Sex Love Psychedelics

Sexuality #167

We’ve done some revamping over here on the podcast transforming Eat Play Sex into Sex Love Psychedelics. Sex Love Psychedelics with Dr Cat Meyer will stimulate + titilate your brain with all of the psycho-sexual conversations + guest experts to answer your curiosities on sex, love, and the psyche. Whether we are analyzing the complexities of love, giving tips on energetic orgasms, or getting off on the latest research in psychedelics, it’s going to be a very WILD + expansive experience for us all. Check it out + be sure to subscribe so you don’t miss a beat.

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Recent Reviews
  • M1r@nd@
    Thought provoking and inspiring
    Dr. Kat approaches many taboo subjects with care and insight. It’s incredibly eye opening and heart centering. I highly recommend this podcast
  • Rosestorm23
    Fascinating and balanced
    Dr. Cat covers many taboo topics with care and sensitivity!
  • nate-doggg
    Get ready for an amazing ride
    In a world filled with podcasts, Cat Meyer's interviews and insights are so radically different and so radically insightful. I would recommend this podcast anyone interested in intimacy or exploring how to safely and carefully use psychedelic assisted therapy as a way to overcome inter challenges.
  • Edrexel189
    I love Dr Cat’s podcast. Mark, sexy and informative. From solo shows to amazing guests, this show is amazing!
  • nmarcione
    Smart and Sexy!
    Smart and Sexy are always 2 qualities I look for in the podcasts I listen to. Dr. Cat does not disappoint! Add this podcast to your must-listen list, especially if you’re looking for more inspiration on how to spice up your life!
  • JolBri
    Exceptional Host
    Dr. Cat Meyer is an exceptional host. She creates an incredible space for a free flowing and dynamic conversation that serves her listeners. The conversation is engaging, thought provoking and gives the listener takeaways that they can implement for a better love life.
  • Hrrjbcj
    Great podcast!
    So much wonderful information and highly entertaining!
  • joanna_denson
    Dr. Cat is brilliant
    This show is incredible. I’ve learned so much from Dr. Cat & am so grateful for this show and her offerings.
  • Luisfe84
    I love it…
    I love it…
  • EZ135798642
    Super interesting and easy listening. ENM in everyday life.
  • 583929475
    This podcast is what my soul loves to feed on. The playfulness mixed with expertise is my favorite! Love the new look!!
  • SarEileen
    In-depth content that helps you break free
    I’ve been following Dr. Cat since my divorce. They have helped me to break free from the years of teachings from my parents that sex is bad. I’ve been able to open up to who I am sexually and have gained the confidence to be myself in the bedroom and out. I’m no longer caged and waiting to be let out. I let myself out and I am learning more about who I am than ever before. The boxes our parents and ancestors said we had to be confined in is not healthy for our psyche. I am learning and sharing with my children to be who they are meant to be and how to protect themselves in the process of getting to know themselves.
  • Maddy1224
    Love the Rebranding!
    I absolutely the new name and direction of the podcast. I have also been growing in my own development towards exploring more about these three topics and am so happy I get to learn more alongside Dr. Cat! Her podcasts are always insightful and fun - a great combination!
  • goddessselflove
    Sexy, Juicy AND Educational/Informationa;
    Sex, Love
  • gooses geese
    Great stuff
    This lady is spot on and has helped our marriage.
  • KW3254
    Dr. Cat is the bomb. She walks the talk and generously shares her knowledge and experiences so that we may expand our understanding of sexuality and begin to own it in our own lives. Deep bow to you Dr. Cat!! 🙏♥️🙏
  • AmyChanPingPong
    Wow Dr. Cat may literally change your life
    Incredible podcast and I love that Dr. Cat is so knowledgeable so she can add expertise when talking with guests.
  • jennegoescu
    Love this Podcast! 🎙
    I love this. All the topics are so fun and educational. Very captivating.
  • Robbieg002
    Must Listen!! 🎙🎙
    Love this podcast!
