OldPreMeds Podcast


The National Society for Nontraditional Premedical & Medical Students, Inc., better known by our website name, OldPreMeds.org or simply OPM, is a professional/pre-professional society and educational conduit for non-traditional students who seek to become Physicians. For those whose path to medicine is not the traditional high school to college to medical school, OPM's mission is to assist and advise on how to successfully prepare, apply, and succeed in both medical schools and residency training programs. Founded in 1998, our now over 10,000 registered members span from the very early premed through attending-level physicians. Many are enrolled or have graduated from medical schools, osteopathic programs, and other clinical health fields, here in the US as well as abroad. www.OldPreMeds.org, is a website community built upon peer-based forums providing resources for all levels of premedical students, medical students, medical residents, pre-health advisors, admissions officers, and other faculty & staff at undergraduate, post-baccalaureate, medical, and post-graduate programs.

Recent Episodes
  • OPM344: How Do I Explain my Nontraditional Journey?
    Jan 26, 2024 – 09:28
  • 343: I'm an International Career Changer. How Do I Go to Med School?
    Jan 17, 2024 – 10:23
  • 342: Am I Wrong for Retaking Classes At Community College?
    Dec 20, 2023 – 11:47
  • 341: Can I Take Prereqs While on Active Duty?
    Dec 13, 2023 – 09:30
  • 340: Is an SMP My Only Option?
    Nov 29, 2023 – 11:24
  • 339: My Online Professors Won't Write Me a Science LOR
    Nov 22, 2023 – 08:42
  • 338: I Left Grad School to Pursue Medicine: Does That Look Bad?
    Nov 15, 2023 – 11:25
  • 337: From Law School Dismissal to Med School: Where Do I Start?
    Nov 8, 2023 – 09:25
  • 336: How Can I Be Sure I'm Ready for My Third Application Cycle?
    Nov 1, 2023 – 11:21
  • 335: Is My Clinical Experience Too Old?
    Oct 25, 2023 – 09:46
  • 334: Military Contracts, Kids, and Postbacs: How Do I Plan?
    Oct 4, 2023 – 12:47
  • 333: Can I Show My Non-Typical Path in the Disadvantaged Essay?
    Sep 27, 2023 – 11:09
  • 332: Will My 15-Year Old Prereqs Make the Cut?
    Sep 20, 2023 – 11:46
  • 331: Do I Have A Chance With a 496 MCAT?
    Sep 13, 2023 – 15:03
  • 329: High Science Grades, Low Cumulative GPA
    Aug 16, 2023 – 12:37
  • 328: Bio Degree to RN to MD
    Aug 9, 2023 – 09:32
  • 327: Balancing a Spouse, Kids, House, and PREMED
    Aug 2, 2023 – 11:46
  • 326: Is There A Way to Identify LGBTQ+ Friendly Med Schools?
    Jun 21, 2023 – 09:13
  • 325: Should I Quit My Job and Move Away for a Postbac?
    May 24, 2023 – 11:50
  • 324: Is My Addiction Recovery History A Deal-Breaker?
    May 17, 2023 – 15:41
  • 323: Can I Use A Letter of Recommendation from 3 Years Ago?
    Feb 15, 2023 – 12:19
  • 322: Should I Talk About My Prior Career in Personal Statement?
    Feb 8, 2023 – 13:45
  • 321: How Important is Clinical Experience?
    Feb 1, 2023 – 10:53
  • 320: Admissions Advisor From a Med School Discouraged Me
    Jan 27, 2023 – 09:46
  • 319: Avoid Burnout in My Gap Years
    Jan 11, 2023 – 14:37
  • 318: From Optometry to Opthalmology
    Jan 4, 2023 – 14:36
  • 317: Should I Retake Bio When I Got C+?
    Dec 14, 2022 – 11:05
  • 316: How Many Credits for My DIY Postbacc?
