Reconcilable Differences


John Siracusa and Merlin Mann try to figure out exactly how they got this way. Hosted by Merlin Mann and John Siracusa.

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Recent Reviews
  • Scott XD
    It’s been real?
    Welp. It just got political and cry babyish so I’m out
  • mvb irl
    It's a podcast
    Like all shows, this is supposed to be a tech podcast but is actually just two dads talking about what they did that day. In this case it's John being his usual calm self and Merlin sounding like he's having an ongoing anxiety attack.
  • The Geek Pirate Roberts
    Merlin, you’re ruining the show
    When I hear John literally struggling to get a point across because Merlin is *constantly* interrupting him with irrelevent points and trivia, I stop enjoying the show just from the frustration. Merlin, you’re dominating the podcast and making it less enjoyable.
  • Pharmhound
    Merlin, please stop interrupting
    Tried to enjoy the last show where John was trying to get through his story and Merlin kept interrupting and adding pointless commentary. Borderline unlistenable. Poor John was just trying to describe his procedure. Merlin, you aren’t as clever as you think you are.
  • simplemiracles
    Merlin please let John talk
    It's not difficult. Just shut up sometimes.
  • Bderiso
    Merlin Interrupt too much
    Otherwise a fun time
  • Kimberly MK
    Love it
    My husband and I were fans of John Siracusa and Merlin separately, so when they started this podcast we freaked out! And it has not disappointed. The dynamic is hilarious and honestly, we talk about Merlin and John and what they’re up to as much as some of our friends. It’s a niche show but if you’re in that niche, you’ll love it.
  • William Timberman
    My Dinners with John and Merlin
    As wonderful as it is improbable. These guys are deeply humane, profoundly humble, and absolutely, brilliantly, themselves. If you’ve ever found yourself about to be overwhelmed by the suspicion that everyone in the world thinks all human beings are as abysmally stupid as the panderers of network morning shows portray us, this one’ll instantly cheer you up. Trust me
  • FramesLoaf
    Great characters
    I find the ways John and Merlin are similar and yet different fascinating and funny and I love it when the show gets completely derailed by an anecdote or saga that’s happening in their lives (e.g. John buying a refrigerator or Merlin getting his oven repaired).
  • A. Sweeney
    Merlin is afraid of homeless people
    Thanks for saying it out loud I mean I’m pretty sure everyone already knew you were that kind of awful person but thanks Also, *hilarious* that you travelled all the way across the country and were nervous around your family even tho you are vaccinated. Merlin you are a very stupid person, and a bad person
  • Nmgg754
    Great chemistry, excellent conversation
    This is a great listen. They’re both clever and well informed but not haughty.
  • sdt33
    I love it but
    Look this is a great podcast and I really like both these guys, but Merlin needs to realize that he’s way too interrupty. Merlin, think about this one thing and realize that it is a fact: The number of listeners that *don’t* want to hear John finish his thought before you cut him off just 3 seconds before he’s clearly done speaking, which anyone including you could tell easily from his words and cadence? That number is zero.
  • Bill de la Vega
    2 tech guys working through mid life
    This podcast is not slick in a good way - they aren’t selling anything, but it is professionally produced. I really enjoy the candor of their conversations! the topics are mid-life guy talk for techies in the USA. might be about a product purchase, dealing with kids, work, anything. this is right up my alley - interesting, human, and i crack up a few times every episode. ymmv. wish i was as smart as John and as fun as Merlin :-)
  • Phantombane
    Just not for me
    They whine a lot especially Merlin
  • topherlooks
    We have top men working on it
    I listen to Reconcilable Differences every episode and it’s a always a joy. The opening music is my cue that I’m about to be relaxed and laugh a bit as these two talk about life and culture and try to relate to one another. One of the best podcasts going.
  • Streamlined22
    If You Can Stomach Merlin It’s Great
    I love this podcast because it kind of delves into a lot of the things that make guys the way they are. Never mind the fact that Merlin Mann has a hair trigger temper and is constantly on the edge of offense. What an unlikable guy. John deftly walks on those eggshells and makes the show work.
  • ChristopherBio
    Reality check-in for Gen-X men
    Merlin Mann and John Siracusa allow an audience to listen in on one of their loosely structured conversations every two weeks. Both are marred, have kids and pets and they live on opposite coasts and in their bi-weekly phone calls, they compare notes. This podcast is the perfect salve for anyone fighting to make it work in this economy.
