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iloveclunkBoringI really wanted to learn mote details about this case, but this had got to be the most boring podcast I have listened to.
jcobbpwLiked the interviewsI learned a lot. Thanks for putting so much time into interviews.
AdrienneWA lot of filler, redundancy and fluffWe listened to this on a road trip and it was one of the worst podcasts with no solution. A lot of repetition and filler. Pick a different podcast about this case, this be was a waste of time.
Scubalovemore pleasei keep checking back for new info, i hope you’re planning to move forward with the trial and new information released
MarenL82About 2 episodes worth of contentIt drags… on and on. I skipped full episodes bc it was filled with too much commentary and no new substance.
654258996NoCliche writing with overly dramatic hosts and navel gazing.
hhnkdjrbdidksnsjExploitativeI listen to a lot of true crime podcasts. I can’t continue on this one because it feels SO exploitative. The way they question children about learning of the deaths of their sister / friend is pretty disgusting. The way they insert themselves into the story, talking about sitting on the benches near where near where the girls disappeared, etc. Is also pretty gross. True crime can be done tastefully. This isn’t.
Mylius64Repetitive and uninformativeIt goes on and on and you learn nothing new. What I’ve heard could have been told in one episode or less.
albert_gCopagandaAbsolutely terrible reporting. Most of this podcast just praises the police and their work on the case even though their work was dreadful. It could have been told in one or two podcasts but instead the show is stretched out, playing repetitive interviews from similar sources over and over. It also just plays the entire press conferences from these bombastic police officers who love to hear the sound of their own voices. This is not journalism. It’s not even a well produced podcast. Do better!
A look at itGuiltyI’m shocked that his wife didn’t know, they lived nearby, he had those clothes, he had that voice and admitted he was there that day. How could she not put it together?
ProfKoala9Repetitive and obviousSame observations over and over and not much actual investigation.
highlowunexpectedBoring - for a not boring storyI stopped listening in episode 5. Just couldn’t do the repetitive, unnecessary commentary anymore. I’m not stupid. Don’t need explanations and then repeated explanations for situations and words. lol. Not meaty enough at all. Just ended up reading some news articles to finish my understanding of this horribly sad story.
Concertmaster19Boring, No InvestigatingThis is not an investigative podcast. It’s just occasional speculation and narrating the state of the case. It stays at the highest level, truly more like a journalist reporting. Little to no evidence, almost no insight into the details of the investigation. A lot of talking with very little substance.
leebelkinRedundant and somewhat frustratingThroughout the investigation barely any information was released. For this reason the bulk of the podcast feels bloated and repetitive. If I could do it all over again I would only listen to the first two and last two episodes. I do like the presenters though
Sooky SookToo muchNot sure why there are two narrators. On top of so many people accounting their story it’s completely distracting. The woman narrator sounds like a news caster
Moonzap7890Decent but slowI like how the presenters immerse you in the town and the people, and it’s well Produced. However, it feels a lot like the 24hr news cycle where there’s not a lot of info so they have to fill time with fluff. It’s pretty slow and we never really get any new information.
DonaldKeymanBoring, repetitive, indulgent…I listened to this on an eight hour roadtrip and I wish I had chosen something else. Could have been a three episode series or maybe even less. Trying not to be mean here.
PlantyEPNot worth your timeThis podcast was so slow and boring. It felt like they were taking 2 hours of podcast information and stretching it into 10 episodes. Also, the hosts seemed very out of touch with the people and age group they were reporting on. Interesting topic but awful execution.
Katie WinksDon’t waste your timeThis postcast is so slow. Great storyline but way too many interviews and not enough facts and evidence. Sadly pretty boring.
Neurotic AtheistSooo boring!Omg…this case sounded incredibly fascinating and I REALLY want to know more details about this horrible tragedy, but wow wee, this was so dull and drawn-out I couldn’t make it past the third episode! Very repetitive and I did not need to hear interview after interview asking about the investigator’s, family members, and friends’ feelings about the tragedy. If you want a lesson on how to make a true crime podcast snooze-worthy, listen to this and take notes. They have it down to a science! I’m going to find some articles to read instead.
jennifer sfTalk about giving up?This production team is not the kind I’d want. After doing 1 season, they apparently took a break. When the arrest of Richard Allen was made, I went back to this podcast only to find they’d apparently ditched the whole thing. Right when it got interesting. It’s so odd, no announcement, nothing. They should at least do a 3 min episode saying they’ve moved on. Because when you search podcasts for Delphi Murders, this is mainly the one that pop ms up. It should be removed from the apple library.
motmulveyRepetitive With Little InformationThis is a horrible case. However, this podcast could’ve been twenty minutes long with the real actual evidence that has been provided. If you’d like to find out what is going on, read about it on the internet. You can read every detail that has been released (not much) in less than an hour. Every episode is repetitive.