    Dec 7, 2022 – 14:19
  • 315: Is There Still a Stigma for Community College?
    Oct 19, 2022 – 08:15
  • 314: Are There More Non-trads Now?
    Oct 12, 2022 – 14:37
  • 313: Can Volunteer Experience Expire?
    Sep 28, 2022 – 08:14
  • 312: I Messed Up As A PA Student. Is Med School Even Possible?
    Sep 7, 2022 – 11:19
  • 311: Does Being A Father Put You At A Disadvantage?
    Aug 31, 2022 – 08:43
  • 310: Caribbean MD vs. DO?
    Aug 24, 2022 – 12:46
  • 309: I Struggled In Engineering, Will I Make It As A Premed?
    Aug 17, 2022 – 12:49
  • 308: Single Mom to a Deaf Toddler–Can I Make It?
    Aug 10, 2022 – 10:44
  • 307: Law School to Med School?
    Jul 29, 2022 – 10:05
  • 306: How Do I Classify Additional Undergrad Work?
    Jul 13, 2022 – 09:27
  • 305: I'm Over 40- Where Do I Even Start?
    May 18, 2022 – 12:16
  • 304: Does My Speech Pathologist Experience Help Me?
    May 4, 2022 – 09:50
  • 303: Am I Wrong To Pursue My Dream After All This Time?
    Mar 30, 2022 – 18:55
  • 302: Getting LORs After Graduating Years Ago
    Mar 23, 2022 – 06:53
  • 301: Mechanic to Med School, How Do I Start?
    Mar 16, 2022 – 12:10
  • 300: Do I Need to Diversify my Clinical Experience?
    Mar 9, 2022 – 10:32
  • 299: I Overcame My 1.13 GPA- Do I Still Need More Time?
    Feb 23, 2022 – 09:18
  • 298: Will My 7-Year-Old Drug Charge Hold Me Back?
    Feb 16, 2022 – 10:58
  • 297: Do I Apply Earlier or Gain Clinical Experience?
    Dec 15, 2021 – 19:32
  • 296: I Failed My First Posbac. Now What?
    Dec 8, 2021 – 13:47
  • 295: Should I Take Premed Prereqs While in an Accelerated BSN?
    Dec 1, 2021 – 11:07
  • 294: Nursing School to Postbac to Medical School
    Nov 10, 2021 – 10:39
Recent Reviews
  • mg522
    Thank you Dr Gray!
    Dr Gray’s podcasts, books and youtube channel were instrumental in my acceptance to medical school… I just started 3rd year (and I’m 38!)… don’t let your age discourage you. Most of your patients are*real people*, and they love nontraditional students because we are so relatable. I cannot tell you how often patients delight when i share with them my nontraditional path. If this is what you want don’t be discouraged by SDN, fears of admissions committees, and worries about what other med students will think. Go for it!
  • Dbutters53
    Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!
    As a non traditional student, I have a ton of questions about how to pursue my dream of becoming a physician and this podcast series has it all. It even discusses topics I hadn’t considered. Thanks a million for making this!!
  • Bar91395389
    Extremely helpful for Non-Trads
    I recently began my journey of switching careers from Speech-Language Pathology to Medicine and stumbled upon this podcast earlier this year. Since finding this podcast, I have been able to gain a ton of useful information for the premed process and have been so encouraged in listening to personal stories and paths of non traditional students like myself. It’s awesome the breadth and depth of knowledge that is covered through the podcasts regarding the premed process and beyond. Very thankful to have found Dr. Gray’s material. Thank you so much for helping and encouraging those of use who are non-trads especially and giving us access to these resources!
  • Newly Informed Old Premed
    Just WOW
    I stumbled across this podcast after doing a search for premedical podcasts, and accidentally finding this podcast and Dr. Gray’s work was the BEST thing that has happened to me in my journey to medical school. As a 30-something interested in becoming a physician, I had SO many questions, and Dr. Gray has been the most informative source of information I have EVER come across. I now feel confident that I have all the information I need to successfully navigate my postbac and medical school application. I wish I would have known about Dr. Gray’s work earlier.
