The On Deadline Podcast

by Audacy

Audacy's On Deadline Podcast is a dive into a big news topic of the day from new and unexplored angles. Hosted and produced by Lauren Barry and also produced by Joe Hiti and Christy Strawser. Sound design by Joe Hiti. The On Deadline Podcast delivers the news with deeper context so that listeners know not only what happened, but also why it happened.

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Recent Reviews
  • djdhdjfuhrifonf
    Right leaning podcast that does a great job of hiding it.
    No thanks.
  • MissFrannyG
    Great podcast
    Happy to see this updating again!
  • missgreenfairy
    On Deadline
    I love this show. The host unpacks often difficult and complicated political news, business - news you name it in a way that is memorable. I’m liking the new host’s voice, haven’t had trouble hearing it
  • lgarner0628
    I can barely hear
    Content is fine but it’s hard to hear it. I’m sure the host’s voice is pleasant in person but it’s really hard to hear her on this podcast. It’s almost as if she doesn’t exhale or moves away from the mic at the end of sentences.
  • cheapazz
    My pfaith has been shaken….
    All my vaxxed friends are dead or dying, and the majority of “pfacts” pushed by this podcast are now being questioned. No wonder you guys bailed, now a new topic to shill for the corporation while beating the war drum for another protracted war.
  • Bohemian_Peasant
    Daily Not Daily
    Why does this podcast have “daily” in the name if it’s not published daily? Sound quality is uneven. I shouldn’t have to turn my sound up to maximum level to hear you, and then have my eardrum blasted when the sound returns to normal. Fix this please! Sorry, but I’m disappointed.
  • SufferingInc.
    Changed entire focus for ratings/algorithm boost
    ThIs WAS a decent resource for coronavirus developments. Ukraine invasion also matters a lot to me but feels like you bait-and-switched your audience overnight.
  • friendly woods
    One of the best news podcast around
    Solid reporting. Nothing crazy but not obsessed with being politcally correct. All the news you really want to hear about.
  • lalalala1970
    Coronavirus daily back?
    Do you have plans to return? Please do! You were one of my go-to sources on COVID.
  • Bismarck the cat
    Coronavirus? Hello?
    This was a very good podcast until they abruptly changed, forgot Covid and became Ukraine war podcast. I am shocked how the podcast had dedicated itself to a very important issue but dropped it immediately. It has completely trivialized the whole pandemic by doing so.
  • lrvirtue
    Go back to coronavirus reporting!!
    I can watch Ukraine and Russia 24/7 on tv and other social media.
  • ShyestGemini
    Please equalize volume!!
    Fantastic info but PLEASE fix the volume disparity between the show and the ads. I jump out of my skin every time a commercial comes on.
  • SEB991000
    Clear and concise propaganda to keep people divided and living in fear.
  • mhurricane88
    So how much money has the Biden admin dumped into this podcast to promote more fear and propaganda?
  • unjustjustice
    The podcast for people who love fear
    The podcast for the most negative and fearful people
  • dggg777
    Clear concise Covid updates.
    Clear. Concise. Insightful updates on COVID-19.
  • entmddc
    This program incorrectly projects all blame for extent of pandemic and the amount of public vaccine/mask refusal at the feet of Trump and conservatives. The problem is clearly both ends of the political /social spectrum NOT just one but it’s not pc to acknowledge this fact. Some good information but you need to wade though left wing political propaganda to try and get to the data. Of course that should make you wonder about the validity when they start with their political agenda.
  • reneeuhrx
    Good but biased info
    I enjoy 90% of the episodes. I get a lot of good info on the pandemic. Medical, economic, etc. However the other 10% is VERY frustrating. When the hosts don’t let the invited guests speak, it’s a huge turnoff. Whether I agree with the guest or not, it’s just rude. Now, this only happens when the guest has an opposing view point from the hosts. How dare the guest have their own opinion on the vaccine, non fda approved treatment options, government mandates, etc. They will be ridiculed and shushed in a very unprofessional manner. This 10% of the podcasts is so u fortunate.
  • Rudyinvegas
    Good interviews.
    Keep up the good work, been getting good info from this podcast for quite some time.
  • jkguhcdf
    One of my favorites!
    Great podcast! Great information and always from very reputable sources. I look forward to your podcast every day. It keeps me informed!
  • bookWormMomTCU
    I’m Lilly and I am 12 this is soooo great I love this pod cast I want to know what delta versus is and why the vacation is not working and it’s very informational I can’t believe that kids are testing positive to delta/ COVID I was tested and was native but I know some one who had it. I am so sad that kids are in the hospital 🏥 but if you are a nurse or doctor or 1 st responder you are doing great 👍 keep going don’t loose hope this pod cast is great listen to it. 😄If you want to help go to the CDC website and see how you can help here are 3 small steps to help 1 wash your hands 2 wear your mask 3 stay home if you aren’t feeling well. Please read this and please listen to this pod cast
