A Buddhist Podcast

Buddhism #185

This Podcast is a free show about the Buddhism of Nichiren Daishonin. Jason and Karen are members of the Soka Gakkai. Every two weeks they take a Buddhist study point and do their best to make it easy to understand and of use to anyone who listens.Practical Buddhism for living in the 21st Century, not beside a remote lake or mountainside but in the midst of daily life, with a job to do, a house to run and children to raise.

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Recent Reviews
  • tardisduck
    Thank you so much
    My email to you bounced back but I want to thank you so much for your hard work and dedication crafting each episode. They're calming, constructive and informative. Take good care, stay safe. Love from Portland, OR. -Dani DeRosa
  • coronabuddhist
    Wonderful podcast
    Thank you so much for your insight. You’ve really helped me understand my Buddhist practice so much more clearly. I’m so glad to have found this podcast! I recommend it to others every chance I get!
  • California Swampthing
    Lots to learn
    I appreciate the sincerity of this show. I also appreciate the podcasts focus on Buddhism. Reading about Buddhism can be stultifying at times, and there is a humanness to this delivery that makes me take it in more. Thank you.
  • Mona Million
    I love this podcast!
  • ProfessorMEW
    I just want to express my deepest appreciation for this podcast and all of the insight and knowledge I've gained from listening to it. Great job Jason for producing such a quality podcast that teaches about Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism! Will definitely share this with friends and family and I hope this podcast continues to grow! I am glad to see you have brought the podcast back despise all the challenges and struggles you have gone through.
  • Okla55
    The Voice of the Buddha
    I drive quite a bit for my work (I'm a realtor) and I am truly craving hearing these podcasts everyday I'm in my car. I love Jason and Karen's conversation, Jason's amazing and incredible lectures and brilliant answers to listener's questions. I am constantly sharing this fabulous podcast with fellow SGI members and Bob- members alike.
  • MichiganYWD
    Where are you??
    It’s 2018 and my roommate just introduced me to this podcast. Why have you stopped? Please continue. These are absolutely amazing!!
  • adas2
    Amazing podcasts !
    When will you be back Jason?
  • _Flower__child_
    Thank you!
    I truly appreciate all of you guy’s efforts toward creating these podcasts and delivering them to us. I have so much gratitude for you Jason and Karen! Thank you, thank you, thank you! -Denice B Detroit Mi, Lion heart district
  • Mikerob215247
    An experience
    I was listening to your podcast sometime last year and I really enjoyed it and I listen to a couple of them and shortly after that I searched for the SGI website and I'm now a member of the SGI thank you for your encouraging words and stories I appreciate it
  • Playwithsoul
    Never fails to lift me up in a bad day
    But why is it a bad day? you'll be asking yourself after listening to any ABP episode. I'm a loyal listener since 2011, always gratful for how ABP helps me to get out of my head and start out fresh from my greater self during a bad day, week or year. I sincerely appreciatte every installment. Thank you, Karen, Jason and William!!
  • nnn3959000a
    Lovely and calming, Jason offers stories, teachings, and practical methods to apply the practice to one's daily life. I'm in NYC and have the chance to practice some of the teachings all day long, particularly attempting to be mindful that the Buddha is in everyone – cab drivers, subway riders, store clerks, neighbors, homeless schizophrenic men standing on corners yelling threateningly at passersby – it is a tremendously helpful outlook. Also appreciate that he doesn't focus on minutae of his daily life, as other podcasters occassionaly do ad nauseam. When Jason brings in his own experience, it is relevant and fits in logically with the topic. I heard his kids in the background in one just now and I really liked that, it added humanity. I haven't heard Karen, yet, but I do look forward to that.
  • adamjimnz
    Buddhist Podcast
    I am new to Nichiren Buddhism and have enjoyed your podcast. I shared your podcast with a friend, so I hope she enjoys it as much as I do. Keep up the great work.