  • NikkiG15
    The push I needed
    The information that Dr. Gray provides has helped me find my path!
  • ali.layne.me
    So encouraging!
    I listened to every episode in a matter of a few weeks and now I recommend Dr. Gray to anyone thinking about medical school! There is such a wealth of knowledge for any premed and for anyone who is worried about being too old or too unusual for med school. (Here’s a hint: YOU’RE NOT!) I listen to all of Dr. Gray’s podcasts now and find other premeds at school come to me seeking advice (guess I’ve been paying attention😉) Dr. Gray is a beacon of hope in a world that likes to make people feel like they are not enough. You are enough (!) and he will show you how to prepare yourself and present your strengths to prove it to admissions committees.
  • Darth_Tit
    So Helpful!
    Being an older applicant to medical school Dr. Gray has helped me tremendously not just figure out the logistics of planning everything but also my motivation, confidence, and enjoyment in the process. He brings on great guests who all bring a unique perspective/life story that applies to me a majority of the time. Definitely recommend!!
  • nvfsasef
    Life changing podcast for career changers
    This podcast has full of information not only for old premeds
  • Nontrad Med School Hopeful
    Continually Inspired
    One of my favorite things about Wednesdays is that Dr. Gray has new podcasts! These seriously have been the greatest source of inspiration for me on my premed journey! I recommend them to every premed I meet!
  • Ngar3535
    Forever GRATEFUL
    Simply by listening to Dr. Gray's advice on the OPM podcast, I have regained hope and the spark to keep pursuing medicine. I have an uphill battle but listening to Dr. Gray on OPM and Premed Years helps me move forward each and every day! Thank you thank you thank you Dr. Gray and Rich!
  • Jonathan HobbyRX
    Never too old
    If you ever think that you are too old to become a doctor, think again. Inspiring and encouraging.
  • R. Bryant
    Essential Information
    If you are a Non-traditional student looking at becoming a Physician, you need this podcast! Being a Non-traditional student comes with many challenges. Dr. Ryan Gray understands these challenges and gives insights on ways to overcome them. This podcast provides pertinent information to all the Non-traditionals out there! Thank you Dr. Gray for your brilliance.
  • Jacob1821
    Informative and Motivating content!
    I have been listening to this podcast and the pre-med years for a couple months now and both have been extremely helfpul. Not only does it provide amazing advice, but it also provides encouragement for those going through typical pre-med obstacles. The collaberation over competition approach that Dr. Gray takes shows the kind of person he is, placing an emphasis on teamwork instead of the expense of others. This is a mindset necessary for any profession, but particularly the health field. Knowing my information is coming from someone like this and someone I can trust makes it that much more worthwhile!
  • Rely8dc
    My new addiction
    I am so addicted to all these podcasts but I wish they were longer. Best podcast out there for premed students!
  • Burhan22
    First of all, I really appreciate the hard work that Dr. Ryan Gray and his fellow partners have put on this podcast. I started listening to this podcast about two months ago and it really helped me out a lot not only about the MCAT but also what to really expect in Med School and etc... I really recommend this podcast to anyone who wants to be a physician even if they are still in High school. This podcast has some good quality information.
  • Jmh002002
    This podcast has forever changed my life
    This podcast and oldpremeds.org changed my life. I was told in a meeting with my premed advisor that my age was too big an obstacle to overcome. This was pretty much confirmed by many of the web sites I visited. Unable to give up on this dream, I stumbled on this podcast and the website. Now four years after that meeting, at the age of 41, I am going all in. You have shown me that there is a path, and that I just have to find it. I am forever grateful. Thank you, Matt
  • Jav Solo
    Very Insightful
    The biggest question this podcast raises for potential non-trad premeds is "do you want it?" If youre listening or thinking about listening to this podcast its at least a blip on your radar. If you still have doubts then please listen to episode 29. The farewell letter is an amazing insight to what it's like to cut your losses and move on, not because of inability, but because it's just not worth it to you. These guys do not sugar coat anything, and try there hardest to help, the questions they ask are questions every non-trad premed has or should have. They have made me realize that it is possible to accomplish my childhood dream of becoming a doctor.