  • Peaceful Knitter
    The down and dirty about feeling better
    Dr Cat gets open and honest about how to make real positive changes in your life. The title really says it all. She has a real fun, non-shaming or judgmental way of talking about things that a lot of people avoid discussing. Want to feel better physically, mentally, and emotionally? Then start listening.
  • xenandn0w
    Great Podcast with interesting Insight
    I really great podcast covering so many bases regarding sexuality, need, desire and fun. Dr. Cat is informative on all the topic she covers, bringing in expert knowledge where needed, and has helped open my eyes to different perspectives.
  • Sindor Rella
    Sindor Rella
    Chef's kiss for Dr. Cat! This lady is the real deal, bringing the science and the spirtual together to spice up your day. I can not ever get enough of this lady's wisdom and playful sensual approach to life. Always inspiring and fascinating! Love you Dr. Cat, thank you!!!
  • pinkvk
    I absolutely love Dr. Cat’s podcasts. She is entertaining and informative. I love her honesty and enthusiasm on tackling very taboo topics in our society.
  • Maxson17
    Curiosity Kept the Cat ALIVE
    Dr. Cat is a full spectrum human being. She lives her life as an authentic representation of her open minded approach to the world and it SHOWS. She has continued to blow my mind with her full range of curiosity while also being extremely well versed in how Sex, Love, Romance and Play show up psychologically and somatically. She has deep spirtual insight while also keeping it extremely playful. SO good, highly recommmend.
  • Uhbfdweruikmvfehjmmfe
    So wise
    I love how Cat is so vulnerable and open, inspiring me to be more in the present moment and honor my senses.
  • domingoflame
    Just listened to ep 92 and y’all mentioned contraceptives! I’ve had my struggle with them causing havoc on my body (emotions, hair loss, inconsistent bleeding) but me wanting to be on birth control just so I don’t have to worry about getting pregnant. Yea there’s condoms but if I’m with my very solid partner sometimes I don’t want to, but I also DONT ever want to conceive (I’m almost 30 and my mind hasn’t changed since I was a teenager. It would be interesting if you could do a show on the pill or variations of them, I’m not sure if you already have one I’m kind of new to the podcast but I’ll look out!
  • Mr. Pitcher
    Yummy yummy
    A fun and delightful way to explore intimacy with myself and others while learning about deeper states of pleasure and play.
  • JDfrompgh
    Very expanding and insightful
    My perspective on my sexuality has been challenged, blown apart, and reconstructed to be better than ever. Thank you
  • 1CreativeMind
    So good
    I love the content , guests and Dr. Cat Meyer is freaking amazing. Really love hearing from a women’s perspective and I just love the fearless way in which she navigates through the content brilliant!!!
  • kswavesk
    Dr. Cat Meyer, I love this show. Thanks for being you. -Kit
  • BlndeMo
    Good stuff 👍👍
    So much good info! I especially love episode 83, 85, and 89! Great guests, great insights and healthy tools to avoid falling into our old patterns based on trauma or old wounds. A real conversation on taking ownership of your life and personal experiences, being present and honest with yourself and your partner, and how we can develop healthy more fulfilling relationships and intimacy whether in a friendship or romantic relationship. Good stuff! MR
  • bribro
    Yuk ..say no to dope
    And hence no to you
  • Laura Holloway
    Making these topics fun, playful, relatable, and expansive.
  • The tragedian
    Honest and Science Backed
    I absolutely love this podcast. It feels like you’re listening to a non-judgemental friend who has researched the topics at hand. Dr Cat provides insight to a myriad of topics and her voice is a pleasure to hear.
  • Conner_Mo
    Cat is rad
    No shame, all desire
  • Simpsoni Balogni pony
    Love this podcast!
    Dr. Cat is warm, knowledgeable and sincere in her earnest efforts to guide us on the journey to better sex. I admire her openness and vulnerability which is needed more than ever before. The show has a spirit of optimism and is fun and engaging. Check her out!
  • Ener - G!
    The best energy!
    Dr. Cat’s energy is perfect to motivate me. Love the guests, and how fun she is to listen to.
  • Beechnut Babe
    Ep. 86 is gold and platinum!
