Talk Is Jericho

Sports #131Wrestling #6

He’s a multiple world champion pro wrestler, lead singer of Fozzy, and a New York Times best-selling author. Listen in as Chris Jericho interviews some of the biggest names in wrestling, entertainment, comedy, and the paranormal. Don’t miss his unique, engaging, weekly take on all things pop culture.

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Recent Reviews
  • CDiFr
    Once so respected and listened to. I was a massive Jericho fan for two decades. But this drunk’s ego is just too massive and all he cares about is himself. Done
  • Jstog01
    My number 1 podcast!!!!
    My favorite podcast ever. Most podcast can’t seem to stay on topic but Chris makes sure to do so. No talking to a rockstar and trailing off about how your weekend has been. Or just putting the episodes topic on the back burner and just shooting the breeze. He has a large variety of guest and a joke of the week for every episode. You can tell that he cares about what he is making and it shows. It’s hard to believe that he’s also a wrestling rockstar, how does he do it all? My only gripe would be there aren’t nearly enough paranormal episodes. Those are my favorites and I hope he can bring some more of those soon.
  • RodG64
    The host is too stupid to have people shut their phones off. Listen to the Ace Frehley interview. Constantly hearing text tones going off. Unprofessional.
  • MrBadIdea
    Everything is Jericho
    Had to stop listening. Regular listener for about 2 years but I became increasingly annoyed at how he would make any conversation about him and his personal accomplishments. A small gripe was how silly he sounded when edits were made in post for ad breaks, the fakest laugh followed by “alright (guest name) we’re going to get more into that but right now I want to talk about (product)…”
  • thisKIDhere
    Probably my most listened to pod
    I have a Top 5 or 6 shows that I listen to regularly, but rarely do I miss a TIJ. Been one of my favorite wrestlers for 30 years, and has become so much more as the master of reinvention. I love the variety of the interviews - whether it’s wrestling, music, true crime, or paranormal - Chris asks the best questions. Awesome stuff, no matter the topic.
  • F the Smarks
    Married to Treason
    A joke from a once great wrestler who now has no credibility or respect of anyone who cares about the USA
  • Morrisonscott38
    Doc coyle equals Moron
    Jericho tried w this clown. Language skills of a moronic teenager like um ya know
  • boyo222222
    Nice hair
  • Gxs86
    Roses are red, dogs can have ticks,
    Where was Mrs. Irvine on January 6?
  • Ravage Ryan
    Variety of Jericho
    I mostly listen to this show because I want to hear about wrestling related topics. I’m surprised at how many times I have enjoyed shows with other subjects. I have heard some really interesting stories about serial killers, aliens, and cults. I don’t usually like the ones about rock bands so I mostly skip them. All around great show!
  • ccp121123
    Down the tubers
    It was a great show before he left WWE for the minor leagues and abandoned the fans. Then found out he abusive to women and they covered it up. Pretty disappointed because he was my favorite wrestler
  • Karen Conti
    Thanks for having me as a guest
    Great job! Keep up the good work. Karen Conti
  • michelle;
    Amazing Race/Podcast
    Just appreciate your variety of guests but you are the GOAT. Thanks for making my travels entertaining!
  • SoCalGoodman
    Almost a 5….
    This podcast is one of the best but it gets way to AEW centric nowadays. It used to be an array of topics and guests every week but now it’s all pointed to more AEW which is cool but gets old.
  • threeorangewhips82
    Listen to the early episodes only
    This show was great in the beginning but really really went downhill. It feels like he went from a cool normal as possible guy to an absolute delusional dirtbag. I really used to respect him.
  • TDYanks23
    Jeribloat Weinstein
    Do all the guests have to sign NDA’s after the show? 🤷🏻
  • Turkish4192
    More NHL enforcers talk…..sad day when NHL took out the enforcers 💪
  • MichiganJack
    No More Eric Andre
    Great show, however that Eric Andre one was terrible.
  • fnfjrigg
    Al. Snow
    Is great
  • BigDscotty
    Flat earth?
    I like Jericho but dude giving flat earthers a platform is ridiculous. My IQ dropped 30 points listening to this clown.
  • Jennjersnapps
    Great for a laugh!!
    Davis Weiss is awesome!! I have never thought so poorly of someone who truly believes what he saying, as I do this guy. What an entertaining guest!! This man says thinking is a “God-given right” -so he believes in an invisible deit, but NOT a spherical planet? Seriously???This pompous hypocrite needs to stay on his fantastical frisbee and leave astronomy and physics to the experts. Thanks for the laughs!!
  • somtegura
    Used to be good
    This used to be my favorite wrestling interview podcast. Nowadays it really just exposes Jericho’s delusions and ignorance.
  • MisterHellJ
    I’d give you 5 stars but…