  • MIO New York 41
    Thank you!
    So happy to have found your podcast! Thank you so much for giving me hope, letting me know I'm not insane and showing me that I'm not alone in starting my journey at 41. Please keep up the wonderful work!
  • Ilona!
    Very helpful
    Thank you! So lucky to find it!!!! Some terrific guidance and navigation in what seems to be overwhelming ocean of info. Love non-competitive motto. What a relief. Please keep it up!!!
  • SD92152
    Can a podcast change your life? This is it.
    This is a top notch podcast for those of us heading to medical school later in life. I've gone from saying "it's too late" to "the time is now". I owe this to Dr Gray, OPM, and the Medical School Headquarters. Thanks for changing a life, Dr Gray.
  • Stoneeeeeeeeeeeee
    Dr. Gray does it again!
    I've been a faithful listener of The Premed Years that is almost into 200 episodes. As a non-trad student/first generation college student, it's so encouraging to know that becoming a physician is absolutely possible. Everyone considering a career change or finally going after your dream: this podcast is for you.
  • Sarxws
    Absolutely Necessary Podcast for Every Pre-med
    I am 33 and attended the OldPreMeds Conference last year in California—it was a life changing experience. I hope the conference comes back one day and isn’t discontinued permanently. I have always wanted to pursue medicine, but was told by so many that it was a path only for pure geniuses. I have never personally known a doctor in my life and I was the first in my family to even go to college. I had the impression that doctors were so smart that I would never be able to carry on a conversation with one. Through the OldPreMeds Conference, forums, and Dr. Gray’s “The PreMed Years" podcast I was able to go from a dream to an actuality. Dr. Ryan has an incredible talent for breaking down information and conveying it in a way that not only makes sense but is encouraging. It amazes me at how difficult it is to find information as a premed—even after meeting with a premed advisor years ago I had no clue what to do until listening to this podcast. This podcast, as well as “The PreMed Years", has propelled me into being what I feel is the making of a stellar candidate for medical school. I went from a full time job doing something I didn’t really enjoy to having a definitive plan for applying to medical school and entering into a DIY post-bacc program in only four months after finding this podcast! I wondered for EIGHT YEARS how I could possibly begin the path towards medicine; it only took FOUR MONTHS of listening to Dr. Ryan’s podcast to figure it out and actualize the plan. I left my job and am only one year away from taking the MCAT and applying to medical school thanks to Dr. Ray and Richard Levy’s service to the premed community. It is obvious that I cannot recommend his website and podcasts enough.
  • Quizletxxz
    Extremely Valuable
    This podcast gives hope to those who are not prepared to receive formal education. Thank you.
  • Average blader
    Much needed help
    This podcast is very helpful for non-traditional premedical students. If you are a non-traditional such as myself that does not have much support or go to sources this podcast is a wonderful source of information. Dr. Gray hosts informative interviews, and debunks many myths about the road to medical school. The podcasts do seem to intimidate the applicant a bit, but I am sure Dr. Gray just wants to ensure oldpremeds are preparing adequately. Thank you for the podcasts, and please don't stop!
  • Tim Horeczko
    A much needed podcast by a master podcaster
    Dr Gray, well known for his support of premedical students everywhere, takes his services to a new level: providing a forum for the significant number of people who find themselves headed to medical school after experience "in the real world". Dr Gray is thoughtful, passionate, informative, and engaging. If you are a "non-traditional premed", subscribe and get involved with the show! Very well done!
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