Anatomy of a Movie


Popcorn Talk Network, the online broadcast network that features movie discussion, news, interviews and commentary proudly presents “Anatomy of a Movie” (AOM). Each episode of AOM centers upon one movie title where an expert panel of hosts, from different facets of the industry, dissect every aspect of that particular film from casting to acting, writing to directing and cinematography to editing. AOM is not a a movie review or critique. Rather it is a movie companion, offering deeper insight into the film.

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Recent Reviews
  • Money $teve
    Very Good Show!
    I like the show a lot... especially the more recent episodes. It has improved a lot. I like how Tara is driving the podcast. She does a great job. I have one tip. I wish she would talk just a tiny bit slower or more relaxed. We can always turn up the volume so don’t try to do it all with the volume of your voice. Remember we are listening to relax and have fun. She has a little more of a “work” meeting feeling to how she speaks. But please understand that’s my only criticism.
  • Teach 5&6
    Turned it off 5 minutes into the episode on Blow The Man Down. First off, anyone who openly admits they haven't seen the Coen Brother's classic film Fargo should not be reviewing movies. It's like being a food critic who's never eaten fried chicken. Secondly, the wit of Blow the Man Down seems lost on these two. Failing to see the humor in a feminist manifesto on women banding together to cover up the death of a serial rapist makes me think you'd be better off discussing movies based off of Danielle Steele novels. The host literally said, "Murder is not funny." Ok, then come to think of it -- you'd better not watch Fargo, Knives Out, or Arsenic and Old Lace for that matter. May I suggest you stick to Chesapeake Shores on Hallmark.
  • Burnplant
    Have friends or neighbors who are stupid?
    The folks can fill in. Amazing to have the ego to start a movie podcast and proclaim yourself a Bill Murray fan AND say you’ve never heard of stripes. These are dumb friend that think they have something to say. Glad they aren’t my friends. Zero stars
  • BillChete
    Excellent show goes deep inside a movie with excellent insights. Check out my new show if you have time called MOVIES IN 4K also a niche in the movie world! Keep going strong!
  • Karaaaaaaaaaaa54321
    liked it, but
    I liked the analyses! Listened to the invisible man, boon jong ho episodes, joker - lost me on the joker pt 1 because one male host kept interrupting the female host (who's points were most interesting honestly). I liked the producer who was included in the invisible man ep - he actually listened. moving on to another film podcast with better chemistry and respect between hosts!
  • RealTalkNowLetsLove
    Great listen!
    So impressed by your analysis of 1917. I also loved it. I really appreciate how you articulated why this is a masterpiece. I actually cried the entire second half and and I did not cry in a long time.
  • tyrawr_
    ignore him!!!
    ignore that guy who says the episodes run a little too long, it doesn’t run long enough!!! i need more this show is so good!!!
  • thetenet194825
    Excellent film podcast.
    Love the analysis they do on this show. It's not always comprehensive because how could it be in one hour, but it is always interesting and insightful. I've learned new things even about movies that I've done tons of reasearch on and listened to lots of reviews of, they always have something that other people don't. They're also good about covering movies at relevant times, like anniversaries of a release date, or doing one for Snowpiercer in response to the release of Parasite (both directed by Bong Joon Ho for those who don't know). Love this show. Can't wait for more.
  • HoHmp SiS
    Movie breakdowns are always a good talk
    Even as a moviegoer with a sharp eye I love listening to people breakdown movies, even if they’re ones that i’ve watched a billion times cuz you never know if they noticed something you didn’t. the hosts here really know their movies and it make the podcast more enjoyable
  • Stuven
    My Review
    Yessssss Popcorn Talk!! I love how it houses podcasts that brings you updates to all the latest movies~ Will definitely keep up with all the latest information!! Love this podcast!!!
  • Bitsy K
    I'm ya
    If the word "like" was eliminated from the conversations here, there would only be a handful of words left, but it might be more bearable to listen to.
  • Caliban's Day Out
    Would be so much better without Phil and Marisa
    I like that they break down the films as much as they do. But... Phil Svitek is such a terrible host. Ugh. He comes across very pretentious and when real conflict occurs he quickly runs away from it, thus ruining the interesting part of film discussion. Marisa just seems like a novice reviewer of the Snapchat generation and quite often comes across very movie illiterate. Her voice and her opinions come across extremely annoying. The podcast does work hard to try to delve into many aspects of filmmaking, but overall, they could use better hosts.
  • philboots
    Game Night
    How did they not recommend the after the credits scene. We get to learn a critical fact alluded to the entire film in a clever hilarious way. Did none of them stay in the theater? Shame on you.
  • KyGuy386
    Given it several chances
    I download episodes from this show every time I’m feeling the need for a new show. Each time I’m hoping I’ll get into it but it never happens. The title of the show sounds so promising. But I think it comes down to the hosts. I’m just not feeling them.
  • Lizzie Hamilton
    This podcast is professional yet still exited about movies. I just came back from Disney movie news on the same network and they stomped all over the last jedi (and my soul) anatomy of a movie liked last jedi!! They healed me! Thanks guys!
  • Greenrhino8
    Good discussion, runs long
    I like everyones point of view and the discourse. The episodes run a little long in my opinion, but there is never wasted conversation.