  • ReenieD813
    Here is something quite funny! I am so happy for Jason, Karen and the return of A Buddhist Podcast I came here to write my second review! Come to find out that my first review may not have posted! Here is my previous review and the feelings are exactly the same, except that I now have an iPhone 6! Haha! How technology is now the keeper of the times! 🤗 I'm so excited to be able to write an iTune Review! I have been listening to Jason and Karen for about 2 years! I have just received my iPhone4 and after creating my account I immediately came here to Subscribe and rate this wonderful podcast! This is a fantastic, heartfelt podcast about the Buddhism of Nichiren Daishonin. I love listening to the encouragement at work it really lifts me up! Thank you so much Karen and Jason!!
  • Suzy Northstar
    Absolutely beautiful. Every episode is positive and fills your soul with happiness. So grateful the universe brought me here,
  • Dr Baker
    Positive Vibrations
    It is so refreshing to listen to your uplifting and positive sessions. It is fabulous that this technology is being used by many people who are sharing their experiences of love, peace and compassion for their fellow Beings and the Planet. Thank you for sharing your heartfelt messages with us, Jason and Karen.
  • oceanmere
    Excellent, Enlightening Podcast
    As a Nichiren Shoshu Buddhist, I'm always looking for to learn more about my practice. This is a great podcast. I listen to it while I'm driving. Not only does it take my mind off of traffic, but I learn a great de at the same time and it features some wonderful music from independent artists.
  • J0hnD3
    Our voices are Karma making machines!
    I greatly treasure listening to "A Buddhist Podcast" as a source of inspiration and as a way to deepen my understanding of the Buddhism of Nichiren Daishonin. As an SGI-USA member for 23 years, this podcast has enriched my study through the subjects covered, answers given to submitted questions by listeners, and the spirit behind the delivery of this podcast as presented by Jason and Karen. Even if you are not a member of SGI, listen to this podcast to understand how powerful and practical this practice of Nichiren Buddhism can be in your life. Thank you Jason Jarrett and Karen. NMRK- John Diaz San Diego CA.
  • LanceTheBuddha
    Lift up your life
    Hey, if you wanna learn how to overcome challenges and obstacles or break through those great walls of negativity, then this podcast is for you! Presented in a heartfelt, sincere, caring way by a family with a HUGE HEART.
  • History 4 Sale Music
    A True Gem
    If you’re curious about Buddhism, I highly recommend this podcast. I ran across it by complete accident while scouring ITunes for information on the practice. The hosts Jason and Karen pour their heart and soul into every episode. I can only imagine how much study and effort go into each episode. For listening order, I would recommend starting with The Reluctant Buddhist by the amazing William Woollard, and then to The Buddha, Geoff and Me, and finish off with Buddhism and the Science of Happiness. After that, I would start from the very beginning and listen to very Podcast in order. Again, this is just my opinion. This podcast is a true gem. 5 stars all the way. Many Cheers!
  • Dzxdssth
    Lovely podcast
    I stumbled upon this podcast after wanting to know more about Buddhism. I just love the energy of these two. I am still trying to figure it out but I really enjoy the sincere message of this sgi podcast. A big shout out to Karen and Jarrett from peter in veont
  • RobertJMillerJr
    Thank you
    This podcast is for all who wish to follow a spiritual path, regardless of your beliefs. Thank you so much Jason and Karen for taking time out of your busy lives to create this podcast. You abviously take great care in making it. You are a great example to us all. You have helped me and others imeasurably. I keep emcouraging my SGI community to download your show. Thank you and peace be to you always...
  • rach@nyc
    Thank you!
    Honorable and compassionate.
  • Bhilliam
    Great show! Makes study pleasurable!
    I have listened to this podcast again and again. It has given me more insight on topics that I may not have gotten while studying alone. The format is simple and well thought out. The music is tastefully selected and always uplifting. Listening to Jason's gosho lectures make me want to up my lecture game. I really enjoyed "the Buddha, Geoff and Me" as great way of someone becoming a Buddhist without wanting to. I have listened to it several times and never get tired of it. Likewise the show "On Prayer" it offered a practical look at the Buddhist practice. Ever since I found it on iTunes many years ago, I have not been let down. Thanks, Jason and Karen for all the work making the study portion of my practice more pleasurable.