    I was going to give you 5 stars, but you weren’t in the Tokyo dome when you recorded this podcast. 4 it is, and I’ll see you on the next Jericho Rock N Wrestling Raging bone r at sea! Don’t tempt me with a good time!
  • laylabelle25
    jWo 4 life !!!!!
  • jbburg90
    Hey man loved the episode of Alcatraz. My grandmother said the Anglins who escaped were part of our family and part of my grandpas family use to run and hang out with pretty boy Floyd. Ive always questioned it, but the story she told me about what happened after they escaped always haunted my mind.
  • Thedood727
    Stardom Show Review
    I loved this podcast and the remarks and knowledge brought by Matt and Rob from the Stardomcast Podcast. Great show, as always, Jericho!
  • Sick of this trash
    I labor to get through anything modern day Jericovid puts forth. Perfect representation of who not to listen to in a dying business.
  • 87322
    The goat
    Soo good as a fan of Chris Jericho in the ring or out I love him aew
  • twistmyfate
    One of my favorite podcasts wrestling or otherwise.
    One of my favorite podcasts wrestling or otherwise.
  • eueodborwowbwhwue
    All around amazing
    Absolutley love his podcasts and super impressive with how much he takes on and successfully manages to keep it fresh
  • Scarecrowfelson
    Haunted Anderson Hotel episode
    At 29:58, you can hear a woman scream. I’m a seasoned paranormal investigator and that was by far the best scream I’ve heard. Definitely Class A
  • djdoubletake
    The goat
    Absolute legend for having the boys from hometown ghost stories on! Love the show
  • NierOh
    I liked Jericho back in the day, not as much as I like Bag Fries tho
  • TotallyNotLilly
    Chris Jericho is the goat of podcast
    Chris jericho has an awesome podcast and even though he’s my number one favorite wrestler I would never doubt his podcast career!
  • Da gameboy89
    Chris (Covid-19) Jericho
    This guy is one of the most egotistical overrated wrestlers and shouldn’t even have a podcast let alone spew his wife is a Trump sucker insurrectionist. CM punk will always be better than him.
  • Dartmonster
    Great Pod
    Awesome pod between Godfather n Goodfellas !!!
  • Muilao
    Love the music talk. Great guest.
  • capt ron's eye patch
    Show is bad….like getting herpes from a park bench and not sex bad
    Show is bad….sooooo boring….it’s just a chore to get through
  • Jason isnt lean
    Your show is the greatest!
    Hi Chris, thanks for being so consistent with your podcast all the way back to when you started. My favourite episodes are Classic album clash ones so I came up with a suggestion for one, here it is, Pantera's Vulgar Display of Power vs Far Beyond Driven minus The Black Sabbath cover Planet Caravan. I hope you see this review and consider this Classic Album Clash suggestion, Thanks again Chris, Keep it up!!!
  • Metal chic 4 life!!!
    So good!
    Such a good listen. And such diverse people and topics, not just wrestling. Look forward to it twice a week!
  • jackey boy95
    Great for wrestling fans and non-wrestling fans!
    Talk is Jericho is a great listen for wrestling fans and non-wrestling fans! A variety of guests and topics keep things fresh! Jericho steps out of his in ring character and asks well thought questions and shares his perspective on some interesting topics. I have listened to many podcasts that have been guests of the show! Thanks Chris!
  • JcVega101
    the goat of wrestling podcasts! been listening to the pod since the beginning! is there anything jericho can’t do? 🤣
  • Lanetrain11
    Good show
    Good show but When it is closer to Christmas can you do a Christmas movie review on your favorite Christmas movies instead of the movies that are coming out that time of year
  • true brian
    Early 2000s
    I love all the episodes of Chris with people from 2000s WWE days. Cause their the ones I enjoyed. And love hearing them cutting the shots
  • kenshiropower79
    Great podcast
    I just started listening and I love it! Especially when he was describing when he won the first undisputed championship belts! and what he did his first night! I wish he would ask everybody what they did when they won any belts the first night after the show!
  • YungxChoppa
    One of the best Pods out
    Been Listening to Talk is Jericho for a few years now. This podcast is not only for wrestling fans but for anyone who is curious about anything. He always has great guest on not only Wrestling legends but a wide array of guest from all aspects of entertainment and interesting fields. Overall one of the best Podcast out there. Thanks Chris!
  • Hellcats22
    Great podcast not only for wrestling fans but he also covers other stuff in the world not just wrestling. Very cool. Congratulations on 900 episodes looking forward to 900 more lol
  • Waelr
    Love the podcast 🙌
    Chris Jericho one of the all time wrestling greats, love hearing his insights 👏
  • WWE the best
    The best
    Chris Jericho is the best
  • murf_106
    Sad to see what has become.
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