Barron's Streetwise

Business #106

Get the lowdown on high finance each week with Barron’s columnist Jack Hough. Business leaders and trendspotters, insights and absurdities—this is Wall Street like you've never heard before.

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Recent Reviews
  • AMAZingAmazing007
    The most undervalued one!
    Can this be a daily podcast?
  • aaiufnvr789wehgia
    Simply the Best
    Jack is unmatched in his ability to dive into any subject and keep it entertaining. Combine that with his valuable insights on stocks and macro economics and this podcast is a no brainer!
  • ramjam2011
    Great podcast about the market!
    This is the best of the Barron’s podcasts. Jack brings in quality guests, including CEOs and portfolio managers. He also adds humor at times. I wish it was more frequent than weekly! I don’t like that they sometimes replay old episodes when Jack is out of town. What’s the point? This isn’t a radio station.
  • g3423
    It’s simply a great listen. It’s a podcast that I wish would be longer.
  • Trishballerina
    Love jackson
    Good show. Fun to listen. Jack doesn’t believe in picking stocks so why is he always talking about individual stocks? Jackson is great and should have his own show.
  • n60340z7
    Custom Truck
    Tom Diffely needs to talk to me about custom truck. I retired from the aerial lift business recently after 30 yrs in mgmnt. Some of the info he said is a bit off the mark although he is on the right track. This doesn’t surprise me as it is a niche, behind the scenes industry. John Mattix Ohio
  • Grinnellsparky
    Clever and informative show. Never miss it
  • lokisarc
    Very informative and funny
  • Mav’s Wingman
    Always Excellent
    Thanks for always an extremely informative, relevant, and professional podcast.., look forward weekly to the next release!
  • Coco-NYC
    Very informative and excellent vision
    The host is able to extract the most helpful information among huge amount of data. He is super good at explaining things and making complicated things simple and clear. I learned and benefited a lot from his podcast. Love his podcast.
  • NJ Engineer
    Jack and Louis Rukeyser
    Wonderful show… informative, witty and great guests. Hey! I know where I’ve seen this before. Are you guys out of Owings Mills?
  • AtlDave
    Surprised and Delighted. great info
    Stumbled on this … I follow WSJ, Marketplace and Seeking Alpha. This is one of my favorite financial podcasts. Jack Howe, the host is personable and even quite funny. He’s great with the guests. And he asks the questions that I (or anyone ) might ask so it’s a really great balanced podcast: Interesting, entertaining, informational. Time well spent.
  • Ghvljhvvg
    love the show!
    clear and concise analysis. thanks to this ahow, I was able to get in on $LLY early. keep up the good work, Jack, Jackson and Meta
  • Gibbberrrrr
    Great podcast! I listen religiously every week. They say that genius is the ability to take complicated concepts and investment themes, and explain them using simple methodologies, so that everyone can understand… Just saying.
  • NJalbie
    Easy listening
    Thanks for the wisdom and entertainment. As an advisor myself, this show is not really produced for professionals, but very helpful for do-it-yourselfers. Refreshing for an advisor too, in its simple and easy to digest format.
  • bebebebef
    Where’s Mette? No explanation? Jackson is great but Mette and Jack are a perfect combo
    Love this podcast. Informative, timely, wise, and fun!
  • Sunshine on my shoulders...
    Where’s Mette? Love the show!
    Did I miss something? Did Mette leave? My fave thing about this show has been the banter be Jack and Mette. Also love just Jack - so will keep listening even if Jackson is here to stay as producer. Jack makes Wall Street news more engaging.!
  • uncle_rico
    Good times, good information
    Jack reminds me of my best securities salesmen from my trading desk days: Funny, smart, a little skeptical of Wall Street blathering and level-headed. I always learn a little from his show and enjoy listening.
  • Azzx1
    Really A+ investment pod.
    They do a really good job on this. Smart, unhurried, thoughtful. Kinda the opposite of Jim Cramer. Fully recommend.
  • JStexan
    Informative and Timely
    Jack does a great job of bringing latest informative and timely information. While being funny, Jack also explains the complex information in layman terms. Keep it going.
  • long-game
    One of the best
    Jack does a great job informing investors about various market indicators be it financial, economic and or specific companies. Not only do I get educated I often find myself laughing at his jokes. Try it.
  • Guppius Maximus
    My Favorite Investment / Business Podcast
    The podcast version of a personal finance or investing magazine. The topics are timely and I find Jack Hough’s insights very valuable. The show is equal parts informative, educational and entertaining. I look forward to every new episode.
  • sp312_IOMT
    One of the best
    One of the best financial podcasts out there — jack Hough and Meta break it down in a fun and entertaining way. I look forward to this podcast every week.
  • abenj8890886
    Informative, whimsical, and well done.
    I look forward to this weekly episode most, of all podcasts. I can’t decide whether it is the quirky humor that plays out during the initial banter or the interesting topics covered. Overall, it’s well written and Jack and Mette are really witty which adds entertainment to education.
  • Jim Sack
    Practical, quirky, humorous, well written and well produced. Jack is the best of story tellers.
  • Skopelos Man
    Re: 60/40 portfolio