ATS036Don’t waste your timeRepetitive episode to episode. By episode 6 you still have not been given any additional information about the case. The whole series feels like a news story, sensationalized speech and tone. Better off listening to true crime done by real podcasters.
ms.laurzaSuch potentialLike a lot of the other reviewers, I think this is a very repetitive podcast. Would be a good drinking game for the phrases/themes you hear over and over.
ImpGhRepetitive and anticlimacticDespite stating a desire to center victim perspectives, it’s really just a slightly self-absorbed repetitive recapitulation of facts that were made public very early on, and the story stops just as the criminal investigation ramps up.
Wild TreysToo RepetitiveThe episodes all repeat the same info and interviews. Very confusing and hard to follow. I kept thinking I was still on first episode.
SmrgrlFirst two episodes good butThen it repeats and drags out. I stopped listening at episode 3 to research news articles about if/how this ended. I’m a true crime follower but…yawn.
FenyreyRepetitive and it could of all been one episodeThis has got to be the worst crime podcast I’ve ever listened to. Everything you need to know is in the first episode. The rest of the episode just repeats itself and keeps telling you they can’t share more because they don’t want to hurt the integrity of the case. I’m so mad at myself for giving it a chance and hoping it would either get better or we would have more revealed. It never happens!!!
snyderjuSensationalized GarbageThe producers claim in one episode that they are not trying to solve the case but then proceed to spend an entire episode laying out their own theory. It’s frustratingly repetitive. I’d estimate it’s about 1/3 actual facts and real life testimony mixed with 2/3 sensationalist filler. It’s a masterclass in horrible investigative journalism.
LuvTCinMIGreat showOne of my favorites. Don’t think I’ve ever thought of another show as much as I have this one when I’m not actively listening
jvarguelloMissed chanceI am going through (I think) the second episode on a row that has been almost completely devoted to interviews of those close to the victims. It’s repetitive, yes. Also, it crosses the line towards sensationalizing the story and exploitation of the feelings of those left behind. Asking a young woman something like: how did it make you feel to find out that they were the victims of foul play is decidedly crossing the line. That we all care about the victims and their loved ones should be left without saying. The podcast should focus more on the police investigation. Again, I do care about those left behind and feel for them. However, I do not appreciate being taken to a place I have no business in. They have the right to their privacy, even if they shared willingly (while distraught).
t9691Aweful podcastMy wife and I are avid true crime podcast listeners. this is the single worst true crime podcast we’ve listened to. I consider it a victory that we even finished it.
tomnottomExploitationI’m not a fan of people that exploit the horrendous murder of two children for profit. Payne Lindsay got lucky once and arranged information that may have lead to an arrest of a person. Now all these podcasters think exploiting murder for profit will make their names known. Barbara is the lone bright spot. Her interview approach is well thought out and experienced. As for the investigation itself, the police botched it from the start. I feel for the family that had to live there everyday waiting for something to happen.
Melissa080808Update, please!This team did such a spectacular job covering the initial crime. Are you going to release an update? This is in regard to the Delphi murders.
Hawkfan91Powerful storytellingI’m surprised by the reviews about repetition and dragging out the story. I’m glad I didn’t read the reviews first. This podcast is telling the story of this horrific event through the voices of those who lived it. I was not familiar with this tragic event, so hearing from the family, friends, volunteers who helped search, first responders, detectives, clergy supporting a grieving community, and news reports… completely drew me in to a sense of experiencing what happened as they did. Which is the point made by the reporters/hosts of the podcast. Storytelling takes time, and IMO, repetition is a good thing for audio storytelling. It’s easy to miss the details… especially if listening in the car. I kept wanting to skip ahead and find out what happened… which kinda is the point. This is their story to tell. I’m sure they wanted to skip ahead and find the girls and then find out what happened and who did this too! Give it a chance. It feels like you get to know the people directly involved. My heart and prayers are with them.
milsum14Disgusting Reporting StyleThe way the hosts talk about the case is truly repulsive. I’ve just never heard a true crime podcast that’s so ridiculously sensationalized and heartless. Skip this one.
Very useful!!!!This could/should have been 2 episodesProduction is fine, but the series is an over dramatic, draw-out squandering of an interesting story. Like others mentioned, the repetition is mind numbing. A fascinating real life story rendered boring.
s*t@nb/GoodI agree with the other review that it’s a little repetitive and not a fan of the music choices but other than that would recommend.
ittytulipslow , repetitive , dullconsidering i listened to this while doing multiple other things , i didn’t notice how slowly things dragged on during this podcast . personally i enjoyed getting to know some of the people that were most involved in solving the case and how passionate they were about it , but it was repeated . . so often . first two episodes didn’t really have much . they did little segments about the two girls for about three episodes and then completely stopped . as it’s been repeated many times , this could have been condensed and they could have tried much harder to get more information or just get more background . worth a gloss over but not worth all the time . i also went to try to look at the website of the podcast and nothing came up . i had to look through multiple other sites to find any information i wanted . edit : forgot to mention how uncomfortably often they mention religion and pastors and things like that when it didn’t really have anything to do with the story . i understand statements of hope relating to faith and such , we should all have hope in our own ways , but it was a bit much .