  • 167dsCv785ghu
    Thank you
    Love it
  • UP, WA
    Thank you!
    The Jarrett's podcast just came into my busy life and the first one I listened to was the lecture on "A Ship to Cross the Sea of Suffering". It came at a time that I really really needed it and I am so grateful for the thoughtful, careful presentaion of the Gosho, Sensei's guidence and Jason's ability to make it all "click". I can study every day in my car with the both of you and I was so pleased to be able to listen to the book "Buddhism and the Science of Happiness". I have a 45 minunte commute and have often wished that I could just listen to books about Nichiren Buddhism. I appreciate all you do to share. For me, the best part are the questions and your down to earth answers. This buddhism is for all us regular folks and you have a wonderful way of making our practice easy and clear to understand.
  • AlbCowgirl
    Thank you
    Posting a review "It is my honor to do this for you." Amy who started practicing in Dublin Ireland 1991, and now with my friends in Chicago IL.
  • Frederick E. Gullatt
    Wow it's been a long journey
    This was the very first podcast I got to listen .being a sgi member. I was so happy to study,laugh and listen to new music with you both when I got my iPod that was in 2005. I have been listening to you since. I now listen to this great and wonderful podcast as I walk my two dogs Rufus and ugly Betty white a chihuahua on my iPhone 4s. So now both my body and mind get a work out. Thank you still being a part of my life all these years. Fred in sunshine district Sumter chapter in Camden south Carolina.
  • beeperjesus2
    I am chanting for love and understanding. Beeperjesus loves you both
  • Barbara Wright Grier
    I have been a member for 29 year. This podcast is simply wonderful. I look forward to every new show and constantly listening to older shows...Brilliant, warm, music outstanding. Thank you with my whole heart. Lakeland, Fl, USA
  • Renge7
    Fantastic!! Thank you and thank you !! ;)
  • Dkeith608
    One of my favorites!
    Keep it up!!!
  • mdlockey
    Wonderful Supplement to Buddhist Practice
    I have only recently started chanting nam myoho renge kyo -- only a month or so -- a novice to be sure, but I find these podcasts just wonderful -- Jason and Karen exude warmth and compassion and the topics they talk about really illuminate some of the NB principles in a unique way. Their warmth and depth are what I found so attractive when I attended my first SGI meeting. Since then I have been chanting, attending meetings, and incorporating NB teachings and principles in my daily life. Some of the Experience segments are so moving, I find myself in tears in how people have transformed their lives with this Buddhism. I have found each one helps me deepen my faith. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for creating these podcasts.
  • RolyJo
    Absorbing and beautiful
    Really love these incredibly moving and illuminating podcasts on Nichiren Buddhism and its practical application in daily life. They are excellent introductions to this sect of Buddhism as they include short but insightful lectures on the its main texts (the Lotus Sutra, etc.) plus some very good explanations of its main practices and beliefs. All this and some terrific tunes too! Well worth a listen. If not now, when?
  • MRD100
    Buddhism for Daily Life
    Jason & Karen, thanks for all the work you do on this Podcast -- and for the new App. Your insights and guidance for living a compassionate life through this Buddhism are truly encouraging. It makes it even more meaningful when we know that it comes from your family kitchen - there's love coming through this podcast.... As an Orthodox Christian who also practices Buddhism, (yes, it can be done!!!!) I find my faith illuminated in very practical ways by the words and example of Nichiren. I chant NMRK because it turns my faith into action. Thank You both..... Keep up the good work. NMRK Martin
  • ILike2Nap
    Things that make you go Hmmmmmmm.
    More than anything I like the tone of this show. Its casual, friendly, but always sincere. I often listed to each episode more than once, because there are moments that I really wish to think about, and not just gloss over. Even if you are not a buddhist, but are interested in improving your life condition, as well as making a positive change in your community…there will be lots of ah-hah moments for you in this podcast.