    Wonderfully elaborated and presented for breaking the free of cultural influences that serve no purpose in love. “They will know we are Christian by our LOVE. By our LOVE.” Not by the cages we create to imprison our hearts, minds, AND spirit. Science has place in proving the existence of God. Faith is not religion and LOVE is not generic. LOVE is unique to those make and nurture it between them.
  • Liv Dupz
    Real, Provoking and Informative
    Cat is amazing. She is hilarious, sweet, and super informative. Every episode offers something new and I feel like my perspective on sexuality and sex is constantly expanding thanks to her. If you haven’t listened to this podcast yet you need to!
  • Simply JayZ
    Real deal
    Dr. Cat is the real deal!! I’m honored to be a part of the Soul Fire fam with her. Her show covers such authentic topics and her voice and energy create such a beautiful space for these necessary conversations on sex and beyond. A must listen!
  • akakakakakak232323
    Just OK
    The content is ok, but Cat has such an annoying giggle that it diminishes the validity of what she is saying
  • Emily Rosey Toes
    Love. Love. Love!
    Dr. Cat and her guests put words to the feelings I have around sexuality and intimacy and help with the shame I’ve often felt around my body and sexuality. I love that it’s educational and playful at the same time!
  • Sweet*Caroline
    Binge worthy goddess
    I stumbled upon Dr. Cat in search of my place in the realm of non monogamous relationships. I have yet to come across another individual who so gracefully breaks down the barriers of labels and encourages to simply be yourself. Words to live by. Can’t wait to listen to more.
  • Shelby Paige
    I’ve been following Dr. Cat for awhile now and can’t believe I just started her podcast! It’s already helping me in so many ways & her voice is so inviting & comforting to listen to. I can’t stop listening! 💗💗💗 thank you thank you Dr. Cat!
  • AdamBrooklyn
    Love This Podcast!!!
    I stumbled upon Dr Cat’s podcast on a friend’s recommendation, and Thank God I did! It’s such a fun, sexy and interesting podcast with amazing guests. I’ve been searching for a podcast that covers liberation as it pertains to sex and self love and Cat’s show is exactly that. Highly recommend it!!
  • Brittan2222
    Such a blast listening! So insightful and a much needed conversation. Love it!
  • 4Pi'
    So insightful
    I found Cat through an interview she did with a life coach I follow on a different podcast. I have been so out of touch with my body and sexuality for so long. I was in desperate need of a space like this, where I could learn and expand my sexual and bodily awareness. I am so grateful to have found this podcast. I find that every name for every episode on this podcast intrigues me. In my self healing journey, this was the missing piece! And wow, what an important piece it is. I had heard about things like Tantra and had done things like Yoni steaming in the past. BUT I had definitely never heard of Yoni massages! I still have so much to learn and I eagerly listen to at least one episode a day. Thank you for this podcast, I have a lot of gratitude for the awareness it has brought me and continues to bring me. ♥️ 🙏🏼
  • Ma21reyes
    Looooove this show!!!!
    I have learned so much about hormones, sexuality, sensuality, health and so much more. Definitely my new favorite podcast! It’s so great to find hosts who are so fun, intelligent, sassy, and funny! I love all the interviewees chosen and have experienced so much improvement in my health and relationship thanks to this podcast!
  • Smeleonor
    Eye opening and freeing
    I never really thought that there was anything wrong with my sexuality but with Dr Kat’s podcast and her informative guests, I have come to understand that there is so much more to aspire to and improve upon. Listening to this show has given me a lot to think about and is shifting the way I look at sex and how I can dive deeper into my female energy and embrace it rather than undermine it. Thank you for putting out this content!
  • rexasaurusrex
    I want to love it
    I think this podcast is a great idea but using "Dr" is misleading because in this case it does NOT mean "MD" (but if guests make that conclusion, Dr. Cat does not correct them) and much of the science that Diane refers to is oversimplified and makes conclusions that aren't actually there or are flat out not true. I'm really disappointed because I love the message they're trying to send- it would be great if they could bring in some guests that could add credibility to the show.
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