  • Javbw
    Where the Emotions of Merlin meet the gears of Siracusa
    A great podcast where both hosts get to let their hair down and discuss their feelings on what is going on in their lives, either as a tech person, a father, a husband, a man, or a human.
  • iamiend
    Two guys who mistake references for jokes.
    Two guys who mistake references for jokes.
  • mkppk
    Needs more 2019 Mac Pro talk
    Needs more 2019 Mac Pro talk 😉
  • csargent4141
    Fraud Recognition Ep
    As a person who used to work in the Fraud department for a bank, I can tell you the systems used are very primitive. At least in my banks case, it was known we had outdated systems, but they worked to prevent most fraud, even at the frustration of customers. The reason that department is often overlooked in spending is that the fraud department doesn’t make any money. It is much more profitable to update sales systems to improve profit than the marginal updates they could make to lower losses because often they can charge back the fraud to the company who took the card information in the first place. -listener Clayton
  • GreatIndianaMan
    A Very Good Podcast
    This is one of my favorite podcasts. I knew who John Siracusa was from ATP and I knew Merlin Mann as the amazing human being who did the post election episodes of the Talk Show, so I thought I'd give this a try. I loved it straight from the first episode (and quickly caught up to the more recent ones). Merlin and John always make me laugh, and their occasional discussions of television shows have introduced me to a bunch of good, good shows that have enriched my life.
  • KevinEss42
    Settle down, the adults are talking.
    One of the benefits of being a certain age or mindset is that you lose the desire to pander. I love RecDiffs not just because we are of similar vintage but because we see a window into the relationship between two people who genuinely enjoy talking to each other and mercifully have something worthwhile to say.
  • tsi 😉😊
    This is the best thing that I have gotten I’ve gotten in my life.
  • TRP23
    For Two Guys Moaning About Stuff . . .
    . . . it's awfully entertaining and usually informative.
  • Basefour
    Great new show from my two favorite podcasters
    I’ve been missing Siracusa’s old show, Hypercritical, and it’s great to have him back in a similar format with Merlin Mann.
  • sslbun
    My favorite podcast
    Love listening to these guys. John Siracusa was one of my favorites for his incredibly analytical and objective take on all things technical. Who knew he could discuss culture, emotions, personalities, and daily life with just as much expertise? Merlin’s great fun to listen to as well.
  • jansoucek
    Very entertaining
    Stop w kid talk!!!! (5 stars)
    These are my two favorite podcasters but I just can’t listen to them talk about their kids anymore. I have kids and I’m amazed at how little they have to contribute to the idea of being fathers. PLEASE stops talking about your kids unless you have something interesting to add... and trust me, you don’t!!!!!!! 5 stars Live these guys. Starting to hate the show though. 5 stars
  • 6craig6
    The best
    The podcast that hooked me on this style. John and Merlin play off each other perfectly and quickly became two of my favorite podcasters of all time. This one is a must-listen!
  • evanmcd
    Great great great
    Merlin is hilarious as always and John is the person I most like to listen to of anyone, anywhere. The two together are magic.
  • Silverhammer
    The narcissism of minor differences
    Merlin Mann knows a lot about productivity and music. John Siracusa knows a lot about technology and sci-fi. Both of them know a little about parenting. Neither of them knows much about anything else. They don't want to learn, mind you. Or it might be more accurate to say they think they don't need to learn. That would mean challenging themselves and examining their beliefs, and despite the name and supposed premise of this podcast, they almost never do that. The eponymous differences to be reconciled are trivial things like whether Japanese anime is a medium or a genre. Everything else — everything that matters — is settled science to them. So what you get, in this "two guys and a mic" podcast, is a couple of like-minded, middle-aged nerds blithely reinforcing each other's prejudices about the rest of the world outside their respective areas of expertise. If you share their prejudices, you'll feel like you found two new friends in Merlin and John. Otherwise, well… at least Merlin is his usual charismatic self. In the end, however, it's a whole lotta talk with very little to show for it. Considering how often Merlin mentions Freud's "narcissism of minor differences", he should recognize the textbook example that he and John have created in this podcast.
