State of the Nation: A show about the Las Vegas Raiders

Football #230

The Athletic's Jimmy Durkin, Vic Tafur, Ted Nguyen, and Tashan Reed offer Raiders coverage, commentary, interviews and more. You can listen to the State of the Nation podcast ad free each week at

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  • laslalallallaala
    Remove Jimmy durkin and it's a 5/5
    Ted Nguyen, T Reed, and Vic’s show everytime I hear the other guys voice I skip 30 seconds forward on apple pods. Y'all don't even with anything he says per the newest episode. I'm sure he's a good guy but he does not add value.
  • Raidercali
    This podcast, with the exception of Ted, seems to have a noticeable bias against the Las Vegas Raiders. The tone of their commentary often carries a sense of disrespect towards the team. It’s now clear to me why external and national media sources often report on the Raiders before this podcast does. The evident lack of enthusiasm and impartiality from the team covering the Raiders is disappointing. Perhaps it would be better if they covered a different team that they can report on more objectively and with genuine interest.
  • Qream14
    The show was way better when we got it the night after the game, not 4 days later.
  • Jesus out Mesa Az
    This show is horrible all they do is bash on the team with opinions. Show should be called bash on the nation. Go listen to Locked on Raiders by Q way better show
  • Ryangotswag22
    Only 1 30-40 minute episode per week. Fans want the instant reaction and they are too lazy to give us a podcast reacting to the previous game right away.
  • Doctor Hams
    Changed Over Time
    This podcast was great when it first started and Ted Nguyen is phenomenal. However, the beat writers seam jaded and pull no punches at any opportunity to disparage Raiders fans. I understand that many of us are crazy, but it should not negatively affect the views of the writers on the team and this seems to be a real issue. Swearing was also a problem for a podcast that is supposed to represent a reputable journalism company, but that seems to have been cleaned up this year. If Ted Nguyen had his own podcast, I would listen to that immediately.
  • Chaser 71864
    Reed needs to go
    As a father of a 13yr old that plays football and is also a diehard Raiders fan in troubles me to say this. I raise my kids to show respect, good sportsmanship and not to cuss. While we we’re listening and heard yet another F bomb from Reed on this latest episode I was asked why he needed to cuss. I simply told him that it’s because he must have a limited vocabulary I guess. I just unsubscribed to this podcast and canceled my TA sub.
  • Joee43
    This pod gives some minor insight and it’s mostly their own opinions but most of the dialogue lacks spunk and positivity. A couple of the guy’s delivery are very monotone. Need WAY more sounds from the players/coaches and outside input over their opinions.
  • thispodsucks
    Was 4-5 stars before Tashan
    Swears gratuitously like child being away from his parents for the first time, makes everything about himself (don’t care about your steaks), overconfident with his shortsighted takes…just not at the same level as the other guys.
  • Oneraidernation
    Good stuff
    I don’t like Josh McDaniels. Love this podcast though
  • TV Raider
    Great Listen/Solid info
    Can’t say enough good stuff about this Pod. As a huge-O Raiders fan, they deliver the goods, and get into details that only a serious hardcore fan would care about. Hearing Ted’s takes on anything football is why I subscribed to the Athletic in the first place. Cannot say enough good things about his breakdowns and insights. God bless Vic’s humor and real sense of history with the Raiders, as he’s been on the beat for a while. I welcome his critical POVs. Teshan is great as well—he’s got this outsider to the Raiders/insider to other teams/sports perspective that brings a nice change of pace to Raider fan groupthink. For the Pod, I would really like Teshan to get some vocal training—find him a bit mealy-mouthed and hard to hear (it’s not the what-he’s-saying it’s the how he’s saying it…have to crank up the volume every time he talks). Jimmy has settled into a good host role. As a former Raiders beat guy, he clearly knows his Raiders and can ask some good follow up questions. Will be listening all season!
  • robertajackman
    Completely talk trash on players. Act like school girls gossiping and bad mouthing players but then act cool when they do press conferences. these 4 idiots could never do the things that they are making fun of players for. (Bullying low hanging fruit like guys on roster bubble, is so classless) Such a pessimistic and defeatist podcast. Don’t waste your time.
  • 6532?
    What Changed
    This podcast has become a narrative of nonsense. Between Derek is getting traded to Raiders will never get Devante Adams. It’s just one thing after another. There’s zero quality football discussion or characterization of present history. You get a non football feel. National media does a better job covering this team. It’s not even an objective tone. It’s just like this clique’s inside joke on the raider organization. Don’t waste your time.
  • shea307
    Two Stars
    I used to love listening to the State of the Nation pod. Mostly for Vic. I enjoyed when they had Ted on features. But now there’s too many voices, Tashan sounds like he’s whispering into the mic and Jimmy is about the least desirable person in the raider universe I could think of. No longer a listener. Stick with Vic and one other guy.
  • 0010010
    Vic might be done
    Basically just too negative. We understand that you guys consider yourselves journalists and want to maintain some objectivity, but this pod too often devolves into hosts just making fun of the team and the fans. Vic is too busy laughing at himself to offer anything useful and the others just follow his lead. Ted clearly knows more about the game than the other three combined and it’s almost worth listening just for his analysis. He’d be better off with a project of his own where he doesn’t have to put up with the jaded, bitter Athletic crew.
  • Tom in Burlingame
    Negative on Raiders
    Very negative on Raiders since free agency began, second guessing many moves. Other than Ted, these guys are reporters not analysts. Have they ever coached or been a general manager in the NFL, or coached at a top college program? Have they ever been responsible for putting all the pieces together for a sustainable winning program? Don’t think so. But, hey, you probably get more clicks second guessing moves. How about more reporting work versus opinion pieces? Get more insight from inside the Raiders organization, please.
  • MickVanV
    Best Raiders Podcast You’ll Find
    Funny, insightful, honest. Never takes itself too seriously.
  • HO2008
    Misloaded a baseball pod
    For week 4 review of LVR loss to BUF.
  • jac bauer24
    Wrong podcast uploaded
    Today u guys added the wrong podcast. I’m hearing white Sox and baseball not raiders? Lol
  • diego02lpz
    Top notch
    Don’t know why it took me so long to find this gold. Thanks 😊
  • Vegas Wayne
    Vegas Wayne
    I just recently found this podcast. It is very informative. Thanks guys.
  • Mr. Cynicism
    Great show as usual. Problem is Carr is not a true leader. He’s soft and doesn’t bring that feeling that you would follow him into battle and lay your life down for him. Notice his lineman didn’t help him up after the sacks, that speaks volumes about his leadership or lack of. Paid too much to be that soft.
  • WhatsUpDigg
    Great Podcast
    Great stuff from Vic and Ted but can Jimmy please cut out all the corny jokes?
  • Mr. 123987
    Best Raiders podcast hands down.
  • nicholasmahr
    The Greatest of the Raiders Podcasts
    The depth of knowledge these guys have about the game of football, and specifically the Raiders, is matched only by their chemistry and the ease with which they rock their respective microphones. In short, this podcast is 🔥
  • Coach Jaws
    Best Raider Podcast Out
    Read title.
  • kjherrm
    A must listen
    Vic gives his takes and usually in a hilarious way.
  • Dbilodeau1234567
    Best Raider podcast
    Vic, Jimmy, and now Ted have such valuable insight into the Raiders. Vic’s been covering for years and is the best beat writer in the biz.
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