MyOwnMe17Very thoroughThere was a lot of repetition, but I really think it was necessary to keep the information from being so confusing.
Cassidy8595Really good! BUUUUUUTTThere’s a lot of repetition, I feel like you guys could have done less episodes because a couple episodes that are basically the same thing just with some more sentences. But, other than that very good and respectful to the families that lost these little girls.
stingrayhallDo Not Waste Your TimeIf you like incredibly drawn out and boring and tedious episodes where a lot of repetitive info and feelings are shared, you will enjoy this one. Very light on facts or reporting. I made it through 1.5 episodes and quit, jumping to 11, and there STILL wasn’t any relevant info - just so much exposition. Considering how little info the police have shared, this story could be well explained in one episode. To make this 11 episodes….just a lot of hubris going on here.
stuman914Delphi TrialsRepetive could easily have skipped from 3-11 no new info in all those chapters then finding the killer is given with no details Sorry not good
MLucanusSlow, poor journalismThe journalists involved in this podcast are very light on sources, relying most heavily on interviewing police and police materials. Since the police in this case have been notoriously tight-lipped and reluctant to release any details, that leaves for very thin material spread out over way too many episodes. Worse, the hosts are incredibly eager to back up police narratives and justifications. The police themselves all but admit that there is overwhelming evidence, but that they are ill-equipped to solve a murder that does not involve obvious suspects. The hosts offer no criticisms or pushbacks. Beyond that, several times they often flirt with suggesting broad deteriorations of privacy rights and civil liberties to facilitate dragnets and search warrants without probable cause, rather than ask the obvious question: shouldn't competent detectives, with photos, video, and audio of the killer, in a small town, be able to solve this without these extreme measures? As a podcast, even without ethical questions or objections to journalistic methods, the thing just drags on and on with few compelling breakthroughs. Most of the podcast is the two hosts giving basic and common sense play by plays of city and police press conferences. Episodes promoted as shocking breakthroughs (like 5) end up being nothing at all. This is a tragic story, and the investigation could be pushed harder by serious, critical journalists. But we don't get any of that here.
kim nightSlow… should have been 3 episodesTragic loss of 2 young girls. It’s an interesting case given the circumstances with the photo and video. The podcast itself is high quality, but the details about the case in the podcast is no more than one could read in a single paragraph about the case. Given that the podcast is 8-9 episodes means it’s very slow. About half way through I started listening to it sped up. The show hosts spend more time talking about someone’s reaction to a single word or statement or even a reaction to a reaction that makes it feel like they’re just trying to fill time. I think it’s great to continually bring attention to unsolved cases as long as they’re respectful to the families so in that regard they did a good job. This just isn’t a podcast that I would highly recommend.
Brewster's StoryCovering trialI hope you come out with more episodes and cover the trial!
JackJB18BEWARE! Listen to anything else!I’ve never written a review about a podcast before. But after listening to this, I feel a moral obligation to warn others about the absolute waste of time that this piece of “journalism” is. The story itself is heartbreaking. What could have been a thoughtful, insightful, intentional piece of investigative journalism that helps to advance the solving of the case, is actually 8 episodes of absolutely nothing. You can count the number of facts that the hosts present on one hand. The hosts are shockingly inept at telling a true crime story, and choose to focus 95% of the minutes on irrelevant, highly repetitive monologues from miscellaneous members of the town and how they felt in the aftermath of these murders. Worse, they overlay an absurd amount of the hosts’ own thoughts, feelings, and perspectives - which are not only irrelevant but frankly unintelligent. If you’re like me, and you’ve enjoyed the “Gold Standard” of true crime podcasts like Serial, S-Town, etc., you’ll be floored by the absolute pile of word vomit that this podcast tries to present as the same category. This was one of the worst pieces of media I’ve ever encountered in my life. CNN and HLN should consider hiring one single editor who could have spared us of this.
MahsaTavRepetitiveThe hosts talk a lot and repeat everything that the family, friends, police and everyone else says.
DugOk podcast, sad story.Ok podcast, very slow going. Could probably be compiled into four episodes. A lot of rehashing info. Some interviews are not needed and ramble on. Not much additional information about the case. Episode 7-10 are just a waste of time, mostly dramatic talk but no new information. Sad story. Update: Glad they caught the guy!
Stupid PodcastTerrible PodcastYou should first know that this podcast was done by so called “investigative reporters” from HLN and CNN. The podcast is mostly about their thoughts with very little attention and care given to the victims and their families. They try to do this thing where they tell you a little bit about the victims but it’s short and inconsistent and half way through, they just stop doing it. You can listen to their analysis paralysis but it won’t be a deep dive into the details of the case. They spend a ton of time just analyzing irrelevant parts of the case and almost adding to the salaciousness of it how the people in the small town of Delphi did. Most of the questions are unintelligent and inane with very little nuance and self awareness. People magazine could have done a better job. Don’t bother! If you want a good true crime podcast and see real reporting, check out Bear Brook, In the Dark, or Bone Valley.
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