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AMAZingAmazing007Trustworthy Bob Pisani talking by factWe don’t understand why CNBC gives bigger shows to clown Jim Cramer who always makes up things then flip flops in the next minute! Stop Jim embarrassing CNBC and his family!
Investor0658Talk about something besides BitcoinI gave you a one star because I’m sick of hearing about Bitcoin. Can you all talk about another topic? Crypto is a Ponzi scheme and it’s eventually going to zero because it’s worthless.
817638266581773661823742Love what you do, but need episodes more oftenMore!!!
Honest Drunkard O'MalleyTickers?Great show. Why not list the ticker symbols of funds discussed in the show notes? Would improve listeners’ experience.
DavidFernandezPerezTickers pleaseAdd in Notes.
jbena23Tickers!?Great show but perhaps list the tickers y’all discuss on the show in the notes/description section. Thanks I appreciate the hard work
Jesseo8Really helpfulBest way to get valuable and educational insight into a great trend. Definitely an average investor’s must listen.
ronelmaqBest ETF for EV and Autonomous vehiclesHello All, Love your show. I was wondering what is the best ETF for EV and Autonomous vehicles? Thanks and I’ll be waiting on your response.
Malika.hryBob is just awesome!Great podcast to know about the etfs
Erik ZbikAwesome!Relevant and digestible ETF info!
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