  • Wretched Captain
    Live this show!
    I listen to every episode. It is great. When the guest co-host Ken it isn’t 5 stars, more like 2. He is a bit annoying and seems to have no microphone or a really bad one.
  • KEKE1979
    So ridiculous
    Enjoy the fear mongering!! Pushing vaccines and wearing masks to ‘model’ behavior. Yes, this will hurt people. Wake up
  • Kiwi Bird.
    People are saying
    People are saying out here that they do not trust the government and scientists work for the government. Look if there was no www Only TV. Back to coiled string phones. We would all get the vaccine, but this mis-information along with YouTube uploads on government conspiracies are one of the hesitations. My two cents is look get it on 20/20 and other shows from start to finish, ‘ “COVID-19 birth to Present, and it’s road to the Cure “. Educate Educate.
    My absolute favorite go to podcast!
    I look forward to this every day. The last 30 seconds are especially intriguing. I would love to know if you have another podcast expanding on these fun facts :-) if not, you should make one and let me know so i can listen. Thank you for being so informative and thorough and interesting. I truly appreciate this podcast!
  • Enesstee
    As an epidemiologist myself, I am so impressed by the level of understanding of the hosts. They are up-to-date on the information, interpret them correctly, and ask important and relevant questions. Guests represent a wide spectrum of expertise. Keep up the great work!!
  • Natelisa
    Wow was this expert doctor high? Just ludicrous the way some of these supposed experts speak.
  • MichaelaJane816
    Disappointed in Anti-vax guest
    I like the show a lot, but I am disappointed that it gave platform to an anti-VAX guest. Even though the hosts were openly disputing what she said, I don’t like that the door was even opened to misinformation.
  • Eliser625
    Hard to listen to
    Good content but I find it to be so distracting how often you hear the hosts computer or cellphone ping. And the volume between the host and guests is quite noticeable. Seems like rookie mistakes.
  • bc_snowgirl
    Probing questions
    Thank you for asking probing questions and not accepting non answers. I am tired of lame public health excuses. Keep up the good work.
  • skorea
    Where are you?
    I am a daily listener and creature of habit! What happened?
  • Scarlett Jane
    Good Information
    Love the podcast considering it is such a gloomy subject. I for one appreciate the truth from scientists and doctors, and I think the hosts do a great job. This is especially important to me since I live in a place where people aren’t taking the pandemic seriously. Thanks so much for this and please keep it up!
  • ataraj1
    Annoyingly left leaning
    Why is there a Trump dig in every episode. Your show is extremely biased and never upbeat. Every pod is depressing as hell.
  • laurenoftheshire
    Used to enjoy it before the new host
    I used to enjoy and learn a lot from this podcast before they brought in the new host.
  • JaredMin
    Volume issues
    Great content but the producer hasn’t figured out how to equalized the two co-hosts volume levels. I fight with my speaker levels throughout every episode of this podcast. Please fix.
  • BaileyCookie
    Dr. Oz is a Moron
    Why would a serious podcast have a loon like Dr. Oz as a guest? Sorry ... now I need to delete this podcast. I wish that zero stars was a review option.
  • Penelopehasbraces
    Very Good
    I listen to this every night. Would appreciate it if you could avoid little hype such as the fitbit watch thing and travelshaming.
  • Zachppp
    Why does every discussion have to turn into a rag on the federal government. Every guest and the hosts are clearly leaning left blaming trump for everything. We can all agree the federal response was not perfect but I want to hear about the virus in the podcast. Not politics, or if we’re gonna talk politics related to the virus... don’t ignore how many governors were actually the one behind poor policy decisions. Democratic governors. But I don’t want to hear a podcast complaining about them either. Stick to the science
  • podcast578
    No sound equalizing makes it very hard to listen
    Interesting content but the volume varies greatly depending on whether hosts or guests are speaking and also the intro / outro
  • crossyourheart
    Very politically biased
    Can someone just report the facts without having to bring politics in to every subject? Don’t waste your time.
  • hakenfidneb
    Just more political drivel
    I came looking for real information and got another dose of politics. Somebody please create content without coloring it with your personal political views!
  • Bored Bailey 🥱
    Good info but boring
    There is great trustable information but nothing kept me interested. I frankly got bored. And plus everything on the podcast is duh. “So you should where masks” -Host... Like duh!!!
  • erikqjames
    I learned a lot.
  • mgtgreen
    Keep up the good work!!
    I just started listening to this podcast and found it informative and oddly comforting. The two hosts are pretty congenial. The info is a straightforward, level-headed mix of advice and counsel as well as the latest news on a range of corona topics. They always end with a “we’re in this together” message which I find calming.
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