that makes them like AI. I could write a 13 page essay diving into all the reasons I love this show. Much like Taylor Swift, this podcast deserves all the hype and so much more. A sad update: Diving into the Karen Read case is a brave endeavor for any podcast to take on due to the strong polarization and glaring controversy surrounding it. That said, there is no lack of publicly available court filings, documents, electronic records, etc. for purposes of establishing the circumstances and events in this case straight from the source. This is why it's both disappointing and surprising to me that the reporting in this episode is so factually inaccurate. Please listen to the coverage of Karen Read's case from 13th Juror. The host cites official court records and has even created visual timelines based on timestamps and the evidence at trial. However, none of that even matters when you listen to the FBI's expert in biomechanics explain the physical implausibility of the state's theory. As he said, you can't argue with the facts. 2/5 stars — Doubling back on all the episodes I've loved so much over the years
  • Quel the belle
    Karen Reade?
    “Please be objective while we start off vilifying Karen Reade.” How about lay out a timeline, then insert your smug condescending opinions. See ya
  • EmmyfromBoston
    Great Stuff
    Love this podcast have been listening to it for years. They cover everything very clearly coherently and always lotta fun to listen to One correction on Karen Read episode number one… In reality it’s been shown that Karen never drove back to her home in Mansfield … that didn’t happen. She just threatened to go back or made it seem like she was going to in order to hopefully entice John to call her or come back.
  • Xfinity6383
    Karen Read
    Good show, but what's with the heavy sarcasm over Karen Read. The autopsy photos, alone, raise a doubt as to what happened. He had bruising all over his hands, 2 black eyes, laceration on the back of the head, and apparent dog mauling on the upper arm. I don't know what happened to him, but it's not at all what the CW presented, so the result should be a mistrial or an acquittal. Just saying.
  • sspringer1128
    Usually a fan
    I am all for keeping an open mind… but the coverage on the Karen Reed case was painful to listen too. Asking your listeners to keep an open mind while simultaneously putting your strong opinions on the case out right away seems like an odd approach, no? I also feel that Suruthi comes off like she feels she is superior to everyone at times, which is annoying.
  • mooca0401
    Karen Read
    I enjoy this podcast a lot, and was eager to listen to your coverage of Karen Read. I realize it’s an extremely controversial and polarizing case, and heard your plea to hold judgement until after the second episode. However, I immediately noticed one glaring mistake in your coverage. Karen went home to John’s house that night. She did not go back to her home in Manorville first like you allege. So it’s hard to take any of your coverage seriously if you get that wrong right off the bat. Also we have no way of knowing if they were arguing over Bella’s mom. That’s all conjecture. I’ll stop there and wait for the second episode.
  • Rfhiddyjuv
    Karen Read injustice
    Wow! They completely missed all the police corruption and testimony that was Absolutely disgusting. The things that happened and were said by cops alone should at least be discussed. Please watch the full trial before glossing over what you think happened and making women seem crazy and the cops seem like they did a great job . Unfollowing because I would vomit if I listened to part two. Everyone should listen to Seriously which does a MUCH better job of covering this case and all other American cases top To bottom.
  • katie31891
    Karen Read
    Hoping part 2 is better….
  • ripoff231
    listened to them up until their Genghis Khan joke. Totally inappropriate. Also very racial remarks about Koreans (particularly children). No offense, but I wonder what Hannah was like as a child? She’s awful. They’re just getting more annoying and narcissistic with time. Not OK. Also- why is it OK for Hannah to constantly make fun of Suruthi’s height? She’s petite- get over it. Every episode-she comments on her size- it’s obsessive. How does Suruthi put up with her? Hannah is the reason I stopped listening to this show.
  • pubMD
    Likes the show until the host said a derogatory racist joke against Asians. The. This became a pattern. She then justified it by saying she too is Asian. Unbelievable. Disappointing- had she said it about any other ethnic group, there would be a huge backlash. Unfollowing the show. Also- comments like all Asians look alike, etc, etc. I dare them to say this about any other ethnic group. If I hear Hannah say, “when I was in Korea…” one more time, I will black out. Has she ever taught in any other country? So if she taught in the UK, all her students would be perfect angels I’m sure. She repeatedly uses the same example of 1 dishonest Korean student as an example of Korea’s entire “culture”. She is the quintessential white Karen.
  • popcornjellybean
    I dearly love this podcast, but both women lower their voices at the end of most sentences so much that I can’t hear what’s been said. It leaves me lost to knowing what’s happening in the story. That really takes away from the enjoyment because I find myself not able to keep up. Please project your voices a bit more.
  • Marlin954
    Bad Brit’s
    I’ve been with you since the closet/ underneath the stairs
  • horseyogi
    Thanks for the reminder
    I actually found wine and crime first while ago, and at first liked it. Then they got extremely obnoxious and I went in search of other true crime podcasts. Thanks for reminding me why I no longer listen to them. Hope this coupling never happens again.