    Hi Jack, I really enjoyed your latest podcast on this subject. Jared was very informative and clear on this topic. Question: How do we get to see his suggestions on the ETF’s . You started to mention a few, however I realize time is short. Thanks so much!! I am glued to your podcasts forever! Peter G.
  • Rich from Andover
    Most Enjoyable Financial Podcast
    I listen to a lot of Financial podcasts but Streetwise is the only one that I know what day of the week it drops on. Jack fills the pod cast with a good mix of financial info and humor, often self deprecating. It is the only financial podcast I make a point not to miss. I spend more time on Barrons news stories as a result when I am not in the car.
  • Fiddlefoot
    Return to office = poor sound quality
    Meta sounds fine Jack’s Audio is in and out. One minute clear and the next muddy. Maybe go back to work from home? Generally the content is very good, especially the interviews. I’m a “puny” guy, but sometimes the humor gets to sophomoric even for me. Sound issues aside I’d give the show a solid 4.5.
  • Josh2900!
    Fantastic podcast
    Continues to deliver timely information in an entertaining format. Only call out is the audio quality has been really bad the last two episodes.
  • Nicc B
    Phenomenal podcast but audio is so bad. Was excited to listen to May 19th podcast but sound quality was so awful I was 5 mins in when I finally turned off.
  • GFKeyWest
    Upgrade audio
    The quality of this podcast content deserves better audio quality… hope this gets attention soon. The latest episodes sound like a radio shack cassette recorder with two C batteries.
  • RD1986DC
    Listen to it weekly
    Love Jack’s intelligence and sense of humor! I listen to it every week to complement the TV show. Perfect podcast combines excellent guests/interviews with a sophisticated discussion. Highly recommend.
  • Reader837
    Entertaining Investment Podcast
    I look forward to this podcast more than any other. Jack and the gang put on a great show every week that combines investing information/advice with top notch dad humor. It’s the greatest!
  • VAHeels
    Informative and timely
    Jack and the team do a great job. Enjoy listening to this podcast. Great information with some well timed humor to keep you engaged.
  • Rion1357
    One of the best!
    Love the show – one of my favorites. Very entertaining and easy to listen to and the information is great.
  • gag24
    Perfect Podcast
    Starters Jack is smart and there is great audio quality. Most importantly it feels edited and concise. Jack is not just talking for the sake of hearing his voice like other podcasts. It is 30 minutes on Friday with just another 10 minutes now mid week. Jackson was a great foil to Jack and will be missed
  • Vermilion on the Lake
    Truly enjoy every week. Great guest and great topics. Thanks, and keep it going
  • Retiree Investor
    Great Perspectives from His Guests
    Listen religiously every week. Jack has a great range of guests commenting on what’s top of mind in the markets.
  • Diocletian Fan
    I vote Jack
    This is one of my weekly favorites. The world could use more Jack perspectives. Both of the producers are good.
  • HeadacheBall
    Simply The Best
    By far, one of the best podcasts out there! Timely and relative to the economy and markets. Jack talks to many diverse leaders and provides good insight. Short and to the point. Never boring. Look forward to Fridays!
  • Satchmo1975
    Fun, informative, sound analysis.
    Great mix of a little humor, lots of great analysis and education. What’s left to say?
  • mikeduges
    From a Japanese Fan
    Positively whimsically seriously beneficial finance Podcast. Been and avid fan for a while and listen to every episode. The interaction and energy is so infectious. Focusing on different aspects and sectors and problems and solutions while bringing in serious analysts of the industries. Keep going, guys. You guys are appreciated and loved.
  • no pro but workn on it
    Always my first Saturday listen!
    After a week of the markets it’s nice to get some solid info and some levity. Jack, Jackson, and Meta (not the stock) are awesome, informative, and entertaining!
  • Tawm2
    Consistently entertaining and educational
    Jack and Jackson offer very lively commentary and concise interviews. Great audio supplement to Barron’s.
  • Nickmoneybags
    Jack and Jackson
    Two funny, insightful guys. Jack and Jackson’s back-and-forth banter makes the show.
  • Carlsbad Sean
    Good but short and infrequent
    I like the podcast but it feels too short and once a week is too infrequent IMO
  • Mr. Terry
    From Davos … not fixing all the world’s problems.
    Listening to Jack not bash Davos and try to find a way to say something not negative = hilarious. Note to editors, don’t try to make this man a puppet for corporate and ESG excess. Jack’s legit, endearing, entertaining, and educational. I preferred the Jack that laughed at Davos … because most of the world agrees with that man. Still, my favorite investing podcast. Stay classy San Diego.
  • CA Sab
    The only finance related podcast my wife will listen to
    Not only is this the only finance podcast my wife will listen to, she won’t let me listen without her. Listening to Jack and Jackson has become a weekly routine for us and we look forward to each new episode. Always relevant and fun to listen to, Jack does a great job explaining complex concepts in simple terms.
  • testapp2022
    One of my favorite podcasts
    Like the humor sprinkled throughout. The exchanges between host and producer are some of my favorite parts.
  • Nighthawk237
    Business with comical bits and bytes
    I enjoy the insights Jack provides on this podcast and the little jokes and laughs that are mixed in throughout.
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