  • SDaoudi78
    Amazing PODCAST!!!
    I just find your podcast a few days a go. When my Dad was having knee surgery thank you for help me make this time go faster. It will be 5 months this Sunday (Nov 20th) that I have been chanting nam-myoho-renge-kyo and is the best thing I have done in my life.
  • Bartinin
    Thank you Jason & Karen
    Thank you both! I'm a new listener and I have really enjoyed listening to your podcast recently. You are doing a wonderful service here and I am happily enjoying it! Again, thank you so much and keep having fun!
  • DesertDood
    Life Lessons from/for the heart
    Two spiritually sensitive people, their children and friends teach us about every day, boots on the ground, practical Buddhism that we can apply at every second of every moment of our lives. Some of the lectures are wonderful audio book fashion, others are seemingly improptu, and other lectures are very well prepared. Wonderful music laced in towards the end. It's a fantastic experience, especially if you are searching for some answers to life on this big beautiful rock of ours (planet earth). Lotus Sutra taught in this podcast. Check it out. :) Peace, Love, Cheers, (Lance aka DesertDood)
  • RockrChick21
    I love this podcast!
    This is a very well done podcast that actually inspired me to make my own (called Understanding Buddhism in America). Jason, his white, and occasionally his kids all share the mics and bring a practical, in depth look at Buddhist concepts and texts like the Lotus Sutra. The shows usually just shy of an hour, which is perfect to listen to on walks, and they always end with pretty good music. This podcast gets 5 stars and 2 thumbs up from me
  • Devulas1
    Thank you, Namaste
  • Nimitz73
    Great Show!
    You guys are just amazing and thank you for the show! I love this podcast.
  • Santa_Dave
    What a tribute to Sgi
    I wish to commend what the two of you are doing for the Kosen-rufu I am fairly new with SGI and Buddhism. What a fresh and fun podcast love your choice in content and music. I hope to listen for more years to come. Thanks, David Patrick Ca. US.
  • Neil & Erika in Dallas
    Amazing Podcasts!
    Thank you Jason, Karen & Willard for keeping us company with inspiring interpretations of President Ikeda's lectures on the Lotus Sutra & Writings of Nichiren Daishonin with added personal observations. The podcasts are an amazing companion on our drives for my bi-weekly chemotherapies both of which I look forward to, one inspires & the other helps prolong my lifespan. At some point as convenient to you all we look forward to playing hosts to you & maybe talk you into recording one podcast live from Dallas! Thank you for your continued offerings. NAM MYOHO RENGE KYO NAM MYOHO RENGE KYO NAM MYOHO RENGE KYO
  • matt matt the original
    good on you i'm hooked!!! matmatt
  • buddi2
    Great podcast
    Love this podcast! Keep 'em coming Jason and Karen! You've been key in helping me get my first year as a buddhist off to a great beginning. Thank you so much!!
    Lantern in the Dark
    I have been listening to this podcast for close to 4 years now and look forward to many more years of listening. Jason and Karen have helped me overcome many obstacles in my life with their great attitudes, hopeful spirits and deep Buddhist study. Every time I listen I remember that I decided to become happy and help others to become happy as well and I redetermine to keep fighting and winning. I feel renewed hope and strength. I also hear great music I wouldn't normally be exposed to. I tell everyone I know about this wonderful podcast. Thank you Jason and Karen. NMRK Daniel L. Los Angeles, CA
  • Amoudara
    Thank you thank you thank you
  • iMation_
    Very interesting
    Looking forward to listening more.
  • Sarilka
    Informative and Responsive!
    I've been listened to this podcast for several months now - mostly because one idle day, when feeling lost, I decided I wanted to learn about Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism. I'm glad I found Jason and Karen! Their podcast has been not only informative, but has answered many questions for me. Indeed, when I even had questions myself and emailed them, they were prompt, thorough, and responsive. Overall, I'd recommend this one to anyone wanting to know more about Buddhism in general, and especially Nichiren Buddhism.
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