  • NamHienNguyen
    Tired of Demetri Panos and his smug attitude
    I've been listening to this show for a long while - I've listened to easily more than a hundred episodes by now - but I may have to give up on this show, because it's getting so tiresome. The main host Demetri Panos's smug attitude and clueless comments have irked me for the last time. I'm shocked by how out-of-touch this guy is. He's not quite the worst host on the Popcorn Talk network (that would be Meet the Movie Press's horrible host Simon Thompson), but Demetri's up there. Demetri acts cheerful, but he's really kind of a jerk. For instance, I've seen him posting comments from his personal account arguing against other YouTube commenters, while bragging about what a great critic he is and boasting about his accomplishments as a critic, because a bunch of commenters happened to like good movies that he was trashing. Demetri generally doesn't seem to like bolder movies that go for surprises or intellectual approaches - these movies, as he puts it when he doesn't like something, "make him angry" - and he instead tends to prefer formulaic movies. Over and over I see him jumping all over a movie for daring to be different, instead of following the same tired old formulas. This is the consistent pattern I've observed across all the movies he likes and hates. Demetri is the most annoying when he flaunts his status as a great critic and overhypes his over-inflated view of the influence that critics have on the movie industry - unsurprising, considering that he thinks he himself is such a great critic - even though time and time again, it's been pretty clearly proven that critics' opinions don't mean squat as far as box office performance goes. It's fine to have an opinion, but the problem is that Demetri's views are so off the mark that they don't even align with reality and hard evidence. For instance, in the Doctor Strange episode, Demetri was siding with Marvel and taking jabs at DC movies when he sarcastically asked did anyone even bother to go see Suicide Squad twice, as if low critics' ratings managed to make it fail at the box office. In reponse to this, the other ignorant hosts responded that only diehard DC fanboys went to see it twice. Okay... then how on earth did Suicide Squad make $745 million??? What alternate universe did Demetri and these other delusional hosts come from where everyone listens to critics and movies succeed or fail based on what critics say? You don't have to like a movie personally, but you don't get to act like the movies that you don't like are unsuccessful, when they actually were. Don't be delusional like Demetri and stop acting like critics are SO influential when they're clearly not. ... As for the other regular hosts of this show: Zach Wilson is really annoying. Marisa Serafini is probably the most tolerable of the frequent hosts. She's not too bad.
    Thor Ragnarok?
    No review for Thor Ragnarok????? Where is the love????
  • Darkextract
    Blown Away!!!!
    I love this show, and think it’s a fantastic ideal!!! I been wanting this, and didn’t know it;-)
  • mfallik
    Just awful. Uneducated and inarticulate hosts.
    I am a junkie for movie podcasts, and this one was just dreadful. People listen to podcasts in order to be informed or challenged by people smarter than them on a subject. These hosts don't seem to know anything about movies or filmmaking. It was mind-numbing! And the young lady needs to stop saying "literally." LITERALLY every single sentence she used it, and most of the time she used it wrong.
  • Ntombi
    I tried
    I gave it a chance, and after two episodes, I had to stop. It's not that I didn't agree with their analyses, it's that they barely gave any analysis at all. It just felt like three random people rambling on, with no insight into storytelling, filmmaking, or how the two films fit into a larger context. I listened to episodes on two very different movies ("Suicide Squad" and "Get Out"), in case the first was an anomaly, but nope. I'm done.
  • Huskie Man
    Solid podcast
    Solid podcast. I enjoy it. Sometimes it seems like they don't know what they're talking about. Especially on the rouge one episode the guy says he's a Star Wars fan but everything he says is wrong with the movie is completely inaccurate.
  • Mr_Illuminaughty
    Wow, Definately a hidden gem
    I listened to this pod several times this week whilst doing work on the Apt. Its a great pod. The subcount is insanely low for the content and quality IMO. The hosts are well informed, no frills all movie talk - Its easy to listen to and I definately recommend it. The archive is impressive also, thanks guys, keep it up
  • theFace022
    Poor audio quality, annoying hosts.
    The audio is quite simply bad and nothing stops me from listening to a podcast faster than this. The hosts purport to have some degree of experience but I can't imagine that is true given the thin and tinny audio. The hosts themselves are also problematic. Between lazy pronunciation and pedantic nerd-rage rants, it becomes unlistenable. When one host in particular doesn't like a movie, he's not content to explain his position, he hates that you might like it, he wants YOU to hate it too and rants about minutiae to press that end. Simply can't listen.
  • Moonchild758
    okay but not great
    I found it iratating that the podcasters don't do their homework and I'm talking about how they didn't know how to pronounce the actors names Mykelti (Michael T) and Viola (Vie -Ola). Also didn't seem to know that Denzel and Viola both won Tony awards for their performances as well as the play as best revival.
  • Geezartyoutube
    Totally a crappy podcast
    Audio fail, personality fail, etc. 😳
  • ronnie5c
    Some things are worth it
    I like it. Greatly informative.
  • macktan
    Two High School Kids…
    Not the best film analysis out there. It sounds like two high school kids chatting about the movie they caught last night. Their conversation is quite general and often dubious in terms of critical analysis. The young lady seems to have some trouble in making her point and strikes me as a sheltered person who hasn’t seen a lot of the world. In Treatment is better.
  • dana sunshine
    Good concept, bad execution
    What's with the bad audio quality? Sounds like it's recorded from the show playing on satelite radio. There also isn't a lot of structure - more of a free for all instead of making points and elaborating. Doesn't seem to be theory, just feelings.
  • Smithbradley1990
    Solid Show
    Dimitri (spelled wrong?) and Sarah are my favorites. Sometimes they go on long rants, but that is kind of the point.
  • Jaycoo900900
    The girl who repeatedly says "EXPECIALLY" is quite annoying.
  • HonkWave
    Feels sometimes half done
    They have moments where they dont seem to know what they are talking about
  • Paulthuong
    Very entertaining
    Not the best out there but has lots of potentials to be. Keep it up.
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