  • PoshHurricane
    NEVER Wine and Crime
    They honestly made me so embarrassed to be American. Thank you for the intro to Help I Sexted My Boss!
  • Erika Greif
    5/5 Content, 4/5 Production
    Absolutely love this podcast, I appreciate how these two women handle cases with such grace in a way you don’t often see anymore with true crime. I took away a star because the audio mixing is hard to get used to; as soon as an ad comes on it’s much louder than the content of the podcast itself, and sometimes the jingle that plays before an ad is not always edited in, so you might have people yelling in your ears. On top of that, with noise canceling headphones, I constantly hear the microphone being tapped which isn’t the most comforting sound. Otherwise love it!
  • Deelightfully Wild
    Wine & Crime - please no more
    You ladies have become my favorite podcast which remains more and more evident to me when you have guests like Wine & Crime on your episode. Surely they had to annoy you as much as they did the rest of us?!? Looking forward to your next episodes!
  • Gabie7777
    Mother Theresa is a d%#&@
    I was listening to the Mother Theresa episode when I heard “Mother Theresa is a d%#@“. Wow! This is not only controversial, but also very heavy handed against people of the Catholic faith. Why would they choose to badmouth such an an iconic figure as Mother Theresa. I have enjoyed many episodes of Redhanded podcast. I’ve noticed that in the last 3 months they have been presenting a very radical view. I’m disappointed and repulsed. I’m officially no longer calling myself a fan of Redhanded Podcast.
  • Boousuk
    Please if you’re going to have guests, pick better ones.
  • Berski80
    Love the podcast, dislike the volume.
    I absolutely love the podcast and banter. However, it seems like the volume of the show is way lower than other podcast I listen to. Even the ads during the show seem louder and clearer than the actual podcast.
  • anonuser3
    The best true crime podcast!
    Episodes are well researched and so interesting. Hannah and Suruthi are also hilarious! Hands down my favorite true crime podcast.
  • Thejoeface
    Volume Issues
    Please please please, stop whispering or mumbling under your breath every time you make a joke, tell a related story, or talk about something horrifying. Some of us have hearing issues and even with the volume turned to max, the mumbles and whispers are way too quiet. Or at least raise the volume, your ads are already are way louder.
  • Asciguy
  • Helena Englehardt
    Make more redhaunted please they’re my favorite and my mom never let me listen to anything else.
  • Abbey Luce
    Amazing podcast, best true crime
    Love this podcast so much!! I do a lot of driving because my bf lives 4 hours away but I love listening to a few of these episodes on the way down to make the drive so much faster!! I love this show. Even in cases I already knew I always learn something new about it because of how much detail and research Hannah and Suruthi do. You can just tell how much they love doing this and as a true crime lover I love this podcast so much!!
  • Gryphy🐶
    Fairest Podcast in ALL the Lands
    Absolute production perfection. Thank you for planning out your dialogue! This cohosting style is more dynamic because you don’t over talk each other like they do on American podcasts. 💅 (To the Political Complainers: have you considered finding another one of the many true crime podcasts listen to something that doesn’t upset you and that aligns with your personal beliefs? I don’t think they should change their commentary because then it would be dry and impersonal! I suspect you would want to be authentic too, if you had a podcast, and it’s a part of their secret sauce.) Deep cut: I am working my way though every old episode, and I just listened to the one on Warriena Wright’s heartbreaking and horrific death at the hands of Gable Tostee, who was acquitted. 🤯 Hot tip though for all listeners of the that episode: you have to hear the audio in the 60 Minutes Australia interview on YouTube because hearing that audio completely eliminates ANY REASONABLE possibility of this menacing predator’s state of mind and actions. He may have been incorrectly misdiagnosed as Autistic instead of sociopathic. Tostee wanted an excuse to punish her for challenging him and acting up and he clearly killed her, based on that clearer audio. It’s bonkers how badly the case was handled after listening to that audio. Tragic and unimaginable, the miscarriage of justice here. Justice for Warriena!
  • elmeeraa
    My favorite true crime podcast.
    I've been a long-time listener, and Redhanded has been consistent, engaging and entertaining. I love to hear Hannah's and Suruthi's point of view on different subjects and events. Not that I always agree but I think that's a big part of this podcast being my favorite. They are who they are and they don't pretend to be anything else. But I'm writing this review because of one of their latest episode. The one on Mahsa Amini. I was walking my dog and listening to Redhanded as usual. And I was crying. I'm from Iran and maybe that's why but I deeply appreciate Redhanded's approach to this tragic story. I appreciate the way they went through what has happened in Iran in these last decades. I appreciate you talking about Masih and what a brave woman she is.
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