  • khlvklsh
    Copyright © 2010 John Siracusa
  • lumantic
    Can really tuck into this one
    Chocolate and peanut butter, the aural edition. Who is chocolate and who is peanut butter? I'll never tell...(wish I had also written this for my Roderick on the Line review)
  • This one is not taken 73739
    Never had so much fun listening to guys talk about every day life.
  • MatthewLive
    Fascinating, funny, and at the top of my list
    As soon as an episode drops, I immediately pause whatever podcast I was listening to play RecDiffs. The topics are always interesting, and it's very entertaining to hearJohn and Merlin play off each other. (Admittedly I agree with John 99% of the time, but always like to hear Merlin's take as a basis for discussion.)
  • Chuckie88
    Two ideologues in an echo chamber
    Merlin and John earnestly discuss a variety of issues while uncritically parroting every idea or dogma that fits their world view. If you share their world view and want to avoid the uncomfortable feeling of having your views challenged, then you'll probably enjoy this podcast. If you're looking for objective or thought-provoking discussion, you'll have to look somewhere else.
  • Brooks Bigley
    A Synergy Like No Other
    I'm relatively new to the podcast world, and now currently subscribe and listen to over 70 different shows. This one has earned a spot in my top five. Merlin and John could discuss paint drying for two hours and I would listen with fervent excitement. Plus, John Siracusa reminds me of Harold Ramis, who reminds me of Egon Spengler, who reminds me of my childhood. This makes me warm and fuzzy inside. Thanks, guys, for the feels!
  • Cmgarcia
    I look forward to this every episode
    Being a huge Merlin and Siracusa fan for years, when this finally happened it was like magic coming to life. And with the work these guys put in, it has been one hell of a ride so far. I'm grateful every episode. Thanks for all your insight and fun.
  • Todd Vaziri
    John and Merlin
    Anyone who wants to listen to two thoughtful, funny gentlemen talk about pop culture, technology and philosophy will enjoy this podcast. Bravo.
  • heylownine
    Fun to listen to
    I look forward to each episode no matter what the topic is because their chemistry is so strong. It's the rare podcast where a longer episode is better than a shorter one. Great work guys!
  • Martin Schendel
    Top tier
    This is a top tier podcast done by two amazing hosts. John leans on his intellect, and brings a sense of gravity to the entire show well Merlin keeps the podcast light-hearted with his amazingly quick wit. They complement each other very nicely, and are simply the pinnacle of the "two dudes talking" genre.
  • Grogor!
    Peanut butter in my chocolate!
    If you like either of these guys, you need to listen to this. If you like them both, you will love it.
  • Phalpin
    Worlds Collide, So Much Fun
    So great to see two podcasting super heroes working together. So enjoyable. The best of both personalities. Thanks, John and Merlin!
  • dwearsch
    Podcasting Has Ascended to a New Height
    There is so much to unpack here. Let me summarize by saying this show is simply excellent.
  • Kevindoyle1986
    A Match Made in Heavan
    Merlin and John together at last. Fantastic.
  • Unholy Passion
    A podcast I always look forward to
    Whenever I'm notified that a new episode of Rec Diffs has landed in my queue, I get really excited to listen to it. The stated goal of this podcast is for Merlin and John to figure out how they arrived at the views they hold, and discovered the things that shaped them. In following along with their conversations, I've had the opportunity to examine the same things within myself.
  • HolyDuck
    Amazing company
    I'm an avid podcast listener and subscribe to about 40 or so. I can't listen to each and every episode of every podcast but some are absolute musts-listens. Over the last couple of years I've become a pretty big fan of - among many other good shows - Accidental Tech Podcast and Roderick on the Line. I'm pretty sure it's not always a fantastic idea to marry two properties into a new concept (Abbot and Costello meet Frankenstein, anyone?), but in the case of Reconcilable Differences it just works. Merlin and John are simply amazing company, and I look forward to every new episode. It feels very real, very truthful and at the same time very laid back and inviting, whether the conversation is about cars, first jobs, musical tastes or all the little filler topics.
  • Flick Taylor
    Fun to listen to, except...
    John needs to slow down and enunciate. Smart guy, just not a great speaker.
  • DrCsirke
    The two most interesting and unique characters in tech podcasting get together and it's amazing. Oil and water don't mix, but they make a heck of a salad dressing
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